Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 168 Silly Zhu, do you want a wife?

Chapter 168 Silly Zhu, do you want a wife?

Looking at Wang Matchmaker who suddenly appeared beside her.

Li Xiuzhi, who came to the capital from thousands of miles away and failed to seek relatives, was instinctively vigilant. She looked at Wang Matchmaker with some scrutiny, and subconsciously grabbed the package with her right hand. Touching the scissors, my uneasy heart instantly calmed down a lot.

Matchmaker Wang smiled, she knew that Li Xiuzhi was not at ease with herself.

In this regard.

express understanding.

Matchmaker Wang took out her textile factory work card from her pocket, opened it, pointed to the name and photo on the card, introduced herself solemnly, said her name, where she worked, where she lived and what address she said If Li Xiuzhi was still worried, there was a street and a police station not far ahead, and the two of them could go to the street or the police station to seek help from comrades or the police, and let them prove Wang Matchmaker's identity.

Li Xiuzhi looked at the pedestrians coming and going not far away, and then calculated the distance between her current location and the police station.

With a yell.

The police inside should be able to hear the sound.

Moreover, she also carried scissors in her package. If Matchmaker Wang really tried to plot against her, Li Xiuzhi should have the upper hand.

She also needs help.

So he told half-truths and half-false stories about the process of coming to the capital. Instead of revealing his real name, he made up a false name and said that his name was Zhang Hongxia.

As for the reason for coming to the capital, it is said that a person from their hometown named Li Gousheng who works in the capital wrote to Li Xiuzhi's parents, saying that he could help Li Xiuzhi find a good family in the capital, and that she would be able to feed her stomach. Li Xiuzhi traveled all the way to marry People, when they arrived at the place, they found that there was no one named Li Gousheng at all, and it was not that there was no Li Gousheng, but it was not the Li Gousheng that Li Xiuzhi was looking for.

The well-informed matchmaker Wang understood Li Xiuzhi's wariness of her, so she told Li Xiuzhi about her part-time job status.

"Big girl, it's your luck and mine to meet me. My name is Wang Cuihua. People who know me well call me matchmaker Wang. Over the past ten years, I guess there have been three or four hundred good matches. You said that your name is Zhang Hongxia, and those who come to the capital to marry are looking for a place to eat anyway, so let me tell you a good match."

Matchmaker Wang thought about it.

He introduced Shazhu's situation, such as the master chef in the rolling mill, the monthly salary of more than 40 yuan, the two rooms in the courtyard, and the lack of parents. Li Xiuzhi married Shazhu, so she directly became Shazhu's home.

A glib mouth.

They all praised Silly Zhu to the sky.

When she saw Li Xiuzhi for the first time, a thought appeared in her heart that even Wang Matchmaker felt a little unbelievable.

God is giving silly Zhu a target.

Good looking.

Even though Li Xiuzhi was in the dust, and there were traces of deliberately pretending to be ugly on her face, she did not hide it from Wang Matchmaker's vicious eyes. She saw that Li Xiuzhi was a beautiful girl.

A younger sister Lin fell into the world.

Silly Zhu must like it.

The status of rural origin is just right.

Even if Li Xiuzhi was involved in the bloody incidents in the courtyard, Li Xiuzhi would not leave easily.

More important point.

It was Matchmaker Wang who discovered that even when Li Xiuzhi was chatting with her, her right hand was always on the right side of the package. There are also things like awls.

Have guts.


Isn't such a woman the object that Sha Zhu is looking for so hard.

So the person who came to the door specially made friends with Li Xiuzhi, and finally learned some half-truths and half-false news from Li Xiuzhi's mouth. Later, he was worried that Li Xiuzhi would not believe her words, so he took out a red book from his pocket, and held the red book at Li Xiuzhi. Guarantee, guarantee that the person I introduce to Li Xiuzhi is a good young man who is healthy, without any disabilities, has a job, and a monthly salary of more than 40 yuan.

This year.

Countless men and women have infinite trust and enthusiasm for red book.

Li Xiuzhi is no exception.

No one dares to make fun of the people around with the red book.

in this way.

Li Xiuzhi also believed what Wang Matchmaker said, she followed Wang Matchmaker to the street, and found Director Jia who was wondering how to solve the stupid marriage.

When Director Jia heard that the girl came to the capital to marry, but for some reason, he couldn't find the family to marry, he was just like Wang Matchmaker, thinking that the girl in front of him was a good match for Shazhu .

Director Jia is a man after all.

She sees things a little further than Matchmaker Wang.

I thought to myself, for such a beautiful girl to marry that bastard Shazhu, it would be cheap for him.

The tortoise saw the big bastard right.

The two thought of a piece.

Director Jia had the idea of ​​introducing Li Xiuzhi to Sha Zhu, and Matchmaker Wang had the idea of ​​letting Sha Zhu marry Li Xiuzhi as his wife.

Director Jia helped Shazhu issue a certificate, and then took Li Xiuzhi to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the marriage procedures. If Shazhu's marriage is resolved, he will have completed the historical problem left by his predecessor and eliminated all the bachelors in the jurisdiction. director's achievements.

This is the legendary being married, with an extra wife inexplicably.

I don't blame Director Jia and Matchmaker Wang for helping Sha Zhu get a marriage certificate. Whoever made Sha Zhu find Director Jia and Matchmaker Wang successively last night, begging the other party to help him solve his wife's affairs quickly, as long as the woman has her own opinion and doesn't dislike each other. Whether there is an urban household registration or not, as long as the woman is not a virgin, she will not dislike whether the other party is good-looking or not.

It is precisely because of these silly conditions.

Director Jia and Matchmaker Wang dared to help Sha Zhu get the marriage certificate.

To use Matchmaker Wang's jokes to describe it, there is a fairy-like daughter-in-law inexplicably, why is Sha Zhu unhappy, so let's have fun secretly.

The troops are divided into two groups.

Take Li Xiuzhi all the way to get the certificate.

I went to call Sha Zhu with the task all the way, I can't tear up the marriage certificate, and then let Matchmaker Wang lead Li Xiuzhi to Sha Zhu's house.

This is Sha Zhu's daughter-in-law, even if she is taken back to the courtyard, it must be Sha Zhu who takes her back.

He ran to the courtyard in one breath.

Several old women squatting at the gate of the courtyard making cloth shoes, when they saw Matchmaker Wang come to the door, they knew that Matchmaker Wang must have unmarried girls in their hands. It happened that two of the aunts had unmarried boys at home, so they stood up and yelled at Wang Matchmaker. The matchmaker greeted them, and saw Matchmaker Wang flying towards them like the wind, entered the courtyard, and disappeared at the junction of the front courtyard and the middle courtyard in three steps.


Take advantage of Sunday.

Silly Zhu, who was resting at home, was thinking of women when he suddenly heard someone shouting outside the house.

"Silly, are you home?"

In order to marry a wife.

Silly Zhu was stunned.

All day long, he was thinking about how to marry a daughter-in-law, and where to find a daughter-in-law for himself. Qin Huairu, who was facing him, seemed to have become a widow. It's really not an easy task, so I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity when Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai were still discussing the conditions of Qin Huairu's remarriage, and broke Yi Zhonghai's calculations by drawing out the bottom line.

He even thought about Xu Damao's idea, and planned to pull Xu Damao and let Xu Damao go with him to the countryside to find a partner!

As for Xu Damao's identity as a film projectionist.

to the country.

What a dimensionality reduction blow.

Just as she was thinking about something, Matchmaker Wang's voice sounded outside the door.

The excitement found Sha Zhu in an instant, Sha Zhu's whole body felt a wave of joy from the bottom of his heart, one of them didn't pay attention, and fell off the bed to the ground.

Don't care about the pain.

He got up quickly, rushed to the door, opened the door, and looked behind Matchmaker Wang.

After he didn't see the girl, Silly Zhu said something, and even played with surprises, but he didn't bring the girl directly.

"Silly Zhu, do you want a wife? As long as you open your mouth, I promise to bring you here."

"Yes, yes, yes." Silly Zhu said three important words in one breath, and he became excited, "Aunt Wang, you don't know, these days I am worried, I can't sleep all night Sleep."

"Because of the two families across from you?"

Matchmaker Wang gestured to Shazhu, who were diagonally opposite Jia's and Yi's.

Jia Dongxu was buried and then dug up.

Qin Huairu became a widow.

Matchmaker Wang knew about Yi Zhonghai plotting Shazhu's blind date, and also knew that Yi Zhonghai had fabricated gossip that Shazhu was thinking about Qin Huairu.

She was also worried about Shazhu's marriage.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to think of Shazhu when seeing Li Xiuzhi.

"Silly Zhu, from today onwards, you keep your heart firmly in your stomach. Yi Zhonghai's calculations are in vain, and the plans of the Jia family are invalid."

"I see."

"Now that you understand, stop sticking around and follow me."

Matchmaker Wang who urged the silly column.

Suddenly found that the situation is not quite right.

The main reason is that Sha Zhu's attire made her dissatisfied.

Today is the big day of Shazhu's wedding, there is no reason to dress sloppily, this is not the same thing, seeing Li Xiuzhi, Li Xiuzhi will feel lonely.

I sighed inexplicably in my heart.

this man.

There is no woman in the family.

It really doesn't work.

"Silly Zhu, Auntie is waiting for you at the gate of the courtyard. You can clean up yourself, change your clothes, and change your shoes. Hurry up, don't waste time."

Matchmaker Wang patted her butt.

Left Shazhu's house.

Silly Zhu stared at Matchmaker Wang's leaving figure, was slightly stunned, then withdrew his mind, followed Matchmaker Wang's instructions, changed into clean clothes, and put on a pair of black big-toed leather shoes , washed his face, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and looked in the mirror again.

Don't say it.

What a spirited boy.

After taking some money, he turned around and left Jia's house.


At the faucet in the middle courtyard.

Qin Huairu, who was washing clothes with a basin in hand, saw that Shazhu tidied herself up neatly, sweeping away the decadence before, a little confusion and unwillingness flashed across her face.

Although Qin Huairu has just become a widow, under the continuous education of Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang, she has completely seen her own situation.

With three sons and a mother-in-law in her family, her life is really not ordinary.

On the one hand, Qin Huairu's cultural knowledge is limited. Even though she entered the rolling mill, she did not receive the wages and welfare subsidies of her dead husband's seniority like other widows.

Qin Huairu now pays 14 yuan a month.

14 yuan is not much to feed a family of five. Jia Zhang still asks Qin Huairu for this old-age pension, three yuan a month. I don’t want this money now. The wages are slowly deducted.

It's selfish.

Qin Huairu wanted to find someone to help him.

This is also what Jia Zhang meant.

Using Jia Zhang's and Yi Zhonghai's original words to describe it, only the honest and honest silly Zhu can help Qinhuai Rula in the entire courtyard.

See matchmaker Wang coming to the door.

Qin Huairu's mind suddenly thought of a silly blind date.

Qin Huairu, who has already regarded Shazhu as his own horse, is naturally not happy to see Shazhu's blind date succeed. Shazhu has a wife, so he is willing to help the Jia family. The burden of the Jia family is completely on Qin Huai Ru's shoulder.

Yi Zhonghai told Qin Huairu last night that only silly Zhu who is not married is the one who is most in line with the interests of the Jia family and the Yi family.

I just want to go to the middle courtyard to listen to the movement.

Worried that Shazhu would see through her little thoughts, she deliberately picked up two pieces of clothes that were not very dirty, threw them into the sink, and appeared at the faucet in the middle courtyard in the name of washing clothes, listening with her ears while washing.

Huang Tian deserves a caring person.

Qin Huairu really heard the conversation between Matchmaker Wang and Shazhu. One asked Shazhu if he wanted a wife, and the other answered that he wanted a wife. Then, according to Matchmaker Wang's instructions, Shazhu appeared in front of Qin Huairu with a new look and other things happened.

"Master He, are you going on a blind date?"

Qin Huairu who asked questions knowingly.

He smiled at the silly pillar.

This is also the unique skill that Jia Zhang taught Qin Huairu. She said that Qin Huairu had a mature widow charm, that Sha Zhu liked such widows, and that all men in the He family liked to collect widows. He Daqing ran away with widows. Even children can be discarded, so why is Shazhu the son of Daqing? There must be a family tradition of liking widows on him, so Qin Huairu hangs around in front of Shazhu more. like.

As a trainee widow, Qin Huairu believed the words of the senior widow Jia Zhang, and used this so-called virtuous and virtuous attack method on Sha Zhu.

Unexpectedly, Shazhu glanced at the clothes in Qin Huairu's hands, a trace of sarcasm flashed across his face, he ignored Qin Huairu, turned around and walked towards the front yard.

After eating a two-to-zero Qin Huairu, she looked stupidly at the back of Sha Zhu leaving, frowned slightly, and looked at herself through the reflection in the water.

What a beautiful widow.

Those people in the small affiliated factory always like to make do with Qin Huairu when they have nothing to do, and try to get as close as possible to Qin Huairu under the guise of asking for leave or being a professor.

Qin Huairu enjoyed the feeling of being praised.

I thought that Sha Zhu would be like those people and startled Qin Huairu into a heavenly being, but I didn't expect that Sha Zhu ran away as if he had seen the most frightening thing in the world.

An angry Qin Huairu stomped her feet on the spot.

There was something murmured in his mouth that only Qin Huairu could hear clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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