Chapter 171 The Virtuous Li Xiuzhi

Find it this way.

What really terrified Yi Zhonghai was not Director Jia introducing a partner to Sha Zhu, but someone seeing Director Jia waiting at the Civil Affairs Bureau with a girl who seemed to come from the countryside to marry in the city.

The girl has beautiful features.

Like the fairy in the painting.

Yi Zhonghai is guessing with his toes now, and he can guess a general idea.

Director Jia and Matchmaker Wang must have decided on the location of the blind date at the Civil Affairs Bureau. If Sha Zhu and the girl both got it right, the next step would definitely be to pull the marriage certificate.

Although Silly Zhu is a worker in a rolling mill.

But he is also a resident of the street. As the leader of the street, Director Jia, it is not difficult at all to help Shazhu get a marriage certificate, which completely cut off Yi Zhonghai's way of using his relationship to get the rolling mill not to issue a certificate for Shazhu.

I was so anxious that I was on fire.

Silly Zhu got married.

What about his pension?
Country girl, there must be a large group of relatives waiting to help.

No matter how awesome Yi Zhonghai was, he couldn't be better than Sha Zhu's daughter-in-law. After all, she was the one who gave birth to Sha Zhu and slept with him all day long.

more urgent.

The mood is getting more chaotic.

I searched around the street several times, and passed by the entrance of the cafeteria several times, but because Yi Zhonghai didn't think too much or was out of energy in the cafeteria, he didn't see the scene of Sha Zhu taking his wife Li Xiuzhi to eat big meat buns.

Otherwise, he would definitely be pissed off alive.


Inside the canteen.

Li Xiuzhi's attitude was very firm when she saw Shazhu.

In addition, she was really greedy for big meat buns, so she no longer refused, nodded towards Shazhu, opened her mouth, and lightly took a bite of big meat buns.

Although it was just a small bite, the rich meaty aroma inside and the steam from the steamed stuffed bun skin combined together and rushed in through Li Xiuzhi's nasal cavity, stimulating her taste buds crazily, and she felt ecstatic.

once Upon a time.

She has never enjoyed it so much.

The mood has been satisfied to the maximum extent.

He thinks that the man in front of him is worthy of entrusting himself.

Across the steaming steam, his eyes fell on Shazhu's face. I don't know if it was because of his love, but now Li Xiuzhi's eyes are much more pleasing to the eye than just now, although he still thinks that Shazhu's appearance He is mature, but he thinks that this maturity is a sign of maturity.

She is double standard.

"Stupid daughter-in-law, let's see what I do, eat steamed stuffed buns, if it's not enough, let's ask for more."

Silly complaint.

Not only did it not make Li Xiuzhi angry, but it made Li Xiuzhi feel an unprecedented sweetness.

My thoughts couldn't help but flew to that small mountain village, maybe this is why the kind old lady asked her to come to the capital to visit relatives.

Under the full sense of happiness.

Li Xiuzhi has made up her mind, she wants to protect this hard-won happy marriage, all those who want to destroy her marriage are her enemies, Li Xiuzhi will fight her to the end.

The uneasiness in my heart disappeared immediately, and I felt that I stepped into the courtyard, and the intrigue with Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu and others was not a big deal.

"That's enough, the head of the house, you eat too."

Li Xiuzhi sniffed the steamed buns vigorously.

Think about it in your heart.

It turns out that the life in the city is so good, and you can eat big meat buns. No wonder those girls or boys are desperate to come to the city to eat commercial food.

Women marry city people.

The man is the door-to-door son-in-law of the inner city.

At this moment.

Li Xiuzhi has a deep understanding.

She shifted her eyes from Shazhu's body to the big meat bun in her hand, looked at it for a moment, and took a big bite. The soup was delicious, the meat was fragrant and soft, and the noodles were elastic. Li Xiuzhi got a sublimation of beauty.

It gave Li Xiuzhi a feeling similar to Chinese New Year.

No, no.

It's better than New Year's Eve.

Really delicious!
Following Sha Zhu's instructions, she devoured the big meat buns, and sucked her fingers after eating.

"Daughter-in-law, do you want two more?"

Shazhu adapted to his identity as Li Xiuzhi's man, and called Li Xiuzhi from the head wife to the daughter-in-law.

Looking at the little wife in front of him.

A trace of happiness.

It appeared on the silly face.

He saw Li Xiuzhi eating faster and faster, with a satisfied expression on his face.

I can't help but feel a little sad.

No matter how good the meal is, it is better than starving him for a few days.

"No, no, five is almost enough, let alone tofu nao."

Li Xiuzhi has the frugality of a rural woman in this era.

I never thought about eating big meat buns at first.

It was my man who saw that he wanted to eat, so he specially ordered ten meat buns. One of these big meat buns would be very satisfying in the past.

Not to mention eating five today.

Li Xiuzhi's mind.

got the maximum satisfaction.

"Daughter-in-law, just tell me if you want to eat in the future."

Seeing that Li Xiuzhi stopped eating.

Sha Zhu didn't insist either, he ate ten big meat buns and two bowls of tofu nao for a meal, at this juncture, it was really an extremely extravagant thing.

some people.

Buy one or two at a time, share with the family at home, and eat a little bit for each person.

In order not to be gossiped by some people.

So I did as Li Xiuzhi wanted.

Listen to your wife.

That's right.


After eating and drinking, the two came out of the cafeteria.

"Master, take me home and have a look!"

Li Xiuzhi reversed her shyness just now, and she took the initiative to hold Shazhu's hand, her face was full of sweetness, and she wanted to make an official appearance in front of those people as Shazhu's wife, and tell them that she was Li Xiuzhi, and she was an idiot. Zhu's virtuous wife.

A meal may be nothing.

But on the dining field.

Those behaviors of Shazhu moved Li Xiuzhi, and Li Xiuzhi knew that Shazhu was a master who loved his wife.

The man in front of her married her, and he didn't dislike her identity as a villager.

Li Xiuzhi has also seen those men who are married to girls who go to the city to eat commodity food. They are either widowed or physically handicapped, and they don't have the bad problems of domestic violence daughter-in-law, or other defects in all aspects.

Such good conditions as Shazhu.

It was her, Li Xiuzhi, who caught up.

in this way.

She should also reciprocate, help the man pass on the family line, and spend the rest of his life in peace.

As for the things that Sha Zhu told her, such as the exorbitant family plotting Sha Zhu's pension, the widow plotting Sha Zhu sucking blood, the old lady plotting Sha Zhu eating and drinking, these beasts, Li Xiuzhi just wanted to say a word to them, leave them all to the old lady, I will stand aside For the widow in the courtyard who wants to suck her man's blood, or the hypocrite who wants her man to take care of her, they must first ask Li Xiuzhi whether she agrees or not.

"No hurry, first go to the supply and marketing agency to buy some clothes for you before going back." Shazhu looked at the woman in plain clothes in front of him, and he had a big man's desire to protect him. He wanted this woman to be good, beautiful, Be happy and happy, "Today is the big day of our wedding. You have to buy some things like wedding candy and melon seeds. When you go back, give some to every household to let them know that I am a fool." Married, my wife is still so good."

"Don't hold the wedding banquet."

"I don't want to do it anymore. Now the higher-ups advocate frugality. If there are more than [-] families in the yard, if we do it, there will be seven or eight tables that cannot be accommodated. It is so extravagant and wasteful. If someone reports it, you and I will have no good fruit to eat. Just distribute some wedding candies to the neighbors." " Silly Zhu looked at Li Xiuzhi, "I'm just a little bit wronged."

"Why are you wronged? You are my man, and I am your woman. I have to think about you. There are so many families in the yard. It is easy to have conflicts if you invite this family or not. Well, as long as you treat me well."

This reflects Li Xiuzhi's open-mindedness, she was not angry because the wedding was not held.

On the one hand, Li Xiuzhi felt that it was already a great gift for her to be able to marry into the city and eat commercial food.

On the other hand, Director Jia, Matchmaker Wang, and Sha Zhu all told Li Xiuzhi that there were not many good people in the yard.

Instead of eating and drinking and saying hello in person.

Turn around and leave and scold your eight generations of ancestors in your heart.

They directly cut off their thoughts of eating.

There's no need to spend money looking for guilt.

Scatter some wedding candy, and when the family has a good meal later, others will have nothing to say.

"Master, is the rain coming back today? You don't need to buy the clothes on my body, buy more for the rain, she is a girl."

Li Xiuzhi's voice.

There was a faint trembling.

There is a little bit of insecurity in it.

since ancient times.

The sister-in-law relationship is second only to the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Li Xiuzhi didn't know what He Yushui would think of her, and whether she would despise her.

She cherishes everything in front of her, including Sha Zhu.

On this day, Li Xiuzhi felt like a dream.

Without having to do heavy physical labor in the village, she can enjoy the life that can only be enjoyed during the Chinese New Year. If it weren't for the marriage certificate in the bag and the warmth of the men around her, she must have thought she was dreaming.

Li Xiuzhi's mother told Li Xiuzhi that after a woman marries, she should be virtuous, and that a man can only have a harmonious family if he marries a virtuous wife.

"Master, I have enough clothes, so you don't need to buy them for me."

"Daughter-in-law, this can't be done. Today is our wedding day, so we must buy a suit. As for the rain, you don't have to worry about her. I think she will like you, sister-in-law."


Siheyuan gate.

Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang are like deserters who have lost a battle.

The dejected ones met at the door.

Just now I heard that Shazhu took a girl away.

Yi Zhonghai, who was so anxious, split up with Jia Zhang's soldiers, walked south along the street all the way, and walked north along the street all the way.

See if things are really as the neighbors say, Shazhu is really married.

seeing is believing.

If it's the neighbors who say hello.

As soon as the two parties looked at the expressions on each other's faces, they knew that the other party hadn't found Shazhu.

Each had worries.

Where did silly Zhu go?

The two got together.

After muttering for a while, they each returned to the courtyard.

Jia Zhang went back to Jia's house and complained to Qin Huairu.

"Qin Huairu, my wife put the words aside, don't even think about remarrying, the silly Zhu went on a blind date, and it's right to see if it's not going well, whether it's my wife or Dongxu, the reason why you agree to remarry is because Because the person you remarried to was Shazhu, only by remarrying to Shazhu can you not be bullied, and only then can Banggen, Xiaodang, and Huaihua not be bullied, and my wife also has security for her retirement."

Qin Huairu was dumbfounded.

Sha Zhu really had a successful blind date.

God of War has a daughter-in-law, can he still marry a widow?

Who do Banggen, Xiaodang, and Sophora japonica rely on?
"Qin Huairu, if you marry someone else, my wife can really do anything. I'm not afraid of losing face. Anyway, I have already stepped into the coffin with one foot, but you are still young."


Yi Zhonghai walked towards the backyard and made up his mind to the deaf old lady.

Shazhu's blind date was successful.

This is a happy event.

But because the person of Sha Zhu's blind date is not Qin Huairu who Yi Zhonghai is optimistic about, but a stranger who Yi Zhonghai doesn't know and can't figure out his temperament.

The two should be done.

Otherwise, Shazhu shouldn't be holding the hand of a lesbian.

This is big bad news.

"Old lady, I don't know if you've heard that Zhuzi went on a blind date. This time, Matchmaker Wang and Director Jia joined hands to introduce a partner for Silly Zhu. The meeting place is at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau. I'm worried that Zhuzi got it right. , the two of them directly discussed the evidence."

There are no outsiders in the house.

some things.

Yi Zhonghai didn't need to shy away from it.

They are all people who live together for the elderly.

Who doesn't know who?
"Zhuzi agreed to give me Yi Zhonghai's retirement, but does Zhuzi's wife agree to take care of me? I heard people say that Zhuzi's favorite is a girl from the countryside."

The deaf old lady looked at Yi Zhonghai.

His complexion was a little ugly.

She heard the threat in Yi Zhonghai's words.

"Zhuzi is married, if you don't give me a pension, I won't give you a pension either." Seeing the deaf old lady rolling her eyes and looking at him, Yi Zhonghai sneered, "Don't look at me like that, even though I'm around fifty I'm old, but I'm also an eighth-level worker in a rolling mill, so if it's really rumored that I'll adopt my son, guess what the result will be?"

"Why are you so restless?" The deaf old lady looked at Yi Zhonghai and said, "Whoever stipulates that he can't get a divorce after getting married, how did the daughter-in-law of the second man next door leave with someone? Rumors, you used this method to match Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu back then, forget?"

"I'm waiting for good news from you."

Yi Zhonghai turned his head and left.

Watch the hypocrite's back.

The deaf old lady sighed helplessly.

If it wasn't for Yi Zhonghai's coercion, the deaf old lady wouldn't have taken such a wicked way, and it was Yi Zhonghai who forced the deaf old lady to do it herself.


at dusk.

Li Xiuzhi, who was taken by Shazhu to the supply and marketing agency to change her clothes, changed drastically in an instant. The inconspicuous country girl before became a girl with temperament. On her delicate and beautiful cheeks, It really has the air of a nine-day fairy descending into the mortal world.

Silly Zhu was dumbfounded.

Li Xiuzhi seemed to have become another person.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles.

The ancients never lied to me.

"Daughter-in-law, the yard where I live is in front of me, I'll be there soon, are you nervous?"

"The person in charge, I'm not nervous. The ones who are nervous should be them." Li Xiuzhi lowered her voice, "The person who calculated the marriage, and the person who knew that someone was sabotaging your blind date but deliberately didn't remind you."

Li Xiuzhi grabbed Shazhu's hand.

Pulling Silly Zhu and walking towards the courtyard.

She wants to use practical actions to tell those people that she is the daughter-in-law of Shazhu, and whoever wants to plot, she must first ask herself, the daughter-in-law of Shazhu.

(End of this chapter)

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