Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 172 Xu Damao: Silly Zhu, you are married

Chapter 172 Xu Damao: Silly Zhu, you are married

A few old ladies sitting at the gate of the courtyard with nothing to do were chatting nonsense about some things that seemed to have been put on the surface.

The Mystery of Yi Zhonghai's Elderly Care!

There are no secrets in the courtyard.

Having experienced certain things and witnessed the misery of people who were wiped out, they naturally know what Yi Zhonghai's attitude towards Sha Zhu was after Jia Dongxu's death.

It's nothing more than wanting Shazhu to give him a pension.

This is a fact recognized by the neighbors.

The only puzzle that I can't figure out is why Jia Zhang followed Yi Zhonghai to do such a thing, and the neighbors were a little surprised by what she did.

As Yi Zhonghai's apprentice, Jia Dongxu had three sacrifices. Even if he died, Jia Dongxu still had three children, Banggen, Xiaodang, and Huaihua.

According to the principle that the father's debt is paid by the son.

It should be Banggen or Xiaodang and Huaihua helping Yi Zhonghai and his wife take care of themselves.

It is impossible for the shrewd Jia Zhang to fail to see the benefits in this.

I saw it.

But still running around behind Yi Zhonghai's ass.

there is only one truth.

That is, the interests of the Jia family are greater.

Thinking about Qin Huairu, who was newly promoted as a widow, thinking about the matter that Yi Zhonghai asked Shazhu to help Jia's family some time ago, the lice on the bald donkey's head became obvious to him.

It is a good strategy to use Qin Huairu to hang Shazhu and let Shazhu help the Jia family without complaint or regret.

If Qin Huairu gets into the ring again, Sha Zhu will end up in the same desperate situation as Yi Zhonghai.

The third mother looked towards the middle courtyard, suddenly lowered her voice, and asked nervously to the surrounding aunts.

"You said that if Qin Huairu married Shazhu, would she give him a child?"

Several aunts.

Qi Qi shook his head.

Although they are not widows, they have dealt with widows and understand more or less what widows think.

The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all meat.

But after all, there is a blood relationship.

It's a very simple truth, if you have your own child, you will take pains to take care of the child brought by the widow, not to mention the old godly woman Jia Zhang in the Jia family. Arrange for Qin Huairu to go to the hospital to get a ring, because only the silly Zhu who has no family is the one who is most in line with the Jia family's interests.

"Stupid Zhu also has a bad life."

"It's not that fate is bad, it's that Yi Zhonghai is too wicked."

All the aunts listened.

It is such a truth.

In the past three or four years, Sha Zhu had blind dates thirty or forty times one after another, without exception, all of which had no follow-up results.

The neighbors who have been with the beasts all day can more or less see some points of trouble. If Sha Zhu accidentally met Wang Matchmaker, and Wang Matchmaker found some girls who used to have a blind date with Sha Zhu to confront each other, the truth would come to light world.

It turned out to be Yi Zhonghai.

The neighbors only vaguely guessed some things, suspecting that the blind date in front of Sha Zhu was fruitless, and that Xu Damao was not the only one who was doing sabotage.

Maybe someone else is playing tricks in the dark.

Never would have thought that this person is actually a gentleman, Yi Zhonghai with a good-natured face.

"This old Yi, in order to provide for the elderly, he did not hesitate to let Shazhu become extinct. He is really wicked."

"Who says it's not? If Shazhu gets married at this time, things will be interesting."

"Yi Zhonghai is not a person who gives up easily. Think about the second man in the compound next door, what a wonderful daughter-in-law, she just ran away after hearing some unproven gossip."

"Can Yi Zhonghai still speak ill of silly Zhu's wife?"

"You can do things like destroying a silly blind date, and there is nothing Yi Zhonghai can't do."

"Stop talking, Sha Zhu is back, I'll go, but Sha Zhu was led away by a girl. Is this Sha Zhu's wife? Sha Zhu is married!"

in speech.

Full of shock.

The other aunts who turned their backs to Sha Zhu hurriedly turned their heads back.

The scene that came into view was the scene of Sha Zhu carrying a big bag and being held by a beautiful lesbian walking towards them.

Each looked at each other.

There are well-informed people in the courtyard.

Through the mouth of this well-informed person, the neighbors all knew about Shazhu's blind date, and even more that Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang knew that Shazhu's blind date went to Shazhu.

Silly Zhu got married.

It means that Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang's idea of ​​using Qin Huairu to plot against Sha Zhu and eat him out of his family has been wiped out.

In the future quadrangle, it is estimated that Yi Zhonghai, Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu joined forces to destroy Shazhu's marriage, and the deaf old lady would also have to participate in it.

The deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai and his wife, and the Jia family are all blood-sucking parasites around Shazhu.

They stared round their eyes one by one.


The main reason is that Li Xiuzhi's appearance surprised everyone.

Everyone's eyes widened, and their brows were full of disbelief.

That silly Zhu who Yi Zhonghai cared about for the elderly unexpectedly brought back a young and beautiful girl without saying a word, a beautiful girl who looked like a fairy in a painting.

How is this going?

Siheyuan is about to change!

At a place about seven or eight meters away from the gate of the courtyard, Li Xiuzhi stopped suddenly, she let out a breath, smiled and said to Sha Zhu: "Master, this should be the place where I will live with you from now on, I have already prepared Alright, let's go in together."

"Well, go home."

Silly Zhu felt a burst of warmth in his heart.

He knew that this was Li Xiuzhi taking care of his ridiculous face, so he stopped specifically and let him drag her into the courtyard, taking the opportunity to show Li Xiuzhi's husband and wife singing together.

Silly Zhu put the things in his hand to one hand, and held Li Xiuzhi's hand with the free hand, calmed down slightly, and walked towards the courtyard with his head held high.

The footsteps have just moved, and the distance has not yet been taken.

A shout came from behind.

"Stupid, wait."

Accompanied by the rhythm of the sound, Xu Damao, who was also dressed in the overalls of a rolling mill, walked quickly to the two of them with a bag in his hand.

He looked at Shazhu first, then at Li Xiuzhi, his eyes fell on the hands of Shazhu and Li Xiuzhi who were holding each other tightly, and his mind went blank for an instant.

Xu Damao is not a noob who knows nothing.

This guy.

On the woman's side.

Much better than Shazhu.

Marveling at Li Xiuzhi's appearance, a strong sense of envy and jealousy flashed in my heart, what kind of shit luck did Silly Zhu have to marry such a good-looking lesbian as his wife.

So what if she is a country girl?
Appearance is Li Xiuzhi's greatest advantage. This kind of appearance, not to mention marrying Sha Zhu, even if marrying him Xu Damao, Xu Damao is also vying for it.

The silly pillar of the dog day.

Also considered a blessed person.

His wife is so pretty.

Wei Wei was stunned for more than ten seconds, Xu Damao reacted, and said to Sha Zhu: "It's really you, Sha Zhu, I'm afraid you don't know, after you were called away by Wang Matchmaker, the uncle and Jia Zhang thought What happened to you, all the streets are looking for you!"

It's really falling in love and killing each other.


Say nothing.

He took the lead in explaining the situation of Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang.

Silly Zhu nodded, frowned and said: "Xu Damao, can you stop screaming silly Zhu?"

"Sizhu, you are meaningless now. How many years have people called you by the name of Shazhu?"

"From now on, I will call you Silly Mao."

"Silly Zhu, you are so boring!"

Xu Damao glanced at Silly Zhu, and then set his eyes on Li Xiuzhi. He didn't have the nerve to take a closer look just now. He took the time to say hello and took a closer look, only to find that Li Xiuzhi is so good-looking, much better than Qin Huairu.

More importantly, Xu Damao analyzed based on his experience dealing with those women over the years, and he found that Li Xiuzhi was an extremely virtuous woman.

Marry a wife and marry a virtuous person.

Silly Zhu is really a fool.

"This is my sister-in-law." Xu Damao stretched out his hand and shook Li Xiuzhi, "My name is Xu Damao, I live in the backyard, and I am also a worker in the rolling mill. I work as a film projectionist in the promotion department of the rolling mill."

Film projectionist.

A promising career as one of the Eight Great Members.

Relying on this status, Xu Damao really reduced his dimensionality in the countryside. Every time he went to the countryside to show a movie, young girls would come to join Shazhu.

Li Xiuzhi smiled and said to the silly Zhu: "Head of the family, is this the Xu Damao you told me about? You said that you have been fighting since you were young, and there is a saying that you know each other if you don't fight! This is also the embodiment of your friendship! "

Shazhu smiled slightly, nodded and replied: "Daughter-in-law, you are right. This is one of the good people in our courtyard, Comrade Xu Damao, a film projectionist in the rolling mill, but he is not as stupid as me. He has own opinion."

Although it was guessed that Li Xiuzhi was Shazhu's daughter-in-law, but this fact was admitted by Shazhu and Li Xiuzhi, Xu Damao still couldn't accept it.

Beauty and the Beast.

"Sister-in-law, what do you call him?"

Xu Damao looked at Li Xiuzhi dully.

He was suddenly a little unbelievable.

things at hand.

Xu Damao had expected that calling Li Xiuzhi sister-in-law meant that Li Xiuzhi was Shazhu's daughter-in-law, but he thought that the two of them simply saw each other and recognized each other's relationship.

There was still doubt in his heart, saying that Sha Zhu was really stupid and bold, and he actually took the lesbian who had just been on a blind date back to the courtyard for everyone to see.

As a result, Sha Zhu was called Li Xiuzhi's daughter-in-law, and Li Xiuzhi called Sha Zhu the head of the family.

This is obviously a title that can only be given after a certificate is obtained.

Silly Zhu got married!
That's why Xu Damao asked this question.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Li Xiuzhi smiled.

On the way just now, Shazhu told Li Xiuzhi about those people and things in the courtyard, focusing on Xu Damao, saying that Xu Damao was against him, and asked Li Xiuzhi to be more wary of Xu Damao after marriage, just like Jia Zhang, Yi Zhonghai, Deaf The old lady maintained a relationship with Xu Damao like that.

The shrewd Li Xiuzhi immediately thought of the key point. She believed that the hostile relationship between Sha Zhu and Xu Damao was purely the result of the old man's artificial provocation. She wanted to use Sha Zhu to beat Xu Damao violently. It is set up by people who keep their promises in the courtyard.

Multiple friends have multiple roads.

Multiple enemies and multiple walls.

Xu Damao in Shazhu's words is a wicked villain who does things by any means.

I would rather offend a gentleman than a villain.

To Xu Damao.

It's better to ease the relationship as much as possible. Even if you can't be friends, you can't be enemies.

If Sha Zhu and Xu Damao continue to fight against each other, their relatives will be hurt and their enemies will be happy, and beasts like Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady will be happy secretly behind their backs.

An enemy's enemy is one's friend.

If Yi Zhonghai can plot against Sha Zhu and Xu Damao, why can't Xu Damao and Sha Zhu work together to plot against Yi Zhonghai?

This is called ritual exchange.

Xu Damao seems a little shrewd. He may not have any real hatred for Shazhu, but he just can't understand Shazhu being played as a fool by Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady but enjoys it. Contrary to it, I want to make Sha Zhu wake up by stimulating Sha Zhu.

It's just that Silly Zhu never woke up.

Now that she is here, she is Sha Zhu's wife, so it is naturally impossible to let such a thing happen again.

"Head of the family? Are you married to him?"

Xu Damao's eyes widened, he looked at Li Xiuzhi in disbelief, and then at Shazhu.

He suddenly realized.

It is very likely that Sha Zhu knew that Yi Zhonghai didn't hold his farts against Sha Zhu, so he grabbed the marriage certificate before certain things happened, and broke some of Yi Zhonghai's ideas in one fell swoop.

dog day.

That's fast enough.

A blind date on the front foot, but a certificate on the back foot.

"The two of us have received the certificate." Li Xiuzhi opened the bag with a smile, grabbed a handful of candy from it, and handed it to Xu Damao, "This is our wedding candy, not much, meaning, don't mind!"

Courtesy is light and attention is heavy.

She also knew that Xu Damao had no shortage of things.

This year.

Anyone who sees that the film projectionist comrades are short of things, every time they go to the countryside to show a movie, they have to find something.

"Comrade Xu Damao, you are the first person to eat our couple's wedding candy after we got married. I hope our couple's happiness will bring you good luck."

Xu Damao took the candy in a daze.

I still feel a little unreal.


Silly Zhu actually got married without saying a word.

After Jia Dongxu's death, Xu Damao could see some clues about the situation of Shazhu. This fool had been selected by Yi Zhonghai as a pensioner, otherwise Yi Zhonghai would not have asked Shazhu to help the widow. Notorious for messing around, the parents of that family let their daughter marry Sha Zhu.

Sha Zhu was stunned to get ahead of these things happening.


This is incredible.

Just as Xu Damao was stunned, Li Xiuzhi's voice was heard in his ears.

"Comrade Xu Damao, the person in charge of us told me about your situation. Let's not mention what happened before, regardless of who is right or wrong. On behalf of our person in charge, I would like to say sorry to Xu Damao. Bad things, what request do you have, just put it forward, we can satisfy you, try our best to satisfy you, if we can't, we will find a way to satisfy you, I only hope that you can be friends with us in the future."

Silly Zhu didn't speak, he found out that Li Xiuzhi was really the right wife.

Xu Damao didn't speak either, he found out that the daughter-in-law Sha Zhu was a real virtuous family.

With such a daughter-in-law.

It's hard to think about bad days.


A sigh.

It flew out of Xu Damao's mouth.

He looked at Li Xiuzhi and said: "Sister-in-law, I have to give you your face, but there are some things, I want to explain to you clearly, some people in our courtyard, they are immoral, you have to be vigilant, don't believe everyone , there is a saying, Shui Qian Wang Ba Duo, our courtyard is such a situation."

"I'm afraid you're talking about Qin Huairu, Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady. I know what to do. If I'm not married, they can plot against me as the head of the family. If I'm married, if I want to plot, then there's no way."

In Li Xiuzhi's words.

There is a hint of decisive taste.

Xu Damao didn't say anything.

It's good that Li Xiuzhi knew, he was envious of Shazhu for marrying such a beautiful and domineering woman, and in his mind, for some reason, he suddenly thought of Liu Yufeng.

That woman also protected herself for a while, if only she had such a pretty face and figure as Li Xiuzhi.

Xu Damao himself didn't realize that in the face of Liu Yufeng, a series of inadvertent slight deviations occurred in his emotions and thinking, but Xu Damao didn't know it.

(End of this chapter)

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