Chapter 173

Intermediate Court.

Worried that Sha Zhu's marriage would leave Jia's family without a blood-sucking partner, Jia Zhang absent-mindedly picked up the cloth shoes, apparently without that ability, but insisted on being distracted.

While making cloth shoes.

While thinking about the things Yi Zhonghai told her.

One didn't notice.

The needle in her hand stuck in her finger.

under pain.

Subconsciously, he threw the cloth shoes in his hand, and sweared and sweared, and then he turned into an unconscious wooden man, standing motionless on the spot, staring blankly at The junction of the middle courtyard and the front courtyard.

Silly column is back.

What really made Jia Zhang so crazy.

It was Shazhu, followed by a beautiful girl with an extremely beautiful appearance, whose appearance surpassed that of Qin Huairu by a lot.

Look dress up.

It's a girl from the countryside.

Instinctively, there was a bit of bad surprise in my heart.

The country girls who go to the city to eat commercial food are not Jia Zhang's casual swear words, who can fool them into not being foolish.

When Jia Zhang was hesitating whether he should be pissed off or not.

The big mother who was sitting in front of Yi's house stared at her in disbelief, stood up from the stool, with an incredulous expression, and asked Shazhu uncertainly: "Zhuzi, are you back? This girl she is……?"

Reach out and don't hit the smiling man.

What's more, today is my big day.

No matter how big the hatred.

You also have to keep it in your heart.

"My daughter-in-law, Li Xiuzhi." With a happy smile on his face, Sha Zhu turned his head towards Li Xiuzhi and said, "Daughter-in-law, this is the daughter-in-law of the elder in charge of our courtyard. Just follow us and call Big Mom."

Li Xiuzhi walked up to the big mom generously, grabbed a handful of candy for the big mom, and said in the tone of a silly Zhu family's daughter-in-law, "Hello big mom, I'm Li Xiuzhi, today I married Zhuzi, this is our A little heart, not much, and don't dislike the little."

sugar in hand.

Stuffed into the hands of the big mother.

Li Xiuzhi also thoughtfully helped to peel off the outer packaging of the candy, and fed Da Ma a candy.

"Zhuzi told me about you. He said that he lost his mother since he was a child. It was you who sewed and mended him. It was you who watched Zhuzi and Yushui grow up."

Li Xiuzhi's words made Da Ma really feel uneasy. When she thought of Yi Zhonghai destroying the foolish blind date, but she didn't remind her and pretended not to know, she felt a little guilty.

I feel sorry for Li Xiuzhi's actions.

A somewhat contradictory kind smile appeared on her face, she said several good words, and then looked at Shazhu, "Zhuzi, Xiuzhi is good, you are married, just live a good life, don't worry about outsiders Those messy things, I live my own life behind closed doors! Don’t believe anyone’s words, don’t listen to anyone’s words, Xiuzhi, I also said this to you, let’s just treat him as a big stinky fart , just ignore her."

Jia Zhang's face.

Kind of ugly.

She's sort of on the right track.

I always feel that Da Ma's words are a metaphor for her, Jia Zhang.

I thought to myself, you are Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law, how can you bend your elbows out, do you still want to retire?

It can't be said that Da Ma's elbow was turned outward, she was moved by Li Xiuzhi's words, and she said a few heartfelt words.

Silly Zhu married a daughter-in-law.

not easy.

Shazhu can't say that Big Mom is bad.

What's more, there is Li Xiuzhi's matter in it.

There was a slight sigh in my heart.

Silly Zhu suddenly remembered the explanation in the script of "Bird Man", the big mother is not as simple as people seem to be, and she looks like she doesn't take care of family changes. Everything is Yi Zhonghai's final decision. The aunt also knew that if she didn't let go, Yi Zhonghai couldn't do it.

Later, maybe Yi Zhonghai went too far, or maybe Yi Zhonghai was caught delivering food to Qin Huairu in the middle of the night and was exposed.

The well-known incident of drilling vegetable cellars in courtyard houses.

The first mother couldn't help but say something, and then died of a heart attack.

No one knows the details of what happened, and no one knows whether there is any filth hidden in it.

Anyway, the first mother was fine during the day, and in the middle of the night, I suddenly heard the funeral of Yi Zhonghai, saying that the first mother was dead, and when the neighbors woke up the next morning, the first mother had already entered the coffin.

Sha Zhu guessed that the first mother was pissed off by Yi Zhonghai. In the script of "Qi Man", there were several times in the script that Yi Zhonghai helped Qin Huairu in the second half of the night. The flour bag contains white flour.

And Jia Zhang's attitude is also very playful.

Stupid Zhu who is three years younger than Qin Huairu and still a bachelor, seeing the sky constantly helping Qin Huairu, Jia Zhang doesn't dislike the dirty food at all.

Yi Zhonghai, who is more than 20 years older than Qin Huairu, took over Qin Huairu's white noodles, but Jia Zhang insisted that the steamed buns made from these white noodles were dirty. Helping white flour steamed buns.

It should be that Jia Zhang knows something.

For example, the relationship between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai!

In the script of "Bird Man", Jia Zhang stuck his face on the glass more than once, secretly observing Yi Zhonghai's late-night donation of stick noodles to Qin Huairu.

So this thing.

I really can't say.

He followed what the big mother said, and echoed a few words.

Jia Zhang, who had been waiting for the opportunity to do what Yi Zhonghai ordered, finally seized the opportunity, and challenged Sha Zhu according to the plan he had prepared in his heart.

"Silly Zhu, where did you abduct such a watery girl, don't use lies to deceive other girls, saying how good you are, how powerful you are."

The Jia Zhang family was really a little restless, and felt that he had to spoil the harmonious atmosphere in front of him. Whoever let Shazhu get married touched the best interests of the Jia family.

The job and house in the future, and the current 500 yuan, are all gone because of Shazhu's marriage.

Mrs. Jia Zhang pulled her face on purpose, and said in a strange way: "Girl, have you been tricked by Sha Zhu? Sha Zhu is a cook in a rolling mill with a monthly salary of more than 40 yuan, and his family is sloppy. , don’t be afraid of Shazhu, many of the neighbors in the courtyard are good people, just say that you were deceived by Shazhu, and we neighbors will definitely help you out.”

Silly Zhu was about to speak.

Li Xiuzhi took the opportunity.

Li Xiuzhi finally knew who the fat old woman in front of her was.

It must be the vampire mentioned in Sha Zhu's words.

Silly Zhu got married.

Whose interests have been violated?
Of course it was the Jia family.

Just now to the big mother, Li Xiuzhi showed her open-mindedness and virtuous side. Now facing Jia Zhang, she must bravely show her minions, so as to give Jia Zhang a prestige and establish herself in the courtyard. Personality, let the neighbors know that he is not a weak person who can be bullied by everyone.

Li Xiuzhi had a faint smile on her face.

From the pocket containing candies, I deliberately grabbed a few pieces of fruit candy.

When it was delivered to Mrs. Jia Zhang, the sound was like a beautiful oriole singing, flying out of her mouth.

"You are Aunt Jia. Zhuzi mentioned your name to me. It is better to meet you than to be famous. People in our countryside who are more than ten years older than you are working hard, actively responding to the slogan put forward by the old man to do it yourself. You You don’t do shit every day, just waiting to eat the ready-made food earned by your son. What kind of behavior are you doing? You are acting like a parasite. I don’t know if the city is the same as our country, anyway, in our country , all those who wanted to be parasites were knocked down by us who couldn't rub the sand in our hardworking eyes."

Or people watching the excitement in the courtyard.

Or people who are listening in the house.

They were all dumbfounded.

She stared blankly at Li Xiuzhi.

I said something in my heart.

this girl.

That's enough.

Co-authoring is because they thought too much.

The country girl who seems to be gentle and quiet, if she doesn't fire, she will just return, once she fires, it will make you unbearable.

Silly Zhu raised his heart in mid-air.

Finally landed.

Li Xiuzhi's attitude extinguished Sha Zhu's worries about Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang's mischief.

A few seemingly inconspicuous candies, to Jia Zhang, were like needles in her heart. It was uncomfortable to eat, and it was even more uncomfortable not to eat.

Fighting tiger brothers.

Quarreling couple.

It is impossible for Sha Zhu to let Li Xiuzhi deal with Jia Zhang's alone, so he echoed it.

"Aunt Jia, Li Xiuzhi is the daughter-in-law introduced to me by director Jia and matchmaker Wang from the street, and they have also taken care of her. You say that, are you questioning director Jia? Or is it that director Jia has no good intentions? Yes Didn't you also become hostile to Matchmaker Wang?"

Jiazhang was anxious to become a donkey dung.

The county magistrates are better off now.

Even the steward of the courtyard house can make Jia Zhang bow his head, not to mention the street director who is several levels higher than the steward.

Thinking of the consequences of offending Director Jia.

Jia Zhang's roots trembled.

Worried that Sha Zhu's accusation would be passed on to Director Jia's ears by some caring people, Jia Zhang quickly defended himself.

"Silly Zhu, what nonsense are you talking about? Since when did I question Director Jia and Matchmaker Wang? I'm worried that you've done something wrong and hurt our courtyard's advanced title."

in the crowd.

There were a few playful sounds.

It is also an advanced and civilized courtyard house.

That brand was removed many years ago.

"It's wrong for me to marry a daughter-in-law in the eyes of Jia Zhang." Silly Zhu put on a grand attitude, "Forget it, my lord doesn't remember the faults of villains, and I don't care about you like you. You know, life in the village is not easy these days. There are many people who go to the city to get enough to eat, so you need to cheat! You, don't worry about it here, I don't want you, an outsider, to worry about my affairs .”

"Hey, it turns out that she is really a country girl. I said silly Zhu, don't be fooled by her. There are married country girls around us, and poor relatives will come to the door every few days to empty out his family. fact."

Jia Zhang's words were both inside and outside, showing disdain everywhere, she completely forgot that she was also from the countryside, and her daughter-in-law Qin Huairu also came from the countryside.

a few words.

He scolded himself too.

"Aunt Jia, I don't like to hear you say that. What's wrong with the girl in the country? She also has hands and feet, no worse than people in the city. Besides, you are also from the countryside, and your daughter-in-law Qin Huairu is also from the countryside. Why didn't I see Qin Huairu's poor relatives emptying your Jia family's wealth, and I didn't see your Jia family's poor relatives coming to your house to empty your family's wealth. Didn't I just marry a country girl? What does being a daughter-in-law bother you, Mrs. Jia Zhang?"

Jia Zhang's heart paused, she can't say that your silly marriage is hindering our Jia family's blood-sucking and Yi Zhonghai's retirement.

Seeing that I was bored.

Cancan made up a reason.

"Silly Zhu, I did it for your own good, why don't you appreciate it?"

"For my own good, go as far as you can. It was originally a happy day for me, and I didn't want to turn against you, but you are so aggressive. Do you really think I'm a fool? Or do you think my wife is a bully? Yes? Let me put it down, bullying me is fine, bullying my wife is not, especially you Jia Zhang, if you let me hear that you rely on my daughter-in-law as a foreigner, there is no natal family to make decisions for her, and you will give me behind my back Daughter-in-law is angry, I may not be able to bear you, but I can deal with it."

To lead an ox is to lead an ox by its nose.

To deal with Jia Zhang.

You have to make a fuss about Jia Zhang's cock.

Silly Zhu believes that Jia Zhang should restrain himself when he speaks so thoroughly. What's more, Sha Zhu finds out that his daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi is not a master who is easy to be bullied.

To Jia Zhang.

You can't have good intentions.

A little bit of doubt also flashed in my heart.

According to Jia Zhang's shrewdness, he shouldn't confront him tit for tat, but the Jia Zhang in front of him clearly didn't care.

He vaguely remembered what Xu Damao said to him just now.

Immediately relieved the doubts in my heart.

Yi Zhonghai was playing tricks again.

The hypocrite is determined to kill Shazhu, and after learning that Shazhu may get married, he uses Jia Zhang's family as a sharp weapon against him.

According to Jia Zhang's character of seeing rabbits and not scatter eagles, maybe Yi Zhonghai gave Jia Zhang money, otherwise Jia Zhang would not be so dedicated.

Li Xiuzhi smiled but didn't smile, and looked at Jia Zhang quietly.

This white and fat old woman is really not a good thing.

As soon as he married into the courtyard house, the Jiazhang family gave the couple eye drops regardless of whether today is a good day for the silly couple to get married.

Today is a long experience.

No wonder Director Jia and Matchmaker Wang couldn't help telling Li Xiuzhi angrily to let her be a little more careful in the courtyard, don't listen to everything, and believe everything.

I thought they were exaggerating.

Unexpectedly, the current situation of the courtyard house was even more unbearable than what those people described.

A bit of sweetness flashed in my heart.

I was completely moved by Sha Zhu's act of protecting his wife just now.

She said something.

"Boss, you are an adult, you can't do things like shooting against the stick, it will damage your reputation, you tell me, I'll do it, anyway, I'm a woman, it doesn't matter if my reputation is good or bad."

(End of this chapter)

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