Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 174 Li Xiuzhi Shows Her Shrewdness

Chapter 174 Li Xiuzhi Shows Her Shrewdness
Jia Zhang's whole body trembled with anger.

For the first time, I feel that I am such a failure in life. It doesn't matter if Sha Zhu doesn't give her face. Whoever let Sha Zhu have the nickname of God of War in the courtyard, even the master in charge, Yi Zhonghai, dares to beat him violently, let alone Jia Zhang. The mother-in-law died, and said that she would not give Jia Zhang's face, Jia Zhang's was just a ball.

What made her angry was that Sha Zhu's newly married daughter-in-law didn't give herself any face, and in front of countless neighbors, she openly shouted that she would beat her up.

Stick stem he is a nine-year-old child.

You can do it too.


Shazhu wants to play sticks.

Li Xiuzhi also wants to play sticks.

Co-author of my grandson Banggen was beaten by you when he was born, and she also knows that she is wrong about today's incident, she has no choice but to be careless.

"Silly, you are not stingy, do you ever talk to your elders like this? And your daughter-in-law, a woman named Xiuzhi, is this the attitude your new wife should have? Although my old wife is different from your He Jiafei We are not close relatives, but we have lived in the same compound for so many years. If we look down and see each other, there is always a friendship between neighbors. People who are polite, and when they meet older people, they have to call auntie. It looks like a hometown The one who came down didn't know how to be polite at all, so you just treat my aunt like this."

Jia Zhang, who knew he was wrong.

Facing the unreasonable silly Zhu and the unreasonable Li Xiuzhi, she really couldn't do anything sloppy.

After all, it is a happy day for others.

The cause of the matter.

It started again because of the Jia Zhang family.

no solution anymore.

I can only put up the posture of the elders, take advantage of the friendship of the neighbors, and accuse the silly couple of not knowing how to respect the elderly.

"Aunt Jia, this is a new society. If the elders say something wrong, the juniors have to mention it and correct the mistake. If you think what I said is wrong, you can find someone to judge and listen to what they say. .”

"Boss, don't say it. Let me tell you, you are a man. If this word is spread by some tongue-twisting people, it will appear that you are making a fuss out of a molehill and will affect your reputation."

Li Xiuzhi is domineering and protects her husband.

She looked at Jia Zhang.

"My aunt, you just talked about the friendship between neighbors for many years. You talked about the friendship between neighbors. I have to talk to you about everything. What happened to the country people? What happened to the people in the city? Listen to what you mean, you They look down on us country people."

Jia Zhang's heart skipped a beat.

His face turned pale in an instant.

She suddenly realized that she had underestimated Sha Zhu's daughter-in-law. This woman named Li Xiuzhi was very extraordinary, and she was a person who could afford to let go.

The brain is also easy to use.


My brain is not working, so I came all the way from the mountain village to the capital.

Just a few words.

Let Jia Zhang fall into a strong crisis.

Right now at this juncture.

If it were rumored that Jia Zhang looked down on the country people, not to mention Jia Zhang, the person involved, I am afraid that even Qin Huairu and Bang Geng would have no good fruit to eat.

Originally, Jiazhang saw that Li Xiuzhi was a country girl and married into the city helplessly. She wanted to show her off and let Li Xiuzhi know that the commercial food in the city was not so delicious, so that she could plot against Li Xiuzhi while Sha Zhu was away. There are some things that make Li Xiuzhi dare not tell Shazhu the truth.

After all, Li Xiuzhi appeared.

Cut off Jia Zhang's many profit calculations, the money Yi Zhonghai gave her, and Sha Zhu's house and job.

Show Li Xiuzhi's face.


Unexpectedly, Li Xiuzhi's family is not a weak lamb, but a fierce tiger in sheep's clothing, showing its minions towards Jia Zhang.

Knowing that he had kicked on the iron plate, Jia Zhang's arrogance let out inexplicably, and the naked eye could see that he no longer had the domineering arrogance just now.

"I don't." Jia Zhang, who went to the doctor for a sudden illness, could only repeat this sentence over and over in the face of Li Xiuzhi's accusation, "When did I look down on country people? Don't label me."

In order to clear up their responsibilities.

Jia Zhang also used himself as an example.

"I'm from the village, and my daughter-in-law, Qin Huairu, is also a country girl. How can I look down on people from the countryside?"

Silly Zhu knew Jia Zhang's temper well, and also knew that Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai had negotiated the conditions for sucking blood, married his own wife, and put an end to Jia Zhang's calculations.

The two families officially tore apart.

It was a matter of time.

Just stop pretending.

Jia Zhang was frightened with one blow, and Jia Zhang didn't dare to count himself any more.

"Mrs. Jia, do you really think that all the neighbors are deaf?"

"The head of the family, this Aunt Jia probably thinks that all the neighbors will be in the same boat as her, and think that the neighbors are the kind of people who don't know right from wrong."

Li Xiuzhi passed Jia Zhang's reaction.

Recognize the true colors of the neighbors in the courtyard.

It was not so much that Jia Zhang's family wanted to show off Li Xiuzhi's power, but rather that Li Xiuzhi wanted to use Jia Zhang's family to gain power. She understood the situation.

Good people being bullied.

Ma Shan was ridden.

If you want not to be bullied by some people in the courtyard, you have to learn from Xu Damao.

After the narration of the silly column.

Li Xiuzhi finally understood why Xu Damao was said to be bad by all the neighbors, and why he erected the silly pillar as a benchmark.

The root cause is getting and not getting.

The neighbors have no way to obtain any material from Xu Damao, so it is said that Xu Damao is bad.

Shazhu is stunned and a cook, and if he is useful, it is natural to say that Shazhu is good.

She looked around at the people present.

Suddenly these people feel disgusting.

She still needs to do some things to make Yi Zhonghai, Jia Zhang's and others feel jealous, and make Qin Huairu dare not fight, so as to ensure that she will not be calculated by the beasts in the days to come.

Then it was her turn, Li Xiuzhi, to play.

Couples join forces.

"Just now you kept saying that I looked like a girl from the country. I don't know how to be polite at all. We country people work hard all day long to grow food, livestock and vegetables. There is no hard work like our country people. Lao Zuo, what do you, the Jia family aunt, eat? If you are not afraid of being poked in the back, without the hard work of our farmers, you, a city dweller, would not be able to eat shit like hot food."

"You scolded me for eating shit."

"You look down on us country people first, I can't scold you yet, I'll go to the street tomorrow and ask, why do you Jia Zhang look down on us country people."


I said your word.

Jia Zhang has nothing to say.

He simply turned his head and returned home.

Li Xiuzhi took Sha Zhu's hand and asked Sha Zhu to take her to the backyard to see the deaf old lady.

Sha Zhu was actually very reluctant to let Li Xiuzhi get in touch with the deaf old lady, but Li Xiuzhi's words made him instantly relieved.

Although the deaf old lady is greedy, but in certain things, she is really the magic needle of the courtyard. As for the body that is about to enter the coffin, who dares to provoke it in the courtyard?
Silly Zhu understood Li Xiuzhi's specific thoughts.

this woman.

There are so many eyes.

He actually wanted to put on a big show in the courtyard, using the deaf old lady's needle to balance the neighbors in the courtyard.

Simply thought for a moment.

Silly Zhu agreed to Li Xiuzhi's request.

One does not give the deaf old lady food, two does not give the deaf old lady drinks, and three does not give the deaf old lady anything, it is purely to sit and chat with the deaf old lady when there is nothing to do.

A few words of red lips and white teeth.

Then he won the favor of the deaf old lady.

Why not do it.

People sold what they said, and the person who was sold was still counting the money for the buyer.

Li Xiuzhi is going to be a second-hand dealer.

Great day.

So I followed Li Xiuzhi's wishes.

Sha Zhu was also worried that Li Xiuzhi, who stayed in the courtyard, would be bullied during the time he went to work.

The mood for the deaf old lady.

is contradictory.

Because Li Xiuzhi said this to Shazhu just now, the enemy of the enemy is your friend, you must not push someone who may become your friend or useful to you to your opponent, and let him become the handle in the opponent's hand The sharp blade that kills you.



The deaf old lady sat in front of the door in a daze as usual.

This is the daily behavior of the deaf old lady since Silly Zhu broke up with the old lady. Her slightly cloudy eyes suddenly widened.

Silly figure came into her eyes.

The body subconsciously sat up from the stool, and then a faint look of shock appeared on his face.

Next to Shazhu, there was actually a handsome lesbian.

According to the analysis of the deaf old lady's many years of experience, if this woman marries Shazhu, it will be a blessing for Shazhu.

"Stupid pillar."

"Hey!" Silly Zhu with a sigh in his mouth said to the deaf old lady: "Old lady, I'm married, this is my daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi, Xiuzhi asked me to bring her over to give you some gifts for our marriage." Candy."

The deaf old lady was obviously taken aback.

He was startled by the silly words.

These days.

The deaf old lady really saw the game between Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang, and knew that once the two reached an agreement, it would be the beginning of Sha Zhu's fate of being sucked blood.

I want to remind Silly Zhu.

But he didn't expect Sha Zhu to ignore him all the time, leaving early and returning late all day long.

As a result, Shazhu silently gave her a thunderstorm.


Get married before Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang can calculate.

In this regard.

There was a hint of contradiction on her face, the deaf old lady hadn't forgotten the ultimatum Yi Zhonghai gave to the deaf old lady.

to be frank.

If the woman who appeared in front of the deaf old lady was not Li Xiuzhi but another woman, the deaf old lady would definitely follow the conditions she and Yi Zhonghai said.

The problem is that Shazhu married Li Xiuzhi as his wife.

This kid is out.

To find such a young girl, full of bookishness, quiet and gentle, she is pleasing to the eye, much better than Qin Huairu from the middle courtyard.

I'm afraid ten Qin Huairu tied together are no match for Li Xiuzhi.

"Old lady, I am Brother He's daughter-in-law. My name is Li Xiuzhi. My Brother He told me that you should protect him from childhood. This is the wedding candy for our two weddings. You eat a piece and I will peel it off for you personally." !" The shrewd Li Xiuzhi stepped forward quickly, came to the deaf old lady, introduced herself enthusiastically, and stuffed a candy that she had removed the sugar-coated paper into the mouth of the deaf old lady, "This candy, Isn't it sweet?"

"Yes, yes, she is a good girl."

Li Xiuzhi behaved very well-behaved.

Take the initiative to step forward.

While placing the candy, he also squatted his body next to the deaf old lady, and the two whispered something that Sha Zhu couldn't understand.

Although Silly Zhu didn't know what the two said, he saw the deaf old lady's brows filled with joy.

"Good good good"!The deaf old lady said excitedly: "Silly Zhuzi, you are looking for a good wife. Your eyesight is much better than before. I never thought that you, a silly Zhu, would have a bright day and sneak out to bring back a pretty daughter-in-law."

"Old lady, I won't lie to you. I never expected to marry such a good wife as Xiuzhi." Silly Zhu pretended to be relaxed and replied, "Maybe this is fate."

This is the expression of Sha Zhu's true emotions.

I don't know if I should thank the deaf old lady for her inaction and not reminding her.

Xie Yi Zhonghai should still sabotage his blind date behind his back.

None of these things.

Shazhu must have been married long ago.

Even if she meets Li Xiuzhi, she will not marry Li Xiuzhi.

So he can only use fate to describe himself.

"Oh!" The deaf old lady sighed, "Silly Zhuzi, my old lady was wrong about that matter, but from Xiuzhi's point of view, my deaf old lady was right."

"Old lady, today is my wedding day, so don't say these things. I will take Xiuzhi home to clean up first, and then I will make a table of delicious food. I will bring you a bowl when the time comes."

Seeing this, the deaf old lady could only helplessly grieve in her heart.

Silly meaning.

It was obvious that he still didn't want to associate with her.

One wrong step.

Step by step.

"Boss, today is our big wedding day, you have to listen to me, and you will bring a bowl of food to the deaf old lady, cook some food, and invite the old lady to eat with us."

Li Xiuzhi supported the deaf old lady, and helped the deaf old lady into the house. I don't know what was discussed inside. Anyway, Silly Standing outside waited for more than ten minutes before Li Xiuzhi came out of the deaf old lady's room with a happy face.

Walk up to Sha Zhu.

He said a few words in a low voice.

"Head of the house, I have negotiated with the old lady, just for today's meal, tomorrow she should go to the uncle's house to eat, to eat at the uncle's house, we will not bring her anything, nor will I give her food and drink, I will be fine. When the time comes, come over and chat with her. As for the pension, we don't care. This is Yi Zhonghai's business. After the death of the deaf old lady, we will burn a piece of paper for her. Master, you won't be unhappy if I do this, right? "

It's too late to be happy.

How can you be unhappy?

On the way back to the courtyard.

Li Xiuzhi has already learned from Sha Zhu's words describing the neighbors in the courtyard.

The deaf old lady is a person whom the neighbors in the courtyard do not want to offend and dare not offend.

As long as the old lady is pleased, the birds in the yard will not dare to touch her easily.

Security is relatively secure.

Only when you get close to the deaf old lady, can you stage the show of fox pretending to be tiger.

What's more, the deaf old lady explained all the past in the conversation with Li Xiuzhi just now, such as Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang's secret plot, and the estrangement between Da Ma and Yi Zhonghai, etc.

Li Xiuzhi saw clearly.

The deaf old lady may not have much time to live.

(End of this chapter)

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