Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 175 Li Xiuzhi, synonymous with virtue

Chapter 175 Li Xiuzhi, synonymous with virtue
For Li Xiuzhi's arrangement.

Silly column agreed.

A foreign daughter-in-law who came to the capital from thousands of miles to seek relatives but had to marry because she could not find a relative was truly unaccompanied.

However, the courtyard house is still an old den full of beasts.

Find yourself a backer.

Nothing wrong with that.

Contrary to Li Xiuzhi's enthusiasm for the deaf old lady just now, she presumably sold the deaf old lady, and the deaf old lady had to say goodbye to Li Xiuzhi.

With the relationship of the deaf old lady, Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai must restrain themselves a lot, and Li Xiuzhi will not be depressed.

A good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

Silly Zhu raised his hands and feet in agreement.

He took Li Xiuzhi's hand, came to the front of his house, pointed to the largest house in the two courtyards, and showed off to Li Xiuzhi fiercely.

"Daughter-in-law, have you seen it? This is our house. Our house has a large area and a good location."

In Jia's house diagonally opposite, Jia Zhang, who heard Sha Zhu's flaunting voice verbatim, glanced at Sha Zhu and his wife through the glass, and then set their eyes on the old and young Jia on the wall. On Jia's posthumous photo, there were a few curse words in his mouth that made Lao Jia and Xiao Jia appear and take Li Xiuzhi away.

What did Silly Zhu and his wife do in the backyard? Jia Zhang secretly watched it clearly, and witnessed the scene where Li Xiuzhi and the deaf old lady lived in harmony.

Then he knew that Li Xiuzhi was not easy to provoke.

Very shrewd.

She knows how to find a backer for herself.

What the elderly deaf old lady needs most is not only the rich material conditions, but also the spiritual needs.

The appearance of Li Xiuzhi.

It makes up for the loneliness that the deaf old lady lacks in her heart, which is equivalent to allowing the deaf old lady to enjoy the family happiness of her children and grandchildren.

In this case.

Any calculations of Jia Zhang's will be useless. If the calculations are really exposed, I am afraid that the deaf old lady will take the lead in acting as Li Xiuzhi's murderous knife without the silly couple.

Li Xiuzhi.

It was Li Xiuzhi again.

The appearance of this woman.

Many calculations of Jia and Zhang's have been ruined. The money Yi Zhonghai gave to Jia's family is gone, the house of Shazhu's family can't be given to Jia's family, and the work of Shazhu's job can't be given to the stick. These things will be sticks in the future. The foundation of marrying a wife and having children is the foundation. Jia Zhang greeted the eight generations of ancestors of the silly couple in Jia's house cursing.

outside the house.

Silly Zhu, who had no idea that he was being scolded, found the key from his pocket.

Open the lock.

Suddenly thought of something, and stuffed the key into Li Xiuzhi's hand.

from now on.

He's totally let go.


And just what is needed is a woman.

The arrival of Li Xiuzhi made Shazhu's single kennel inexplicably a bit more festive.

This family has to be lived in and nourished by popularity.

An unoccupied house is not even as good as a kennel. It looks like it is full of decay.

"Daughter-in-law, this is my home, which is also your home. You go to rest first, and I will do the work. Let's clean the tables, chairs and benches, and paste the red paper. Our business will be done like this. If you want to eat, just ask, don't eat." I may not be good at cooking. I say second. No one dares to admit that first. Our specialty is Tanjia cuisine, which is also called official cuisine. You can’t pass it on. The rest is Sichuan cuisine. , there is an Emei restaurant in Beijing, you know, I learned to cook there when I was a child, and I can easily cook some other local dishes."

Silly Zhu showed off his cooking skills.


Naturally, we must try our best to show it.

"Head of the house, I'm much more proficient at cleaning the house than you. The housework is mine, and the cooking is yours. I can eat whatever I want, and I'm not picky."

Li Xiuzhi is really a woman who lives her life.

It's not just a simple talk.

She put down the package in her hand, rolled up her sleeves casually, revealing two wheat-colored arms, and threw Sha Zhu's old clothes drooping on the bed into the basin.

Silly old man blushed.

When Matchmaker Wang urged him to change his clothes just now, he didn't expect that the two would directly exchange the marriage certificate, and then lead him back to the courtyard.

Some of the replaced clothes were randomly thrown by him, and there were some stinky shoes with holes or holes on the ground.


Looks like I'm cleaning up the house,
In fact, when tidying up, there was a little bit of perfunctory, even if I cleaned up the room before going out, in Li Xiuzhi's eyes, I could barely see it. Many things needed to be tidied up again, and some places were even worse than not tidying up at that time .

But this is normal.

As for men, they don't have such careful thoughts at all, and it's pretty good if they can clean up.

"Daughter-in-law, let me do this."

Silly Zhu saw Li Xiuzhi grabbing a pair of underpants in his hand, his face became red like an apple, and he quickly reached out to grab it.

But Li Xiuzhi lightly flashed past her.

These outfits from Inside the Silly Pillar House.

It can be seen that Director Jia, Matchmaker Wang and Shazhu are not lying.

What a master who has been a bachelor for 26 years.

"Head of the house, I am a woman. Women are born to clean up the house and do the laundry. Let me come. The clothes I wash are cleaner than yours. Besides, we are a couple. You are in charge and earn money to support the family. I In the Lord, if you can’t even wash your clothes, why would you marry me as a wife.” Li Xiuzhi looked at Silly Zhu earnestly, “I’m not as good as you in cooking, so you prepare dinner, and I’ll clean up the house and do the laundry.”

"Depend on you, everything depends on you."

Silly Zhu agreed with a smile, such a beautiful wife, what more can a husband ask for, he wants to tell the neighbors with his own practical actions that he is a wife slave.

The husband and wife have a clear division of labor.

One person does housework.

Prepare dinner alone.

That's exactly what it said.

Match men and women.

Work is not tiring.

After a while, Shazhu was busy preparing dinner, because it was still early, and he had to wait a little longer, so he didn't cook.

Probably nothing to do.

Silly Zhu stood alone at the door of the house, looked at Li Xiuzhi who was doing laundry at the faucet in the middle courtyard without saying a word, and praised him sincerely.


There was a hint of color on his face.

I am stupid and married a beautiful girl.

Squint your eyes.

Looked at the sun in the sky.

It was almost an hour before the sun set, and there was an inexplicable sense of restlessness in the body, wishing to turn into a god, kick the sun in the west directly into the west mountain, and then hug Li Xiuzhi to do some reproduction matter of future generations.

Seeing that Li Xiuzhi had finished washing the clothes, Shazhu immediately came back to his senses, and hurried out of the house, came to Li Xiuzhi, and dried Li Xiuzhi's washed clothes on the wire.

Feeling uncomfortable in the stomach, Xu Damao was thinking of going to the toilet.

Just happened to walk to the middle courtyard.

The scene of Li Xiuzhi and Sha Zhu's husband and wife singing the husband's suit or the wife's singing the husband's suit deeply hurt the heart of the grandson.

Perhaps Xu Damao has no shortage of women.

Nor is it a broiler chicken.

But for Shazhu to be able to marry such a good wife as Li Xiuzhi, he felt endless envy from the bottom of his heart.

Xu's father and Xu's mother were recently introducing Xu Damao's partner, Lou Xiao'e, the daughter of Lou Bancheng, the major shareholder of the rolling mill. Days, marrying Xu Damao, must be the end of Xu Damao serving Lou Xiao'e, washing Lou Xiao'e's feet at night, and washing Lou Xiao'e's feet in a hurry, and Lou Xiao'e's status is not very good.

Director Lou's daughter.

Who in a good family marries the daughter of a rich family?

Who from a good family will marry a boy from a rich family?

Before Li Xiuzhi entered the courtyard, Xu Damao might not have thought of this.

Isn't there an extra woman named Li Xiuzhi in the courtyard, who was brought back by Sha Zhu and distributed candy to the neighbors, no matter whether she was talking or doing things, she was really tight-knit.

Marry a wife and marry a virtuous person.

What is Xian?
Li Xiuzhi, who is helping Shazhu do laundry in front of her, is synonymous with virtuousness.

If it was another new daughter-in-law, she would have to hold on to her airs.

However, Li Xiuzhi took off her red wedding dress and started doing housework, even tidying up Shazhu's underpants.


A bit of sadness flashed through my heart.

Xu Damao, who did not lose his identity, calmed down as much as possible, stepped out of the backyard, and made fun of Sha Zhu.

"Silly Zhu, you actually do what women do for a living."

"I want you to take care of it, Xu Damao, what do you know, I call it caring for my daughter-in-law."

"Don't be ashamed."

"My own daughter-in-law, I hurt myself, why should I be ashamed?" Silly Zhu looked at Xu Damao, "Xu Damao, you kid must be jealous, look, buddy is getting married before you again."

It was rare for Xu Damao not to refute Sha Zhu.

A Li Xiuzhi.

It made countless people envy Silly Zhu to death.

Really stupid people have stupid blessings.

"Projectionist Xu, don't worry if we are in charge. Today is the wedding day of our couple." Li Xiuzhi said generously: "Our head has cooked a sumptuous dinner. I hope projectionist Xu can come to participate."

Xu Damao nodded.

It was agreed to Li Xiuzhi's invitation.

Walk towards the front yard.

My stomach is still rumbling violently.

To discharge waste water.

Silly Zhu, who stayed where he was, looked at Li Xiuzhi in a daze.

A fog of mind.

I don't understand why Xu Damao was invited. According to Shazhu's intention, no one was invited. As a result, Li Xiuzhi invited the deaf old lady first, and then invited Xu Damao.

Facing Sha Zhu's bewildered gaze, Li Xiuzhi smiled, and said to Sha Zhu in a low voice: "Now is the best time for our family to resolve the conflict with Xu Damao."

"Xu Damao, am I afraid of him?" Silly Zhu didn't take it seriously, and the God of War in the courtyard said, "It's really not my bragging. Three Xu Damao tied together are not my opponent."

"You and Xu Damao have no enmity at all." Li Xiuzhi's voice was still very low, "I understand that the conflict between the two of you is purely artificially provoked. You two are fighting to the death, and outsiders can only be happy."

"Daughter-in-law, I understand. To tell you the truth, I wanted to reconcile with Xu Damao some time ago. This guy doesn't believe it."

"If it were me, I wouldn't believe it either. After fighting for more than ten years, I suddenly said that I can't fight anymore. I must have thought that you had some kind of evil idea in your heart. You are in charge, you have many friends, many paths, and many enemies, many walls. , I would rather offend a gentleman than a villain, Xu Damao is really much better than some people in your courtyard."

"Daughter-in-law, you are right, everything depends on you."

Sha Zhu scratched his hair with his hands in embarrassment, and from the corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw Jia Zhang who did not know when he came out and was sitting on the threshold of his house, holding the soles of his shoes.

Ignore the old godmother.

He took Li Xiuzhi's hand.

Pull Li Xiuzhi into his house.

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets, I found two passbooks, one for 500 yuan and one for 500 yuan.

This is Sha Zhu's family property.

I didn't marry a daughter-in-law before, so I kept it by myself, and no one could find out why.

I am married, and my wife is so virtuous. I can tell at a glance that the entanglement between Sha Zhu and Xu Damao is man-made by some people. They want to use this banquet to resolve the conflicts between the two families, and to make the deaf old lady lack children and grandchildren. The key points are used.

To the deaf old lady.

Shazhu is more contradictory.

He resented that the deaf old lady knew that Yi Zhonghai had sabotaged her blind date but did not remind her.

It must be a good thing to have such a dying old lady behind her back.

What's more, Li Xiuzhi had already negotiated a deal with the deaf old lady, and went to chat with her every day. After the deaf old lady died, she was helping the deaf old lady burn a piece of paper.

A little bit of effort.

He simply followed Li Xiuzhi's wishes.

People respect me a foot.

I'm still alive.

Li Xiuzhi puts herself in Shazhu's shoes, and Shazhu also accepts Li Xiuzhi with an open heart.

He handed over two passbooks to Li Xiuzhi, as well as some bills and loose money.

Li Xiuzhi opened it and looked at it. The number on it shocked her. The deposit of more than 2000 yuan, how long will it take?

"Head of the house, you take these, as long as I have some spare money, it's fine."

Li Xiuzhi stuffed two passbooks into Sha Zhu's hands.

Silly Zhu didn't answer.

"You are my daughter-in-law, and you also said that you can keep the male lead outside and the female lead inside." The silly Zhu who instructed Li Xiuzhi pointed to the 500 yuan passbook and said, "I Talk to Yushui, if she is admitted to university, this book will be hers, otherwise, the book with the smaller number will be her dowry."

"I know what to do." Li Xiuzhi raised the passbook with more money, "Give this to her."

"Hey!" Silly Zhu sighed, and when he talked about his scumbag sister, he immediately lost his temper, "Guess what Yushui said, saying that she would rather not have both."

"Pfft" sounded.

Li Xiuzhi was amused.

Pretty cheeks.

It even adds a bit of coquettishness out of thin air.

Silly Zhu found that his lips were a little chapped, and his mood became tense. Just when he wanted to kiss Fangze, Jia Zhang's voice sounded in the courtyard.

"Huairu, why didn't the uncle come back?"

Damn old godmother.

Bad for me.

I curse you to live forever.

Sha Zhu, who had been disturbed, greeted the eight generations of Jia Zhang's ancestors in his heart, and all the dirty words he could think of were used on Jia Zhang's body by Sha Zhu. The atmosphere has been destroyed, and if you want to To proceed, I have to wait for the opportunity in the dead of night.

(End of this chapter)

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