Chapter 184 Li Xiuzhi's plot
The family ethics drama of the Jia family romance.

In the end, it only lasted a few minutes.

On the one hand, it was the attitude of the neighbors at the scene, which made Jia Zhang very upset. It was no big deal to watch the excitement one by one, and vaguely heard the voice of urging their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to wrestle and take off each other's clothes.

Co-authored to let you see for nothing.

On the other hand, Yi Zhonghai, the old man in charge, was fighting.

Yan Fugui can ignore it.

Liu Haizhong can be viewed from the sidelines.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't.

Who made Qin Huairu his daughter.

I don't know what condition Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang have reached, leaving behind Qin Huairu who was sitting on the ground dumbfounded, Jia Zhang turned his head and went back to his home.

The matter of being with Wang Matchmaker is not so much that Wang Matchmaker is plotting against Qin Huairu, but rather that Qin Huairu is also half-hearted.

After failing to reconcile with Shazhu, Qin Huairu realized that she was still a widow and had to think for herself.

She has planned everything, let herself suffer in public, and use this bitter trick to show her difficulties in Jia's family. As long as Shazhu comes out, she will find an opportunity to hug Shazhu's leg at the right time, crying loudly a meal.

He thought about giving Li Xiuzhi eye drops.

He even has the idea of ​​destroying the marriage of the silly couple.

I never thought that I would meet a pig teammate.

Because of Qin Huairu's contact with Wang Matchmaker, Jia Zhang mistakenly thought that Wang Matchmaker was taking Qin Huairu on a blind date, or that Qin Huairu begged Wang Matchmaker to find her a remarry partner.

The whole person was so angry that his lungs exploded.

He rushed forward frantically, pressed Qin Huairu, and was hit hard.

Qin Huairu was beaten.

Even Yi Zhonghai, who was fighting, got Jia Zhang's two soles.

Didn't get any benefit.

This plan was in vain.

Qin Huairu wanted to cry, but his heart was full of bitterness. He couldn't find a place to cry, so he could only hold back his tears and looked around at the people around him.

When I saw Li Xiuzhi snuggling up beside Shazhu with a happy face.

Qin Huairu's heart.

It was like being cut with a knife.

Burning pain.

this moment!
Qin Huairu is pitiful.

It's not an exaggeration to say that I feel sorry for you.

If it were a silly Zhu who had never read the script of "Bird Man", seeing Qin Huairu so pitiful, he estimated that his heart would be broken, and frantically stood up for Qin Huairu.


This moment.

For a while.

After reading the script of "Qi Man", he knows his own fate to be calculated in the future, and also knows that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu are masters who cannibalize people without spit out their bones.

There is no longer any thought of sympathizing with Qin Huairu in my heart.

Qin Huairu, who has already been nicknamed the pretty widow of the rolling mill before she even went to the rolling mill, is purely a beast in Sha Zhu's eyes.

Silly Zhu always regarded her as a scourge, and he didn't dare to show any pity and sympathy for her, for fear that if his heart softened, Qin Huairu would beat the snake and follow the stick.

the widow.


That's not what the idiot said.

It is the answer summed up by the missing string.

How good can she be for someone who can be said to be a bad person by Que Genxian.

Widow Qin really can't get involved, she will regret it for the rest of her life.

is pretty.

The charm still exists.

It provoked countless people to dream about things.

Li Xiuzhi next to the key fool is much stronger than Qin Huairu.

It doesn't hurt to be a beautiful wife with a big girl with yellow flowers. I will chase after you, a widow, or a widow with three children and a mother-in-law.

To Qin Huairu.

It is an attitude of turning a blind eye.

Li Xiuzhi was very satisfied with Sha Zhu's attitude towards Qin Huairu, and also saw Qin Huairu deliberately pretending to be pitiful towards Sha Zhu just now.

Isn't this the routine used by Li Xiuzhi's green tea sister?

Who did you meet.

First of all, he showed his softness and weakness, and deliberately stimulated the male chauvinism that wanted to protect them by using this weakness that would be blown down by the wind.

Pack green tea.

You, Qin Huairu, met your ancestors.

Li Xiuzhi suddenly threw away Silly Zhu, and under the bewildered eyes of the audience, she walked a few steps to Qin Huairu, squatted down, and touched Qin Huairu's swollen cheek by Jia Zhang with her hand. There was an expression on your face that you, Qin Huairu, were also suffering.

"My daughter-in-law is kind."

Although Sha Zhu didn't know why Li Xiuzhi went out to care about Qin Huairu, he instinctively knew that he had to cooperate with Li Xiuzhi.

Last night's bridal chamber wedding night.

Lee Soo Ji has shown everything she has.

Will not do something aimless.

It's also impossible not to see that this is Qin Huairu's trap.

own daughter-in-law.

I hurt myself.

Hold Li Xiuzhi as high as possible.

"This is my daughter-in-law. My daughter-in-law is not bad, really not bad."

"Xiuzhi, this daughter-in-law is kind-hearted." The third mother, who was completely impressed by Li Xiuzhi today, teased Shazhu in an envious tone, "Silly Zhu, it's not that the third mother is bragging, Xiuzhi is such a good daughter-in-law, You really came here by doing good deeds and accumulating virtue in your previous life, this is an opportunity taken by you kid, if I see Xiuzhi first, I will definitely let Xiuzhi be my wife."

"Third Mom, you think you are the only one who is envious, and we are also envious, Xiuzhi, whoever marries back home will be blessed."

"Yesterday, Silly Zhu's house was sloppy. Today, Xiuzhi cleaned up the house. It's really not good without a woman in this house."

"Xiuzhi, I know you have good intentions, but let's take care of the Jia family's affairs. It's hard for an upright official to break up housework. Don't let the Jia family get involved."

"Qin Huairu deserves to be slapped. If I were Jia Zhang, I would have to slap Qin Huairu a few times. The man died less than a hundred days ago, and you got together with the matchmaker. What are you doing?"

"What else can I do? Of course I want to remarry."

"Now we encourage widows to remarry, but you can't abandon your mother-in-law and children. If you drink spicy food with you, your mother-in-law and children drink northwest wind."

The voices of the neighbors.

It gave Qin Huairu an illusion.

who I am.

I am there.

She looked at the neighbors around her, and then at Li Xiuzhi who had a sympathetic expression.

I really don't know what to say.

When did the two switch roles?

It was originally Qin Huairu's script, but Li Xiuzhi got it, and was praised by the neighbors, making it even worse that Qin Huairu became the one who was belittled.

"Huairu, I'm Xiuzhi, Zhuzi's daughter-in-law. I deeply sympathize with your experience." Li Xiuzhi said to Qin Huairu generously: "Women can hold up half the sky. This is what the old man said, but now I am a newcomer." New things and a new society, everything has to look forward. In our village, the widow of her own man died, and the mother-in-law tried to find a son-in-law for the widow, or marry the widow as a daughter. Your mother-in-law will not let you remarry. She is turning back the clock on history!"

Breathe in a cool voice.

It keeps flying out of people's mouths.

Close to the neighbors in the courtyard.

As far as Jia Zhang's family in Jia's house.

All of them changed their faces.

I thought to myself, good guy.

Turn history back.

this hat.

Not to mention Jia Zhang alone, I am afraid that even the neighbors in the courtyard are bound together, and the big guy can't bear it. This crime is too big.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiuzhi looked at Wen Wen Jingjing, but she was also a ruthless person.

Everyone can imagine Qin Huairu's end.

Jia Zhang did not dare to stop Qin Huairu from remarrying.

Some people even have to take the initiative to ask for it, such as Yi Zhonghai and his like's scheming and foolish beasts, unless he doesn't want to live anymore.

"Huairu, don't be afraid, as women, especially you, we must stand up bravely and say no to the clichés that widows are not allowed to remarry, first, second, third, and the neighbors in the courtyard They will stand behind you and silently cheer for you, if it’s not possible, we still have streets.”

What the hell.

Listening to Qin Huairu's comforting words from his daughter-in-law.

Silly Zhu finally knew what kind of medicine was sold in Li Xiuzhi's gourd.

This is to remarry Qin Huairu.


Without Qin Huairu.

There must be a lot of unnecessary troubles in the courtyard. According to the explanation in the script of "Qi Man", many things in the courtyard were caused by Qin Huairu or the Jia family. Qin Huairu remarried, and these messy things did not happen. source.

Once and for all.

"Daughter-in-law, you just married into this compound, and there are some things you don't quite understand, so don't make up your minds. Qin Huairu remarries, will her mother-in-law let her?"

"As the head of the family, it is precisely because I just married into a courtyard house that I don't know anything, so what I say is really for Huairu's sake, and it is also for Aunt Jia's consideration. Give Aunt Jia the hat of going backwards in history, and Aunt Jia will have to go in for 20 years."

Li Xiuzhi acted awe-inspiringly thinking about Jia's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Jia Zhang hiding in the house.

I feel extremely aggrieved.

But he didn't dare to go out and make trouble with Li Xiuzhi.

On the one hand, Li Xiuzhi stood up for reason and kept saying that she was thinking about Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang. From the analysis of certain facts, she was indeed doing things that were beneficial to Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu.

It's just this situation.

It was not the kind of situation Jia Zhang wanted to see.

Qin Huairu remarried.

Can Jia Dongxu still be buried with Qin Huairu?

The consequences of reversing history.

Jia Zhang knew it too.

Dare not go out against Li Xiuzhi.

Otherwise, it is to tell everyone clearly that I, Jia Zhang, are turning back the wheel of history.

On the other hand, Sha Zhu had a harsh word with the neighbors yesterday, if anyone dared to make Li Xiuzhi angry, Sha Zhu would make anyone unhappy.

As an old resident of the courtyard house.

Does Jia Zhang know that Sha Zhu has a pair of invincible fists.

last resort.

I could only be in the room, through the glass, watching Li Xiuzhi do the widow's remarriage work to Qin Huairu.

What made Jia Zhang even more angry was that the neighbors all agreed, saying that Li Xiuzhi had done a good job and that Qin Huairu should remarry.

"Xiuzhi is right, Huairu, your remarriage, the neighbors know that you don't want to part with the Jia family, the key point is that outsiders don't know, they think your mother-in-law won't let you remarry, and they will definitely give your mother-in-law a bad mother-in-law. Hat, you have to think about your mother-in-law, you can't let her go out and get poked in the back of the spine."

"Huairu, although you have become a worker in the rolling mill, you have three children at home and a mother-in-law to support. The burden on your shoulders is not ordinary. It is best to find a man who can help you and live together with you."

"My distant uncle has been alone for several years. Some time ago, his son just got married, so he was called to let you meet."

"The second lame man from Sandaohe, do you know? You are about the same age as you, Qin Huairu, with no physical disabilities and no stupid brains, but a little lazy, too lazy to even want to marry a wife, and clamoring every day to get it right in one step, saying that you will have it all at once." Son and daughter, if you marry him, you will realize Er Manzi's dream for many years, you will have a son, a daughter, a wife, and a mother."

Qin Huairu turned her gaze.

He looked at Yi Zhonghai.


She couldn't make up her mind.

Unless the object of remarriage is Sha Zhu.

Seeing Qin Huairu's eyes begging for help, Yi Zhonghai also felt dizzy. Who would have thought that Shazhu, a newly married country wife, could be so powerful.

Typical conspiracy.

However, Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu couldn't say anything.

Even the Jiazhang clan died down.

The task of destroying the marriage of the silly couple.

A long way to go.

Yi Zhonghai probably didn't realize that he had changed his mind about Shazhu now, from thinking about Shazhu's pension to thinking about Qin Huairu.

Think about it.

I still feel that Shazhu is good in every aspect, and in every aspect, it is good to let Qin Huairu not be wronged.

It's a shame that Sha Zhu didn't know.

Otherwise, I will definitely say a cruel word to Yi Zhonghai, thank you Yi Zhonghai for being so optimistic about me, I will definitely change all the advantages.

The big mom who was standing next to Yi Zhonghai was inexplicably happy when she saw that Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai were both devastated.

Her mindset has also changed.

If the person who went to inquire about the news confirmed that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were father and daughter, then her identity as Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law would be embarrassing.

To Qin Huairu, Da Ma is a pure outsider.

It is possible to provide for Yi Zhonghai's own father, but not necessarily for Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law, Yi Zhonghai.

certain things above.

Yi Zhonghai formed an alliance with Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang, and Da Ma and Sha Zhu became allies.

Knowing that Yi Zhonghai was sad, he deliberately picked up what Yi Zhonghai didn't want to hear.

"Huairu, what the neighbors say is reasonable. Think about your mother-in-law, think about BangJiao and them, it's best to find a good man and remarry. Don't worry, I will help you with this matter. I will definitely not let you offended, and I will definitely pick you up." He's a good family." The aunt touched Yi Zhonghai's arm, "Old Yi, do you think that's the reason?"

Can Yi Zhonghai say no?

Against his will, he gave everyone an insincere answer.

Then the storm caused by Jia's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

It ended with Li Xiuzhi's complete victory.

time at this time.

It was ten past eight in the evening.

Another 15 minutes passed.

He Yushui, who hadn't shown up in the courtyard for a week, pushed his bicycle back to the courtyard.

Before she pushed the car to the door of the house, she smelled a strong aroma of chicken soup in her nostrils.

Sniffed hard.

There is a faint taste of meat dishes in it.

smile on face.

Visible to the naked eye.

It's really her silly brother who loves her, knowing that she will come back today, to improve her life.

After a whole day of work, the rain has long been sticking to my chest and back.

This time, she directly hooked out her gluttonous insects.

(End of this chapter)

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