Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 185 Shocked by the rain, silly Zhu married a wife

Chapter 185 Shocked by the rain, silly Zhu married a wife
"Silly brother, I'm back!"

He Yushui couldn't wait to park her bicycle, and was about to sprint towards Shazhu's house, when the things that caught her eyes made her stunned in place.

His eyes widened.

Looks like hell.

Because it's above the window of Shazhu's house.

Impressively posted a big red happy word.

No matter how stupid the rain is.

Also know what that means.

My heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that I entered the wrong courtyard, looked around, and found that I had entered correctly, so I hesitated if someone borrowed Shazhu's house to get married.

It's really not that Yushui underestimated Shazhu, but with Shazhu's IQ, it's really not that difficult to marry a wife, otherwise she wouldn't have set her mind on her classmates and planned to let her classmates be her sister-in-law.

After pausing on the spot for more than thirty seconds.

He Yushui was relieved.

Shazhu should be married.

Over the years, she has been familiar with Shazhu's voice. In the room with the big red happy letter in front of her, there are two voices, a man and a woman. I don't know who it is, but just based on this nice voice, I know that the owner of the voice is not bad in appearance.

He and Sha Zhu have lived together for so many years.

I know the character of Sha Zhu too well.

In essence, he is also a good-looking licking dog, who likes beautiful girls.

Great curiosity arose in my heart, I wanted to see how good-looking this girl who could be spotted by Sha Zhu was, and whether she was more beautiful than her classmate Yu Haitang.

With curiosity and apprehension and anxiety.

Rainwater walked towards the house.

Push open the door.

Under the dim light, a picture of a couple singing and a wife singing or a couple singing and a husband following clearly caught the eyes of the rain.

When she saw Li Xiuzhi standing next to Shazhu with a happy face, she was slightly taken aback and became surprised.

"Silly brother, is this my sister-in-law? She is so beautiful?"


Silly Zhu smiled triumphantly.

Married Li Xiuzhi.

It made him feel an unprecedented sense of joy from the bottom of his heart.

Li Xiuzhi's appearance is unique, and her virtuousness is even more unique.

The neighbors in the courtyard are all envious of Sha Zhu.

Silly Zhu is cheerful all day long.

"Master, why are you smirking?" Li Xiuzhi pinched the silly pillar with her hand, looked at He Yushui, a warm smile appeared on her face, walked towards Yushui a few steps, came to the front and back of Yushui, generously Fang introduced himself, "You are Yushui, right? I'm Li Xiuzhi, and I'm also your sister-in-law. I met your brother yesterday. I heard from your brother that our old He family is going to have a female scholar. Don't stand around anymore. , your brother heard that you were coming back today, so he set up a large table of food for you, put down your schoolbag, wash your hands, and eat."

"Sister-in-law, I see."

Li Xiuzhi's words.

Reassuring He Yushui's heart made her a lot more courageous.

Before meeting Li Xiuzhi, He Yushui had always had conflicts in her heart. She heard people say that the relationship between sister-in-law and sister-in-law is a big problem in the world. There is a sister-in-law who specifically destroys the relationship between her brother and sister. She is worried that Li Xiuzhi is also this kind of sister-in-law, and mistakenly thinks that she is not living a good life.

Inside the courtyard.

He Yushui is the most insecure person. She longs for the warmth of the family and the care of her relatives. At a young age, she tasted the bitter fruit of her father abandoning herself and running away with the widow. In her heart, she actually regards Shazhu as a With the existence of his own father, He Yushui would definitely not be able to accept it if Sha Zhu embarrassed He Yushui because he married a daughter-in-law.

After seeing Li Xiuzhi, He Yushui was terrified by Li Xiuzhi's beautiful face. If such a beautiful sister-in-law really went against Yushui, Sha Zhu would join hands with his wife without even thinking about it.

But she didn't expect Li Xiuzhi to be so sincere.

He completely regarded her as his own sister.

This made He Yushui's heart a little warm out of thin air.

This sister-in-law is nice.

Shazhu got shit luck.

While Yushui praised Li Xiuzhi in his heart, Li Xiuzhi also recognized He Yushui in his heart.

Old people often say that people are kind.

That is, through your appearance, you can tell who you are.

At first glance, He Yushui is the kind of silly white sweet who has no scheming, and is very dependent on Shazhu. Compared with Li Xiuzhi's little green tea sister, Li Xiuzhi likes He Yushui more.

It's just 10 minutes.

Li Xiuzhi and He Yushui chatted together, and their eagerness made Silly Zhu who was in the house feel a little jealous inexplicably.

Sad but helpless.

One is his wife.

One is his sister.

In the end, he had no choice but to forcefully terminate the friendly conversation between Li Xiuzhi and He Yushui under the banner of being cooked.

"Sister-in-law, you eat this chicken drumstick."

"Rain, you drink chicken soup."

"Thank you sister-in-law."

He Yushui took a mouthful of chicken soup with a spoon, blew on it, and sent it to his mouth.

Not to mention, the taste is really amazing, the soup is thick and delicious.

"Daughter-in-law, Yushui, eat slowly. I'll divide this meat dish into two portions, one for the third uncle, and one for Xu Damao in the backyard."

"Cough cough!"

He Yushui choked on the chicken soup.

Send Yan Fugui off.

This is understandable.

But to send it to Xu Damao, He Yushui really couldn't let go.

in her mind.

Sha Zhu and Xu Damao are enemies, they can be called enemies for life, whether Xu Damao met Sha Zhu, or Sha Zhu met Xu Damao, no matter what, they had to make gestures, Sha Zhu taught Xu Damao with his fist, Xu Damao fought back with his face Silly column.

I didn't come back for five or six days.

so much change?
To know.

The last time the rain came back on Sunday, Shazhu was still fighting with Xu Damao.

His eyes fell on Shazhu, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Brother, I don't have auditory hallucinations, right? You have been fighting for more than ten years to deliver meat dishes to Xu Damao, why am I a little confused?"

"Your sister-in-law told me that although Xu Damao and I have been fighting since we were young, but now we are adults, how can we fight and fight every day like before, saying that this is purely a farce. On our wedding day, your sister-in-law resolved the conflict between me and Xu Damao in front of me. I thought about it, your sister-in-law was right, your sister-in-law was right, and Xu Damao and I had no hatred at all. , Our hatred was deliberately instigated by some people, let us resolve the conflict and focus on work."

He Yushui was completely stunned.

Does she know what kind of character Silly Zhu is.

Typical stupefied.

No matter what happens to you, you don't think about the consequences. You should teach the other party a lesson first, and then you will regret it later.

No wonder people often say a word, when a man gets married, he becomes mature.

Otherwise, Shazhu wouldn't have said such mature words.

This daughter-in-law really didn't marry for nothing, Sha Zhu seemed to have changed overnight.

This is obviously not the thing that shocked He Yushui the most. The thing that really made He Yushui unable to let go of it was how Li Xiuzhi moved the idiot with a temper like a donkey.

For those conflicts with Xu Damao, Yushui also preached to Sha Zhu, every time Sha Zhu went in with one ear and out with the other.

Thumbs up sharply in front of Li Xiuzhi.

"Sister-in-law, this is you. Next time I come back, I'll bring you a washboard."

"Rain, there's no need. It's mainly because your brother gave me face."

"Don't come up with ideas, return the washboard, Yushui, Xiuzhi, eat first, I'll send it to Third Master and Xu Damao."

Silly Zhu was holding two bowls of steaming meat dishes.

Come out from home.

He hesitated for a moment.

Head towards the front yard.


Jia Zhang, who was diagonally opposite, saw Sha Zhu coming out of the house with two bowls of meat dishes, a faint smile subconsciously appeared on his face, and mistakenly thought that Sha Zhu was going to give it to her.

As a result, Silly Zhu turned his head and walked towards the front yard.

The angry Jia Zhang distorted his face and scolded Shazhu viciously.

Qin Huairu also had a look of resentment on her face. She thought that when He Yushui came back, she could take advantage of her relationship with He Yushui to do this thing that provoked the relationship between He Yushui and Li Xiuzhi.

However, things backfired.

The voice of He Yushui calling Li Xiuzhi her sister-in-law came from the Shazhu's house, and it penetrated into the ears of Qin Huairu who was washing clothes in the middle courtyard.

Kind title.

It shows Yushui's satisfaction with Li Xiuzhi.

Annoyed, Qin Huairu didn't do the laundry anymore, and turned around and went back to her home. As soon as she entered the door, she heard Jia Zhang scolding the idiot. After a while, if he had agreed to remarry at that time, and let him and Sha Zhu do the thing of turning raw rice into cooked rice before Sha Zhu got married, there would be no such troublesome things now.

Angry teeth trembling.

The bitter trick was carried out by her, and Li Xiuzhi, in front of the neighbors in a courtyard, said that she would remarry Qin Huairu for Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's moral consideration.

The neighbors all agree.


Silly Zhu came to the door of Yan Fugui's house, reached out and knocked on the door.


Three mothers shouted from inside.

"It's me, Three Moms."

Hearing Sha Zhu's voice, Yan Fugui, who was closest to the door, immediately went to open the door, and saw Sha Zhu standing at the door with a bowl of delicious meat dishes.

His eyes narrowed immediately.

"Silly Zhu, what are you?"

"I made a meat dish tonight. My daughter-in-law said that your third uncle is a good man, and told me to bring you a bowl."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, come in and sit down."

Yan Fugui spoke polite words.

The movements of his hands were not slow at all, he stretched out his hand to take the meat dish brought by Sha Zhu, and handed it to the third mother.

"Baby mother, which one of your new bowls will come out?"

"Third Master, don't need a new bowl. By the way, thank you for what happened just now."

"I'm just telling the truth, it's their family's chores."

Yan Fugui is a very shrewd person, if he speaks the truth casually, he can make someone accept a favor, so why not do it!

No, the benefits come right away!

Even though it is just a bowl of meat dishes, it is also a good dish with oil and water.

The point is that this is the meal cooked by Sha Zhu.

When receiving the meat dish just now, Yan Fugui saw several big fat pork slices hidden in the meat dish at a glance. These pork slices were pickled with salt.

While waiting for guests at home.

Use it directly to stir-fry.

The remaining dishes are mixed with other dishes, and at least two or three meals of oily dishes can be eaten.


Silly Zhu came out of Yan Fugui's house.

Go to the middle courtyard.

His eyes subconsciously looked at Yi's house diagonally opposite.

He knew that Yi Zhonghai would not be reconciled.

If he were in Yi Zhonghai's position, he would feel unwilling to see his years of hard work go to waste.

It is clearly stated in the book.

Qin Huairu got on the ring.

The widow went to the ring, even if Shazhu guessed with his toes, he could guess roughly.

He just didn't know about Qin Huairu getting into the ring, did Yi Zhonghai know, a country girl, with no one to help behind her, how could she get herself into the ring without anyone noticing, and she even hid it from everyone.

"Yi Zhonghai, do you know that not long after Jia Dongxu's death, Qin Huairu went to the hospital for Shanghuan?"

The silly column standing in the middle courtyard.

He stared straight at the Yi family.

I muttered something in my heart.

If Yi Zhonghai really knew about Qin Huairu's Shanghuan, he wouldn't have thought about the widow, and secretly committed misdeeds in the name of helping her.

Although it is still unknown to what extent Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu have developed.

But Sha Zhu can be sure that Yi Zhonghai instigated Sha Zhu to help Qin Huairu, and he himself helped Qin Huairu in secret, so he must have the intention of letting Qin Huairu give birth to him and make Sha Zhu a successor.

It's just that this part of the content, in the script of "Qiman Man", was crossed out artificially, and I don't know why.

Retirement is what Yi Zhonghai cares most about.

This old guy even considered the possibility that Qin Huairu had already entered the ring and became extinct for Shazhu. The reason why he wanted to instigate Shazhu to help Qin Huairu was naturally to make Shazhu become extinct and feel the same way as him.

From achieving the purpose of letting them retire.

Perhaps these speculations are a little too dark.

But for Yi Zhonghai, this is absolutely beneficial and harmless. No matter whether Sha Zhu will become a successor or become extinct in the future, his pension problem will be absolutely guaranteed.

Judging from Yi Zhonghai's move to bring Shazhu and Qin Huairu together.

Yi Zhonghai is really not a good person.

Silly Zhu also didn't want to live his whole life being calculated by others.

he has married.

The plan to send Yi Zhonghai to be shot can be advanced.

The premise is that He Daqing really sent money to him and Yushui, and the money was indeed withheld by Yi Zhonghai.

Otherwise, we can only think of other ways.

Sha Zhu looked through the catalog of the script of "Qi Man" several times, but there was no description of He Daqing sending money by mail.

So Sha Zhu could only go to Baocheng in person to confront He Daqing face to face.

The main reason is that Shazhu is not a roundworm in Yi Zhonghai's stomach, and he doesn't have the ability to follow the wind, or else he must have heard the discussion between Da Ma and Yi Zhonghai and his wife about withholding He Daqing's money.


Stupid home.

Taking advantage of Sha Zhu's absence.

He Yushui and Li Xiuzhi shared some secrets that only they knew.

The main reason is that He Yushui told Li Xiuzhi worriedly.

Such a virtuous and good sister-in-law who doesn't dislike Yushui, He Yushui doesn't want to take advantage of some people because of some beasts in the courtyard.

"Sister-in-law, let me tell you, you have to be careful when you marry into our courtyard, there are no good people in this courtyard."

(End of this chapter)

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