Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 186 The Silly Zhu Xu Damao Reconciles and Joins Hands with Yi Zhonghai

Chapter 186 The Silly Zhu Xu Damao Reconciles and Joins Hands with Yi Zhonghai
Li Xiuzhi used her goodwill and virtuousness to completely convince He Yushui, the sister-in-law, after meeting He Yushui for an hour.

A lot of extra points for appearance.

Thinking of such a beautiful and ugly lesbian who is comparable to a fairy in the painting, not only became his own sister-in-law, but also treated him so well.

He Yushui's heart.

There was a faint sense of joy from the bottom of my heart.

She didn't want to lose such a good sister-in-law.

Only then did she speak up, worrying that Li Xiuzhi had just married in, and she didn't know the nature of the birds in the courtyard, and fell into someone's trick.

He Yushui knew that Yi Zhonghai and his wife who were diagonally opposite had been plotting against Sha Zhu and asking him to help them.

And Qin Huairu, who has just become a widow, is also plotting against Shazhu, wanting him to help the Jia family.

There are no scruples about certain words.

"Sister-in-law, it's not that I'm alarmist. The neighbors in our courtyard, my brother said this, he said that the water is shallow, and Yi Zhonghai, who is diagonally opposite, is an old extinct family. Do you think it is strange? I am an extinct family. I don’t have any children. I know that I will be wiped out, but I don’t adopt children. Instead, I calculate this and that in the courtyard. First I calculate Jia Dongxu of Jia’s family, and then I calculate my brother. My brother’s blind date a few years ago was destroyed by Yi Zhonghai many times."

He Yushui suddenly realized that he had accidentally said the wrong thing.

The original intention was to show Yi Zhonghai's evil.

But he didn't expect to accidentally tell about the past of silly blind dates.

I secretly groaned in my heart.

In case Li Xiuzhi bears a grudge, what can she do.

If it's really the troubled silly Zhu, he can't get into bed.

That's just the word haha.

"Sister-in-law, I don't mean that, I am."

Under flustered.

The more you explain, the more chaotic you become.

Looking at He Yushui's cheek that was about to cry.

Li Xiuzhi felt inexplicably relieved.

"Yu Shui, sister-in-law doesn't have the intention of resenting you. On the contrary, sister-in-law would like to thank you. If you didn't tell sister-in-law these things, sister-in-law really doesn't know that Yi Zhonghai is such a villain. You can destroy Yi Zhonghai. Telling sister-in-law about the blind date between brothers shows that you have sister-in-law in your heart and don't treat sister-in-law as an outsider."


A faint look of surprise appeared on He Yushui's face.

She looked at Li Xiuzhi pitifully.

Li Xiuzhi reached out and scratched He Yushui's nose.

"Really, our rain is so beautiful, I can't bear to let my beautiful sister-in-law cry."

"Sister-in-law, you are teasing me."

A blush flashed across He Yushui's face.

"Okay, sister-in-law won't tease you, sister-in-law will give you a piece of meat."

A large piece of fat meat was put into He Yushui's bowl by Li Xiuzhi with chopsticks.

I don't know if it's because of touching the scene.

Still thought of something else.

He Yushui's eye sockets.

It suddenly turns red.

Said some words from the heart.

Li Xiuzhi also saw that what He Yushui told her was the truth. She thought her life was already suffering enough, but she didn't expect Yushui to suffer as much as hers.

small age.

I tasted the taste of being abandoned by my own father.

Take a car with Shazhu to Baocheng to find his father.

However, he didn't even see He Daqing's face.

last resort.

I can only live with Shazhu. At that time, Shazhu was still an apprentice. He didn’t earn much, but he had a lot of work. He carried the rain to survive. When the rain was too hungry, he went to the rolling mill. The cafeteria steals food to eat.

Shazhu now brings meals from time to time.

He also knew it was wrong.

It's just that I still can't get over that hurdle in my heart.


It is the greatest fundamental.

Li Xiuzhi saw too many scenes like this when she came to the capital from the mountains to visit relatives, and she also had the experience of not being able to eat enough.

"Rain, everything will be fine."

"Yeah." He Yushui, who agreed casually, raised his head, and talked about Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's family to Li Xiuzhi, "Sister-in-law, you don't know if you have seen Qin Huairu, let me tell you, this woman you leave her Stay away, she is not a good person, by the way, you have to keep an eye on my brother, and you must not let my brother fall for that woman."

Li Xiuzhi admitted that He Yushui was right.

When she saw Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu yesterday, she had already detected the strong hostility towards herself from the eyes of Jia's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Jia Zhang looked at Li Xiuzhi with resentment for taking away Jia's property.

Qin Huairu looked at Li Xiuzhi with a look of resentment that she had been robbed of her support, and there was a trace of unwillingness in the resentment.

A widow who raised three children, and a mother-in-law who loves to relax and work hard, no wonder she takes Li Xiuzhi as a thorn in her side. Who made Li Xiuzhi marry Sha Zhu, which ruined their blood-sucking plan.

"Yu Shui, sister-in-law knows, if sister-in-law and your brother get into a fight because of a widow, you have to help sister-in-law." Speaking of this, Li Xiuzhi suddenly changed the subject, looking at He Yushui who was following Li Xiuzhi's lead, and brought the topic to a close On the deaf old lady, "Old lady in the backyard, what's going on?"

"Sister-in-law, the old lady in the backyard, I don't know. As far as I can remember, that old lady has no children and has been living in the backyard. She is now a five-guarantee household and lives with Yi Zhonghai."

To the deaf old lady.

He Yushui also has a lot of resentment.

"This old lady, she lives together with Yi Zhonghai, but asks my stupid brother to buy meat for her every now and then. If anyone in the courtyard improves their life, if they don't give the old lady some help, they are not filial. Some time ago, my stupid brother didn't know What's going on, I don't have any contact with their family, and I even asked the old lady for food money."

Yushui was born in 44 years.

The age she remembers.

That's five or six years old.

In 50 years, the deaf old lady lived in the backyard.

An old lady with small feet can survive the three generations of bald head, ghost, and braided hair, which shows that she has a few brushes.

What a lonely old lady.



Silly Zhu was carrying the meat dishes that were still warm.

He knocked on the door of Xu Damao's house.

Accompanied by the sound of coming, the door of the room was opened, and Xu Damao, who was wearing big underpants, looked at Silly Zhu standing outside the door with a dazed expression.

I thought I was wrong.

Subconsciously rubbed his eyes with his hands.

"Xu Damao, do you want to pinch yourself to see if you are dreaming?"


Also an honest boy.

What did Sha Zhu ask him to do.

Xu Damao will do whatever.

The grandson really pinched himself, the severe pain made Xu Damao have to believe that everything in front of him was not an illusion.

It's true.

Sha Zhuzhen came with meat dishes.

I was surprised.

"Silly Zhu, you really come to drink with me?"

"I'm a man of one mind." Silly Zhu took the meat dishes and did not wait for Xu Damao to invite him in. He flashed into Xu Damao's house, put the meat dishes in his hand on the table, "I brought the vegetables, the wine is too good for you Xu Damao prepare."

Even though Shazhu was already sitting on the stool.

Waiting for Xu Damao to serve the wine.

Xu Damao still had an unbelievable expression on his face.

this thing.

It simply destroys the three views.

As small as a courtyard house, as large as a steel rolling mill, it was said that Shazhu hit Xu Damao, or that Xu Damao punched Shazhu's fist with his face, and people believed it [-]%.

Said that Shazhu wanted to reconcile with Xu Damao.

He also went to Xu Damao's house to drink with meat dishes.

Usually no one will believe it.

"Didn't you marry a wife?"

Xu Damao couldn't think of anything else to say, so he said something stupidly.


How can I get bored for a few days.

Got married yesterday, entered the bridal chamber, and drank with Xu Damao tonight, this is what the groom should do.

In Xu Damao's mind, this point should be that Shazhu washed Li Xiuzhi's feet, and after washing the feet, he pulled the lamp, Shazhu and his wife Li Xiuzhi talked about this important life event, and went to Wushan together.

There are no entertainment activities these days, and there is nothing to do after a full meal at night, except for the couple.

Don't do things that are worth a thousand dollars in the spring night.

Ask him, Xu Damao, a bachelor, to drink.

Silly column.

Also a talent.

"Xu Damao, can't I drink with you after I marry a wife? I asked for leave with my wife, and she eats with my sister Yushui."

He looked at Xu Damao in front of him.

Silly Zhu also had a look of pain on his face.

"Qiman Script" clearly stated that Xu Damao was also a famous extinct family, and inherited the last wish of Yi Zhonghai, an extinct family.

But this is the life of a turtle grandson.

It can be described in one word.


Or the red flag at home is not down, but the colorful flags are fluttering outside.

Relying on himself as a film projectionist.

There is never a shortage of women around.

When reading a book a few days ago, Sha Zhu also saw a piece of content that made him very interested.

It was said that Qin Huairu saw Xu Damao queuing in front, and came to Xu Damao in a flash, and inserted himself in front of Xu Damao very naturally. Qin Huairu, the elder sister of Qin, lined up, and later the two sang and talked about conditions, one called sister and the other called brother.

Qin Huairu asked Xu Damao if Lou Xiaoe still didn't let Xu Damao go to bed.

Xu Damao said that Sister Qin knew me, and then talked about the small warehouse.

Qin Huairu said that as long as you pay me for the meal, I will go to the warehouse with you.

When I arrived at the window for cooking, I ordered two servings of vegetables and four large steamed buns of white noodles, and said that Xu Damao would pay the bill for me, and quietly left the cafeteria.

Without personnel.

Shazhu may not know the reason inside.

I played games with Li Xiuzhi last night and experienced a sublimation of quality.

Those pimples that I couldn't figure out instantly smoothed out the cause and effect.

Unfortunately, Qin Huairu and Xu Damao really transferred the warehouse.

There is a statement in the article, saying that Qin Huairu went to the ring.

Fine product.

The widow goes to the ring.

I asked Li Xiuzhi specifically, and Li Xiuzhi told Shazhu that the reason for the widow to go to the ring is to prevent certain things from happening, so as to avoid the consequences of the society's death on the spot. He also used Qin Huairu as an example. Li Xiuzhi said that Qin Huairu must have gone to the ring, silly Zhu said no.

Looking at Xu Damao in front of him, Shazhu thought that he had lost to Li Xiuzhi, and Qin Huairu was already in the ring at this time.

Thinking of Yi Zhonghai again, he thought to himself, Qin Huairu's going to the ring was not done by Yi Zhonghai himself, after Jia Dongxu's death, Yi Zhonghai went to and from get off work with Qin Huairu every day.

In conjunction with late night relief stickmeal events.

Did the two sleep together at this time?
Yi Zhonghai wants Li to be stiff instead of Tao!
"Silly, what are you looking at?"

Xu Damao's words.

It interrupted the silly imagination.

Looking at the turtle grandson.

A sentence back.

"Xu Damao, who else can I look at? I'm here to talk to you today. If you continue to hold this attitude, then we will have nothing to talk about." He glanced at Xu Damao with a bit of disgust in his eyes , "If my wife hadn't said that you are a good person, I would be too lazy to talk to you."

"Silly Zhu, you are actually afraid of your daughter-in-law, what does the daughter-in-law say?"

"Who told my wife to be right? Are you envious? Hurry up and marry one, Xu Damao. In terms of marrying a wife, my brother is ahead of you."

"Silly Zhu, which pot can't be opened and which pot can't be lifted, really think that I, Xu Damao, can't marry a wife? As far as my job as a film projectionist is concerned, how many big girls are rushing to marry."

"I really don't believe that if you have the ability, get married."

"Stop talking nonsense, drink, I, Xu Damao, won't pour you down today, that's what I am."

Xu Damao gestured a bastard with both hands.

"How can you drink without wine?"

"Who says there is no wine?" Xu Damao put three kinds of Erguotou in front of Sha Zhu, "Niulanshan Erguotou, Red Star Erguotou, Northern Erguotou, if you don't get drunk, you won't go home."

Even if Shazhu doesn't come to Xu Damao.

Xu Damao will also look for an opportunity to find Shazhu.

Li Xiuzhi was right.

If the two of you continue to fight, you can only let some people have fun secretly.

Came back last night.

I thought about the scene of fighting Sha Zhu all night.

Li Xiuzhi really hit the spot.

Their conflict was artificially provoked by the old man in charge.

Simply take advantage of this banquet.

resolved their grievances.

The provinces are on guard against each other.


After a few glasses of liquor, the atmosphere on the wine table gradually became harmonious.

Relying on some alcohol.

Xu Damao couldn't help but said: "Silly Zhu, we used to quarrel and fight, and I was always at a disadvantage."

"Xu Damao, where are you farting? I hit you once, but you have to count me behind my back once. Did you suffer that time?"

"Anyway, I feel I'm at a disadvantage. You came here with a bowl of meat dishes. The wine is still mine, Xu Damao's, and you want to reconcile with me. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?"

"What do you mean? Do you want to lose money? Let me tell you the number. I will pay it back in one year, I will pay it back in two years, and if I pay it back in two years, I will pay it back in three years until I pay it off."

"Silly Zhu, am I, Xu Damao, short of money?"

Silly Zhu thought about it too.

Bie Sun is a film projectionist.

Every time I go to the countryside to show a movie, there is oil and water.

"Just say what you want to do?"

"Let's think about it, you beat me before, and you beat me in public. How much face did you lose?"

Seeing that Sha Zhu was determined to reach a settlement, a light flashed in Xu Damao's eyes.

Guess if I can handle Silly Zhu and find the place I lost before.

"I'll give you the money, but you don't want it, and you care about face with me." Silly Zhu looked at Xu Damao quietly, "What do you really want, how can we reconcile."

"You go out now, in the front, middle, and back courtyards, each yelling that you hit me Xu Damao, it was your silly mistake, and you apologized to me in front of the neighbors."

"My daughter-in-law told me that everything about me was instigated by that Yi Zhonghai. You know what kind of character I am. I don't care about my brain when I do things. It doesn't matter how serious I am. I should apologize to you, what I mean , I’ll go out and apologize to you all over the compound in a while, but you have to promise me one thing, our previous grievances and grievances are over, and starting tomorrow, we can’t turn over old scores.”

"Are you really sorry?"

"I have to listen to my wife."

This daughter-in-law can marry.

Let Sha Zhu have a backbone.

I listened to my daughter-in-law one by one.

"There is a bottle of Erguotou, and there is still a wine cup left. Let's finish it. You listen to the movement inside the house, and I will go outside to apologize to you."

The two drank.

Immediately, Sha Zhu left the door of Xu Damao's house.

A voice with a hint of alcohol soon sounded in the courtyard.

"Neighbors in the front, middle and back courtyards, I am He Yuzhu. In front of the neighbors, I sincerely say sorry to Comrade Xu Damao for my previous behavior of beating Comrade Xu Damao. I did something wrong. I didn't think clearly, misunderstood the remarks of some villains, beat Comrade Xu Damao, and asked Xu Damao to forgive me."

Xu Damao was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect Shazhu to play for real!
Apologize if you say sorry, how can you tell him to play in the future!

The two have been fighting for so many years.

Fighting has become a part of their lives.

There was a sudden reconciliation.

It's like cutting off a small routine of life.

Perhaps because of this thought, Xu Damao felt empty in his heart, as if he had lost his goal in life in an instant, and became dazed.

Then came an idea.

Shazhu's daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi said that the grievances between Xu Damao and Shazhu were instigated by Yi Zhonghai.

Injustice has a head.

The debt has its owner.

We have to join hands with Shazhu to deal with Yi Zhonghai!
Xu Damao remembered the time when he met Yi Zhonghai at the post office by mistake. He seemed to be holding something in his hand. When Xu Damao greeted him, Yi Zhonghai seemed to see the person he didn't want to see the most, with a look of urgency and dismay. patient.

You must have done something bad.

Otherwise the hypocrite wouldn't be so nervous.

Find a time.

Talk to silly Zhu.

(End of this chapter)

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