Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 187 Li Xiuzhi foolishly plots in the middle of the night and points her sword at Yi Zhonghai

Chapter 187 Li Xiuzhi foolishly plots in the middle of the night and points her sword at Yi Zhonghai
Sha Zhu in order to show his sincerity of reconciliation.

The self-proclaimed one yelled more.

His sincerity.

Xu Damao received it.

But it also makes some people less happy.

For example, Yi Zhonghai, he was almost pissed off by Sha Zhu's apology.

The main reason is that the voice in Shazhu's apology, which misheard the words of the wicked villain, was like a loud slap in the face, slapping Yi Zhonghai hard on the face.

Everyone in the courtyard knows it.

Every time Xu Damao objected to Yi Zhonghai or did something against Yi Zhonghai's wishes, the thug Shazhu would act according to Yi Zhonghai's wishes to teach Xu Damao a lesson.

Yi Zhonghai, who was in Yi's house, knocked the big teacup of honor in his hand loudly.

But there was no other way.

Just now, when I saw Silly Zhu walking towards the backyard with meat dishes, I mistakenly thought that I was delivering food to the deaf old lady, but I didn't expect that I was drinking with Xu Damao.

Thinking of the reconciliation between Shazhu and Xu Damao.

Yi Zhonghai felt powerless from the bottom of his heart.


It's past nine o'clock in the evening.

Silly Zhu returned home with a bit of drunkenness.

The rain hadn't gone yet, and she stayed in the room to talk with Li Xiuzhi. When she saw that Sha Zhu came home drunk, a slight displeasure flashed across her face.

On the second day of the wedding, he left his new wife to drink with Xu Damao.

There is someone like you who is a husband.

"Brother, you still know how to go home! Check what time it is, and then look at you, your face is flushed from drinking, and you are not afraid of sister-in-law's disgust?"

"My daughter-in-law hates it, but I still have you as my own sister." Shazhu was in a good mood, and made a rare joke, "This is what your sister-in-law meant. I dare not not listen to your sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law, do you really mean it?" He Yushui who asked a question, thought of something, said "I want to go back to sleep", and ran away from Shazhu's house in a reckless manner.

She is fast.

Shazhu is faster.

He grabbed He Yushui's small arm, took out two sheets of unity from his pocket, and stuffed one into He Yushui's hand.

"Brother, why did you give me so much money?"

"Your sister-in-law asked me to give it to you, so that your sister-in-law won't say that I'm hiding money."

"Brother, sister-in-law gave me money."

He Yushui took out ten yuan from his pocket.

Shaking in front of Sha Zhu.

A show off.

Silly Zhu smiled embarrassedly.

I wanted to artificially help Li Xiuzhi create a good sister-in-law image in He Yushui's heart.

As a result, Li Xiuzhi did it by herself.

"Sister-in-law said this is the money you asked her to give me."

A bit of warmth flashed through Silly Zhu's heart.

My daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi is virtuous.

"Look at what you mean, if you don't want it anymore, then give it back to me."

"You are beautiful."

"Go back and rest!" Silly Zhu rubbed Yushui's head, "The future female champion of the old He family, by the way, when is the exam? When the time comes, I'll make you some delicious food, and I'm counting on you to stand out."

Casual tenderness.

It made He Yushui's heart ache.

Although her father ran away with the widow.

But she has a brother.

Now I have a good sister-in-law.

All of a sudden, I really wanted to cry, but considering that my sister-in-law was there, I was afraid of losing face, so Yu Shui could only put on a look of disgust and glared at Sha Zhu.

"I'm still touching my head when I'm so old, be careful if I'm so stupid that I won't be able to pass the university entrance exam."

Silly Zhu paused on the spot.

This scumbag girl.

Could it be that he knew that he would not be able to enter the university, so he prepared an excuse in advance.

He Yushui made a grimace, and walked away with a smile.

Li Xiuzhi, who was standing on the side, watched Shazhu and Yushui's brother-sister friendship scene, a little envy flashed in his eyes, and then he put these bad thoughts behind him.

She has a husband who loves her.

There is also an obedient sister-in-law.

"Boss, this is the hangover tea I made for you just now. The temperature is just right. You should drink it quickly."

Li Xiuzhi put a cup of tea in front of Shazhu.

Looking at the beautiful little daughter-in-law.

Silly Zhu kissed her and murmured something.

"Daughter-in-law, you are so kind. Meeting you is the greatest blessing in my life, and it is also the greatest blessing for Yushui, a girl. Before you met, I had various worries in my heart. No, what should I do? Here is the daughter-in-law, the person who has lived with you for the rest of my life, and there is the younger sister, who has the same father and the same mother, helped the daughter-in-law, and the younger sister was unhappy, and helped the younger sister. The daughter-in-law is angry."

"Meeting you is also my blessing."

Li Xiuzhi raised her head slightly, her coquettish look of refusal and welcome made Sha Zhu swallow her saliva dryly.

This little goblin who wants to kill people.

Not bad.


Definitely a sleepless night.

Three 10 minutes later.

Silly smoked a few cigarettes.

Suddenly thought of the matter of money, casually stubbed out the cigarette butt, and pulled Li Xiuzhi into the bed, the two of you looked at me and I looked at you and talked about the money.

Mainly it's what the idiot said.

Li Xiuzhi listened.

He recounted the speculation that he suspected that He Daqing sent him money by mail, but the money was deliberately withheld by Yi Zhonghai, and he also said his thoughts about writing a letter to ask He Daqing.

A kind of thinking that there is no date to hit three poles.


Talk about money.

No money.

All is well.

"He who is in charge cannot write letters."

Li Xiuzhi analyzed the reasons why she couldn't write the letter with certainty.

According to Shazhu's description just now, He Daqing followed the widow to Baocheng without warning, and even the son and daughter of Shazhu and Yushui learned about this from Yi Zhonghai, and it was Yi Zhonghai who suggested that Shazhu took Yushui to Baocheng to find He Daqing. Yi Zhonghai helped to open the letter of introduction, and Yi Zhonghai helped to buy the train ticket.

Li Xiuzhi always felt that there was a conspiracy in it.

Tiger poison does not eat children.

Shazhu is 16 years old.

grown up.

But Yushui is only six or seven years old.

No matter how ruthless a person is, it is impossible in that environment to leave a six or seven-year-old biological daughter to help other widows, once the rain hits the street.

If He Daqing makes trouble, he will end up being shot.

This matter can only be another story.

Li Xiuzhi told Shazhu about her guess.

Silly Zhu widened his eyes.

This daughter-in-law.

I really did not marry wrong.

It's almost a female version of Zhuge Liang.

Take the matter of Shazhu taking Yushui to Baocheng to find He Daqing back then, when to leave, when to go, and what means of transportation to take, all are under Yi Zhonghai's control. Zhu Lie's idea of ​​being a backup for the elderly is not going to make trouble for the White Widow, who was also recruited by Yi Zhonghai to seduce He Daqing.

No wonder Silly Zhu waited outside the door for a whole day with rain, but he didn't see He Daqing.

There is such an inside story in co-authoring.

If the speculation is true.

Sha Zhu wrote a letter to He Daqing asking if there was any mailing of the money. If the letter fell into the hands of He Daqing, it would be fine. Zhu sent the money by post, on the other hand, Yi Zhonghai was also prepared.

Let's learn about the allusion of scaring the snake.

"Then what should we do? Do you want to go there yourself?"


"You have to ask for leave to go to Baocheng. Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level worker."

"I'm married to you, so I have to go back to my mother's house anyway."

Isn't this his M just a trick of Mingxiu plank road to hide Chencang.

"Daughter-in-law, listen to you."

"I'll let the wind out tomorrow."


The next day.

early morning.

Silly Zhu washed his face.

Push the door and go out.

Seeing the lights in the next hut.

Busily knocked on the window with his hand.

"Rain, is it up?"

"Get up, brother, you're up too? Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

This sister was not raised in vain.

I know her brother is newly married.

She understood her brother's difficulties.

"I'm going to buy some breakfast, what would you like to eat?"

"I will eat whatever my sister-in-law eats?"

The door opened.

A cute girl full of youthfulness leaned out from the house, with an expression of what I can do.

so smart.

Knowing that Shazhu loves his wife, he simply enjoys it according to the standards of a silly wife.

"Your sister-in-law wants to eat tofu nao and deep-fried dough sticks. Let me buy you some big meat buns. You will need to rely on college for a while and need nutrition."

"I also want fried dough sticks and tofu nao."

"How many?"


"Wait for me for a few minutes, I'll be fine soon."

"Brother, should you tell our dad about your marriage?"

Silly Zhu standing in place.

He keenly felt that there were two knife-like gazes on the diagonally opposite side, and they landed precisely on his back.

Originally, I believed [-]% of Li Xiuzhi's speculation, but now I believe [-]% of it.

Yi Zhonghai has ghosts.

Unfortunately, He Daqing's departure and the appearance of the White Widow were all traps designed by Yi Zhonghai, and it is very likely that the deaf old lady also participated in it.

Worrying about the rain is young.

The one who didn't shut the door said it out.

So Silly Zhu could only use a cold tone, expressing to the rain that he and He Daqing had no contact with each other, and that his own father was dead.

"Yu Shui, our father died more than ten years ago, how can we tell him? When I go to the grave and burn paper for our mother, let her talk to Lao He in Qingming."

He changed his tune.

Warn He Yushui.

"Yu Shui, I also told you this. He didn't treat us as his sons and daughters. Why should we treat him as a father? When we went to him, he didn't even dare to show his face. Such a father, you have to admit Recognize it yourself, don't pull me, if I recognize him or you write to him about my marriage, I don't have a sister like you, do you understand?"

"I understand."

He Yushui said in a fit of anger.

Silly Zhu was a little unconcerned.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to face He Yushui, he blinked at He Yushui, and pouted at Yi's house diagonally across the street.

He Yushui is also a wonderful person.

Immediately understood.

Act on purpose.

"Why are you so fierce? I'm also thinking about you, otherwise what will my sister-in-law say?"

"I told your sister-in-law that her parents are my parents. As for that rotten person in our family, he will never mention his name for the rest of his life. When he comes back in the future and begs me to support him in the elderly, I will kick him away."


Diagonally opposite Yi Zhonghai who was about to go out to use the toilet.

A pair of gloomy eyes.

Looking at the silly column and the rain through the glass.

He opened his eyes wide, trying to see a clue from the expression on Yushui's face.

It's just Yushui's angry face.

The resentment towards He Daqing is manifested everywhere.

Coupled with the silly statement.

Inexplicably, Yi Zhonghai felt a little hearty, "If you don't give me old age, if you want to get out of my hands, I will never tell you about He Daqing postage money for the rest of my life."

Big Mom is not as bright as Yi Zhonghai.

Don't know why.

Her eyelids twitched violently.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai standing there without saying a word.

Sent a word of persuasion.

"Head of the family, why don't you give the money to Zhuzi and the others? Since Zhuzi just got married and there is still room for redemption, return the money to Zhuzi. I'm worried that something will happen."

"It's not like you don't know what silly Zhu's attitude towards us is. Last night he called Yi Zhonghai a despicable person. In this case, how can I return the money to him? As for the worries you mentioned, we are not afraid. Before, it could be excused by accumulating dowry for Shazhu, but now it can be excused by accumulating dowry for Yushui."

"Old Yi, don't be too horny. He Daqing ran away with the widow, not dead. If Sha Zhu ran to Baocheng and the two confronted each other face to face, the matter would be exposed."

"With the White Widow, things won't settle down." Yi Zhonghai thought of something, and told the first mother, "You have time to test Li Xiuzhi."


Rolling mill.

Qin Huairu didn't know if it was her own intention or some people's instruction, she suddenly found the second canteen.

"Zizi, can you take a step to speak?"

The little widow didn't care whether there were outsiders in the cafeteria.

Straight away.

Grabbing Silly Zhu's arm.

Say nothing and let go.

No wonder Qin Huairu is listed as the number one protagonist in "Bird Man".

so brave

Think about it too.

He is a widow.

Maybe it's still on the ring.

No wonder he was able to support three children, and also supported Jia Zhang's family in vain and fat.

Now is not the time to indulge in fantasies, Shazhu dare not give Widow Qin a chance to turn things around, and immediately wants to pull her hand out.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huairu seemed to have predicted Sha Zhu's actions, and grabbed Sha Zhu's arm tightly with both hands.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate.

Liu Lan, who had disliked Qin Huairu earlier, came out from the side like Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, raised her hand and slapped Qin Huairu twice.

The beating Qin Huairu stared at gold stars.

Silly Zhu took the opportunity to pull his hand out of Qin Huairu's claws.

"Qin Huairu, you are all women. I understand that you are a widow. I didn't want to say anything. Who knew that you were so shameless, and in public, you actually grabbed Master He's hand. Master He struggled a bit, and you even tried harder. What are you doing? Master He just got married. I heard from people in your courtyard that Master He's daughter-in-law is very virtuous. You are sincerely trying to destroy Master He's marriage. You are indeed Yi Zhonghai's apprentice. You ruined Master He's blind date, now you ruin Master He's marriage, Qin Huairu, let me ask you, are you wicked?"

The people in the cafeteria.

His face turned green.

It's not a word that lacks a string.

Instead, Qin Huairu's actions made her angry.

She's just a rolling mill widow.

I really thought I was a fairy.

"Qin Huairu, just say you should hit me or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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