Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 196 Yi Zhonghai, You Wrote the Application

Chapter 196 Yi Zhonghai, You Wrote the Application
Jia Zhang's remarriage application!
With just a few words, everyone at the scene of the commotion became idiots. They all stared at the person involved in the incident, and shouted a good guy in their hearts.

At first, I thought that what Liu Haizhong conveyed was Qin Huairu's application for remarriage, but I didn't expect that there was an oolong, it was not Qin Huairu's remarriage, but Jia Zhang's remarriage!
Yi Zhonghai narrowed his eyes and took a closer look.

I didn't understand it just now.

Seeing the five words in the application for remarriage, she immediately lost her mind and was worried from all sides.

This time.

He took a special look at the name in front of him.

That's right.

The words Zhang Cuihua, the widow of the Jia family, were clearly written on it.

Jia Zhang's real name is Zhang Cuihua.

There is only one family surnamed Jia in the courtyard, and there is no one else except Jia Zhang.

Yi Zhonghai's heart.


From the panic at the beginning, it turned into a mild surprise. For Qin Huairu, Jia Zhang's remarriage was a matter of no harm.

Without Jia Zhang's lazy, evil mother-in-law, Qin Huairu's life will be much easier in the future.

As the steward of the courtyard house.

Yi Zhonghai is happy to see Jia Zhang's remarriage happen. As for who helped Jia Zhang write the widow's remarriage application, it is not important anymore. The important thing is that Qin Huairu can use this excuse to get Jia Zhang Shi was thrown out, and he gave Qin Huairu a look.

Because Jia Zhang's mind was full of bloody things like his own remarriage, his heart was in a mess, and he no longer had the mind to follow Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu's petty actions.

So I didn't see Yi Zhonghai winking at Qin Huairu.

Li Xiuzhi, who was standing in front of Shazhu, saw it clearly. She touched Shazhu with her hand, and said in a low voice, "Boss, the relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu is not normal. Just now, Yi Zhonghai gave Qin Huairu winks." Come on, hey, you said this application, did they make it out behind Jia Zhang's back?"

Li Xiuzhi's question.

Silly Zhu couldn't give a specific answer.

However, if it is based on the fact that the person who gains the most benefit from a matter is often the biggest black hand behind the matter to analyze and demonstrate, Jia Zhang's remarriage is beneficial to Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai, and it is possible that they did it, but again When you think about it, it's kind of immoral.

Jia Zhang is in his early fifties, and has been a widow since Jia Dongxu was eight years old.

It's time for a remarriage.

Pure nonsense.

Don't say that Mrs. Jia Zhang doesn't want to remarry. Even if she has the intention to remarry, she will remarry in the year Jia Dongxu got married. If she remarries at this age, she is rushing to be buried with the next man.

Sha Zhu couldn't help thinking of the content of the script in his mind.

Yi Zhonghai took care of Qin Huairu's rice flour incident late at night, and Jia Zhang's faced Yi Zhonghai's steamed steamed bread from white flour, and kept saying that the steamed buns were dirty, but he didn't dislike the food sent by Shazhu, and Qin Huairu went out late at night, Jia Zhang's The first time is to lie on the glass and peek.

Could it be that Yi Zhonghai really has a close relationship with Qin Huairu that outsiders don't know about!

Just like the relationship between Liu Lan and Deputy Director Li.

Things without evidence.

Don't talk nonsense, it is very likely that the other party will bite back.

Silly Zhu reminded Li Xiuzhi.

"Daughter-in-law, don't talk nonsense."

"I know."

"Silly Zhu, silly Zhu's daughter-in-law, what are you two whispering?"

people's eyes.

It gathered on the silly couple.

This includes the eyes of Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

Feeling everyone's attention, Shazhu patted Li Xiuzhi's little hand with his hand, and gave the other party a comfort from me, then raised his voice, and said to everyone: "My wife Xiuzhi said, whoever is wicked is going to replace Aunt Jia?" Wrote a widow's application for remarriage."

"Zhuzi, you're saying this application wasn't written by Grandma Stick?"

"Grandpa, thanks to the fact that you are still in charge of our courtyard, how many years has Aunt Jia been guarding? How old is she this year? Not everyone is a white widow who can do things to seduce my cruel father who abandoned his son and daughter. .”

It's killing two birds with one stone.

There is the meaning of testing Yi Zhonghai.

Li Xiuzhi told Sha Zhu that the White Widow is most likely Yi Zhonghai or the deaf old lady who came to seduce He Daqing's accomplice, He Daqing is here, how can Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady plot against Sha Zhu?Only when He Daqing is gone, the hypocrite and the ancestors of the compound can list Shazhu as a backup for their plans.

He deliberately mentioned the name of the White Widow.

as predicted.

When Shazhu said the words "White Widow", Yi Zhonghai's face was slightly nervous, as if he knew the answer he wanted.


Jia Zhang is here, and Jia Zhang is the shackles that bind Qin Huairu. When Jia Zhang is remarried, Qin Huairu who loses the shackles is like a runaway wild horse. In addition, there is a hypocrite Yi Zhonghai standing behind him. Columns are not very favorable.

An enemy's enemy is one's friend.

In the matter of Qin Huairu's remarriage, Sha Zhu and Jia Zhang are allies.

Speak up to help.

"Whether Aunt Jia treats Uncle Jia well, I don't know, and we don't remember anything, but the older neighbors in the courtyard know, I still say that, if Aunt Jia wants to remarry, she should remarry a long time ago, and she won't delay until now, for sure Someone is plotting against Aunt Jia, it is wicked, let an old lady in her early fifties remarry, be careful not to have a son."

"Since it wasn't written by Jia Zhang, who wrote it for Jia Zhang?"

Liu Haizhong dangled the remarriage application form in his hand.

He was worried that he would not be able to complete the task assigned by Clerk Wang.

"If you can't do it, report it to the police. I heard that you can check the handwriting."

"No, this will affect the reputation of our courtyard."

"Master, does our courtyard still have a reputation?"

"The courtyard's reputation is gone, so we should cherish it all the more. There can't be a scandal about someone forcing the widow to remarry in the courtyard, right? Then how will the young people in our courtyard marry a wife? How will the little girl marry?"

Yi Zhonghai's words.

It aroused the resonance of several neighbors.

Bad reputation.

I really can't marry a good wife.

Seeing someone agreeing with him, Yi Zhonghai's face flashed a bit, and he said in a tone of thinking about Jia Zhang: "It doesn't matter who wrote the application for Grandma Banggen. The important thing is how we do it." To deal with this matter, the streets now promote the remarriage of widows, and if they do not agree or obstruct the remarriage of widows, they are turning back the wheel of history. I think all the neighbors know this truth, and Grandma should also know it. Think about yourself, think about them In the future, when I grow up and look for a job, I will be censored, and I will find that the sticky grandma is playing on the street and not performing the tasks issued by the street."

Jia Zhang's people are numb.

She is not stupid.

He heard the meaning of persecution in Yi Zhonghai's words.

If you want a good future, you'd better get married first.

My heart is full of bitterness.

I feel sorry for the stick, and I don't want to delay the future of the stick.

It's just that she remarried, and Jia Zhang couldn't wipe her face away. What Sha Zhu said was right, she had been a widow for more than 20 years, and she suddenly remarried.

"My lord, what you said is wrong. The remarriage of widows in the street refers to widows like Qin Huairu who can have children, who are powerful in numbers, not widows like Aunt Jia who are about to enter the coffin."

"Huairu, what do you mean?" Yi Zhonghai, who saw through Shazhu's mind, simply did not talk to Shazhu, and asked Qin Huairu what he meant, "Grandma Stick is your mother-in-law."

"My mother-in-law has been a widow all her life, and she has also suffered all her life. I wanted her to enjoy a happy life, but I didn't expect Dongxu to walk in front. The white-haired man sent the black-haired man. Although I entered the rolling mill, I didn't Culture, my uncle told me yesterday that I should improve my skills as much as possible. My mother-in-law followed me and suffered. If she wants to pursue her own happiness, as a daughter-in-law, I agree with my mother-in-law to remarry. As for my mother-in-law After the remarriage, I, the mother, take full responsibility for the eating and drinking of the sticks, and if the salary is raised, I will give my mother-in-law one or two yuan every month."

The words of the tea in the Qin Huai Ru tea.

This made Jia Zhang anxious.

Qin Huairu left her alone.

This is not forcing her to die.

I wanted to refute a few words, but Qin Huairu's words covered all aspects, and occupied the character of filial piety, let Jia Zhang pursue his own happiness, and gave Jia Zhang pension money, what did Jia Zhang say? In the end, he didn't say anything, and could only look at Sha Zhu pitifully with eyes that begged for help.

"Aunt Jia, let me ask you, did you really write this application?"

"I am so old, who wants me? If I remarry, where will I put my old face?"


Yi Zhonghai, who didn't want to cause trouble, shouted.

There is a bit of reprimand in the words.

Silly sneered.

"My uncle is so powerful. As a member of the courtyard, don't I even have the right to speak?"

"Who stopped you from talking? This is to prevent you from making mistakes. If you don't let grandma stick to remarry, you are turning back the wheel of history."

"Grandpa, our head of the family just raised a question, and you gave us the head of the house as a reverser of history. The way you, the head of the family, is too domineering."

She really deserves to be Shazhu's good daughter-in-law.

Yi Zhonghai dismisses Sha Zhu as a historical reverser.

Li Xiuzhi accused Yi Zhonghai of being a patriarch.

"Silly daughter-in-law, what nonsense are you talking about? Why am I the head of the family? You just married into our courtyard, so you don't have the right to speak."

"Yi Zhonghai, did you give me a face? You can bully me, but you can't bully my wife. If you talk to my wife like that again, be careful that I will beat you."


"You can't call me father, Aunt Jia's matter, obviously someone is plotting against Aunt Jia."

"Who plotted against her? If she doesn't tell anyone that she wants to remarry, can they write the remarriage application for her?"

"Yi Zhonghai, when did you become so arbitrary? Let the neighbors see, the expression on Aunt Jia's face is that she is willing to remarry?"

A funny scene appeared.

Because Shazhu married Li Xiuzhi, Jia Zhang, who threatened to have no relationship with Shazhu and scolded Shazhu many times behind his back, now looks at Shazhu pitifully.

He looked like he was using Silly Zhu as a backer.

It really makes people feel a little sad.

"Yi Zhonghai, the second uncle, the third uncle, neighbors, it's not me, He Yuzhu, who is trying to stop Aunt Jia from remarrying, and it's not that I'm turning back the wheel of history to stop this widow's remarriage. Something isn't right about it."

Silly Zhu suddenly felt that the remarriage letter was most likely written by Yi Zhonghai behind Jia Zhang's back.

The response of the hypocrite is so abnormal.

After looking around at the crowd, Sha Zhu expressed his doubts about this matter.

"Think about it, think about it carefully, at this time, Aunt Jia's remarriage, what good is it for her? Apart from being poked in the back and scolded as shameless, what good things can there be? Someone wrote a remarriage for Aunt Jia The application letter, and our uncle in charge, didn't ask indiscriminately, and didn't investigate who wrote the application letter, just discussed with Qin Huairu to remarry Aunt Jia, and threatened Aunt Jia with a sticky future."

Stupid accusation.

Of course Yi Zhonghai didn't admit it.

He retorted: "Zhuzi, who threatened Grandma Banggen? What I said was the truth. After the remarriage letter was given to our compound, we must give an explanation. Grandma Banggen's remarriage is not a bad thing. It is to pursue her own happiness. .”

"I didn't say it was a bad thing. What I meant was to find out who wrote the application. Aunt Jia really asked someone to write it. We support it. This is a good thing."

Silly took a breath.

Also accentuated.

"If Aunt Jia asked someone to write a remarriage letter, but someone wanted to remarry Aunt Jia and deliberately wrote a remarriage letter behind Aunt Jia's back, the situation would not be so bad. He can write an application to Aunt Jia behind his back today. The old man asked Aunt Jia to remarry under the banner of being good for Aunt Jia. Tomorrow, that bastard wrote the divorce petitions for the first, second, and third mothers. Do the three aunts really want a divorce? In the words of the elder Come on, we're going to give the street an explanation!"

"Silly Zhu, what are you talking nonsense about?"

"Third Master, I'm just explaining a fact. Aunt Jia remarried today because of the remarriage letter. The uncle wrote the remarriage letter for Qin Huairu behind Qin Huairu's back at night. Does Qin Huairu have to remarry too?" Silly Zhuyu said earnestly: "If that bastard thinks there are benefits to be gained, and writes Qin Huairu and my application, will I divorce my wife Xiuzhi and help Qin Huairu? In the name of the uncle, I wrote an application letter with Qin Huairu, is the uncle going to divorce the big mother and marry Qin Huairu?"

"Zhu Zi, aren't you being arguing?"

"It's not that I'm arguing, but I feel that this person must be found." Silly Zhu stared at Yi Zhonghai, "Master, you are so eager to get Aunt Jia to remarry, this application will not be written by you right?"

The atmosphere of the scene.

Accompanied by a silly question.

It fell into silence again.

Many people were staring at Yi Zhonghai.

Think about those silly words.

It seems that there is really something about Yi Zhonghai.

Just like countless junk.

Didn't follow the good intentions at all.

"He Yuzhu."

Yi Zhonghai broke his defense.

He who always called Zhu Zi called him Sha Zhu's full name for the first time.

"Grandpa, are you in a hurry? Or did I just get caught up in what I said?"

(End of this chapter)

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