Chapter 197

Sha Zhu was not the only one who thought that Yi Zhonghai had written Jia Zhang's remarriage application behind Jia Zhang's back, and the neighbors present were beginning to suspect that it was Yi Zhonghai's fault.

The main reason is that the remarriage incident is too unbelievable.

Remarrying Qin Huairu can still explain the past.

For an old widow who has been widowed for more than 20 years and is over [-] to remarry, everyone present could not accept it.

What's more, what Shazhu said is reasonable, that guy can write the remarriage application for Jia Zhang behind Jia Zhang's back, or he can write for them behind his back.

At that time, the courtyard will definitely end in chaos.

The doorway inside must be smoothed out.

The atmosphere at the scene instantly turned into a situation where the neighbors were fighting against Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

Jia Zhang, who was already ready to remarry, saw the neighbors filled with righteous indignation and wanted to stand up for him, and a little warmth flashed in his heart.

Nothing was said.

Bang Bang Bang knelt down in front of the neighbors and kowtowed three times to the neighbors.

Silly Zhu pursed his lips, and suddenly thought of the scene when Mrs. Jia and Zhang knelt down to Yi Zhonghai.

Deliberately said: "Grandpa, when Jia Dongxu had an accident, you kept saying that you wanted to take care of the Jia family. The way you took care of the Jia family was to remarry Aunt Jia first, and then let Qin Huairu take the children to remarry." go out."

"He Yuzhu, don't spitting blood, can I, I, Yi Zhonghai, be like that?"

"I know who you are, Yi Zhonghai, and the neighbors also know, why don't we go to the factory tomorrow to ask and listen to what the workers have to say?"


Yi Zhonghai had a pale face.

Staring at Silly Zhu.

The heart became more and more desolate.

As far as Sha Zhu's attitude towards him, not to mention begging Sha Zhu to take care of him, even if Sha Zhu took the initiative to provide for him, Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to agree casually.

He felt that the silly Zhu had changed, he was no longer the silly Zhu who obeyed him.

Facing Yi Zhonghai's furious cheek, Sha Zhu confronted him tit for tat: "Is it a guilty conscience? Don't make yourself so tall as you say, you are not worthy of Yi Zhonghai."

Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu's top bulls made Liu Haizhong feel uncomfortable. Official fans looked at Yi Zhonghai and then at Shazhu, hesitating whether they should also participate.

The arrival of Shenren Quegenxian immediately pushed the atmosphere of the courtyard to a new climax inexplicably.

Seeing Que Genxian who suddenly came to the courtyard, Shazhu was confused, and the neighbors were also puzzled, and all of them focused their eyes on Que Genxian.

The main reason is that today’s lack of root strings gives people a different meaning, a bit like that person looks like a dog. He wears black leather shoes on his feet, black trousers on his legs, a dusty gray coat on his top, and a belt on his head. Wearing a forward hat, neat and tidy, it is really completely different from the slovenly missing string in the second cafeteria in the past.

There was also a box of snacks in his hand.

Shun Xin Ju dim sum.

In the courtyard, the only person who has had a deep relationship with Que Genxian is Sha Zhu.

Could it be that he came to see Shazhu.

The key is that this is not a year or a festival.

"Looking for me?" Sha Zhu pointed to himself, and asked Que Genxian: "Are you here to find me?"

He was wrong.

I also want to be worse.

Quegenxian didn't come here to find Shazhu, he came here for Qin Huairu. A few days ago, in the second canteen, Liu Lan did the ideological work of Quegenxian, saying that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu lost the heart of Silly Zhu Immortal, never forgetting to break up Sha Zhu and Li Xiuzhi, let Sha Zhu marry Qin Huairu, and bluntly said that they are Sha Zhu's workers in the second canteen, and they are also Sha Zhu's only reliance in the rolling mill, and they want to help Sha Zhu solve this big problem .

How to solve?

Que Genxian is 24 and five years old. Due to various conditions, he has not married a wife so far. When Yi Zhonghai matched Qin Huairu and Shazhu, Que Genxian strongly supported Shazhu marrying Qin Huairu. The reason given was that Shazhu married Qin Huairu. Having Qin Huairu is equivalent to being in place in one step. Having a son named Daddy and a daughter named Daddy, you don't have to be like some people. After working so hard, you have to wait ten months before you can see your child. It took about ten months to hear the child call him daddy, and bluntly said it was a good thing.

Liu Lan meant that Sha Zhu married Li Xiuzhi, and Qin Huairu was an uncertain factor in the marriage of Sha Zhu and his wife. As Sha Zhu's colleagues, they had to help Sha Zhu.

how to help.

There is an ethical issue involved here.

According to Liu Lan's wishes, Que Genxian was asked to marry Qin Huairu directly. Anyway, Que Genxian wanted to do it in one step, which not only eliminated the hidden danger of Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu's calculation of the silly marriage, but also realized Que Genxian's marriage within a day. The great long-cherished wish of having a son and a daughter calling him daddy.

I have to admire Liu Lan's eloquence.

There are also factors that the lack of strings is considered by Shazhu.

That's why today's scene of missing Genxian and righteously marrying Qin Huairu to save Shazhu came into being.

The missing string comes to the door.

Just one meaning.

Marry Qin Huairu.

Originally, Que Genxian didn't want to come to Qin Huairu's house to propose marriage in person, but Liu Lan couldn't hold back Liu Lan's persuasion, saying that this matter should be done sooner rather than later, that he should get married one day earlier, and live the life of a wife and children with both children. Then came to the courtyard with snacks.

I looked at those people in the courtyard.

Que Genxian laughed.

"What's wrong with you? Do you know that I'm going to kick the door of your courtyard today, and you all came out first? Thank you!"

Liu Haizhong knew Quegenxian, knew that Quegenxian was Qiedun from the second canteen, and mistakenly thought that he was looking for Shazhu, so he pointed in the direction where Shazhu was.

"Where is the idiot?"

"Master Liu, you think too much, and you think too much. I didn't come to see Master He."

Don't look for silly pillars.

Who are you looking for?

Are you looking for me?

Liu Haizhong began to think wildly, mainly because of the dim sum in Que Genxian's hand, which gave him the most imagination.

Others have pretty much the same idea.

"I'm here specifically to find Qin Huairu."

Hearing that the missing string burst out the answer.

Qin Huairu suddenly felt a little dizzy, she didn't know Que Genxian, but she heard that there was a person with a lack of IQ in the second canteen, whose name was Que Genxian.

find yourself.


His eyes fell on Que Genxian's body.

There was a bad feeling in my heart.

The lack of root strings should not be doing this stupid thing that is nothing but brains, right?
"I'm Qin Huairu's mother-in-law Jia Zhang, why are you looking for my daughter-in-law?"

Sensing a hint of crisis, the Jiazhang family no longer had the pity of being forced to remarry just now, and once again assumed the posture of the headed mother-in-law.

Qin Huairu is the support of the Jia family.

Without Qin Huairu.

Who will Jia Zhang eat?


A fucking cry.

Immediately let the neighbors in the courtyard fry the pot instantly.

A stranger came and shouted at Jia Zhang's mother without saying a word. The problem was that this person was an employee of a rolling mill, and they started to think about it wildly.

Silly Zhu was also included here, he stared straight at Que Genxian who called Jia Zhang's mother, and thought to himself, could Que Genxian be the child that Jia Zhang had left out.

The problem is that the script of "Qi Man" did not explain that Jia Zhang's family has a son besides Jia Dongxu.

If the script is correct, how to explain the lack of strings called mother behavior.

"Quiet root string, are you the son of Jia Zhang?"

"I am not Jia Zhang's son."

"Then why do you call Jia Zhang's mother?"

"You used to say that I was stupid, but I don't think you are very smart. Why should I call Jia Zhang's mother? I married Qin Huairu, so I can't call Jia Zhang's mother?"

The truth is out.

Co-author Que Genxian is not Jia Zhang's missing son, he is here to propose marriage to Qin Huairu, no wonder he is dressed like a dog, and he also offers Shunxinju snacks.

and many more.

this thing.

Why is something wrong?
Que Genxian probably doesn't know Qin Huairu, nor has he met Qin Huairu, so his behavior of proposing marriage to Qin Huairu is very evocative.

The widow Qin Huairu is so hot!
Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui looked at each other, and they both thought of one thing in unison, that is, the arrival of Quegenxian seems to make the situation worse.

Because the document in Liu Haizhong's hand was Jia Zhang's remarriage application, not Qin Huairu's application.

The mother-in-law was written an application, and the widowed daughter-in-law took the opportunity to remarry.

spread out.

It seems that the people in their compound are not very good.

Yan Jiecheng, Yan Jiekuang, Liu Guangtian, and Liu Guangfu will reach the age of marriage in a few years, with a beast courtyard hat on their heads, can any girl marry into a courtyard.

Should not come.

It shouldn't have come.

How can this be good?

Thinking room.

I heard Jia Zhang's questioning voice with anger.

"Who is that, what did you just say, that you came to ask Qin Huairu to propose marriage?"

"Mom, I'm not that who, my name is Que Genxian."

Not to mention missing strings.

Even if there is no shortage of strings, he will be angry.

good end.

Someone confessed his love to her daughter-in-law, don't you know that this is the support of my Jia family.

"I don't care if your name is Que Genxian or not, I'll just ask you, why did you think of proposing marriage to my daughter-in-law? My son has only been away for half a year."

experienced what just happened.

Jia Zhang also knew that she could not prevent Qin Huairu from remarrying.

A hat that turns history backwards.

She can't bear it.

So he could only use the excuse that his son had just died, to delay Qin Huairu's remarriage as much as possible, and try to delay it until Qin Huairu's old age faded away, until the sticks and the others grew up. At that time, they wanted to remarry , There is no chance.

"Mom, I didn't mean you, you, calm down, I don't ask Qin Huairu to propose marriage, why do I come here without rest on big Sundays?" He answered with a chord in his throat, suddenly reacted, and asked Jia Zhang's words in his words were just output, "Mom, I know what you are worried about, but I married Qin Huairu and ignored you. You can rest assured about this as much as possible. I am not the kind of stingy person. You can marry Qin Huairu together."

Get married together.

It's really a word of tiger and wolf.

"Missing a string."

"Yes, yes, you can just call me missing a string, that's what people in the rolling mill call me."

"I am Qin Huairu's mother-in-law"

"I know that you are Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, that's why I want you to marry Qin Huairu together. I will follow Qin Huairu and call you mother, serve you food and drink, and serve you away. Listen to what you mean, you don't want to follow Qin Huairu It's okay if you marry together, but at the worst, I'll ask Master He to bring you some food every day, just to make sure you don't lack mouths."

Count on Shazhu to bring her food.

What's the difference between this and not saying?
Yi Zhonghai told Shazhu to bring food to Jia's family, but Shazhu didn't bother to pay attention, and even cheated Jia's family with a lunch box.

"I'm not unwilling."

Jia Zhang also wanted to understand.

He had no way to prevent Qin Huairu from remarrying, so he could only suppress Qin Huairu in the name of righteousness, and then let his old age live better.

Que Genxian seems to have been kicked in the head by a donkey. The key point is that what he said is nice. You can marry Qin Huairu together, which shows that this person intends to help her take care of her old age.

Then he also had the idea of ​​borrowing the donkey from the slope.

After Jia Dongxu's death, Jia Zhang's pension depended on Qin Huairu, since remarriage was inevitable, why not let Qin Huairu marry someone who would provide for her.

It's just that what she said made Yi Zhonghai completely dumbfounded. The hypocrite did not realize that he had become an accidental spoiler after all his calculations.

In front of the neighbors, he not only called Jia Zhang's mother, but also said that after marrying Qin Huairu, he would provide for Jia Zhang's old age.

Jia Zhang's old age has something to rely on.

What should I do, Yi Zhonghai?
Qin Huairu is my daughter, he dare not say this, and he can't say it, he can only stare at Que Genxian bitterly, hoping that Qin Huairu can say no.

You can't continue to rely on silly pillars for the elderly, can you?

As for Shazhu's violent temper, he has already beaten Yi Zhonghai twice.

Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to count on Shazhu to give him old age. The purpose of scheming Shazhu before was to brainwash Shazhu, so that the gene of respecting the elderly was engraved in his bones. On the premise of respecting the elderly, Yi Zhonghai Elder care is Yi Zhonghai's final decision, what to eat, what to drink, and how to live are Yi Zhonghai's foolish things.

Silly Zhu has already married a wife, can he still listen to Yi Zhonghai's words? It is estimated that Sha Zhu will randomly scoop up a bowl of gruel and put it on Yi Zhonghai's bedside, as if you Yi Zhonghai likes to eat or not .

This kind of pension is equivalent to Yi Zhonghai being manipulated by Sha Zhu.

Yi Zhonghai didn't want his old age to be so miserable. He pinned his hope of retirement on Qin Huairu. Knowing that Shazhu got married, he wanted Shazhu to marry Qin Huairu because of a kindness To Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu is Yi Zhonghai's hope for retirement.

You can't just marry Quegenxian rashly.

The scene in front of you.

Jia Zhang is happy.

Yi Zhonghai was worried.

When Sha Zhu bluntly said that Yi Zhonghai wrote the remarriage application for Jia Zhang, faced with Jia Zhang's proposal to marry Qin Huairu, what did he say, did he disagree?
Whether to listen or not is another matter.

In this way, it seemed that Yi Zhonghai had become a villain, and he had imperceptibly confirmed Yi Zhonghai's accusation of writing the remarriage letter for Jia Zhang. Yi Zhonghai would have no way out in the courtyard and would be isolated by everyone.

All day long to recite words.

Unlucky things are one after another.

The issue of Jia Zhang's application for remarriage has not yet been resolved, and there is another lack of string in the courtyard who wants to marry Qin Huairu.

Look at the expression on Que Genxian's face.

It's clearly not like lying.

How to do?
What should I do?
Silly Zhu does not provide for the elderly, and Qin Huairu will also be married away by Quegenxian. What will I, Yi Zhonghai, do?

(End of this chapter)

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