Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 198 Qin Huairu: I am not worthy of your lack of strings

Chapter 198 Qin Huairu: I am not worthy of your lack of strings
Jia Zhang who had a panoramic view of Yi Zhonghai's face.

I secretly cried out a few times in my heart.

The account just now.

Haven't settled with Yi Zhonghai yet.

Unscrupulous stuff.

I want to remarry my Jiazhang family, and then you and Qin Huairu will have a fair and honest affair in the courtyard, and I will call you eight generations of ancestors.


I don't want to make it easier for me, and I don't want it for you either.

Inexplicably, Jia Zhang launched a ruthless attack.

"Quiet root string." Jia Zhang suddenly felt that the name was not very good, so he quickly changed his tone and changed it to Xiao Que, "Xiao Que, my wife will decide this matter for Huairu for our family. Now, you just need to treat our family Huairu well, treat our three children well, and then give my wife a pension, my wife has agreed to this marriage."

Jia Zhang just wanted to give Yi Zhonghai eye drops, because he wanted to see Yi Zhonghai be angry but take her as if Jia Zhang couldn't do anything about it.

You, Yi Zhonghai, want Qin Huairu to take care of you for the elderly.

I bother.

She deliberately glanced at Yi Zhonghai provocatively.

Yi Zhonghai, who received Jia Zhang's wink, complained in his heart, his mother-in-law agreed to remarry, so what can you say, Yi Zhonghai, as an outsider?

Want to say but don't know what to say.

Let the neighbors around you get hooked.

It must be Yi Zhonghai's uneasiness that indirectly reminded Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu accidentally said a word about not getting married.

"Comrade Que Genxian, thank you for looking at me Qin Huairu, but I can't agree to your marriage proposal. My mother-in-law is my mother-in-law, and I am me. I don't want my three children to marry and suffer."

I heard Qin Huairu say so.

Yi Zhonghai grinned with a mouth full of big yellow teeth.

Twisted melons are not sweet.

If Qin Huairu doesn't remarry, you, Jia Zhang, can't force Qin Huairu to remarry, right?

It was he who introduced Qin Huairu to Jia Dongxu as his daughter-in-law at the beginning, how could he not know what kind of character Qin Huairu is, he is a good-looking licking dog in his bones.

Longing for the kind of Prince Charming marriage.

Marrying Jia Dongxu in the past, on the one hand, Yi Zhonghai did Qin Huairu's ideological work, and Yi Zhonghai instilled certain ideas in Qin Huairu time and time again, saying that you, Qin Huairu, are such a beautiful girl, you can't stay in the village forever Farming every day, he had to go to the city to eat commercial food. He said that the young people in the city liked pretty girls like Qin Huairu, which gave Qin Huairu the idea of ​​going to the city to eat commercial food.On the other hand, Jia Dongxu's appearance, bright eyebrows and big eyes, can be regarded as a handsome young man, with a very healthy body.

As the name suggests, Quegenxian was kicked in the head by a donkey, otherwise he would not have courted Qin Huairu in public.

No matter how bastard a person is, he has to entrust a matchmaker to do such a thing.

In addition, Quegenxian's appearance is far worse than that of Jia Dongxu, not even Shazhu, so Qin Huairu doesn't like him at all.

In this situation.

Talking about marrying Qin Huairu is simply a daydream.

Yi Zhonghai suddenly felt that he had made a mistake just now, he shouldn't have shown such an obvious tell, he should sit firmly on the Diaoyutai instead of being seen through by the neighbors.


"Huairu, don't be confused. I'm your mother-in-law, what else can I do to you? You are a single woman, raising three children and me. If you are weak, people don't dislike us. We can't be sorry for this. Mind."

The Jia Zhang family who was fighting against Yi Zhonghai.

Use Qin Huairu as a weight to fight against the two of them.

attacking each other.

You are not allowed to marry.

I prefer to marry.

Qin Huairu's heart instantly rose to her throat, and she instinctively felt that Jia Zhang didn't hold back her fart. She really thought she didn't know who Jia Zhang was?
After Jia Dongxu's death, he did Qin Huairu's ideological work every day, saying that women should stick to each other and not remarry, that remarriage would be poked in the back by the neighbors, and that Qin Huairu would be buried with Dongxu of their family in the future.

Now she repeatedly asks Qin Huairu to remarry Que Genxian. She really thinks that Qin Huairu doesn't know what Jia Zhang's plan is.

This is a competition with Yi Zhonghai.

She didn't regard herself as the daughter-in-law of the Jia family at all.

I felt a little unhappy in my heart.

Although Jia Zhang told Qin Huairu again and again that Yi Zhonghai was kind to Qin Huairu, he had no good intentions, and wanted Qin Huairu to give her a child and continue the incense of Yi's family.

But after being in contact with Yi Zhonghai for such a long time, Qin Huairu clearly knows that Yi Zhonghai doesn't have that kind of thought about her, and there is no such kind of greed in the eyes of men and women. The eyes of pure elders looking at juniors, sometimes Yi Zhonghai treats her well. Her exhortations are the kind of father's exhortations to daughters, Qin Huairu thought that Yi Zhonghai had no children, and regarded her as a daughter who was not a daughter.

There was a subconscious comparison in my heart, thinking that Jia Zhang's treatment of her was far worse than Yi Zhonghai's.

Facing missing strings.

Qin Huairu stood on Yi Zhonghai's side. Although she knew that Jia Zhang was a master who could do anything, she still felt that Yi Zhonghai would not harm her.

"Mom, I'm already in the ring, how can I marry someone who has no roots? You said that I am a widow and already have three children. I don't care whether I live with a partner or not. I can't give birth to children. Give birth to children with others, and they will not regard them as their own children."

Jia Zhang was dumbfounded.

He stared blankly at Qin Huairu who had a halo of justice on his face.

My mind went blank.

How did Qin Huairu tell the truth?

The widow goes to the ring.

Nothing has become something.

Originally, he wanted Qin Huairu to marry Que Genxian, so that Que Genxian would become extinct, so Que Genxian's job, house and money were all named Jia.

Qin Huairu's big truth from Shanghuan not only shattered Jia Zhang's hope of sucking blood, but also caused Jia Zhang's society to die on the spot. After all, it is wrong for you to arrange for the widow and daughter-in-law of Shanghuan to marry.

One high and one low.

The lower one is naturally Jia Zhang.

The onlookers all looked at Jia Zhang with ridicule.

The tallest one is naturally Qin Huairu.

This kind of calm way of being able to tell the secret of her Shanghuan deserves a thumbs up from the neighbors to Qin Huairu, she really is a heroine.

"Shanghuan is Shanghuan, I don't care." Que Genxian said without thinking that he was not afraid of Qin Huairu's words coming out, and slapped his skinny chest loudly, "Aren't you Knowing who I am, I just want to do it in one step. If you marry me, you won’t have children if you don’t have children. You are afraid of trouble, and I am also afraid of trouble. Within one day, you will have a son called Dad and a daughter called Dad , isn't that a good thing."

Yi Zhonghai wants to cry but has no tears.

Niang Xipi's.

It's really not the wrong name.

Que Genxian really has no brains. Does he have the brains to say such words that make his father jump out of the coffin in anger?

Qin Huairu was also dumbfounded.

is this man?
There are three types of unfilial piety: having no offspring is the greatest.

You are such a weakling.

"I've finished opening the letter of introduction. Are you going to discuss the certificate with me now, or later, don't be too late, or you won't be able to go to bed at night."

Just finished a few words after going to bed, the following words were still circling in his mouth, and he was hit headlong by a small figure when he was missing a string.

It's a stick.

You bastard, you rob me of my mother.

Blind your dog's eyes, you don't even ask me what my stick is doing, you want me to call you father, give up your heart, I don't agree with this marriage.

See the stick came forward and knocked down the missing string.

The happiest person is Yi Zhonghai.

A pair of benevolent eyes, just looking at the stick.

It is said that the nephew is a dog, and he will leave after eating, but it is really useful at critical moments.

"Bang, how can you bump into people casually?"

"Who told him to marry my mother? I don't want him to be my father, so I put the words aside. If he marries my mother, I will run away from home."

Sticks are Jia Zhang's heart and soul.

Seeing that Bang Geng is so opposed to Qin Huairu marrying Que Genxian, Jia Zhang doesn't dare to use this matter to provoke Bang Geng anymore, and she is also worried that Bang Geng will really run away from home.

Mrs. Jia Zhang rushes up blusteringly, and when he reaches the stick, he observes the stick intently. Don't hit my eldest grandson with the collision just now.

Unlucky enough to miss a string, it was Shazhu who pulled him up from the ground.

I thought things would end here.

Unexpectedly, Que Genxian had already made this mental preparation for self-sacrifice in order to save the marriage of Shazhu and his wife.

He patted the dust off his body with his hands, and said to Banggen, "Banggen, you don't have to call me daddy, but I still want to marry your mother. Your mother is a widow who feeds you three children. And your grandma, although she joined the rolling mill, it is still unknown when she will become a full-time employee. I am now a Qiedun in the second cafeteria, with a salary of 27 yuan a month. I will marry your mother, and you can call me brother. As long as we are a family, we can do anything."

Neighbors around.

People are numb.

At this level, Que Genxian is still obsessed with marrying Qin Huairu, this dedication is amazing.

real man.

Qin Huairu is also full of flavors.

Looking at Que Genxian, he refused again: "Comrade Que Genxian, I still say the same thing. I am very grateful that you have this heart for me, but I still can't promise you. As the old saying goes, there are three kinds of unfilial piety. Later, I was in the ring. Not only did you not dislike it, but you also said that you would raise them as your children, which shows that you are a very good person. Because you are so good, I don’t want you to be short of a home. Excuse me, I'm sorry, but you can definitely find a girl who is a hundred times better than me as your wife."

Silly Zhu repeatedly called several good guys.

Qin Huairu in front of me, although she hasn't evolved into the moral and scheming bitch in the script, she is almost there. What she said is so wonderful.

Just like some gold diggers in the later generations said to the poor boy who confessed to her in order to marry a rich man, you are so good, you should have a better wife.

Li Xiuzhi next to him.

There was a trace of determination in his eyes.

No wonder Sha Zhu and Yu Shui repeatedly told her not to associate with people in the courtyard when she was free.

not simple.

All are beasts.

fair enough.

Just tease them.

"Qin Huairu, why don't you think about it, you can't find such a good man with a lantern." Liu Haizhong glanced at Yi Zhonghai who had a smile on his face, and said something meaningful, "Marrying Quegenxian is also a blessing for you, Qin Huairu. Now that the stick is still young, it doesn't matter if you live in the same house. In a few years, the stick will grow up. Isn't it a bit awkward to live in the same house? After the stick gets married, You can’t still squeeze the whole family into one room.”

"Second uncle, I know you are kind, but I, forget it, let's not talk about it, Dongxu has just left for half a year, and I got into the ring again. I married someone else, so I am not immoral. If I don't get into the ring, in case the future is good It’s not good for them, what should I do? The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, and it’s not good for anyone to be biased, so be it.”

Qin Huairu glanced at the silly pillar standing next to Li Xiuzhi, and an inexplicable emotion flashed in his eyes.

Under the continuous ideological attack of Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu's impression of Shazhu has undergone earth-shaking changes, from the initial contempt to the present.

A big step forward.

Anyway, she would not marry this man called Que Genxian.

Not as good-looking as Shazhu, nor as good as Shazhu.

The house where Shazhu lives now has already made Jia's family very excited. To use Jia Zhang's original words to describe, Sticky will get married in Shazhu's big house in the future.

"Qin Huairu, do you really disagree with marrying me?"

"Lack of strings, you are a good person, you should have better ones, I am a widow with three children and a mother-in-law, and I am not worthy of such a good person like you."

"Twisted melons are not sweet. If you don't want to marry, just pretend that I didn't come. By the way, if you want to remarry, you should play against those who are not married. Don't be wicked to hit other men's ideas. I heard that No?"

Que Genxian, who was about to leave, was still telling Qin Huairu worriedly.

Then he left the courtyard in a hurry, although he was hit on the head by a stick, thankfully the dim sum in his hand was not broken, he got it on credit, and he still wanted to return it.

The neighbors around saw that there was no excitement to watch, so they also left in twos and threes.

Big play today.

They seem to understand.

Jia Zhang wants Qin Huairu to remarry with her.

However, Yi Zhonghai didn't want Qin Huairu to remarry because of pension matters.

Siheyuan play.

It is becoming more and more interesting.

The rumors about Yi Zhonghai plotting Shazhu's pension in the past seem to be true. No wonder Shazhu beat Yi Zhonghai several times.

the other side.

Shazhu and his wife were about to turn around and go back to the courtyard.

He was stopped by Yi Zhonghai's words.

"Zhuzi, I heard from the old lady that you are taking your daughter-in-law back to your mother-in-law's house? When are you leaving? Have you set a date yet?"

A hypocrite is a hypocrite.

It was just like sitting on wax.

Now it has been replaced by the false mask of a helpful neighbor who only cares about the neighbors.

Looking at Shazhu with piercing eyes, it seems that he wants to see a clue from the expression on Shazhu's face.

Silly Zhu cast a glance at Yi Zhonghai, and choked.

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Li Xiuzhi tugged Yi Zhonghai's silly face with his hands.

The main reason is that she is worried that if Sha Zhu continues to scold like this, it will affect their second half plan.

Shazhu deliberately ignored Li Xiuzhi's kindness.

He is on fire.

Yi Zhonghai refused to let Qin Huairu remarry, but wanted to help Qin Huairu by himself, and said that Qin Huairu had also become a worker in the rolling mill, so that Shazhu would go to get off work with Qin Huairu every day.

The euphemistic name is to protect Qin Huairu.

I, Nima, protect a widow.

Do you really think I'm out of my mind?
"Do I have to apply to you to go to my parents-in-law's house? Who do you think you are?"

"Zhuzi, I didn't mean that. It was your wife Li Xiuzhi who opened her mouth to the old lady. The old lady gave me the errand to Yi Zhonghai, and asked me to write a letter of introduction for you and help you buy a bus ticket."

"I don't know how to write a letter of introduction? I don't know how to buy a train ticket? Can I use you?" Sha Zhu turned his head and pulled Li Xiuzhi, and walked towards his house, "Daughter-in-law, go home, I don't bother to talk to you."

(End of this chapter)

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