Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 199 Yushui was admitted to university, celebrating

Chapter 199 Yushui was admitted to university, celebrating

Yi Zhonghai was given a two-to-zero by Shazhu.

Returned home with worries.

After entering.

He sat on the stool like a wooden man.

Silly Zhu is out of Yi Zhonghai's control, and now even Jia Zhang is on the opposite side of Yi Zhonghai, and today he almost remarried Qin Huairu in front of the neighbors.

The key neighbors have such an attitude.

Yi Zhonghai felt as if there was a thorn in his heart.

Yi Zhonghai reached out his hand to take the cold boiled water from the big mother, raised his head and drank it all in one breath, then sat on the stool without moving, continuing his mind-wandering business.

After many years of couples, how can the aunt not know why Yi Zhonghai is worried. Jia Dongxu, the primary pensioner, died, and Sha Zhu, the backup pensioner, turned against Yi Zhonghai. Jia Zhang wanted to remarry Qin Huairu, his daughter.

Seeing that the pension industry has become a rootless floating water.

to be frank.

Big Mom is also worried.

She stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Yi Zhonghai.

"Old Yi, are you okay?"

Hearing Da Ma's voice, Yi Zhonghai gradually came back to his senses, cast a dazed glance at Da Ma, and said some nonsense.

"I am fine."

"Hey!" The aunt sighed faintly, "It's fine if it's okay. According to my opinion, whether Qin Huairu remarries or not has nothing to do with us. Let's adopt a child. If Shazhu doesn't give us an old age, we don't ask for it." Looking at him for the elderly, you know that Shazhu doesn't associate with us anymore, and you hate us in your heart, why are you still rushing to get close to him? Shazhu doesn't give you face, and I feel uncomfortable. Listen to me, let's lock up Go live your own life."

Beautiful words.

The expression on his face was also for Yi Zhonghai's consideration.

In fact, the aunt's heart was full of surprises. Ever since she learned that Qin Huairu was Yi Zhonghai's daughter, she and Yi Zhonghai had not been of the same mind.

From Qin Huairu's point of view, Yi Zhonghai is her biological father, and the first mother is her stepmother.

Since ancient times, it has been difficult to be a stepmother.

Even if Qin Huairu recognizes his ancestors and returns to his clan in the future, he will provide for Yi Zhonghai to take care of him, not for her stepmother to die.

this time.

Big Mom started to plan for herself.

She is now hesitating whether she should tell Shazhu about Yi Zhonghai's interception of He Daqing's postal money.

I thought about it.

Think now is not the time.

From the beginning of 51 until now, she, the big mother, has been collecting the withheld money. If it is really held accountable, it is also the responsibility of her big mother.

The first mother suspected that Yi Zhonghai had planned to make her take the blame a long time ago.

No wonder Yi Zhonghai is so confident.

The aunt told him many times to return the money to Shazhu, but Yi Zhonghai just didn't listen, and said that there was no evidence for this matter.

There is no proof of fart's death.

It's not like He Daqing is dead. Silly Zhu went to Baocheng. As soon as the father and father had a conversation, Yi Zhonghai's painstaking efforts for so many years were instantly destroyed.

How can you hide this kind of thing?
The first mother felt that she should take time to find out the tone of Sha Zhu and his wife. Just in case, she had to prepare a way out for herself.

The so-called retreat.

It is to drag Yi Zhonghai into the water.

How can we drag Yi Zhonghai into the water?
Very simple.

Ask He Daqing to write a letter to Yi Zhonghai. In the letter, it only needs to mention the remittance that Yi Zhonghai has been helping He Daqing transfer to Shazhu for so many years.

How can He Daqing write a letter to Yi Zhonghai according to his own wishes? The big mother has not yet had a specific countermeasure. While she was thinking about it, the sound of gongs and drums disrupted her thinking.

A couple with ghosts in their hearts.

looked at each other.

They went out of the house one after the other.

Yi Zhonghai is the uncle in charge, and he is in charge of all the big and small matters in the courtyard. When he came out, he found Director Wang from the street walking towards the middle courtyard with a happy face, followed by Yan Fugui with a shocked expression, Wang The director was holding a piece of paper whose content could not be seen clearly, followed by several people holding drums and gongs. The sound of beating gongs and drums was made by them, and they rushed to meet them.

"Director Wang, who is this? Is there any happy event in our courtyard?"

"Old Yi, is the pillar there? Is the rain there?"

Find silly pillars and rainwater.

Yi Zhonghai suddenly widened his eyes.

Something seems to have come to mind.

I thought to myself, maybe He Yushui really got admitted to university!

This is the only explanation.

This is their courtyard house, and the first college student on the street, the real proud son of heaven, at least he is a cadre when he comes out.

Before Yi Zhonghai could answer, Silly Zhu who heard the movement said to Director Wang, "Director Wang, are you looking for me? Yushui went out to find her classmate."

"Zhuzi, the rain from your house has brought glory to our street. This is a happy event for our street, it is also a happy event for our courtyard house, and it is also a happy event for your He family."

Stupid stunned.

A surprised smile appeared on his face.

That scumbag of his, really got into college?
Not stupid.

If he hadn't been admitted to university, Director Wang wouldn't have come here with such great fanfare.


The He family's ancestral tomb was smoking.

If it weren't for the concern that there were so many neighbors at the scene, Sha Zhu would have to yell at the sky, so he simply extinguished such thoughts in an emergency.

No credit.

Instead, he took the opportunity to flatter the old man.

"This is the blessing of his old man. If the old man hadn't taken us to turn over and become a family member, Yushui would not have the money to go to school. Yushui can be admitted to university. It is the old man who protects us. Yushui will definitely follow the old man's words , study hard, make progress every day, strive to be a person who is beneficial to the people and the motherland, and contribute to the construction of the motherland."

"Zhuzi, you are right. This is the result of the old man protecting us." Director Wang held up He Yushui's university admission letter in her hand, and said loudly to everyone: "The middle courtyard of Hongxing Courtyard on Hongxing Street Comrade He Yushui, a resident, passed the entrance examination of Capital University with excellent grades. This is the first college student in our street. I hope that our street will produce a second He Yushui and a third He Yushui in the future."

Director Wang stuffed the admission notice into Shazhu's hand, said a few words to Shazhu, gave some street benefits, and left quietly with the street staff.


Smiles all the way.

Silly Zhu knew that Director Wang was going to go one step further.

There are college students among the residents of the jurisdiction.

It's also an achievement.

Silly Zhu looked at the admission notice in his hand without saying a word, and his heart couldn't help being a little crazy.I also think of those old memory fragments in my mind, such as the day when He Daqing ran away with the widow, He Yushui, who was eight or nine years old, cried and hugged Shazhu's leg, and kept saying that his father didn't want us. , At that time, Shazhu was also worried. It was okay to let him cook, but taking care of the children was really like rushing ducks to the shelves.At that time, I really didn't have the idea of ​​studying Yushui to go to college. I just wanted to drag Yushui. He Daqing could not have this younger sister. As an older brother, he wanted to raise his younger sister to grow up.

In the blink of an eye.

The time spans directly from 51 to 61 years.

Eighty-nine-year-old He Yushui turned into a slim girl. Apart from not loving studying, she prioritized everything. After Sha Zhu picked up the script of Qinman, he also said it unintentionally. If Yushui was admitted to the university and made the He family's lintel, the little girl lived up to everyone's expectations and was admitted to the university, Capital University. With just these four words, the He family became the No. 1 family in the courtyard.

Borrow Jia Zhang's yin and yang tone just now to describe it.

Shazhu caught up with all the good things, first he married his good wife Li Xiuzhi, and later his younger sister He Yushui was admitted to university.

Silly Zhu looked at Li Xiuzhi.

Say it.

"Daughter-in-law, you are really my lucky star."

He prefers to believe that this is the blessing that Li Xiuzhi brought to the He family, otherwise Yushui would not be admitted to university at all, as for Yushui's characteristics of a scumbag, Shazhu knows it all too well.

Qin Huairu, who lives not far away, looked numb at all this, and sincerely envied Li Xiuzhi. If she remarried to Sha Zhu, she would be the sister-in-law of a college student, and the person who stood in front of Sha Zhu and was admired would also become After becoming herself, a bit of resentment towards Jia Zhang suddenly appeared in her heart. If Jia Zhang hadn't asked for money, she would have allowed Sha Zhu to marry Li Xiuzhi, and they would have lived together with Sha Zhu long ago.

Silly Zhu looked up at the sky, there were a few white clouds floating in the blue sky.

What a nice view!

I don't know what to think, but I suddenly wanted to talk to her mother. Yushui had to report to his mother about such a big happy event as Yushui's admission to university.

Thoughts again and again.

Still extinguished the plan to talk to his own mother.

to the cemetery.

Not a wise thing to do.

He nodded in the direction of his mother's tomb from the air, and wanted to take Li Xiuzhi's hand back to his home. There were some things that he had to take care of.

The matter of He Daqing.

What about the rain.

There is also the matter of the Jia family and the Yi family.

The footsteps just moved.

Yan Fugui raised his voice.

It is said that He Yushui's admission to university is a happy event for the He family, and also a happy event for the courtyard house. I propose to celebrate it, so that the neighbors can feel the joy of He Yushui's admission to university.

Sha Zhu didn't want to agree at first, but when the words came to his lips, he changed his mind and agreed to Yan Fugui's proposal.

The so-called celebration.

In fact, it is good to eat.

In the years when materials are scarce, what can we eat?
Yan Fugui discussed with Sha Zhu, and sold a big carp he caught that was about five catties to Sha Zhu, and Sha Zhu asked Li Xiuzhi to take the money and tickets to the supply and marketing agency to buy five catties of tofu, five catties Vermicelli, ten catties of potatoes, half a catty of pork.

I am going to cook a carp soup, and then a pot of powder soup.

Neighbors in the courtyard gave bowls from door to door, and the neighbors would not eat in vain. They would return you a little receipt and say a few auspicious words to you.


A large pot of fragrant vermicelli soup was freshly baked, and beside it was carp soup exuding the smell of meat. Silly Zhu was too lazy to talk about it, so he handed over the task of serving rice to Yan Fugui, took Li Xiuzhi's hand and Yu Shui went back to the house and looked at the admission notice.

outside the house.

Yan Fugui, who got Shazhu's approval, began to invite the neighbors to ladle up the soup.

Stimulated by fragrance.

Neighbors stepped on the spot, holding their own bowls and chopsticks, a bowl of fish soup, and a bowl of noodle soup, with smiles like Chinese New Year on their faces.

This is the meal of college students' families. They believe that their children will be admitted to college like He Yushui after eating these meals.

Be generous as you should be.

There is at least one piece of fish in the fish soup, and a large piece of meat in the powder soup.

The open and bright approach made the neighbors who benefited, on the way home, they praised Shazhu for his good cooking skills, and bluntly said that their children should become college students like Yushui.

I don't know whether it was their words that stimulated Jia Zhang, or the smell of the food aroused the greedy worms in Jia Zhang's body, the old godly woman ran out of the house without even wearing shoes.

Holding a large bowl in his hand, he walked towards Sha Zhu's house diagonally opposite.

If in the past.

Jia Zhang didn't dare to confront Sha Zhu openly.

Who let today be a good day for the He family? He Yushui has been admitted to university and has the same knowledge as himself, which is tantamount to ruining this once-in-a-lifetime happy day.

This is Jia Zhang's reliance.

Nothing happened on the big day.

It’s about the day of the four great happiest events in your life, even if your enemies come to your door, as long as they come to cheer you on, even if you don’t follow the ceremony with empty hands, you still have to deal with them nicely, and you must not engage in fights and troubles move.

Mrs. Jia Zhang just expected that Shazhu would not turn against her, so she walked towards Shazhu so reassuringly and boldly, and wanted to eat and drink together.

On the one hand, it is Shazhu's meals.

The taste is really tempting.

Jia Zhang is indeed hungry.

Also hungry.

On the other hand, the Jiazhang family also wants to share the joy of He Yushui's college entrance examination like the neighbors. None of the neighbors in the next compound come to soak in the joy of Yushui's college entrance examination.

In Jia Zhang's heart, He Yushui, a girl, can be admitted to college, and their good boy from Jia's family, Bang Geng, will definitely be admitted to college.

With this in mind, Mrs. Jia Zhang came to Yan Fugui, handed the big bowl in his hand to Yan Fugui, and said the words of a pleasing person.

"Yan Laokou, why are you scooping up the soup? Why not that girl named He Yushui? If you scoop up the rice, can our sticks, small pans, and Sophora japonica flowers get the joy of He Yushui? Yan Laokou, I will follow you Said, you delayed my grandson's college entrance examination, can you take this responsibility? Call He Yushui out for me, and let her scoop up rice for my old lady."

People on the spot.

There is one.

Count one.

They were all stunned by Jia Zhang's amazing manipulation.

Co-author He Yushui didn't scoop up rice for Jia Zhang, and Yan Fugui was responsible for not being admitted to university.

This is the first reason why everyone was shocked.

The second reason.

It was Jia Zhang who actually did the same as them. He took out [-] cents and paid a [-] taels of food stamps.

The third reason.

It is because of the bowl in Jia Zhang's hand.

It looks like a small washbasin.

other people.

They brought over a normal-sized bowl.

Jia Zhang is such a bitch, he just came here with a basin.

Really blackhearted.

Are you going to clear the field directly for others?
"Grandma stick, silly Zhu said, I am fully responsible for this matter. As for the rainwater, I am a college student. If you dare to ask a college student to scoop up rice for you, you can either take the money back with an empty bowl, or leave the money. , I’ll scoop it up for you, it’s not me, Yan Fugui, bragging, one more than you Jia Zhang’s is not more, and one less you Jia Zhang’s is quite a lot, I guess the other compound will return people in a while.”

Yan Fugui is the general manager.

He taught Jia Zhang a few words.

"There are a lot of people here who want to be happy. We are the first college student on the street. You should think about it carefully. Do you want me to scoop it up for you?"

Jia Zhang thought about it.

I saw that my arm couldn't twist my thigh.

Then I confessed.

He said something important to Yan Fugui.

Yan Fugui scooped a big spoon full of powder soup into Jia Zhang's big sea bowl, and put another spoonful of fish soup in, Jia Zhang left satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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