Chapter 200 Yi Zhonghai in action

Silly Zhu riding a bicycle.

Came to Majia Alley.

Several teachers from Yushui High School all live here.

no other meaning.

I just want to send some food to these teachers and express my gratitude to these teachers.

Although Silly Zhu shouted for several months to let He Yushui take the university entrance examination, Everbright He's lintel, but he didn't know what to do. His own scumbag girl knew it by herself, and asked her to work, clean up the housework, and clean the yard, and she agreed with a smile Yes, let her study, like a big fat pig in a slaughterhouse, quitting.

Live in school for three or four months.

The grade of rainwater.

Soared a lot.

Entrance to university is the best proof.

This is not the credit of He Yushui, but the credit of several other teachers. Without the hard work of these teachers, He Yushui can only rely on dreams to get into college, and dreams have everything.

some time ago.

When I went to help Yushui go through the boarding procedures, I met some of Yushui's teachers.


It's the kind of dish that lacks nutrition.

Some teachers even fainted at the teaching site.

He Yushui said that these teachers would distribute their small rations to some students who skipped lunch and went home to eat together at night.

Silly Zhu can't help with other things.

Just get something to eat and drink.

After discussing with Li Xiuzhi, he drove towards Ma's Alley with dozens of catties of stick noodles that Sha Zhu had secretly accumulated several months in advance.

What Sha Zhu meant was to take advantage of the night to send it off, so as not to be seen by others, but Yi Zhonghai still saw this scene.

Yi Zhonghai frowned slightly as he looked at the figure of Shazhu carrying the food away, thinking subconsciously that the life of Shazhu's family was going well.

Today's noon celebration banquet, other neighbors ate happily, even Jia Zhang paid for it, only Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady were not very comfortable.

A nagging fool didn't bring her delicious food, so he gave her a bowl of fish soup with a piece of fish in it.

A resentful idiot got out of his control and stopped supporting himself.

There was a depression in my heart.

Always want to calculate the foolish column.

Yi Zhonghai secretly said, Sha Zhu is a cook who can get food, otherwise how would he explain the food that Sha Zhu carried on his bicycle just now.

Based on the degree of swelling of the noodle bag, Yi Zhonghai guessed that it would weigh about sixty to seventy catties.

Ever since Shazhu didn't associate with Yi Zhonghai, and didn't prepare delicious food for the deaf old lady, he had accumulated so much food in just three or four months.

This shows that Sha Zhu is a capable person. If such a person helps Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu's life will be much easier.

It’s not right to carry the food outside instead of helping Qin Huairu. Li Xiuzhi is a foreigner, and his parents are both in other places. The food sent by Shazhu is not available to his parents-in-law, and the post office is not open at night. , pure nonsense.

Yi Zhonghai felt that he was doing it again.

There is a handle to clean up the silly column.

Today is the day of great joy for He Yushui to be admitted to the university. In ancient times, he paid attention to getting a title on the gold list.

He gave Jia Zhang face.

As an old man in charge and an eighth-level technician in a rolling mill, he has more face than Jia Zhang.

Yi Zhonghai had an idea in his mind, and walked towards the deaf old lady's house in the backyard, first to have a breather with the deaf old lady.

Just over a minute.

Yi Zhonghai came out of the deaf old lady's room with a much better complexion than when he went in just now.

The deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai thought of a crime for Sha Zhu.

If there is something, stick to the outsiders first, and ignore the neighbors in the courtyard. This is destroying the unity of the neighbors!

Yi Zhonghai walked towards Liu Haizhong's house next door.

Knocked on the door.

After waiting for a voice to come in, Yi Zhonghai opened the door and walked in.

When Liu Haizhong saw that the person who came in was Yi Zhonghai, he couldn't help muttering in his heart, he and Yi Zhonghai didn't deal with each other very much, they were fighting in the courtyard, competing in the factory, and came to find him at night, what was he doing.

Reach out and don't hit the Laughing Man.

Unhappy at heart, she still asked the second aunt to pour water for Yi Zhonghai, and asked Yi Zhonghai to sit on the stool.

Yi Zhonghai lifted his buttocks and sat opposite Liu Haizhong.

"Old Liu, the current year is not very prosperous. The neighbors in the courtyard, you have also seen that some children are swollen. As the stewards, we can't ignore it. If there is a big mess, we will be on the other side of Director Wang. I can't explain it."

Liu Haizhong didn't know whether he was pretending to understand, or he didn't understand the meaning of Yi Zhonghai's words at all, so he asked Yi Zhonghai back.

"Old Yi, what do you want to say?"

"Old Liu, what I mean is that we are all neighbors in the same compound. Our compound is a collective. As the stewards, we have the obligation to keep the neighbors in the compound from starving. The pillars are the cooks. As the old saying goes, Even in times of famine, it can’t starve to death from the cook, I just saw Zhu Zi going outside with a big bag of stick noodles.”

Liu Haizhong and Yi Zhonghai are not on the same channel.

Yi Zhonghai wanted to kidnap morally and asked Sha Zhu to get food for the neighbors in the courtyard.

Liu Haizhong thought of the black market, and mistakenly thought that Yi Zhonghai was reminding him that Liu Haizhong said that Sha Zhu had gone to the black market to trade stick noodles.

Can catch silly pillars.

It is also considered a great achievement.

Maybe in the promotion process next year, people will see that Liu Haizhongli has made great achievements, and they will promote him to be an eighth-level mechanic on the same level as Yi Zhonghai.

"Guangtian, Guangfu, take the rope and follow me."

"Old Liu, what are you doing with the rope?"

"Catch Shazhu." Liu Haizhong said confidently: "Didn't you say that Shazhu took stick noodles to the black market to trade, which is to discredit our courtyard. Honor is responsible."

Words in bangs.

It made Yi Zhonghai enlightened.

Eyes suddenly lit up.

I thought I had grasped the handle of Sha Zhu, otherwise how would I explain it with a bag of stick noodles.

"Your idea is true. It may be true. I support you, but the black market seems to be in the middle of the night, right? It's only after nine o'clock in the evening." Yi Zhonghai said: "Old Liu, I mean, it's the neighbors. Our households are having a hard time, Zhuzi is living a good life and has skills, I want to meet with you, shall we ask Zhuzi to help us get some food back, and help the poor neighbors in our courtyard."

Liu Haizhong thinks it is feasible.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu are both half-children, and they eat more than one.

"The question I'm worried about is, can Shazhu agree? I beat you twice because you sabotaged his blind date."

"For the sake of the neighbors, what can I do if you beat me up again?" Yi Zhonghai said with a look of sacrificing his life, "As long as the neighbors are not hungry and the children have food to eat, I, Yi Zhonghai, would rather be beaten by Zhuzi."

"Then shall we drive now?"

Liu Haizhong is eager to try.

The compound meeting is the only home for officials and fans to realize their official careers.

Although a lot of jokes were made because of the limited level of questioning, he was still complacent.

"This is a big deal, and we have to communicate with Old Yan so that he can prepare for it."

"Let's go together, it's all for the sake of the neighbors."

The two left Liu's house one after the other, and walked towards Yan's house in the front yard.

The masters in charge act together.

The well-informed neighbors all know that this is the rhythm of the big courtyard meeting.

Think about it.


The matter of He Yushui's admission to university is tantamount to winning glory for the courtyard house. This is a good thing, and the courtyard house has to express it anyway.

Neighbors pay attention.

Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong came to the front yard and met Yan Fugui who was watering the flowers.

"Old Yan."

"Old Yi, Old Liu, who are you?"

Yan Fugui turned around and looked at Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong who were not in a good mood.

"Old Yi just came out of my house and wanted to discuss something with you."

Yan Fugui was stunned.

He really couldn't think of the current Siheyuan, what else could make Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong, who had no benefit, be so anxious.

"Let Lao Yi tell, you know my brain."

See Liu Haizhong kick the ball to himself.

Yi Zhonghai was a little unhappy.

The script didn't follow his expectation, he wanted Liu Haizhong to tell the story, even if Sha Zhu was annoyed, it was Liu Haizhong who took the lead.

Unexpectedly, Liu Haizhong kicked the ball back to Yi Zhonghai.

no way.

Yi Zhonghai could only say to Yan Fugui: "Actually, it's not a big deal, just now I saw Zhuzi going out with grain on his back. Zhuzi is a cook. There must be someone with such a big bag of grain. I discussed it with Lao Liu. , let’s hold a meeting in the courtyard to see if we can get Zhuzi to help with some food, this is also a happy event for the neighbors in the courtyard.”

Yan Fugui's pupils suddenly shrank.

His body shivered uncontrollably.

The words are better than the songs, why think about the neighbors, for the sake of the neighbors, in fact, it is to go to the pit, 27 eight neighbors, even if a catty of stick noodles is less than [-] catties.

Listening to Yi Zhonghai's tone, it is not the tone of a family with a catty of stick noodles.

A family of ten catties also gets two hundred and seventy-eight catties.

this number.

Once caught.

That's enough.

Looking at Yi Zhonghai coldly, a sentence came to mind, Yi Zhonghai is really not a good person.

Seeing that Yan Fugui didn't speak.

Yi Zhonghai started to work.

"It's not that you don't know about Zhuzi's craftsmanship. He has more contacts than us. He has connections in food. Besides, it's not because of me, Yi Zhonghai. It's because of all the neighbors in our courtyard. The second boy of Ma's family is swollen. Now, we must get some food to solve these problems, Old Yan, I want to hear what you think."

"Old Yi, I mean let's put it in the back. I just want to know where and from what people you know that Sha Zhu can get food?"

before doing it instead.

Yan Fugui estimated that he would not speak up for Shazhu.

It was all caused by Yushui's university notice.

Yan Fugui knew a little more than the neighbors in the courtyard.

College Students.

Coming out is the establishment of cadres.

Helping Silly Zhu is tantamount to flattering He Yushui. Now that He Yushui is a cadre, can he get a job for the Yan family or something.

Helping Yi Zhonghai by himself, and standing on the opposite side of Sha Zhu, won't do any good. He is just a false name, and Sha Zhu gets angry, and even gets beaten by Sha Zhu.

I offended Silly Zhu and Rainwater for a little food that I don't know if there is any food.

Not worth the candle.

Yan Fugui is not that stupid, he has more calculations.

"I don't know too well, but I believe that Zhuzi can get food. Zhuzi's ability, you know, how many people praise him."

"Old Yi, it's not that I don't agree, but that the consequences of this matter are very serious. According to your opinion, at least one family can get [-] catties of stick noodles. The neighbors in our courtyard are [-] catties. Can you guarantee that the neighbors Don't you guys tell the story? Once someone tells you, how can this figure be good for a fool?"

"Why can't it be good? Do the neighbors want to praise Zhuzi's benevolence and righteousness? I am considering Zhuzi's reputation, and I want to make Zhuzi a person who is respected and respected by others."

Yi Zhonghai will not admit his calculation casually.

This time the calculation is silly.

It's because the neighbors in the courtyard are indeed having a hard time, even Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker, has a hard time, not to mention those neighbors who do not earn as much as Yi Zhonghai, and have more people in their families than Yi Zhonghai.

Take the opportunity to show your personality.

Show off your prestige as a master in charge.

Yi Zhonghai needs good people and good deeds to protect his face, he needs the neighbors to say that he is good, that Yi Zhonghai is benevolent.

This is also what the deaf old lady means.

a few months ago.

Silly Zhu does not associate with Yi Zhonghai, nor with the deaf old lady, cuts off the deaf old lady's support, and forces the deaf old lady to suck blood from Yi Zhonghai.

This is the case with Shazhu, and so is He Yushui. Although Li Xiuzhi is in contact with the deaf old lady, she is just playing with the deaf old lady, and gives the deaf old lady free boiled water all day long.

Yi Zhonghai used Bailing's moral kidnapping routine in the past, but he was broken by Shazhu, and he was forced by Shazhu to help Jia's family. After further research, the reason for Yi Zhonghai's ruin was all because of Shazhu.

This hatred will be avenged no matter what.

In addition, the living conditions of Shazhu's family are the best in the courtyard, everyone envies him, and he married a virtuous and virtuous daughter-in-law as he wished.

Right now is the best opportunity, Yi Zhonghai will not allow Yan Fugui to ruin the opportunity he found to plot Shazhu, if Shazhu really enters, Li Xiuzhi will get divorced, and Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady will match up and squat The silly Zhu who came out married Qin Huairu and let him be Qin Huairu's cattle and horses.

"Old Yan, I think about our compound and the neighbors. As the uncle in charge, I can't just watch the children have no food to eat. Even if there is a problem in the future, I, Yi Zhonghai, will bear it alone. Let the future flowers of the motherland take responsibility."

Yi Zhonghai transformed into a moral god, and his tone was even more impassioned, which made the listener feel a kind of ego that was boiling with blood.

It's just that this so-called high light and righteousness can't deceive Yan Fugui at all. Outsiders don't know what kind of virtue Yi Zhonghai is, but Yan Fugui is very clear. He knows that Yi Zhonghai is a hypocrite through and through, but his culture is not very high. Liu Haizhong would believe Yi Zhonghai's nonsense.

Yan Fugui grinned, Yi Zhonghai actually used these words to fool him, he really thought he was a three-year-old child.

"I don't agree, but you have discussed it with Lao Liu. If you want to hold a compound meeting, then you can do it. I don't want a single grain of the food you brought."

Yi Zhonghai blinked his eyes.

The old buckle who took advantage no longer takes advantage.

He saw Yan Jiebi.

Got it all.

This is the difference between extinct households and non-exhausted households. People think about their children, while extinct households worry about retirement.

"Since your old Yan said so, then Lao Liu and I will preside over this compound meeting. Even if you said that you don't want food, as long as you get food, you can share as much as you want with the Yan family. After all, you A member of the compound, if you don’t eat it, your children have to eat it too.”

Yan Fugui gave a meal.

Good guy.

Yi Zhonghai learned to block his mouth with benefits.

I would like to say a few more words.

On the one hand, Yi Zhonghai didn't give him a chance, so he took Liu Haizhong to the middle courtyard directly, and called on everyone to let the neighbors come out to hold a big courtyard meeting.

On the other hand, Yan Fugui believed that even if Yi Zhonghai held a big courtyard meeting, he would be boring himself. Shazhu is shrewd, and Shazhu's daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi is even more shrewd. As for He Yushui, as the first university student in Hongxing Street, The brain is naturally not stupid.

With the intention of watching a play.

Stepping towards the middle courtyard.

He really wanted to see the scene where Li Xiuzhi beat Yi Zhonghai so badly that he couldn't get off the stage. If Sha Zhu came back, it would be even better to beat up Yi Zhonghai again, and send him to the cell, no wonder Yi Zhonghai would be extinct.


God couldn't see it.

(End of this chapter)

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