Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 201 In the compound meeting, Li Xiuzhi asked Yi Zhonghai

Chapter 201 In the compound meeting, Li Xiuzhi asked Yi Zhonghai
Yi Zhonghai was also at the mercy of villains.

Worried that if Sha Zhu was around, he would tear him down, so he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the two wives of the He family, Li Xiuzhi and He Yushui, to stage this big show of turning raw rice into cooked rice, so that Sha Zhu would suffer from being dumb.

I looked down on Li Xiuzhi a little in my heart, and always thought that Li Xiuzhi was an ignorant country woman.

As for He Yushui, Yi Zhonghai thought she was the kind of rookie who had never experienced beatings in society.

Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong went door-to-door to notify them that they would hold a meeting in the courtyard at what time.

Since there were no other means of entertainment, the compound meeting became the only prop for the neighbors to pass the time. When they heard that the compound meeting was going to be held, the neighbors were eager to watch the excitement, and the middle courtyard was crowded in a blink of an eye.

"Everyone is here. Let's have a meeting now. It's not a big deal. There are two things in total." Taking advantage of people not paying attention, Liu Haizhong secretly looked at the speech manuscript written in his palm, "The first thing, Everyone in the neighborhood knows that He Yushui, a resident of our quadrangle courtyard, was admitted to a university.

The applause that Liu Haizhong imagined did not ring out.

This made Liu Haizhong feel a little uncomfortable, why is it different from what he expected.

Shouldn't it be eager applause.

"Now let's talk about the second thing. The current situation is not very good for the neighbors. Every family is not full of food, there is a shortage of food, and there are few supplies. This is the theme of our meeting today. The following things will be handled by the uncle Yi Zhonghai will tell us."

Liu Hai is limited in culture.

Said one thing over and over again.

A few words like today can explain the situation clearly.

only one.

Really shocked the neighbors.

Many people speculated that someone must have written a small note to Liu Haizhong, and subconsciously turned their attention to Yan Fugui. The only cultural person doing business in the courtyard was Yan Fugui, thinking that this was Yan Fugui and Liu Haizhong. It's a human transaction, otherwise Liu Haizhong wouldn't be able to open his palm and look at the content on his palm while talking.

Purely a big fool.

Yi Zhonghai also thinks so.

But he didn't care too much about Liu Haizhong, anyway, his goal had already been achieved.

Cleared his throat.

He opened his mouth to talk about the second matter of the compound meeting.

"The neighbors all know that our compound is a civilized compound, and it is the number one courtyard in the street. Our compound has a fine tradition, that is, all parties support when one party is in trouble. Just now the second uncle said that the neighbors The life of your family is not very easy, the big guys are called together today, just for this food problem..."

Yi Zhonghai started to tell the story.

As the big boss of the courtyard house, Yi Zhonghai was relatively successful in controlling human nature. She knew what the neighbors needed, and said a few words about the things that the neighbors were more concerned about.


On the basis of food, express the intention of coming, solve the problem of eating for the neighbors, and let the neighbors have enough food.

Yi Zhonghai's usual routine is to stand on the height of morality, look down on the crowd from a high position, and brandish the big stick of moral kidnapping to attack them.


All have a purpose.

Just like Yi Zhonghai's kindness to the deaf old lady, in fact, he wanted to take the opportunity to set up a character and show his morality by taking care of the deaf old lady.

By doing this, he hoped that the neighbors would one day take care of Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

At the beginning.

Yi Zhonghai's target is Jia Dongxu, and Shazhu is the spare tire. When Jia Dongxu dies, he can only turn the spare tire Shazhu into a regular position and let Shazhu take care of him.

Yi Zhonghai has an extremely strong desire to control. The old-age care he imagined is not just what Sha Zhu says, but the kind of old-age care that Yi Zhonghai is most active in.

In order to achieve this purpose.

The erection of people in the courtyard began.

"Zhuzi's daughter-in-law, Yushui, just now I saw Zhuzi going out with a big bag of stick noodles or white noodles. It's not that the uncle said you. Black market trading is not allowed. If you catch it, you will go to jail. Yushui is ignorant, you Why are you still ignorant?"

Yi Zhonghai played a trick.

I deliberately said that Sha Zhu went to the black market to trade.

Once Li Xiuzhi rescued Shazhu, she could only say that Shazhu had no reason to go to the black market.

As such.

The stick noodles carried out by Sha Zhu also had a specific destination.

If you don’t give it to a neighbor who has been in the same compound as you for more than ten years, you give it to an insignificant outsider. If there is a neighbor like you, it can be regarded as digging a small hole for the routine behind the silly column to get food for the neighbors.

light or heavy.

Li Xiuzhi should make it clear.

She didn't want Shazhu to squat under the hat of a black market trader, so she could only admit that Shazhu brought food to give away.

The dumb can't do without suffering.

"Grandpa, you can't talk nonsense. Who told you that our family has gone to the black market? Yushui has just been admitted to college, so you give us the label of going to the black market. It doesn't matter to us. If it affects Yushui's identity verification, The rain that hurts you can't go to university, is our country going to lose an outstanding talent? Can you take this responsibility?"

Li Xiuzhi fired the first shot.

He Yushui immediately fired the second shot.

Just now when I learned that there was going to be a big courtyard meeting, the sister-in-law and the sister-in-law unified their thinking.

"Only the enemy will destroy our homeland, and only the enemy will persecute me. Grandpa, are you sincerely not letting me go to college by saying that?"

Light words.

But it implied killing intent.

Yi Zhonghai secretly complained.

Dismounted authority has become dismounted authority.

He hurriedly spoke out to smooth things over for himself.

"Yu Shui, Zhu Zi's daughter-in-law, the conscience of heaven and earth, I just ask Zhu Zi why he is carrying food."

"Grandpa, don't all the people in our courtyard have to report to you no matter what they do?"

Li Xiuzhi is not stupid.

How many times did Shazhu tell him about the courtyard house, he analyzed Yi Zhonghai more, and concluded that Yi Zhonghai is a hypocrite.

Yi Zhonghai's attack just now woke her up a lot.

Only then did he speak out against Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai, who was worried about having long nights and dreams, simply said to Li Xiuzhi, "I'm looking for Zhuzi for something."

"Then when our master comes back, I'll let him find your uncle."

"The pillar didn't come back, it's the same as I told you."

I still think Li Xiuzhi is easier to deal with than Shazhu.

As for the rain on the side.

With Yi Zhonghai's guts, he didn't dare to calculate the rain.

Who made He Yushui bear the name of a college student on his head.

"Even if you tell me something, I dare not give you a guarantee whether I can do it."

"It's just some food problems. The second uncle said just now that every household is not easy now. Some children are swollen. I mean, since the pillars can deliver food to people outside, can they also get some for our neighbors? Grain." Yi Zhonghai turned to Li Xiuzhi and expressed his intentions, "I want Zhuzi to help me get some food and share it with the neighbors when I come back. The adults can bear it, but the children can't. I feel sorry for those children."

Li Xiuzhi and Yushui looked at each other.

Yi Zhonghai's words.

In their expectation.

When Sha Zhu went out with stick noodles on his shoulders, Li Xiuzhi thought that someone must be jealous and make trouble.

as predicted.

Yi Zhonghai took the lead.

There was endless anger in his heart, Yi Zhonghai said it nicely, one mouthful for the children, not for himself, if there were no benefits, Yi Zhonghai wouldn't be so worried about labor.

27 In the eight-household neighborhood, a family is calculated on the basis of two catties of stick noodles, and they also get fifty or sixty catties. This figure has reached the limit of squatting.

Yi Zhonghai, that bastard, didn't follow suit.

"Grandpa, did you see our head of the family going out with stick noodles?"

The word stick noodles is written on the noodle bag.

What is not cornmeal?
"Grandpa, you can't just say that our master has sent stick noodles to others just because our master went out with a bag with the word "stick noodles" written on it. Who would believe you? Just now you kept saying that our master went to the black market The deal is over, and now you are putting a hat on our head, is that how you are a master?"

Yi Zhonghai was taken aback.

Good guy.

It can be explained like this.

He Yushui rolled his eyes and said, "Grandpa, you are an eighth-level technician in the rolling mill, and you are also the steward of our courtyard house. You can't be so arbitrary in doing things."

Yi Zhonghai also did not expect things to develop to this point.

Still, he explained it.

"That's not what I mean. I just think that Zhuzi is a chef. He cooks delicious food and has his own contacts. The situation of the neighbors in the courtyard has reached the point of no delay. I wonder if it is better to ask Zhuzi to save someone's life. Building a seven-level pagoda is a matter of life and death."

"I also know that this is a matter of life and death, but have you ever thought about what will happen to me as the head of the family after the incident? If you really feel sorry for the neighbors, you donate some money to the neighbors from door to door. I heard that You organized several donations for the Jia family back then."


Silly Zhu, who had no idea that Yi Zhonghai had already attacked his wife and sister in the courtyard, carefully came here with stick noodles on his back.

Stop at the gate of a courtyard marked NO.14 outside.

The knocker slammed.

Soon there were voices inside.



"you are?"

"Is Teacher Zhang here? I'm looking for Teacher Zhang."

"Look for our old Zhang." A woman hurriedly opened the door, and by the light, she found that it was Shazhu, and she stopped there, "You are the one."

"I am Yushui's older brother."

Speaking of rain.

I remembered who the person in front of me was.

The elder brother of that scumbag girl, I heard that he cooks well.

"Come in, come in."

While letting Silly Zhu into the hospital.

His eyes fell on the flour bag behind Sha Zhu's bicycle.

There was an instant warmth in my heart.

There was also a sound of dry swallowing saliva in the throat.

This is food!

His body trembled slightly. For a whole week, he ate a stick noodle steamed bun at noon and drank several bowls of clear soup with boiled cabbage at night.

Seeing the figure of Silly Zhu entering the house carrying the stick noodles, he suddenly reacted and quickly blocked the door.

Wealth is not revealed.

This bag of food.

Precious enough.

Shazhu carried the stick noodles into the house, found a place, put the stick noodles away, and greeted Teacher Zhang who was walking towards him.

"Mr. Zhang, I'll give you something for your teachers. It's not something expensive. Don't dislike your teachers."

Long time no see.

This is the teacher who is in charge of teaching Rainwater Chinese.


It looked like a gust of wind could blow it away.

"Master He, I know you are a capable person, and I won't refuse. I really need these things, thank you."

Lao Zhang bowed towards Shazhu.

Silly Zhu stepped aside.

Such a great gift.

He can't take it.

"Mr. Zhang, I should be the one thanking you. This morning, Yushui received the admission letter from the University of Posts and Telecommunications. I know that this is due to the credit of your teachers. Otherwise, my younger sister would not be able to enter the university at all. I am just a cook, I have no other skills, and I walk around the stove all day long. These are the food stamps I have accumulated for a year. I exchanged them from the canteen of our rolling mill. I bring them to you at night. .”

"It's all brought to us, what do you eat?"

"I am a cook, and even in times of famine, the cook will not starve to death. I can support myself by doing private work."

"Master He, are you married? I have a niece from afar."

Teacher Zhang's daughter-in-law was probably surprised by a bag of stick noodles, and thought of playing a matchmaker for Sha Zhu.


Marry a cook, at least you won't be hungry.

"I'm married. I can only appreciate your kindness."

"That's not a coincidence."

"Ms. Zhang, Mr. Xu, I have nothing else to do, I'm leaving first." When Shazhu was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, and said a few words to the two teachers, "Don't dislike me for being long-winded, both of you. I know what kind of people you two are. It is precisely because I know that you two are selfless that I want to tell you a few words. When you give these things away, it is best to let them take less or more. Living in a large courtyard, there are many people talking, seeing you take food, it is easy to get pink eye disease."

"Old Zhang, this time we have to listen to Master He, and we must not cause trouble for Master He."

"Daughter-in-law, you are right, we don't care, but we can't cause trouble for Master He." Teacher Zhang nodded, "You will inform them in a while and let them come to our house to collect food. By the way, if someone asks in the future, It must not be said that it is the food sent by Master He."

"See you."

"Walk slowly."



The big courtyard meeting was a mess.

Biggest reason.

It was Yi Zhonghai who said in a panic that you, Li Xiuzhi, have never cooked.

This made Li Xiuzhi dissatisfied.

He Yushui was not happy either.

The aunt and sister-in-law teamed up to deal with Yi Zhonghai, and kept asking Yi Zhonghai to give them an explanation, and if they didn't let them, they would go to the Women's Federation for an explanation.

Only women and villains are difficult to raise.

Yi Zhonghai's head was as big as a bucket.

Seeing her man being silenced by Li Xiuzhi and He Yushui, the aunt felt a little joy in her heart.

You Yi Zhonghai also has today.

I really thought I could cover the sky with one hand in the courtyard.

"Master, who stipulated that women must cook?"

"That was not what I meant."

(End of this chapter)

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