Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 203 Yi Zhonghai who vomited blood, who said I slept with Jia Zhang

Chapter 203 Yi Zhonghai who vomited blood, who said I slept with Jia Zhang
The report given by Sha Zhu is that Jia Zhang is too lazy to do it, that Jia Zhang does not allow Qin Huairu to remarry, and that Yi Zhonghai asks Sha Zhu to provide food for the neighbors.

Li Xiuzhi expressed high approval.

As silly helper.

She made another point.

He thinks that the fact that Yi Zhonghai wrote the remarriage letter for Jia Zhang can be added, and it is true that Yi Zhonghai wants to live with Qin Huairu as a partner.

Using Li Xiuzhi's original words to describe it, Yi Zhonghai is not a good person, and he never forgets that he wants to break up Li Xiuzhi and Sha Zhu, and let Sha Zhu marry Qin Huairu.

As such.

They had to find something for Yi Zhonghai. As long as Yi Zhonghai was in a state of desperation, he would not have the energy to plan and destroy the marriage of the silly couple.

Summarize in one sentence.

I don't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me!

Shazhu kissed Li Xiuzhi.

The couple found the letter paper and wrote Jia Zhang's report letter to prevent Qin Huairu from remarrying. Sha Zhu would post the letter to the Women's Federation early the next morning.

As for the report letter reporting Jia Zhang's lazy food and reporting Yi Zhonghai forcing Shazhu to provide food for the neighbors, Li Xiuzhi didn't ask Shazhu to write it.

The words of my daughter-in-law.

To listen.

Complete the report letter.

Li Xiuzhi made the bed.

And thoughtfully prepared footwashing water for Silly Zhu.

Looking at the beautiful and caring little daughter-in-law in front of her.

Silly scalp.

Immediately it was numb.

He is a little scared!

"Daughter-in-law, you go to bed first, I can read a book?"

"What book are you reading? What time is it? Don't you sleep? Don't you go to work tomorrow? Do you want to learn from Yi Juehu next door?"

Li Xiuzhi asked a series of five consecutive questions.

Silly swallowed a few mouthfuls of spit dryly.

The arms cannot twist the thighs.

Obediently obey Li Xiuzhi's words.

The couple went to Wushan together!

the next day.
Silly got up early in the morning.

Back pain.

Move your limbs.

Before the neighbors in the courtyard woke up, in the name of the above toilet, he left the courtyard and ran towards the street. Before he went to work on the street, he sent a report letter reporting that Qin Huairu could not remarry to the Women's Federation. In the office, I didn't dare to stay longer, and ran back to the courtyard in the direction I came, made breakfast for Li Xiuzhi, and told He Yushui a few words. Under the eyes of the neighbors, I rode my bicycle to work in the rolling mill. up.

When he yawned and entered the second canteen.

It was found that most of the people from the second canteen had come.

early enough.

After saying hello, he sat listlessly in his special seat.

The people in the second cafeteria saw Shazhu appearing in front of them yawning, outsiders could say that they couldn't afford to offend Shazhu, and they didn't dare to offend him.

Liu Lan and Que Genxian have no scruples in this regard. One is a close comrade-in-arms of Deputy Factory Director Li. What are the consequences of offending Shazhu.

The two looked around the silly column.

In the end, Liu Lan gave a precise answer.

"Silly, you've lost weight!"

"It's thin, and it's a lot thinner!"

Silly Zhu looked at Liu Lan and Que Genxian, who said seriously and bluntly that he had lost weight, dumbfounded, and didn't know how to refute their words.

"Silly Zhu, my sister is someone who has been here, you have to pay attention to your body, and be careful of hanging you on the wall after a while."

"Master He, Liu Lan is right, you have to take good care of your body, or I will lose my courage to save you yesterday in vain."

"You wooed Qin Huairu yesterday to save me?"

Monk Zhang Er can't figure out the silly column.

He stared straight at the missing string.

Isn't it you who want to take one step at a time?

"Quegenxian, did you really go to the courtyard to confess your love to Qin Huairu yesterday?"

"Didn't you let me go? It was said that Yi Zhonghai plotted against Master He because Qin Huairu was unmarried. If he said that I married Qin Huairu, Yi Zhonghai would not be counted against Master He. In the end, Qin Huairu said that I was a good person." , Said she was not good enough for me, said I should have something better."

This time.

It was Liu Lan's turn to be dumbfounded.

God is pitiful.

When she asked Que Genxian to marry Qin Huairu, a widow with three children, she was just talking nonsense, but Que Genxian took it seriously.

On a big Sunday, he ran to the courtyard, and in front of the neighbors in the first courtyard, said that he wanted to marry Qin Huairu as his wife!
True warrior too!

"Missing a string, thank you."

"Master He, you're welcome, but you have to listen to Liu Lan's words and make up for your body!"

Out of the corner of the eye.

I saw that the workers were all staring at me.

On the face is a desire to find out the truth of gossip.

Silly Zhu wanted to die.

Liu Lan can't afford it.

Missing strings are not to be offended.

Silly Zhu, who didn't want to continue on this topic, asked about other things.

When I entered the door just now, I saw a group of people surrounding Que Genxian and Liu Lan, listening to what Liu Lan and Que Genxian were talking about.

"What did you just say? It's so lively!"

"Master He, it's actually not a big deal. Let's talk about Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai."

Sha Zhu's heart skipped a beat.

What happened to Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai?

It was Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu who offended the god-man again, which made the god-man come up with the idea of ​​spreading rumors about Yi Juehu and Qin Xinji through Que Genxian and Liu Lan's mouth.

This is not to steal He Yuzhu's patent.

"What's the matter with Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai? What's the news about them in the factory?"

Silly Zhu is also a good doctor after a long illness.

Who made Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu the notorious masters of the rolling mill.

every time.

It's all notoriety.

Several leaders of the noisy rolling mill regretted it, bluntly saying that Qin Huairu should not have been allowed to enter the rolling mill in the first place.

Good guy.

The original one-person notoriety, with Qin Huairu's entry into the factory, turned into a duo of notoriety.

"Master He, don't you know?"

"What do I know?" Silly Zhu looked at Liu Lan with a puzzled look on his face, "What's the matter?"

Seeing the expression on Sha Zhu's face, Liu Lan knew that there was no deceit at all, so she knew that Sha Zhu really didn't know about it, and her thoughts of showing off occupied her brain.

You also live in the same compound with Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai.

Such important news.

As a neighbor, you don't even know.


"Silly Zhu, that's the thing. Let's talk about the grandfather and grandson of Bang Geng and Yi Zhonghai."

"Ang, it's Bang Geng and Yi Zhonghai." Silly Zhu who didn't react for a while, and said something casually, came to his senses after more than ten seconds, and said to Liu Lan, "What did you say? Say Bang Geng and Yi Zhonghai." About Yi Zhonghai’s grandfather and grandson, the stick is Yi Zhonghai’s grandson? Who told you about this?”

"I heard what people said."

Liu Lan answered Sha Zhu's question confidently.

Only then did Sha Zhu know why there were so many rumors about the rolling mill.

It's the kind of master who doesn't wait to blink when he talks nonsense.

Too much.

"Some people say that Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai slept together."

"Yes, yes, yes, I have slept." Que Genxian tried his best to agree with Liu Lan, and tried his best to persuade Sha Zhu, "It is said that Lao Jia and Yi Zhonghai are brothers, and once again Lao Jia invited Yi Zhonghai to drink. At the table, Jia Zhang drank too much, Yi Zhonghai drank too much, and Lao Jia drank too much, Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang drank this indescribable thing, and then Jia Dongxu came."

"Miss the root string, what you said is wrong. It's not that they drank too much and slept together. It was Lao Jia and Jia Zhang who set up a trick to play a beauty trick for Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai fell into Jia Zhang's beauty trick. Jia Dongxu."

Silly Zhu opened his mouth wide.

Everyone else is stupid.

Why did this cause a beauty trick?

As far as Jia Zhang's unruly demeanor and dignity are concerned, it can be compared to the word "beauty".

"What do you mean, that Yi Zhonghai slept with Jia Zhang, and then had Jia Dongxu. Jia Dongxu's son, Bang Jian, is Yi Zhonghai's grandson?"

"It's not what we said, it's spread in the factory now."

"Silly Zhu, don't you believe it?"

"There is no evidence."

"Silly Zhu, thanks to the fact that you still live in the same compound with Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang, you really didn't find any clues. I, an outsider, know what's going on."

Liu Lan wrenched her fingers.

Tell the evidence she heard that Yi Zhonghai fell asleep and Jia Zhang had Jia Dongxu one by one.

The first point.
When Yi Zhonghai was a fourth-level worker, he took Jia Dongxu as an apprentice and gave Jia Dongxu his daughter-in-law, Qin Huairu. Other fourth-level workers, such as Liu Haizhong, had several apprentices, even a dozen or so. He didn't give his apprentice Zhang Luo's daughter-in-law like Yi Zhonghai did. It was a gift, and it was a three-turn ring for help.

Silly Zhu suddenly remembered the sewing machine in Jia's house diagonally opposite.

It was really an item that Yi Zhonghai paid to help buy.

Yi Zhonghai was also the first master in the rolling mill to give his apprentice Zhang Luosan such a big piece.

only one.

So far no one has broken Yi Zhonghai's record of giving his apprentice a new sewing machine.

Second point.
Anything that involves the Jia family, Jia Dongxu or Qin Huairu, Yi Zhonghai will not hesitate to favor the Jia family.

The Jia family hit someone else, the Jia family apologized, and the major incident was turned into a small matter.

Others beat the Jia family, apologized to the Jia family, and then made various compensations.

Silly Zhu is a resident of a courtyard house.

have a say.

It seems that Yi Zhonghai really did this.

The third point.
At the meeting where Yi Zhonghai donated money and materials to the Jia family Zhang Luo, he put himself on the platform of the Jia family, fearing that the Jia family would starve to death.

The fourth point actually has something to do with Shazhu. Yi Zhonghai's matchmaking of Shazhu and Qin Huairu for the elderly is taken as evidence that Yi Zhonghai is Jia Dongxu's real father.

Liu Lan said convincingly that Yi Zhonghai wanted Shazhu to help support the children because he was worried that his grandson Banggen, granddaughter Xiaodang and Sophora japonica would starve to death.

Otherwise, why would you do such a wicked thing!
The missing string summed up the fifth point for Sha Zhu.

It is also related to Shazhu.

Said that Yi Zhonghai knew that Banggen and the others were his own grandsons, and was worried that Qin Huairu would take the children to remarry someone else, and his stepfather would bully the three children. Zhong Hai can only be the grandfather of the stick, and Jia Dongxu can only be the son of Yi Zhonghai.

Crouching dragon and phoenix young fierce words.

It really left Sha Zhu no excuse to refute.

Even if there is.

Silly Zhu will not refute.

He wants to know now, who made the rumor that Yi Zhonghai fell for Jia Zhang's beauties!

Originally, he wanted to use Liu Lan and Que Genxian to create a rumor that Qin Huairu would not remarry.

But I didn't expect the rumor that Yi Zhonghai slept with Jia Zhang and gave birth to his son Jia Dongxu in the rolling mill. It may not be a rumor, but a true story.

It was beneficial to Shazhu, so he let it go. He watched Liu Lan and Que Genxian leave the second canteen and walk away!
shook his head.

With a sigh in his mouth.

He drank tea from a large tea mug.

Today is a good day, a very good day, without Shazhu personally taking action, Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang are on the cusp.


Nine workshops.

Yi Zhonghai suddenly felt that something was wrong with the workers.

What exactly is wrong.

Can't say it for a while.

by feeling.

Think co-workers are talking about themselves.

As long as Yi Zhonghai turned his back to the workers, the workers would whisper and say something in a low voice. When Yi Zhonghai straightened up and looked at these workers, the workers turned into moral models one by one. You see Look at me, I look at you, and smiled mysteriously at Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai felt very uncomfortable about this.

He looked at Qin Huairu who was in the same workshop as him.

The pure kind of father caring about his daughter.

But because the workers didn't know the inside story, and there were rumors that Yi Zhonghai had slept with Jia Zhang, I saw that Yi Zhonghai paid attention to Qin Huairu from time to time.

One by one, they began to think wildly with their brains wide open.

Think Yi Zhonghai's so-called harmony between husband and wife.

It was played for outsiders like them. If the couple really respected each other as guests, they wouldn't have slept with Jia Zhang in the middle of the journey, and killed someone, and had a son Jia Dongxu.

Some even describe it with the idiom Li Daitao stiff.

Said that Yi Zhonghai was borrowing that or something!
The words are very ugly.

Since you, Yi Zhonghai, can sleep with Jia Zhang, you can also sleep with Qin Huairu. You want to have your cake and eat it too.

I heard that Qin Huairu's work was handled by Yi Zhonghai.

Why pay so much?
Definitely for sleeping.

That's it.

You still pretend to be a gentleman.

I bother.

To say that Yi Zhonghai is a disgrace to the rolling mill.

Looking at Yi Zhonghai, there was unnaturally a touch of contempt in his eyes, and the way he looked at Qin Huairu was also the same way he looked at Pan Jinlian.

A certain educated worker remembered such an elegant vocabulary.

The Huaihe woman is so beautiful!
She is not a good person just because of the word Huairu in Qin Huairu's name, maybe Qin Huairu had already married Yi Zhonghai when she was in the countryside.

But because Yi Zhonghai didn't know that Jia Dongxu was his son, when Qin Huairu forced Yi Zhonghai to marry her, he came up with the idea of ​​asking Jia Dongxu to help him.

Out of the consideration of comforting the Jia family, he bought a sewing machine for the Jia family, and later found out that Jia Dongxu was his son.

Under the wide open minds of the workers, they actually thought of the focus of who is the son of the stick. Some people say that the stick is Yi Zhonghai’s son. They want to call Jia Dongxu his elder brother. Some say that the stick is Jia Dongxu’s son. Yi Zhonghai is called Grandpa.

Both sides have their reasons.

No one can convince anyone.

In dispute.

The sound is much louder.

Only then did Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, who were kept in the dark, learn the specific truth.

The co-author was spreading rumors that Yi Zhonghai had slept with Jia Zhang.

A mouthful of old blood gushed up.

Almost fainted.

Qin Huairu has another idea, Yi Zhonghai slept with my mother-in-law, no wonder my mother-in-law won't let me remarry, she is using me, Qin Huairu, as a shield for her fooling around with Yi Zhonghai.

At this time, Qin Huairu, who was in the Ninth Workshop, learned of the rumors that Yi Zhonghai had slept with Jia Zhang, and he believed in these rumors, because Jia Zhang told Qin Huairu more than once, asking Qin Huairu to be wary of Yi Zhonghai, saying that Yi Zhonghai This person looks good, but he is actually not a good person. He is full of female whores and male thieves, and can do anything.

The co-author was Jia Zhang who suffered from Yi Zhonghai's loss, and was put to sleep by Yi Zhonghai, otherwise why did he repeatedly tell Qin Huairu to stay away from Yi Zhonghai and be vigilant of everything Yi Zhonghai did.

There must be another reason for Yi Zhonghai to match her and Shazhu.

(End of this chapter)

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