Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 204 Received the report letter, the excited Women's Federation

Chapter 204 Received the report letter, the excited Women's Federation

Rumors are raging like tigers.

People follow suit.

Even Qin Huairu thought that Yi Zhonghai had slept with Jia Zhang, and that Jia Dongxu was Yi Zhonghai's son. After the death of the short-lived ghost, the reason why Yi Zhonghai was kind to Qin Huairu was that he didn't want to starve his grandson Banggen and his granddaughter Xiao Dang and Sophora japonica.

Under the gods.

Qin Huairu made a mistake.

She asked Yi Zhonghai without a word, asking if Yi Zhonghai was Jia Dongxu's father, whether Banggen, Xiaodang, and Huaihua were Yi Zhonghai's grandsons and granddaughters, and asking Yi Zhonghai Spend money to arrange work for himself, are you worried about starving Xiaodang and the three of them?

Yi Zhonghai, who was already excited by these rumors, felt depressed to the extreme when he saw that Qin Huairu also believed in these rumors.

I almost shouted that you are my daughter.

Simply an emergency.

Yi Zhonghai came to his senses and realized that there are some things that cannot be said now, so he put on a posture of clearing himself, and replied to Qin Huairu in a tone that I, Yi Zhonghai, have no regrets. Heart, we can't listen to rumors.

Beautiful words.

The depression in Yi Zhonghai's heart was increasing step by step.

Especially when I heard the ridicule from the workers.

There is no one place to fight.

Turning around, I found Guo Dapizi, and told Guo Dapizi that he wanted to take half a day off.

Guo Dashuai told Yi Zhonghai exactly what the factory leader had said to Yi Zhonghai on the spot. The disaster was caused by you, Yi Zhonghai, but you wanted to escape. What good things did you think?Either stay in the factory and work honestly, or the factory leader finds a place for Yi Zhonghai so that Yi Zhonghai will never come back.

After careful consideration.

Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to continue to ask for leave.

He doesn't think for himself, but also for Qin Huairu.

Bite the bullet and stay in the rolling mill, and deliberately went to the second cafeteria to have lunch at noon, wanting to take this opportunity to show that he had a clear conscience, but he did not expect that Ma Hua's behavior of shaking the spoon instantly broke Yi Zhonghai's defense, so he insisted Sha Zhu ordered Ma Hua to shake the spoon for him, and at the moment of the trouble, Que Genxian stood up, saying that he let Ma Hua do this, that Yi Zhonghai was a complete hypocrite, he did the same thing to the face, and he did the same thing behind the back, and fell asleep. Jia Zhang, put a cuckold on Lao Jia's head.

The workers around who were eating or queuing up for food all echoed Que Genxian's words, and Yi Zhonghai fled the second canteen in despair, without even taking his lunch box, and went to work hungry in the afternoon.


In a small room.

There are several staff members busy.

Without exception.

All of them are women, and they are all older women, about 30 to 40 years old. This is also a major feature of the Women's Federation. All of them are composed of female members. Other departments in the street are called the Women's Federation. Detachment of women.

The comrades of the Women's Federation also call themselves the Women's Army.

It’s just that due to various reasons, so far they have been doing business to assist other departments. Many comrades from the Women’s Federation sighed secretly, saying when will their Women’s Federation be like other departments and earnestly do something that is truly affiliated with the Women’s Federation and closely related to the Women’s Federation? Hook things up.

Just when everyone was astonished.

An exclamation flew into the ears of everyone in the room.

"Sister Liu, letter, report letter."

A nimble figure.

The wind generally moved from the outside to the house.

It was Xiaomei, the youngest member of the Street Women's Federation, holding a letter she had opened in her hand, dancing and talking to Liu Hongxia, the person in charge of the Women's Federation.

"Ask for the report letter from our Women's Federation."

The atmosphere in the house.

Immediately fell into silence.

The women who were busy with the work put down their livelihoods and focused their doubtful eyes on the letter paper in Liu Hongxia's hand.

Is it really a report letter from the Women's Federation asking for help?
Don't make trouble.

Everyone's attention.

Liu Hongxia took the letterhead from Xiaomei's hand and looked it over carefully, with a look of excitement and joy on her face.

She let out a long breath.

Towards a few subordinates.

Xiaomei's statement was confirmed.

"It's a report letter asking for help from our Women's Federation."

The women who had paused on the spot for more than ten seconds immediately moved into action, striding forward, swarming over, surrounded Liu Hongxia in the blink of an eye, and stretched their necks to look at the report letter.

The writing on it is clearly visible.

The evil mother-in-law of the Jia family in the Red Star Courtyard, Jia Zhang, since Jia Dongxu's death, used the words of marrying a chicken as a chicken to marry a dog as a dog to prevent Qin Huairu from widow Qin from remarrying. Finally, to be buried with Jia Dongxu, this kind of behavior is turning back the wheel of history. I hope that the comrades of the Women's Federation can help Qin Huairu, the widow of Qin, so that Qin Huairu can bravely take the step of pursuing her own happy lower body.

"What do you guys think about this?"

"Sister Liu, this is the first request for help we have received since the establishment of the Women's Federation. I think we should take this matter seriously with [-]% of our energy."

"I think so too, save our sister from the fire pit and let her have her own happy life."

Five or six comrades from the Women's Federation expressed their perceptions in unison and took the matter of seeking help seriously. Some even proposed a two-pronged approach.

The so-called two-pronged approach is the two schemes A and B.

Some people went to the courtyard to talk to Mrs. Jia Zhang, telling her that it was a mistake to prevent the widow and daughter-in-law from remarrying, it was against the law, and it was turning back the wheel of history.

Another group of people went to this matchmaker, trying to find a way to tell Qin Huairu that they didn't dislike Qin Huairu as a widow, and they didn't dislike the man who stalked them, so they got married while the iron was hot.

Since the establishment of the Women's Federation, many things have been dealt with, and many jokes have been made.

For example, if a man beats his wife, someone found the Women's Federation, and the Women's Federation also sent people to find out about it.

The woman who was beaten at the beginning was still crying and seeking a solution from the comrades of the Women's Federation, but when the comrades of the Women's Federation said that it was illegal for men to beat women, the men thought it was inconceivable that beating wives, which has been handed down since ancient times, is illegal. Look around Neighbors in the opera, booing, saying that if you want to live a beautiful life, women have to be beaten.

Even the woman who was beaten stabbed the women's federation in the back, and asked her man to beat her again in front of the women's federation, saying that she would be happy to be beaten by her own man.

There are so many things like that.

I have also suffered too much staring.

"What do you mean?"

"Sister Liu, what you mean is what we mean."

"Then let's get to work."

"Sister Liu, I have a relative who married into the Red Star Courtyard. Her name is Yu Li. She is the eldest daughter-in-law of Yan Fugui, the third master of the Red Star Courtyard. According to her, Yan Fugui told her that There are no good people in the courtyard, only Sha Zhu and Xu Damao are okay, and the rest are not very good, so let her ignore Yi Zhonghai and his wife, the deaf old lady, Jia Zhang and Liu Haizhong's family. "

"So there are no good people in this courtyard?"

"The idiot in their courtyard said their courtyard is Shuiqian Wangbaduo!"

"What's the situation with the Jia family?"

"That's what happened. Jia Zhang's family has a son named Jia Dongxu who married a country wife named Qin Huairu. She is now a widow. There was a lot of trouble a while ago, saying that Yi Zhonghai was trying to match Qin Huairu with him. Sha Zhu, let Sha Zhu marry this widow with three children and a mother-in-law. Sha Zhu disagreed and punched Yi Zhonghai. I went to the Red Star Courtyard with Director Wang to deal with this matter. Their courtyard was quite messy. Why did Yi Zhonghai sleep with Jia Zhang, and what slept with Qin Huairu, anyway, this Yi Zhonghai doesn’t feel like a good person to me, he arranged for an unmarried idiot to help Qin Huairu who became a widow! I heard that Qin Huairu went to the ring gone."

The woman told the ins and outs of the matter to the comrades of the Women's Federation in detail.

What kind of person is Yi Zhonghai?

What kind of person is Jia Zhang?

What role did Qin Huairu play in this process?

The bamboo tube poured beans and said a detail.

There is no reservation.

Inside the small women's federation office.


They were all shocked by what the woman said, this courtyard is really full of talents.

It's very normal for a widow to go to the ring. Some widows, after they get married, take the initiative to give birth to a child for their step-wife, just because they don't want the step-wife to lose their incense.

Yi Zhonghai asked Qin Huairu, a widow in Shanghuan, to marry Shazhu.

This arrangement.


"I announce that we will proceed according to the procedure. We will meet in our office an hour before leaving get off work. After dinner in the evening, we will go to the courtyard to meet this wicked mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, who does not want her daughter-in-law to remarry."


Four p.m.

Comrades from the Women's Federation who went out to inquire about news.

Come back one after another.

Take a breath.

Each made relevant reports.

"Sister Liu, I'm really mad at you, it's just Jia Zhang." Xiaomei panted heavily, she was the only person who had contact with Jia Zhang today, and experienced the pain of being maliciously made things difficult for her, " She is definitely an evil mother-in-law, worse than the Wang Po in Water Margin."

"Speak slowly and drink some water."

Xiaomei took the big tea mug that Liu Hongxia handed over, and began to drink water.

I'm so tired.

A big tea mug was full of cold water, and she drank it all in one go.

"Qin Huairu is Jia Zhang's daughter-in-law. Since she married into a courtyard house, she hasn't lived such a good life. When Jia Dongxu was there before, Qin Huairu was better. When Jia Dongxu died, Jia Zhang told the report letter As I said, I suddenly treated Qin Huairu a lot better."

"I'm worried that Qin Huairu will remarry."

"what about you?"

"The situation we inquired at the other end is similar to what Xiaomei said. The only discrepancy is that Jia Zhang is not only the mother-in-law who won't let Qin Huairu remarry, she is also a lazy parasite. Quitting shit every day, sitting and chatting and spanking all day, Qin Huairu worked all day, and at night she had to go back to take care of the wicked mother-in-law Jia Zhang, housework, cooking, washing dishes, washing clothes, mending clothes, etc. If you don't do it, Qin Huairu is doing it all."

"The sub-district is responsible for this. Let's find someone for Qin Huairu to remarry. When Qin Huairu remarries with three children, Jia Zhang will have no conditions to eat and be lazy."

"I went to the Third Hospital to inquire about the specific situation. Qin Huairu has indeed gone to the ring. Do you know who is the person who brought Qin Huairu to the ring?"

"Jia Zhang!"

"The name column of the emergency contact is Yi Zhonghai's name."

The atmosphere in the house.

It became silent again.


The daughter-in-law is sterilized and sheung-wan, even the father-in-law has to ward off evil spirits.

Yi Zhonghai is the master of Qin Huairu's man, and he took the daughter-in-law of his dead apprentice to Shanghuan.

I always feel that there is something tricky in this matter.

Can't explain it either.

"When I came back from the hospital, I passed by the rolling mill and heard that Yi Zhonghai and Mrs. Jia Zhang were lovers. Mrs. Jia gave birth to Yi Zhonghai's son, Jia Dongxu."

"Let's not talk about these pretentious things, Xiaoya, how is your end?"

Xiaoya's job is to find a matchmaker.

She found several matchmakers, and told them about Qin Huairu's conditions. The matchmakers enthusiastically expressed that they supported the work of the Women's Federation, and gave Xiaoya some personal information that they thought were outstanding gay men. , Xiaoya recorded these materials on her sticky note, and she read out according to the sticky note.

"Wang Daming, 40 years old this year, his wife died the year before last. He has three children in his family and works in a meat factory. He said that he could marry Qin Huairu and accept Qin Huairu's three children. As for Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, he was not happy. have parents of their own."

"Zhao Zhilian is 30 years old this year. His situation is a bit special. His wife has run away. He works in a textile factory and has his own house. He is more interested in Qin Huairu."

"Zhang Erhu." Xiaoya had just pronounced Zhang Erhu's name when Liu Hongxia interrupted her and asked, "Xiaoya, do you think this person is called Zhang Erhu? Does he have another nickname called Erpidan?"

"That's right, it's him."

A few comrades from the Women's Federation.

All of them have big heads.

Zhang Erhu is Erpidan's big name and nickname Erpidan, but people prefer to call him Erpidan. It's incredible how lazy he is.

Use the original words of Director Wang of the street to describe it.

Erpidan was lazy out of the sky, out of height.

Face washing is a small wash every three days, and a big wash every five days. The so-called small wash is to dip your fingers in saliva and wipe your face casually. Go out, wait for the water splash to fall on the face, and simply wipe it with your hands.

Try not to take off the clothes on your body as long as you can, saying that you have to put on clothes the next day, why do you have to take off your clothes and go to bed at night!

I heard that I don't even take off my shoes now.

life motto.

If you can't move, don't move!

I’m so lazy that I even eat as little as possible. If I eat too much, I have to go to the toilet, and I have to walk to the toilet. Instead of wasting these links, it’s better not to eat. Only when I’m really hungry can’t stand it. I will try to take a bite of corn bread, and my brain will fight with the missing string, and I am also a loyal supporter of this step-by-step.

For the sake of his marriage, Director Wang was so busy that he finally found a lesbian who didn't dislike Erpidan's laziness.

During the blind date between the two.

Because of Erpidan's unexpected thinking, the blind date was never brought to a close.

The lesbian in her early twenties didn't like it. He fell in love with the grandmother who had one foot in the coffin behind the lesbian. He said that after marrying this old lady, he would have a son, a daughter, and a The grandson, with the granddaughter, realized the great leap of family happiness in an instant.

Nice idea.

But in exchange for a big slap from others.

He was slapped a few times and kicked out of the house.

This is Er Pidan's god-like process. When he was beaten, he didn't say a word or resist. When Director Wang asked him, he said that he just used his mind to fight back.

Zhang Erhu, Erpidan, Erlaohan.

Liu Hongxia suddenly had an idea. If Qin Huairu remarried with three second children, Jia Zhang would eventually be left behind. The idea, let Jia Zhang really work.

(End of this chapter)

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