Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 210 Yi Zhonghai Qin Huairu, can you show some face?

Chapter 210 Yi Zhonghai Qin Huairu, can you show some face?

Big fish eat small fish.

Small fish eat dried shrimps.

The deputy factory director who was reprimanded by the top leader.

After going out.

He yelled at Mr. Guo, and asked Mr. Guo to ask Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu what they wanted to do.

Ever since Jia Dongxu had an accident.

Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu suddenly became famous figures in the rolling mill, and rumors about them would be exposed every now and then.

these two.

On their own.

In a daze, the spiritual civilization work in the rolling mill was reduced to the maximum extent.

The deputy factory manager and the people under the deputy factory manager have worked so hard for so many years, and they turned into nothingness in one move. Their years of hard work were all rejected.

The depression in my heart can be imagined.

Guo Dazhui also knew that he was wrong about this matter, who made Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai both employees of his No. [-] workshop.

He also blamed Guo Dashuo for his bad luck.

a few months ago.

Confidence was high, and he mistakenly regarded shit as a treasure, and thought of borrowing Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker, to highlight it. It is a source of joy for the workers.


Eating shit can't keep up with the hot ones.

Guo Dabaozi, who had been scolded twice by the leader and the deputy factory manager in turn, came to the No. [-] workshop aggressively, and the scene that caught his eyes blew his lungs out.

Good guy.

Really nice guy.

There were rumors everywhere in the rolling mill that Yi Zhonghai wanted to use Qin Huairu to show off Li Daitao's rigidity, and the two seemed to be ignorant, they were muttering something together, their heads were so close to each other.


You guys are just trying to get mad at me, my big bastard.

Still treat the rest of the Ninth Workshop as dead.

A sharp roar flew out of Guo Dashuo's mouth, and flew towards Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu who were opposite.

"Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, what are you doing in public? Do you still have any sense of shame?"

It must be because of the extreme anger.

Guo Dashuo's voice was very sharp.

It sounds like the kind of father-in-law who works in the palace.

Gives a feeling of goosebumps.

Only then did Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu turn their heads to follow the voice, and saw Guo Dazi's cheeks that were about to change their positions, but there was a slight contradiction in their hearts.

"Director Guo, I'm teaching Qinhuairu's skills." Yi Zhonghai changed his tone, from explaining to questioning, "I am an eighth-level worker, and I teach Qinhuairu's fitter skills. Isn't this a normal thing? Why did Director Guo link this matter with the words of courtesy, justice, integrity and shame?"

Qin Huairu didn't speak.

Yi Zhonghai dared to question Guo Dajizi.

She dare not.

After all, Yi Zhonghai carried the title of an eighth-level technician on his head. Even if this eighth-level worker had some water, he was actually two existing eighth-level workers in the rolling mill.

She, Qin Huairu, is nothing.

When the gods are fighting, it's better for her, a kid, to hide as far away as possible, so that the city gate doesn't catch fire and hurt the fish in the pond.

"If you knew about etiquette, righteousness, and shame, you wouldn't let Qin Huairu remarry."

Guo Dazi's voice couldn't help but increase. He wanted to vent the anger he had received from the top leader and the deputy factory manager on Yi Zhonghai's head.

"Who are you, Qin Huairu? You control Qin Huairu like this? You are helping Qin Huairu to work, and you are also Qin Huairu's backer in the factory. Yi Zhonghai, if you really think about Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu won't It's just turned right now."

The current position in the rolling mill is an apprentice. After three months, he will be transferred to a regular worker. After becoming a regular worker, he will find a way to improve his work level, which is commonly known as a first-level worker.

subject to cultural and other factors.

Most of the workers spend their entire lives in poverty, and when they die, they are only third-level workers.

According to relevant policies, the monthly salary of a third-level worker plus subsidies is about 36 yuan. In this year, a man's monthly salary is 36 yuan, which is enough to support his family.

Many people call it 36 years.

"You are an eighth-level worker, and you teach formal workers skills. Isn't that overkill? There are so many third-level and fourth-level workers in the ninth workshop. They can't teach Qin Huairu skills. You have to come in person, Yi Zhonghai? Is it you, Yi Zhonghai?" Only teach people related to the Jia family? The previous Jia Dongxu, and now Jia Dongxu’s wife, Qin Huairu. If you, Yi Zhonghai, are bored, then I’ll transfer you from another workshop, and I must let you have work.”

Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to speak harshly.

He was worried that Guo Dazhui would really do this.

At that time, it will be Yi Zhonghai's fate to sit on the wax.

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai didn't say anything.

Guo Dabao let out a heavy breath, looked at Yi Zhonghai, then at Qin Huairu, she was really a pretty widow with pear blossoms and rain.

"Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, I beg you, can you calm down a little bit? I was transferred to the No. [-] workshop as the workshop director, and I lost my hair in just over half a year. Do you know that the factory is saying What do you say?"

Guo Dazhui thought that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu didn't know that there were rumors that they were in love with each other in the rolling mill.

was kept in the dark.

This happened last time, everyone was spreading the rumors that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu got together, but the two parties didn't know about it, so they acted as if nothing happened.

Same as last time.

Guo Dazhui was given another two to zero.

Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu expressed their opinions in unison, saying that they knew about it.

Guo Dajizi froze on the spot as if he had been marked by dog ​​urine.

you know?

Don't get angry.

Now that you know, why are you still getting so close, your heads are almost glued together.


"Director Guo, we are not afraid of slanting shadows, we don't do bad things in our lives, and we don't fear ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. We haven't done such immoral things. Why do we hide from others? It's okay to hide from others. Has something happened? We want to prove that those rumors are false."

The principle is such a principle.

But do not forget, there is an old saying.

Flies don't bite unsealed eggs.

If Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai are fine, why are there rumors of their blood everywhere in the rolling mill? Why not say that Yi Zhonghai is with other widows, but with Qin Huairu? The same reason can also be used for Qin Huairu Why didn't you say Qin Huairu was with other men, but why did you say Qin Huairu was with Yi Zhonghai!

Guo Dabozi pointed to Yi Zhonghai and then to Qin Huairu, trying to calm down his mood as much as possible.

You believe in yourself, but the workers don't believe in you.

"Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, what I'm going to tell you next is not my words, but the words of Factory Manager Yang and Deputy Factory Manager Tang. They asked you two what you want to do, and whether you have to destroy the rolling mill. Let it go? The two leaders asked you to think about it, and then give them a specific answer, or they will ask you to change places, saying that our rolling mill is too small and there is no room for the two of you to play. "

Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu could no longer maintain their composure.

Said to move the place.

In fact, it is expulsion.

As far as Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu's current reputations are concerned, no matter where they are, they probably won't want them, unless they are separated.

In other words, Yi Zhonghai went to a place.

Qin Huairu went to a place.

Yi Zhonghai didn't want to separate, worried that Qin Huairu would be offended.

He can't say that he is Qin Huairu's biological father.

Qin Huairu's father in Qin's Village is very good, if it is revealed that Qin Huairu is Yi Zhonghai's daughter, it is very likely that several people will die.

Yi Zhonghai was worried that Qin Huairu's stepfather, who was cuckolded, would find him desperately.

The feeling for outsiders is that the two are hooked up together.

"Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, think carefully about what I say, and think about it for me. I am being scolded by the leader, and the leader is being criticized by the superior."


"Yi Zhonghai, stop talking. I'll just ask you something. The Women's Federation came to your compound last night and said they wanted Qin Huairu to remarry. Why didn't Qin Huairu remarry? No, why didn't you agree to Qin Huairu's remarriage? Qin Huairu Her mother-in-law agrees with Qin Huairu's remarriage. What right do you have to prevent Qin Huairu from remarrying as an outsider? Why do you meddle in Qin Huairu's remarriage? It was fine, but it became a problem because of your meddling. .”

Having a son does not know the pain of not having a son.

Why not let Qin Huairu remarry?

Don't you want to find someone who is willing to take care of Yi Zhonghai and his wife until their death?

"Yi Zhonghai, you are an employee of the Ninth Workshop, and you stay in the Ninth Workshop." Guo Dashuo waved at Qin Huairu. , Forget it, don’t wait for tomorrow, you report to Workshop No. [-] now.”


Yi Zhonghai was anxious.

Regarding the transfer of Qin Huairu, why didn't you discuss it with him.

"Don't talk about it, either Workshop No. [-] or Cleaning Department, you can help Qin Huairu choose."

The sixteenth workshop is a lathe workshop.

There are lathes inside.

Qin Huairu probably went to learn this lathe technology.

The cleaning department is the sanitation department of the rolling mill. From the sanitation of the factory area to the sanitation of the office to the cleaning of the toilet, Qin Huairu's current reputation is based on Qin Huairu's current reputation.

When I really came to the cleaning department, I also took out the toilet.

Yi Zhonghai thought carefully.

He didn't talk too much.

He exhorted Qin Huairu earnestly and earnestly.

Qin Huairu didn't want to go there at first. The ninth workshop was protected by Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker. Her work was very easy. For Yi Zhonghai's sake, the workers would not deliberately make things difficult for Qin Huairu. Damn it. Sixteenth workshop, maybe why it was worn with small shoes.

Workshop sixteen may have Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai's rivals.

Liu Yufeng.

At the beginning, Yi Zhonghai conspired against Shazhu for a blind date, and deliberately told Zhu Bajie and her second aunt to be Shazhu's daughter-in-law.

Knowing that Shazhu doesn't like Liu Yufeng.

Purely to block Liu Yufeng's gun.

But because Liu Yufeng saw through Yi Zhonghai's true nature at a glance, he was not fooled by this, and even asked Yi Zhonghai to go to Shazhu to confront him on the spot.

don't want to go.

Walk slowly on purpose.

Guo Dajizi saw this.


"Qin Huairu, within 15 minutes, if you can't make it to Workshop [-], you can only report to the cleaning department."

Upon hearing this.

How dare Qin Huairu hesitate.

The nonchalant patted towards Workshop No. [-], looking similar to an athlete dribbling a football.


meeting room.

A group of minds gathered around a table.

Everyone is frowning.

A good rolling mill was in a mess because of Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai's affairs.

I regret it all.

Regretting listening to Yi Zhonghai's nonsense, he gave Qin Huairu a quota for entering the factory.

Think about it.

If Qin Huairu was not in the rolling mill, there must not be so many things going on in the rolling mill.

Deputy Factory Director Tang, who is in charge of spiritual civilization work, is the one who worries the most.

Smoked a few cigarettes.

He glanced at Secretary Zhao and Director Yang, then at Deputy Director Li who was in charge of the logistics work, and started self-criticism with a very good attitude.

"It was my failure to do my job well, which caused Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu to seriously delay the construction of spiritual civilization in the rolling mill. Here, I apologize to the two leaders and colleagues. It is my negligence in work. "

Secretary Zhao waved his hand.

Interrupted Tang's self-criticism.

"Now is not the time to find out who is right and who is wrong. Ideological problems are no small matter. On a larger scale, this is a huge mistake in our work, which has caused huge property losses to the rolling mill. On a small scale, it is our lack of attention to details. The problem, something happened, how to solve it, rather than hold accountable.”

"The words of Secretary Zhao are also what I want to say. We have worked together to solve the problem, and we will not make similar mistakes in the future. We have accumulated relevant experience."

"Two leaders, colleagues, I think so. Although it has not been confirmed that Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai have an immoral relationship, they have caused a huge loss of reputation to our rolling mill after all. I mean, right? Can."

The words of Deputy Factory Manager Tang.

Not finished yet.

He was interrupted by Deputy Factory Manager Li.

"We have no right to fire any employee. Old Tang also said just now that we have not yet confirmed this matter. How can we use this as an excuse to fire an employee? It is not good to spread it to the ears of the superiors. The impression is that we don’t have the ability to solve problems and can only play football.”

"What does Lao Zhao mean?"

"Let me tell a story. There was an unruly woman who was divorced by her husband's family and married a butcher. The butcher used a donkey to carry the woman home. On the way, the donkey kicked. The butcher said it was the first time , When I got home, when the donkey kicked at the butcher for the second time, the butcher directly slaughtered the donkey with a butcher knife. The woman quarreled with the butcher at night, and the butcher said it was the first time, and then the woman behaved honestly. Live with a butcher."

"What Lao Zhao means is that all of our rolling mills are mobilized to find a wife for Qin Huairu?"

"Secretary Zhao, Director Yang, I heard that Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, is very powerful. Even if Qin Huairu remarries, this mother-in-law will have to make a fuss, so she simply finds a powerful man for Qin Huairu, and breaks up Jia Zhang's misconduct It also cuts off the way for Qin Huairu to come out and mess around."

"Let Sister Ma and the others take charge of this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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