Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 211 Qin Huairu Remarried, What Will Yi Zhonghai Do?

Chapter 211 Qin Huairu Remarried, What Will Yi Zhonghai Do?

What is Miss Ma's full name?

Except for some familiar people, no one knows.

Although she did not hold a specific position in the rolling mill, she relied on her years of self-improvement and self-reliance and her enthusiasm for helping the workers.

Became the bosom elder sister of the rolling mill.

When the workers encountered problems, such as when a couple got into a fight, or when a wife got angry, etc., they would ask Sister Ma to come forward.

Under the established fact that Qin Huairu has become a big problem in the rolling mill.

Qin Huairu cannot be expelled from the factory.

It can only make this strategy of drawing salaries from the bottom of the pot.

Let her solve the problem of Qin Huairu's remarriage. When Qin Huairu has a man, Yi Zhonghai has no way to continue to be entangled with Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu must remarry, and she must remarry as soon as possible.

before the meeting.

The factory office of the rolling mill received a circular from the Women's Federation. Although they didn't mention their names, the leaders of the rolling mill knew that the person the Women's Federation was referring to was actually Qin Huairu.

Deputy Factory Manager Tang was really right.

Qin Huairu Widow Qin killed the spiritual civilization work of the rolling mill for several years by herself.

The Women's Federation put forward a suggestion to help the delay in the remarriage of widows in the rolling mill, saying that since the rolling mill is unable to solve the problem of remarriage of single widows well, widows who want to remarry will be made things difficult by the wicked mother-in-law, and there will be blood-sucking neighbors The mind of feeding orphans and widows.

Frankly speaking, this is a discredit to the good society, saying that the women's federation can help the rolling mill solve this problem, which will save the future of the leaders.

The huge steel rolling mill wants the Women's Federation to come forward to solve the problem of widow remarriage.

It was like an invisible slap in the face.

He slapped everyone's faces fiercely.

Many people are at a further stage. If it is reported that the rolling mill needs the Women's Federation to come forward to find a good home for widow workers.

Can these people present go further?

Cut off the future.

Big sin too.

Therefore, Qin Huairu's remarriage work was put on the agenda by everyone present. Other widows could not remarry, but Qin Huairu, a widow, had to remarry.

The troops are divided into two groups.

Go all the way to the Red Star Courtyard to find Mrs. Jia Zhang.

Go all the way to find Sister Ma, and hand over the work of Qin Huairu's remarriage to Sister Ma.

It is about one's own vital interests.

Everyone in the room dared not be sloppy. After the meeting was over, everyone divided their work. The courtyard looked for Jia Zhang's people, and the security department led the team.

And with weapons.

Mainly the official letter sent by the Women's Federation magnified the evil of Jia Zhang's evil mother-in-law infinitely. According to the description in the official letter, Jia Zhang is an evil mother-in-law who eats, is lazy, does not suck enough blood, and is similar to the Wang Po in Water Margin. In this era of scarcity of supplies, Jia Zhang actually accumulated a fat body weighing up to two hundred catties.

for this number.

Nobody believed it.

Mainly surprised.

How can someone eat two hundred catties in these years.

I brought a large scale to find Mrs. Jia Zhang.

There are no impervious walls in the world.

What's more, the right and wrong between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai is the hottest topic in the rolling mill at the moment.

There are two gods in the second canteen, Liu Lan and Que Genxian.

For some things, the factory leaders often make decisions on the front foot, and Liu Lan knows it later. This is also the difference between Liu Lan and Quegenxian.

Liu Lan, nicknamed Big Trumpet, can always find out the latest news at the most critical moment.

After hearing the latest news, Liu Lan rushed into the second dining hall in one breath, probably because she ran too fast, and plunged into Sha Zhu's arms.

Even though Sha Zhu was the god of war in the courtyard with invincibility in both fists, he couldn't defend against the headless flies that Liu Lan was caught off guard for.

Was hit on the ground.

It is said that silly Zhu is unlucky.

It was the fat man who was really unlucky.

The fat man who wanted to flatter Shazhu had just said a few nice words to Shazhu, but Liu Lan bumped him head-on into Shazhu's cushion.

"Liu Lan, even if you like my master, you can't be so eager. There are so many people in the second canteen, what do you want to do? I put the words aside, even if you like my master and want to marry me , you can only be young, my wife is the housewife."

Silly Zhu, who was pulled up, picked up the fat man casually, and then stared at Ma Hua without saying a word.

This apprentice.


If Shazhu remembers correctly, some time ago, Ma Hua kept saying that marrying a wife is like marrying a tigress. I haven't seen her for more than ten days, and he is open.

Listen to her jokes about taunting Liu Lan, all of which have something to do with men and women.

"Master." Ma Hua, who was stared straight at by Sha Zhu, looked a little hairy, and wiped his cheek with his hand, mistakenly thinking that there was this dirty thing on his face, "There is still there now."

"Mahua, you are a blank slate in my heart."

"Silly Zhu, you still think that MCA is nothing, this bastard has an idea."

"I didn't, you're talking nonsense."

"I'm talking nonsense, ask Que Genxian, do you always stare at the little girl who just came from the finance department when you cook these few days?"

Ma Hua's immature cheeks.

Suddenly it turned red.

Silly Zhu suddenly thought of a section of the script that had been crossed out. Ma Hua had a rift with the little beauty in the finance department.

As MCA's master, can he help?

"Liu Lan, don't taunt Ma Hua anymore, it's normal when you're old, Xu Damao in our compound!"

Silly Zhu suddenly closed his mouth, he realized that he had broken his promise, he couldn't tell Liu Lan and others about Xu Damao peeping at girls going to the bathroom when he was a teenager.

Just the mouths of Liu Lan and Que Genxian.

It took only a cup of tea, and everyone knew about Xu Damao's peeking at girls going to the bathroom.

Silly Zhu shrewdly diverted the conversation to other places.

"Liu Lan, what's the matter with you? If the fat man wasn't behind you, I'd probably have been injured by you."

Seeing that Silly Zhu asked her why she rushed in in such a hurry, Liu Lan lost her mind to do other things, looked around, and lowered her voice mysteriously.

Said to lower the voice.

It's no different from talking in the past.

"Big news, absolutely big news, the rolling mill has received an official letter from the Women's Federation, saying that Qin Huairu from our rolling mill has embarrassed the rolling mill. A pot of fresh soup, they handed over the matchmaking for Qin Huairu to Sister Ma."

Silly Zhu let out a rare sigh of relief.

Things took a turn for the better.

Yi Zhonghai may be able to run amok in the courtyard.

in the rolling mill.

Neither is his fart.

When the rolling mill came forward, Qin Huairu reckoned that it would be impossible not to remarry.

Qin Huairu has remarried, can Yi Zhonghai continue to plot Shazhu's marriage to Li Xiuzhi?
Just to be on the safe side.

Silly Zhu felt that he still needed to discuss with Li Xiuzhi to see how to solve Yi Zhonghai's adoption of the child, and finally talked to Xu Damao.

Xu Damao said a few days ago that he would help Yi Zhonghai to do a great deed, but Shazhu didn't know what it was, anyway, it was not about helping Yi Zhonghai adopt a child.

"Silly Zhu, why are you in a daze? Is it because Qin Huairu is unhappy about remarrying you?"

"Liu Lan, what nonsense are you talking about?" Silly Zhu gave Liu Lan a blank look, and deliberately turned his head away. He knew that Liu Lan was a knife-mouthed bean curd, "If this word gets out, can I go back home?"

Those people in the second cafeteria were all laughing.

Silly Zhu works in a steel rolling mill, relying on his good cooking skills, he cannot be separated from entertaining meals, and no one pays attention to him.

did not expect.

Also a henpecked master.

"Just kidding, I know you're not stupid. One is a big girl with yellow flowers, and the other is a widow with three children and a mother-in-law. They both know how to choose because they're out of their minds." Liu Lan murmured, and began to trick her , "Do you know that this time, because of Qin Huairu's remarriage, the security department of the rolling mill was dispatched, and they brought a large scale."

The sound of gasping for air flew out of Sha Zhu's mouth.

He was startled.

Seeing Shazhu like this, Liu Lan knew that Shazhu knew something she didn't know.

Grab the hand of Silly Zhu.

Acting coquettishly towards Shazhu.

"Master He, do you know something?"

"Liu Lan, please forgive me." Silly Zhu hurriedly released his hands from Liu Lan's hands, moved his body back a step uneasy, and pulled away the gap with Liu Lan as much as possible. Distance, "I really know a little about the big scale, last night..."

Silly Zhu told a joke about Jia Zhang being weighed by comrades of the Women's Federation last night, and finally weighed two hundred catties.

The second canteen can accommodate 1000 people for dinner.

There was silence for a moment.

An old godly woman weighing two hundred catties.

There are obese people in the rolling mill, people like Liu Haizhong are all fat because of different types of work, they need to engage in physical labor, lack nutrition, and really can't persevere.

Jia Zhang is an old lady with nothing to do.

Two hundred catties in weight.

The big teeth of many people were shocked, like Liu Lan's mother-in-law, who is in her early sixties and weighs only seventy to eighty catties, and she is still working on the street, doing some sewing to make a living to subsidize the family.

Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, Jia Zhangshi, does nothing all day long.

It can be regarded as the end of the enjoyment.

Please ask Huairu to remarry, how can Jia Zhang be so lazy?



The people from the security department just entered the hospital.

Some employees in the hospital who were on shifts or family members who had nothing to do and were chatting and spanking, raised their hearts to their throats.

I still feel a little in awe of the security department.

Especially when he saw the leader of the security department wearing a red hoop, followed by a few comrades with weapons, he felt even more uneasy, thinking about who in the courtyard had done something to harm the rolling mill, which made the rolling mill security department When I went to the door and randomly guessed who this person was, I saw that the comrade at the end was holding a large scale instead of a weapon. I even imagined that someone went to the black market and was arrested. Confiscate things, otherwise why bring a large scale!

They are all the painful expressions of dead parents and fathers.

There are 27 eight households in the courtyard.

There is a household.

Count as one household.

They have all gone to the ghost market or the black market to sell things. The difference between them is nothing more than some people go to exchange things, and some people sell the notes they don't use.

It is equivalent to cutting off the back road of the neighbors.

No one is sure whether that person will confess to them when they are arrested. After all, they have to go there every month. Some people go three or four times a month, or even seven or eight times.

between astonishment.

Hearing the leading comrade, he pointed to Jia's house diagonally opposite the middle courtyard and asked.

"Where did the Jia family go? The door is unlocked, but there is no one in the house. Who knows?"

I heard that I was looking for the Jia family.

The neighbors felt a little more at ease.

It's not as good as looking for them.

In just over ten seconds, my calm mood became chaotic.

Everyone in the neighborhood knows what kind of character Jia Zhang is. After Lao Jia died, some people wanted to destroy the Jia family. After leaving the rolling mill, he was worried that Sapo would affect Jia Dongxu's search for a partner, so he gradually restrained his nature.

Worried that Jia Zhang would confess them all, saying what and when Yan Fugui's family in the front yard went to the ghost market, when did Shazhu's family in the middle court go to the ghost market, and so on.

The thing about the deaf old lady flipping bills.

The neighbors know it.

Can't hide it from everyone at all.

It's just because they also dump things, and they don't have much interest in whether the deaf old lady dumps things, so this matter has been turned a blind eye.

If Jiazhang is arrested, it is estimated that the courtyard house will be taken over.

Li Xiuzhi, who was planning the land outside Shazhu's house, saw that the neighbors did not dare to provoke the security department, so she spoke to the security department openly.

"Comrade, who are you looking for from the Jia family? The Jia Zhang family? Or Huaihua and Xiaodang?"

"you are?"

"My name is Li Xiuzhi, and I am He Yuzhu's daughter-in-law."

The relationship between Shazhu and the security department has always been good.

The main reason is that Sha Zhu was worried that the security guard would check his lunch box. When the security guard made a meal, the portion was always full, and there were usually two or three large pieces of fat and tender meat hidden under the food.

Return the peach.

The security department also gave Shazhu face, otherwise he would check Shazhu's lunch box and find out.

"It turned out to be Master He's daughter-in-law. My name is Zhang Shihao, the captain of the first team of the Security Division." Zhang Shihao hesitated, and said Jia Zhang's name, "I'm looking for Qin Huairu's mother-in-law."

"That is Mrs. Jia Zhang. She is not here. Today, the comrades of the Women's Federation called her to the street to learn knowledge. Xiaodang and Huaihua were taken care of by Master Yi and his wife. Master Yi is Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-grade worker in the rolling mill. Comrade."

"Since Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Zhang are not here." Zhang Shihao pointed to the vacant door of Jia's house and asked in puzzlement, "Why didn't you lock the door?"

Because of lack of supplies.

People who are in a hurry, in order to fill their stomachs, it is really the Eight Immortals crossing the sea to show their talents. On the one hand, the security department needs to be responsible for the safety production management of the rolling mill, and is also responsible for the safety of the workers' families in the rolling mill. Recently, Zhang Shihao has been busy Keeping your feet on the ground, almost every day there are cases of property loss at home, and most of the lost food is food.

Many people are eager to chain several locks.

The Red Star Courtyard did the opposite.

Nobody at home.

The door is not locked.

Are you so relieved of those starving people?
"I'm not sure, but I've heard people say that it seems that the decision of the old man in charge, saying that the door is locked, has destroyed the harmony of this neighborhood."

(End of this chapter)

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