Silent night.

It didn't stop the sound of playfulness.

Plus some people do it on purpose.

The sound of God of War in the Siheyuan and the stingy people in the Siheyuan planning to invite wine broke through the empty night and flew into the ears of Yi Zhonghai and Jia's family.

Yi Zhonghai's expression.

It's ugly!
He couldn't accept the fact that Sha Zhu invited Yan Fugui to drink but didn't invite himself to the door. Even though Yi Zhonghai knew that Yan Fugui came uninvited, he still thought that Sha Zhu was embarrassing him.

The old man in charge of the courtyard house.

An eighth-level mechanic in a rolling mill.

This face.

this identity.

Isn't it worth your invitation?

under intense depression.

Yi Zhonghai simply sat on the stool, his head silent, as if he was holding back a mass of resentment that had nowhere to vent, but he didn't know who to vent it on.

Sitting on the kang and busy with clothes, how can she not know why Yi Zhonghai is angry when she sees her man's expression? Ever since she knew that Qin Huairu might be Yi Zhonghai's daughter, every time she sees Yi Zhonghai deflated, the aunt There will be a hearty pleasure in my heart.

He frowned slightly.

He spoke up.

"Zhu Zi's cooking skills are getting better and better. The stewed fish can smell the fragrance from a long distance. Old man, don't blame Zhu Zi for not sending us fish. A small fish weighing two or three catties, I sent more than ten people back and forth, and it was not enough to eat. If you are greedy for fish, I will buy one tomorrow, at worst, let Zhuzi help to stew it."

Yi Zhonghai raised his eyes and glanced at Big Mom.

He doesn't care about fish.

But Sha Zhu didn't put him in his eyes.

I don't know when it started, but Yi Zhonghai noticed that Shazhu had jumped out of his palm. Following Jia Dongxu's accident, Shazhu, who was supposed to be made a regular by Yi Zhonghai, finally said goodbye to Yi Zhonghai's pension career , I married a daughter-in-law.

If there is no such thing as the Women's Federation.

Yi Zhonghai is not worried either, Qin Huairu is her daughter, and when Qin Huairu's current father dies, he will reveal his relationship with Qin Huairu, it is impossible for Qin Huairu not to support him.

The Women's Federation came forward, and Qin Huairu was about to be remarried, who she would marry, what kind of man she would be, whether she had children, whether she would beat her wife, Yi Zhonghai didn't know anything about it.

After the two got married.

They are a big family.

Qin Huairu's intention to provide for Yi Zhonghai's pension may not work, and Yi Zhonghai will have to spend his savings to subsidize Qin Huairu's heir.

I have worked hard all my life.

Made wedding dresses for others.

Such an ending.

It was obviously not what Yi Zhonghai wanted to see.

For retirement.

Yi Zhonghai racked his brains to think of a way, he insisted on coming up with a way to get the best of both worlds.


There was a loud noise.

It broke Yi Zhonghai's imagination.

The hypocrite didn't care much, grabbed a piece of clothing, turned around and left the house.

Arrived in the courtyard.

The scene in front of him suddenly brightened Yi Zhonghai's depressed mood, and it turned out that it was Jia Zhang who was looking for trouble for Sha Zhu.

It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes.

Yi Zhonghai, who hated the silly Zhu for not telling him to eat, walked towards the place of the quarrel.

He is a master in charge.

Responsible for dealing with the trivial matters of the neighbors in the courtyard.

On the way, Jia Zhang's voice kept flying into Yi Zhonghai's ear curtains, which made Yi Zhonghai relieved of the ins and outs of the matter.

In a word.

It's all the fish's fault.

Sitting in Jia's house, Jia Zhang saw that Shazhu didn't bring fish to Jia's house.

I was secretly happy in my heart.

This moment.

This moment.

Qin Huairu's remarriage incident didn't happen, Jia Zhang still wanted to pretend to be a kind mother-in-law.

Qin Huairu is about to be remarried, and the Jia family is no longer the Jia family. For herself and for the Jia family, the Jia Zhang family has to repeat the old tricks, show the old unreasonable scene, and even intensify. Express this shameless nature, and try to make it annoying to people as much as possible.

I want to marry Qin Huairu.

You have to weigh me, Mrs. Jia Zhang.

With such thoughts in mind, under the banner of sticking to eat fish, Mrs. Jia Zhang went to the door of Shazhu's house with a large bowl the size of a washbasin, and asked Shazhu to bring their fish and fish soup to him. Poured it into Jia Zhang's big bowl, saying that the silly couple were ignorant and disrespectful to their elders, so she had to come to the door to beg for food in person.

Stupid doesn't matter.

The key point is that Li Xiuzhi was mentioned in Jia Zhang's words.

Li Xiuzhi is the reverse scale of Shazhu.

He didn't restrain his temper for a while, and gave Jia Zhang two slaps, telling Jia Zhang to leave quickly, otherwise it would not be a matter of two slaps.

Mrs. Jia Zhang didn't leave, but rolled back and forth on the ground, saying that Sha Zhu had broken her, and she said that Sha Zhu would be imprisoned for the rest of her life.

At this juncture.

Yi Zhonghai heard the movement and walked out.

Other neighbors also flocked to the middle courtyard one after another.

There is no radio.

There is no television.

Nothing to do at night.

You can't do the thing of multiplying offspring every day.

They regard watching the excitement as a means of pastime for them to pass the time.

Seeing that the neighbors all came out, Yi Zhonghai simply put on the airs of an old man in charge, and was about to open his mouth to tell what was wrong with Sha Zhu, but was snatched away by Sha Zhu.

"Master Yi, you are the steward and the dean of the middle court. It is reasonable for you to come forward for what happened in the middle court, but don't forget that you have another identity. You are Jia Zhang. Jia Dongxu’s master, Jia Dongxu has been away for more than half a year, the neighbors know what’s going on in the Jia family, and you know it too.”

Zhu Bajie beat him up.

Sha Zhu was the first to give Yi Zhonghai a hat.

Take Yi Zhonghai's failure to take good care of the widowed mother of the dead apprentice Jia Dongxu.

"In front of the neighbors and the leaders of the rolling mill, you said that you would take care of the widow's family of your apprentice Jia Dongxu. Your salary of 99 yuan a month is only 20 yuan for you and the first mother. There are about [-] yuan left. This money, if it leaks a little bit through the fingers, is enough for the Jia family to eat and drink. Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu are adults, and Banggen, Xiaodang, and Huaihua are children. There are five people, and there are only two and a half people, Huaihua is just one year old, look, you have forced Jia's family to fill the courtyard with beggars."

Everyone in Yi Zhonghai was numb.

Looking at the silly pillar who looks like a moral god.

I was stunned.

Sha Zhu said all his words.

"Simply the courtyard is full of neighbors and there are no outsiders. If it gets out that you are a hypocrite by turning your face and denying others, where are you going to put your face? The rolling mill is already in chaos! Speech, I worry about you! Money is a thing, whether you bring it with you when you die, why do you want so much money? You just spend it for the Jia family, so what can you do? If you spread it, you will be proud of it Thumb, say that you, Yi Zhonghai, are righteous and take care of the family of the dead ghost apprentice without complaint or regret!" (End of this chapter)

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