Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 216 Binding Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai

Chapter 216 Binding Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai

The neighbors were the first time Yi Zhonghai finished the silly routine.

Then he spoke in agreement with Silly Zhu.

It can be regarded as a villain's mind, and he is all thinking about himself.

In this current year, as long as you are not blind, you can see clearly.

Everyone is doing their best to fill their stomachs, racking their brains to think about how to solve food and clothing, no matter how difficult it is, there is no such thing as Jia Zhang's full compound begging for food.

On the one hand, they want to save face and don't want to be treated as beggars.

On the other hand, I know the situation of the neighbors in the courtyard. Every household has no food storage, and they are living in a miserable state.

There are only a few families that can store food. People with high salaries like Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong also have a lot of bills. In addition, people like Sha Zhu who deal with food.

Don't say anything else.

The fact that Li Xiuzhi led the neighbors to dig wild vegetables has already touched the hearts of the neighbors in the courtyard.

Food is life.

Afternoon thing.

Know a little bit.

Knowing that Jia Zhang didn't go.

I was suffocated in my heart. People can work to support their families through labor, but you, Jia Zhang, want to eat ready-made ones?

I heard that Mrs. Jia Zhang asked Li Xiuzhi for wild vegetables.

In the face of Jia Zhang's behavior of begging for food, the neighbors must take their own interests into consideration.

A very simple truth.

Today, Mrs. Jia Zhang came to find Shazhu with a bowl to eat, but Shazhu didn't want to give it. Under Yi Zhonghai's persecution, Shazhu reluctantly gave the food to Mrs. Jia. There will be no food at Mrs. Jia's house tomorrow. , Carrying rice bowls to find them, these neighbors want to eat, how do they deal with it?

give it.

My own children are going to be hungry.

Don't give it.

Yi Zhonghai will order them to give Jia Zhang's food with the title of "Master in charge".

The arrival of the Women's Federation last night confirmed the fact that Qin Huairu remarried. The current Jia family is supported by Qin Huairu. After Qin Huairu remarried, the Jia family has no source of income. A lazy master can imagine the Jia family losing Qin Huairu, what kind of life the Jia Zhang family will live, it must be full of yards, frantically asking for food from the neighbors, and imagine it shamelessly, Mrs. Jia Zhang sat at your house and waited for your meal to be cooked, without opening her mouth, she shamelessly ate your meal.

Danger is nip in the cradle.

Properly considering his own interests, he had to form an ally with Shazhu.

Before the situation deteriorated to the extreme, bind Jia Zhang's relationship with Yi Zhonghai. Even if Qin Huairu is gone in the future, Yi Zhonghai will be responsible for Jia Zhang's life.

It means that there is no relationship with the neighbors, so there is no need to worry about Jia Zhang breaking into their house and grabbing food without asking.

What's more, it's Shazhu who is leading this matter. According to the logic of the grievance and the debtor, even if Yi Zhonghai is unhappy and wants to find someone to settle the debt, he will first ask Shazhu for trouble.

Essence-like neighbors.

They each play Xiao Jiu Jiu.

They all spoke up to support the silly column.

"Grandpa, what Master He said is right. You are the master in charge. You are responsible for all the big and small things in the courtyard. If Jia's family comes to beg for food, it will damage the reputation of our courtyard. If it spreads, people will think our courtyard There are beggars out there, some young and young girls are old enough to get married, okay, when their parents come to inquire, the people in the Red Star Courtyard are all begging for each other, and it is said that it is a beggar's nest, can this object still be successful? "

"Who are you asking for food?" Jia Zhang, who wanted to show off her savagery, asked the neighbor who spoke, "Why is my old woman begging for food?"

Jia Zhang just wants to make things big.

The noise caused people to know that there is an unreasonable and wicked mother-in-law in the Red Star Courtyard.

It was artificially making things difficult for Qin Huairu's remarriage.

"Aren't you begging for food? You don't want food. You come to Master He's house for dinner? You still have a basin in your hand. A three-year-old child understands the reason why you don't come to the house for dinner. You Jia Zhang is a four-year-old A 50-year-old adult doesn't understand? What are you pretending to be?"

There is an unwritten rule in the courtyard.


It's a great thing.

You can't go to someone's house and talk to them when the family is eating.

This is the reason.

With rations, cooking oil, and meat rations, which family member may be improving their lives, and you come to the door, will you be allowed to eat?
Let it go.

The food cooked by others is enough for the family to barely fill their bellies.

Don't let it.

You have come to the door, and the etiquette is difficult.

You said that you have eaten, if there is this hungry gurgling sound in your stomach again, everyone will feel uncomfortable.

Inside the courtyard.

As soon as it was time for dinner, every family called their children home, especially when relatives came to other people's homes, they would watch their children closely, for fear of losing face.

That is to say, Jia’s family didn’t take this into account. When relatives came, Jia Zhang privately pushed the stick and let the stick hang around the door with Xiaodang. When people saw the child, they would give them something to eat. I didn’t even say hello, and muttered in private, why didn’t I give all the sticks, not at all, and scolded the eight generations of ancestors at home.

Qin Huairu didn't remarry, and Jiazhang's was so shameless that he ate and drank a lot. Now that Qin Huairu is gone, why should Jiazhang's be even more unscrupulous?

They all regard Jia Zhang as an enemy.


This is what the neighbors rely on.

After the final calculation, Sha Zhu was the first to bear the brunt, and now there are a large group of neighbors supporting him, so he didn't take Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai to heart.

"Do you really think we don't know what you, Jiazhang, think? I'm too lazy to cook, and I want to eat a ready-made one. Grandpa, if you don't deal with it, we will go to the street tomorrow to ask for an explanation. What a time. , still so shameless!"

"My child's matchmaker talked about marriage a few days ago. If the parents come to inquire, the marriage will be ruined because of Mrs. Jia Zhang. Don't blame me for not talking about neighborly friendship."

"Jia Zhang, don't make trouble."

"I made trouble? What did I do? Why did I make trouble? Silly Zhu's daughter-in-law picked up a fish, and everyone in the neighborhood has it. Why not our Jia family? Isn't this looking down on our Jia family?"

"Zhuzi, I didn't want to say anything about this matter. Jia's family lives in the opposite door, so you just took care of it. Tell me about you. I don't care about this fish, but we are all a big brother." Neighbors in the courtyard, look down and see, you know the situation of Jia's family, it's not easy for orphans and widows."

Yi Zhonghai looked up with a hypocritical and kind face.

Routine silly column.

What the neighbors can think of, the hypocrite can naturally think of.

Qin Huairu's remarriage has become a foregone conclusion, whether it is the street or the rolling mill, they have given an ultimatum to Qin Huairu's remarriage.

must remarry.

What if Qin Huairu remarried?

Jia Zhang will definitely use the banner of Jia Dongxu's own mother to live a life of blood-sucking Yi Zhonghai.

The two are about the same age.

It is also possible for Jia Zhang to walk ahead of Yi Zhonghai.

It is equivalent to Yi Zhonghai taking care of Jia Zhang.

This result.

Yi Zhonghai didn't want it, he also wanted to find someone to take care of him.

"Grandpa, in this age, who's easy? Tell me, who has a surplus of food?" Silly Zhu changed his tone, and Gao picked up his wife Li Xiuzhi, "I'm the cook, and I cook my own meals. I don’t want to eat, I have a little leftover, and I come back to eat at night. My wife told me that every household is in trouble. As a member of the rolling mill, I have to think about the rolling mill. I don’t bring a lunch box, and I don’t have any leftovers. , I eat one less bite, and the workers in the rolling mill can contribute more to the rolling mill if they eat one more bite. If Jia Zhang comes to ask for food, I have to give it to Jia Zhang, and I give it to Jia Zhang. What to eat? Could it be that I am hungry, how can I serve the workers in the rolling mill? Grandpa, tell me!"

Yi Zhonghai was speechless.

It's like looking at Shazhu as if you were looking at a stranger.

Such a big reason.

Yi Zhonghai was pushed to a dead end.

I wanted to take advantage of Jia's difficulties to fool Sha Zhu, but I didn't expect Sha Zhu to give him a high-profile drama as much as possible, saying that I will eat one less bite, and the workers in the rolling mill will eat more, breaking everything Yi Zhonghai has. Speaking of words, he can only agree with Sha Zhu's words.

"Pillar, you are right."

"Grandpa, it's not that I'm right, it's that this matter can only be done in this way. I still say what I said just now. You are Jia Dongxu's master. Jia Dongxu went underground in an accident, but you are also in front of the neighbors in the same courtyard. I promised to let Jia Dongxu leave without worries. Look, this is begging for food. What Uncle Liu said just now is reasonable. There are many young people in the courtyard who are talking about marriage. Mrs. Jia Zhang, delaying the marriage, can you bear the responsibility? You sabotaged my blind date in order to match Xiuzhi and me."

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

I am Nima.

You heard me right!
Silly Zhu said that Yi Zhonghai broke his blind date for his own good and Li Xiuzhi's sake. He didn't know who knew that his blind date was ruined, so he beat Yi Zhonghai twice, and even held a kitchen knife to settle accounts with Yi Zhonghai.

Think about it the other way around.

This matter really has a certain logic of explanation. If it weren't for Yi Zhonghai's repeated sabotage of Sha Zhu's blind date, Sha Zhu would have married Nima long ago. Even if he met Li Xiuzhi, he would have nothing to do with Li Xiuzhi. Zhu didn't want to live anymore, and wanted to commit bigamy.

Only Li Xiuzhi didn't think Shazhu really forgave Yi Zhonghai.

Silly Zhu only hated Yi Zhonghai.

These days.

Silly Zhu has been killing Yi Zhonghai's vigilance towards him, making preparations for going to Baocheng to find He Daqing.

Li Xiuzhi guessed that Sha Zhu must have something to say.

as predicted.

Under Li Xiuzhi's attention, Shazhu showed his fox tail.

"Master, after all, not everyone is me, He Yuzhu, and not everyone is Li Xiuzhi. It can't be as perfect as my marriage to Xiuzhi. If someone's marriage is really delayed, people will definitely say that your uncle is heartbroken." , I am an extinct family, and let the neighbors in the courtyard be extinct with you, and if it spreads out, your reputation will not be good."

Although a bit of anger flashed across Yi Zhonghai's face.

Not very strong.

This made Silly Zhu slightly astonished. Yi Zhonghai was most afraid of people mentioning extinction. Someone mentioned extinction several times before. Yi Zhonghai's reaction at that time was as if he was going to eat him alive, with fierce eyes and a terrifying face.

At this moment.

In front of the neighbors in the first courtyard, Shazhu talked about Yi Zhonghai's extinct family, but Yi Zhonghai's face did not have the anger of tearing up Shazhu.

strange things.

A bold idea.

It appeared in Sha Zhu's mind.

Could it be that Yi Zhonghai has descendants!
The sound of gasping for air resounded from the bottom of Silly Zhu's heart.

Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai, they have a child!
Flies don't bite seamless eggs, Yi Zhonghai has a strange concern for Qin Huairu since Jia Dongxu's death.

Mrs. Jia Zhang said that in the dead of night, Yi Zhonghai secretly gave Qin Huairu stick noodles. Mrs. Jia Zhang saw that the noodle pockets with the words "stick noodles" were filled with white flour.

It's not that the neighbors don't have white noodles, but they save the white area to make dumplings for Chinese New Year.

Yi Zhonghai generously gave Qin Huairu white noodles.

this behavior.

So anomalous.

Silly eyes looked at Yi Zhonghai, and then turned towards Jia's house diagonally opposite, wanting to see Qin Huairu, but Qin Huairu didn't come out, but saw the stick, this guy was still sitting on the threshold He stared at himself, snorted coldly in his heart, and began to pay attention to Yi Zhonghai again.

"Old Yi, what silly Zhu said is reasonable. You have to take care of the Jia family's affairs. You can't let the Jia Zhang family mess around like this. If it goes on, it will be a loss to our compound. Have you forgotten? We discussed it , to restore the honor of the compound, Jia Zhang is discrediting our compound."

"Lao Liu is right. Lao Yi is your master, Jia Dongxu, and you are none other than you."

"The second uncle and the third uncle have both spoken, so you should take responsibility even more. This is for your elder brother's sake. If it is reported that you don't care about Jia Dongxu's old lady after Jia Dongxu's death, you will take care of Jia Dongxu's widow and daughter-in-law Qin Huairu You guess what the neighbors think of you, what the heads of the rolling mills do with it."

"Silly Zhu, what did you say?"

"What did I say, you ask the neighbors around, who doesn't know? The rolling mill is all rumors about the uncle and Qin Huairu."

Sha Zhu solemnly cried out his grievances for Yi Zhonghai.

People who don't know the inside story.

I thought Sha Zhu was similar to Yi Zhonghai.

In fact.

Fearing that Yi Zhonghai would not die.

If Jia Zhang wants to make things worse, Sha Zhu has to follow Jia Zhang's wishes, because it is better for Jia Zhang to harm Yi Zhonghai than Jia Zhang to harm the neighbors.

Yi Zhonghai is really nothing.

Li Xiuzhi told Shazhu about the daytime things.

It can be regarded as venting anger for Li Xiuzhi, deliberately adding trouble to Yi Zhonghai and his wife, as long as Yi Zhonghai agrees to let Jia Zhang go to their house for dinner!
This thing seems to be getting more and more attention.

"Yi Zhonghai, what happened to you and Huairu?"

"Grandma Stick, Zhuzi said, it's a rumor. Since it's a rumor, it can't be taken as true."

"I don't believe it, son of a bitch, tell me, what happened to the rolling mill?"

"Actually, it's nothing. It means that Master Yi and Master Qin have this and that relationship. There is no evidence. It's all rumors."

"What rumor? Since it's a rumor, why did our Huairu go to Workshop [-], but you, Yi Zhonghai, stayed in Workshop [-]? Dongxu!"

(End of this chapter)

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