Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 217 All Passed, Yi Zhonghai Supports Jia Zhang

Chapter 217 All Passed, Yi Zhonghai Supports Jia Zhang

Jia Zhang, the undead summoner who has been silent in the courtyard for several years, comes online.

The white and fat body suddenly sat down on the ground.

Influenced by body weight.

It gave the surrounding people a feeling of shaking the earth.

so fat.

With tears in his mouth, he called out Jia Dongxu, the short-lived ghost!
Siheyuan play.

Came to a climax.

Everyone stared blankly at Mrs. Jia and Zhang, who was shouting big and little Jia, but they couldn't accuse Mrs. Jia of being a superstitious fan.

The shrewd Jia Zhang expressed his miss for Lao Jia and Xiao Jia in his words, and at the same time expressed his grievances and difficulties.

With snot and tears talking about his own difficulties, such as white-haired people giving away black-haired people, what has today but not tomorrow, why he might as well die and so on.

Silly Zhu understood the situation.

Jia Zhang is simply pushing the boat along.

Jia Zhang may not be unable to understand things that everyone can understand.

After all, Jia Zhang is not really stupid.

With Qin Huairu's remarriage already a conclusion, as long as Jia Zhang is not stupid, she will definitely have to figure out for herself, how to live on, how to stay in the courtyard, etc. She has to think as much as possible, To ponder this specific retreat.

Others don't know what to think of Jia Zhang, anyway, Shazhu knows that Jia Zhang really doesn't want to go back to his hometown in the countryside.

This year.

go back home.

A dead end.

On the one hand, there are no relatives in my hometown.

On the other hand, Jia Zhang's stinky mouth offended all relatives.

Four months ago, Jiazhang's hometown encountered some situations. The whole family came to join Jiazhang's family, replaced by others, and relatives came to the door.

I can't write two surnames in one stroke.

Jiazhang's is good, probably got the news in advance, stood at the gate of the courtyard, and scolded those relatives who wanted to join Jiazhang, so that those relatives didn't even enter the door of Jia's house. , turned around and went elsewhere.

It is equivalent to Jia Zhang's severing her relationship with her relatives.

In this situation.

Jia Zhang went back to his hometown.

There is really no way out.

She could only plot against Yi Zhonghai, whoever made Yi Zhonghai Jia Dongxu's master, if this name was not removed, Jia Zhang would have to eat Yi Zhonghai for a day.

Shazhu and Jia Zhang are allies in plotting against Yi Zhonghai. If Qin Huairu remarries, Jia Zhang has no choice but to attract Yi Zhonghai if he wants to live comfortably.

"Aunt Jia, don't cry."

It's okay not to advise.

Silly Zhu said a word of persuasion, Jia Zhang's family was even worse, got up from the ground, entered Jia's house, and within ten seconds, Jia Zhang's family left and returned, holding a huge posthumous photo in his hand.

Black and white photos of Jia Dongxu.

Looking at Jia Dongxu in the photo frame, Shazhu also had to admit that the dead ghost Jia Dongxu is really a good-looking young man.

No wonder Qin Huairu took a fancy to Jia Dongxu.

Strictly speaking.

Qin Huairu is also a good looking dog.

The script explained that the root cause of Qin Huairu's hanging on Shazhu for eight years was that Qin Huairu didn't have any feelings for Shazhu, and felt that Shazhu was not good enough for him.

Why does Qin Huairu have no feelings for Shazhu?

Isn't it just that the silly pillar is not good enough?

Although it's not ugly, but compared with Jia Dongxu, Shazhu is not a star and a half worse.

Who made Jia Dongxu a man with sword eyebrows, star eyes and handsome features.

Even if Sha Zhu didn't have a mature appearance, he couldn't compare to Jia Dongxu.

Stupid Zhu didn't believe this statement.

Why do you say he is not as good as Jia Dongxu?

Wanting to reason with the other party, but saw Yi Zhonghai's depressed face, Sha Zhu instantly felt relieved and almost got off topic.

Helping Jia Zhang's calculation of Yi Zhonghai is the most important thing.

Slightly calmed down.

Let's wait for the atmosphere to improve.

Silly Zhu opened his mouth and explained to Jia Zhangshi.

"Aunt Jia, if you have the ability, you can continue to cry. You hold Dongxu's photo and you cry all night. Anyway, we are not in a hurry. When you don't want to cry anymore, we will solve the matter. Or do you think crying? If we can solve the problem, let's let go of our voices and cry openly, crying for her until the sky is dark."

See what silly Zhu said.

Naturally, Jia Zhang would not cry anymore.

She held the photo of Jia Dongxu's death and wept in the courtyard. Her original intention was to exaggerate her hardships, gather all the neighbors on her side, and seek some benefits for herself.

Seeing everyone lose their patience.

Also extinguished the idea of ​​continuing to cry.

Looking up at a tearful cheek, he looked at Sha Zhu and everyone at the scene.

"Do not cry?"

"Do not cry."

"Don't cry, let's talk about your family's affairs in front of the neighbors. I think the neighbors have already told you about the rolling mill today. The trouble is so big that the Women's Federation has sent it to the rolling mill. Letter, Qin Huairu must remarry, saying that you are an evil mother-in-law, Aunt Jia, I really don’t know what you think, you dare to do things that prevent widows from remarrying, don’t say anything else, a hat that turns history back, you If you don’t get up, it can really send you to the ground.”

Sha Zhu put on an expression of thinking about Jia Zhang.

Yi Zhonghai uses Qin Huairu to plot Shazhu's marriage.

It is impossible for Shazhu not to fight back. His way of fighting back is to let Qin Huairu remarry, and while breaking Yi Zhonghai's schemes, let Jia Zhang's blood suck Yi Zhonghai.

Jia Zhang, who is delicious and lazy, will definitely make Yi Zhonghai's family feel at odds.


Let you pretend for me.

Jiazhang's face changed when he saw that Shazhu had picked out the theme, and he was very unhappy.

"Don't make a fool of yourself. The neighbors in the courtyard don't owe you anything. It's just because the big guy has lived in the same courtyard for so many years. I feel unbearable."

Neighbors around.

One by one, there was a smug look on their faces.

Although they did not do good deeds, it did not prevent them from receiving good person cards.

"Your family's situation is seen by the neighbors. After all, your family is relying on Qin Huairu to make a living. If Qin Huairu remarries, who will take care of you? Jia Dongxu is here, and Jia Dongxu takes care of you. Isn't it because Jia Dongxu is gone? Now you live alone, you feel wronged, and the neighbors can't see it."

Silly voice.

suddenly aggravated.

His tone has also calmed down a lot.

Looking around at the neighbors present.

Finally, his eyes fell on Yi Zhonghai.

When Yi Zhonghai saw Sha Zhu looking at him meaningfully, he knew that Sha Zhu didn't hold his fart in his heart, opened his mouth, and was about to say a few excuses, but Sha Zhu took the initiative.

You hypocrite, what else can I say?
We must first put righteousness in front of us.

"If you want me to say, Aunt Jia, you don't have to be so depressed. Jia Dongxu is gone, but Jia Dongxu's master is here. The steward of our courtyard, the eighth-grade worker in the rolling mill, has a monthly salary of 99 yuan. I remember this incident before We talked a while ago, a little leak in the cracks of my uncle’s fingers is enough for the Jia family to eat and drink. Aunt Jia, you will spend ten yuan if you are alone in a month. The salary of the uncle for a month is quite Why are you crying because of your one-year living expenses? You are crying while holding Jia Dongxu’s posthumous photo, and deliberately pointing Jia Dongxu’s posthumous photo at the uncle. Yours. If he ignores you, the neighbors will not agree, and the leaders of the street and the rolling mill will not let him go."

Silly Zhu was hinting to Jia Zhang that if Yi Zhonghai dares to challenge you, you can either go to the street or the rolling mill, and these two departments will stand up for you.

Yi Zhonghai's face had already turned livid.

He has the heart to kill Silly Zhu.

As far as those words and words that Sha Zhu said just now, they were all spoken by Yi Zhonghai's neighbors.

He was ordered by Sha Zhu to Yi Zhonghai's head without changing a word.

What is shooting yourself in the foot.

This is.

Yi Zhonghai was eager to defend himself.

It's just that the neighbors in the courtyard refused to give Yi Zhonghai this chance. With Sha Zhu taking the lead, all the neighbors wanted to see Jia Zhang eating Yi Zhonghai.

Because Jiazhang didn't eat Yi Zhonghai, he had to eat the neighbors.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

Jiazhang's harm to Yi Zhonghai is better than Jia Zhang's harm to the neighbors.

Yan Fugui spoke up.

"I think what Shazhu said is reasonable. Old Yi is Jia Dongxu's master. When Jia Zhang's family remarried Qin Huairu, our courtyard is a civilized courtyard. We can't let the neighbors live or die. Don't say anything else. At the very least, the master-student relationship between you Lao Yi and Jia Dongxu is inseparable. You could have put up the three sacrifices back then. Jia Dongxu was away, Qin Huairu remarried again, and Jia Zhang’s life was entrusted to the Elder Master. We The neighbors are satisfied."

As the third master in charge, his speaking represented a certain degree of legality.

At least the neighbors in the courtyard think so.

"Grandpa, we are also thinking about you. You are Jia Dongxu's master. If there are rumors about Jia Zhang's eating and drinking without taking care of him, what will the people outside think of you as a grandpa? They will think you are the only one talking about it." Not a hypocrite."

Yi Zhonghai seemed to have been hit on the head with a sledgehammer.

The body swayed involuntarily in place twice.


This was the last name Yi Zhonghai wanted to hear about him.

"For your reputation, Aunt Jia can only be taken care of by you. We want to take care of Aunt Jia, but we are powerless. Your monthly salary is more than our three-month salary. You have no children yet."

Looking at Shazhu's face, I think about you, Yi Zhonghai.

In the end, Yi Zhonghai could only sigh helplessly.

Liu Haizhong, who had been silent all this time, felt that his limelight was taken away by Sha Zhu and Yan Fugui.

That's not bad.

To make a statement.

Busy stood up.

Looking around at the people around.

"Silly Zhu's statement just now is very constructive. Old Yan also thinks that this matter is right, so this matter is settled like this. If Qin Huairu remarries, the life of Jia Zhang in our courtyard will be controlled by the old man. Yi Zhonghai is in charge, and those who agree will raise their hands."

Liu Haizhong was the first to raise his arm.

Sha Zhu and Yan Fugui were in the back.

The remaining neighbors came in third.

It can be regarded as a pioneer in the creation of courtyard houses.

Except for Yi Zhonghai, all the neighbors in the courtyard agreed to this matter.

"This is the honor of our courtyard house, and also the honor of the uncle. Old Yan, I think, we have to report this matter to Director Wang of the street. The contribution of the uncle can be regarded as sweeping away everything for Qin Huairu's remarriage. Don't worry about the future, the uncle should be praised by the street."

Sha Zhu's mind was in a daze.

Liu Haizhong's last words.

It stunned him.

According to Sha Zhu's understanding of Liu Haizhong, such meaningful words may also completely bind Yi Zhonghai to the broken boat of Jia's family.

It's not what Liu Haizhong can say at all.

Was it Liu Haizhong's epiphany?
Or did someone teach Liu Haizhong to say that?



The latter words.

It shows that there is another behind-the-scenes manipulator in the courtyard that Shazhu doesn't know.

A very simple reason, if according to Liu Haizhong's idea, let the streets know that Yi Zhonghai will be responsible for Jia Zhang's three meals a day after Qin Huairu remarries in the name of praise, then Yi Zhonghai will have nothing to get rid of The possibility of Jia Zhang's relationship with the Yi family means that Yi Zhonghai has become Jia Zhang's old scalper and has worked hard for Jia Zhang all his life.

It was Jia Zhang and the neighbors of the courtyard who benefited, but it was Yi Zhonghai who suffered.

Who is this guy?
Anyway, not bangs.

Not to mention the deaf old lady, if Jia Zhang's partnered with Yi Zhonghai, it would only hurt the interests of the deaf old lady, and the two would compete for food.

Could it be Qin Huairu?

Silly Zhu frowned slightly.

Why suspect Qin Huairu and not others?
Silly Zhu couldn't explain clearly either, based on his intuition, he believed that what Liu Haizhong said was taught by Qin Huairu.

in the case of.

Why did Liu Haizhong listen to Qin Huairu?


After the compound meeting is over.

Yi Zhonghai didn't know how he returned to his home, or the yelling of the big mother, which made Yi Zhonghai's soul return to his body.

Looking at his wife in front of him, Yi Zhonghai's heart skipped a beat.


If the calculation fails, it will be calculated.

How good is this!

How to do?
Is it possible to really support the Jia Zhang family?
As far as Jia Zhang's lazy attitude is concerned, if Yi Zhonghai really supports Jia Zhang, he will definitely end up in the same boat as the Yi family.

He deliberately doesn't care about Jia Zhang's life or death.

But they can't get rid of the relationship between the two families.

For a moment, Yi Zhonghai was in a state of confusion, he didn't dare to be a monster anymore, and he even felt a little bit worried. When he accepted Jia Dongxu as his apprentice, it would be great if he didn't put three sacrifices.

It's too late to regret.

The first mother found out that something was wrong with Yi Zhonghai, she stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Yi Zhonghai, and said something.

"When I asked you to adopt a child, you insisted on taking Jia Dongxu as an apprentice. Do you regret it now?"

I heard the whining voice of the big mother.

Yi Zhonghai also knew what Big Mom said was right.

He was wrong about this.

He hesitated for a few seconds.

Asked for an idea from Big Mom.

"What are we going to do now? I really don't want to talk to Mrs. Jia and Zhang, but you heard what I said just now. Silly Zhu took what I said to the neighbors and beat me back. If I disagree, what will the neighbors think of me?" ?”

Big Mom didn't speak.

in her eyes.

Yi Zhonghai just wanted to save face and suffer. He did what he clearly didn't want to do.

(End of this chapter)

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