Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 221 The Black Market Met Yi Zhonghai, Hit Him

Chapter 221 The Black Market Met Yi Zhonghai, Hit Him

Although I haven't been to the ghost market for more than ten years.

Shazhu is no stranger.

Relying on the stored memory in his mind, he traveled all the way to the ghost city not too far from the courtyard house.

When Sha Zhu appeared here, it was already [-]:[-] in the morning.

The short street was bustling with people.

From the posture of people, we can roughly judge what the other party is here for, whether they are the sellers or the buyers.People who sell things usually have the kind of half squatting posture on the side of the road, with a pair of eyes watching the left and right sides vigilantly, and the body also shows a posture of retreating at any time, looking for their own goals among the pedestrians coming and going .Most of the people who bought things were walking. As they walked forward, they looked at the vendors squatting on the curb and the things in their hands.Whether it is a street vendor squatting on the side of the road or a wandering customer, everyone keeps their mouths tightly shut, trying not to let themselves make a sound.

This is also a great spectacle of the ghost city.

It is clearly a market for buying and selling, but there is no sound of shouting and selling, and everything is as silent as silk.

There is no sound.

Under the dim street lights, everything is so ordinary but weird. There are several street lights in this street, and a bulb is on every tens of meters.

How many watts of light bulb.

do not know.

But the light is weak and can only illuminate a very small area around it.

From this came the second wonder of the ghost market.


Whether it is a wandering pedestrian or a squatting vendor, there is always a household appliance hidden in their pocket.


Wealthy people use the flashlight with three batteries, and those who are not rich usually use the flashlight with two batteries to save money. Only when you meet those interested sellers will you generously turn on the flashlight to shine of goods sold.

When you look at it from a distance, you really have a ghostly vision.

Stand at the entrance of the Ghost City.

Sha Zhu adjusted the mask on his face with his hands.

People don't see people.

This is a major feature of the ghost market. Even if the buyer and the seller negotiate a deal, both parties will not recognize each other. Out of the desire to avoid trouble, people in the ghost market [-]% hide their real faces. They covered their faces with cloth, some wore masks, and some, like Silly Zhu, covered most of their faces with masks.

Silly Sha Zhu merged into the crowd silently, his eyes were inexplicably brighter.

The surrounding environment made Silly body and mind get the maximum pleasure.

After a brief scan of the surrounding environment, Shazhu walked towards the middle of the street. He came to ask for tickets. Those who have extra tickets usually stand on the curb like nothing else, without the rush of buyers. , nor the eagerness of the seller, calm but silent.

Throughout the ages, trading is nothing more than buying low and selling high, or making a blank difference.

For the current bills, the official price is not set for the products in this market, so how much to ask and how much to counter-offer depends purely on your luck. If you are lucky, if you meet a owner who does not offer a high price, simply bargain and win. Well, if you meet a lion who speaks loudly, even if you wear out your own saliva, you will not gain anything, and you will be beaten up by the other party in a hurry, saying that you have wasted the other party's time.

Ghost market transactions must be flexible.

After all, they have the rule of "looking at the goods without asking the price, according to the things but not to the people".

It can be regarded as giving Shazhu a certain amount of room to maneuver.

From the opening to the end of the ghost market, there has never been any noise, and the whole process is surprisingly quiet. Agree and disagree are expressed by nodding and shaking the head.

Shazhu didn't go directly to the ticket seller to buy tickets. Li Xiuzhi told him not to fight uncertain battles. He first walked around from east to west, and after he had an idea in mind, he went to the ticket seller in the middle. A few people go.

His task is to buy cloth tickets.

Don't care about anything else.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses and a tunic suit with four pockets caught Sha Zhu's attention.

Just this outfit.

It's impossible not to attract Sha Zhu's eyes.

At first glance, he is a man of culture.

For some reason, Shazhu suddenly thought of Yan Fugui.

Although the man was wearing a mask, his vigilant and restless eyes betrayed his deepest thoughts. In addition, Sha Zhu saw a piece of new cloth one meter square in the other party's hand, so it is guessed that this man has a cloth ticket in his hand. , and it was the first time to trade in the ghost market. Since he didn't know how to express the fact that he had a cloth ticket, he deliberately used the one-meter-square new cloth as a cover for attracting customers.

Silly Zhu walked up to the middle-aged man, and the two sides were just like our personnel meeting in the movie.

"Is there a cloth ticket?"

The voice was very low, so low that even the middle-aged man couldn't hear clearly. Seeing Sha Zhu staring at him, he guessed that Sha Zhu was talking to him, so he nodded hurriedly.

Silly Zhu gestured towards a corner not far away.

The middle-aged man nodded, paused for another minute, and then followed Sha Zhu's footsteps to this corner.

"How much?"

"Make clothes for three adults."

Two clothes for rain.

Li Xiuzhi was fully dressed.

The man took out a cloth ticket, held it in his palm, and asked Sha Zhu to confirm it with the light of the flashlight.

This is also the rule.

Make sure you have something first.

Save gossip.

There were no troubles in the previous steps, except when talking about the price, something happened that made Sha Zhu feel unbelievable.

Silly Zhu thought that people wanted to talk to him.

That is cuff talk.

You have one hand, and I have one hand, talk about prices with each other, and use gestures to express numbers. First, stretch out one finger to be a piece, and then stretch out two fingers to be a hair.

But I didn't expect that the man came to the ghost market for the first time and didn't know anything, so the silly talk turned into nonsense. In the end, he was forced to rush, and Sha Zhu whispered a price to the man.

The man shook his head slightly, he was not satisfied with the price.

Silly Zhu was really helpless. He saw that the man came to the ghost market for the first time, so he gave him a one-step price, but he didn't expect that the man was also a strict wife, because his wife told him that when selling tickets, If the other party asks for a price, I must shake my head, so I shook my head vigorously at Shazhu.

Silly Zhu added another [-] cents to the original price.

See the man is still hesitating.

Sha Zhu directly said a harsh word and went over.

"At this price, if you agree, we will trade, if you don't agree, we will make a deal."

Stop talking.

Silly Zhu made the illusion of stepping away.

Seeing that Sha Zhu was really going to leave, the man panicked and quickly grabbed Sha Zhu's arm, saying that he agreed to the price Sha Zhu offered.

Both parties pay in one hand and deliver in one hand.

Everyone carefully observed the money and bills in their hands.

There have been farces in the black market where some people use bald banknotes as new banknotes, and there have also been incidents where someone has changed the date of expired bills and resold them for a second time.

It is always right to be careful.

Silly Zhu looked at it seriously.

The man also looked carefully.

After the two parties confirm that there is no problem with the bill and money.

each leave.

After walking a few steps, I suddenly heard a voice not far away.


Silly Zhu is also well-informed, knowing that someone rushed into the ghost market, swept away his previous lazy posture, and rushed towards the courtyard in a nonchalant manner.

Rushing into the ghost market is an official statement, that is, someone came to clear the ghost market.

Some people took the stolen goods or stolen money to spend in the ghost market. People from other departments found the ghost market by following the clues. During the arrest process, the rest of the people, whether they were buyers or sellers, would be panic-stricken. , ran towards the safe house like a jerk.

Ghost market trading is illegal.

Shazhu encountered such a situation last time.

Unexpectedly, the second time I visited the ghost market ten years later, I encountered exactly the same thing as the last time.


It must be the fate of the unit to lead the person.

Penalties of wage cuts are unavoidable.

The huge ghost market looked like a flock of sheep that exploded, and people fled in several directions. Sha Zhu, relying on his youth, rushed to the front, as long as he turned a corner, he would be safe.

But at this time, there was a roar of not moving in front of him and the sound of a person falling to the ground and his body hitting the ground.

Silly Zhu knew that the road ahead was blocked, so he turned around and rushed in the opposite direction. Halfway, he saw a wall next to him and a river behind him, so he immediately decided to jump over the wall to escape.

He pushed through the crowd with all his strength, and came to the wall in two steps. With both feet, he firmly grasped the top of the wall with both hands. Just when the silly column was about to turn over, a pair of powerful hands grabbed the Zhu's leg, pulling down on silly Zhu vigorously.

Silly heart.

Instinctively sank.

I thought someone from the department was here.

When he was dragged off the wall and calmly checked who the other party was, his nose was going to be crooked.

dog day.

It's not from the department.

It was a customer who came to the ghost market to shop for things exactly like Shazhu, his face was covered tightly with colorless rags, but his eyes.

Silly Zhu felt somewhat familiar.

Another look at each other's figure and hairstyle.

Immediately guessed who this bastard was.

Yi Zhonghai.

Not caring much, he waved his fists, facing Yi Zhonghai's eye sockets with two fists, taking advantage of Yi Zhonghai's ophthalmology department being fisted and unable to see clearly, Sha Zhu turned his fist into a slap, and slapped Yi Zhonghai viciously on the cheek go.

Yi Zhonghai was slapped five or six times, and while Yi Zhonghai was moaning, with the help of the inertia of running, he jumped over the wall three times and two times, and disappeared into the vast night along the base of the wall.

Yi Zhonghai, who received two fists and several slaps from Sha Zhu, was left in place. When he came to his senses, there were already people from the security department standing around him.

Look at each other's flashlight.

Yi Zhonghai had just one idea.


Really dying.

The eighth grade worker of Tangtang Steel Rolling Plant was arrested for visiting the black market, absolutely big news.

I thought to myself, didn't I just want to exchange some things in the black market while the deaf old lady was going to the hospital, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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