Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 224 Jia Zhang's Stalking Aunt 1

Chapter 224 Jia Zhang Follows Big Mom
on Monday.

The first mother sat at home until nine o'clock.

Carrying a vegetable basket made of bamboo strips in his hand.

out of the house.

He swiped the door casually and walked towards the front yard.

Under the pretext of going to the vegetable market or the supply and marketing agency to buy things, they made a detour to the Red Star Post Office to intercept the money and letterheads that He Daqing mailed to the Shazhu brother and sister.

The vegetable basket was used as a cover to deceive people, and it was also a cover for destroying He Daqing's postal items.

Last month, He Daqing was worried that Shazhu and the two would not have enough to eat, so he specially mailed two catties of peanuts, and these peanuts went into Yi Zhonghai's pocket.

Part of it was eaten by Yi Zhonghai and his wife, and part of it was used as a favor.

It can be seen the importance of the food basket.

so many years.

It's always been this way.

Never had an accident.

Only today.

Jia Zhang, who was diagonally opposite, thought about going to Yi Zhonghai's house for dinner in a while, and knew that he was not treated well by them, so he wanted to perform well.

Can't be lazy anymore.

Be industrious.

She saw the aunt carrying a vegetable basket to buy vegetables, thinking of her strength, her chubby body, and the streets made her move, so she acted as a machine for making excrement all day long.

Thinking about carrying a vegetable basket for the aunt is also a move, which not only pleases the aunt, but also achieves the goal of moving as required by the street.

Busily striding his chubby body, he moved to the big mother in three steps and two steps, with a smile on his face as much as possible.

"His aunt, what are you doing here?"

Big Mom didn't think much about it.

I mistakenly thought that Jia Zhang was just asking casually.

He said something casually.

The deaf old lady's all-purpose excuse was once again used by the aunt.

"The old lady is greedy for meat. Our old Yi was arrested by the security department because of this incident the night before yesterday. He wanted to go to the supply and marketing agency to see if there is any pork that does not require meat tickets. Buy some and come back to improve the old lady's life. , for the sake of the old lady, I have to do everything, I won’t talk to you anymore, I have to go, or I’ll be in a hurry.”

"His aunt, the two of you treat the old lady. There is no way to say that. Many people say that you all treat the old lady as your own mother. My old lady will live with you. I am blessed, and we will be a family at that time." , you and Lao Yi are my old sister and brother-in-law, our family is Lao Yi's apprentice, and now Huai Ru is learning technology from Lao Yi, this relationship is closer than relatives."

Jia Zhang's words.

The big mother was stunned, and the whole person was shocked. You, Jia Zhang, really want to live with us, eat and drink with us?
I look down on Jia Zhang's lazy way of doing things.

Serving the deaf old lady is getting irritated, and if there are more Jia and Zhang families, the aunt will go crazy. She thinks whether to let Yi Zhonghai take time to hold a big courtyard meeting, and it is best to make a donation to the Jia family. It doesn't seem the same thing if the Jia family is self-reliant and always sucks blood from others.

The neighbors of Jia Zhang's family are better than catching Yi Zhonghai alone.

His eyes were on the moment he saw Li Xiuzhi.

Extinguished thoughts.

Ever since Jia Dongxu's accident, Yi Zhonghai held several compound meetings in order to get rid of the Jia family's burden, but all of them failed without exception.

In the end, the Yi family was forced to help the Jia family.

The key point is that Yi Zhonghai and his wife can't say no, they have to agree to this matter with a smile.

It is guessed that if there are silly pillars in the courtyard, there will be no good life.

With a cold snort in his mouth, he neither gave Jia Zhang a clear answer nor objected to Jia Zhang. While Jia Zhang was wondering what the cold snort meant, he stepped forward.

The first mother suddenly felt that her left hand was suddenly emptied, and when she looked closely, she found that the vegetable basket in her hand had arrived in Jia Zhang's hands at some point.

A bad idea came to mind.

Reach out to snatch the vegetable basket.

Jia Zhang's chubby body blocked it, and Da Mom's attack missed the target.

"Grandma Sticky, you return my vegetable basket, I won't be able to buy meat for a while, be careful that the old lady will trouble you."

I know that Jia Zhang is afraid of the deaf old lady.

Busily carried out the deaf old lady.

as predicted.

Jia Zhang's complexion changed immediately, but instead of handing the vegetable basket to the aunt's hands as the aunt wanted, she said something with a smile on her face.

"His aunt, my wife can't help your family even if she thinks about it, so she will do what she can. Don't worry, my wife will not ask how much you spend on grocery shopping. My wife will help you carry the vegetables. It’s better to go to your house for dinner, otherwise my old lady’s food will not be very satisfactory.”

Da Ma naturally couldn't do what Jia Zhang wanted.

There's shit under the ass.

Still waiting for someone to wipe her ass.

If Jia Zhang follows her and discovers that Yi Zhonghai and his wife have embezzled the money that He Daqing mailed to the Shazhu brothers and sisters, according to Jia Zhang's virtue, it must be the end of the lion's mouth. It is estimated to be 5000 yuan Can't stand it.

One aspect is money.

On the one hand, it is fate.

all important.

Wei Wei settled down.

He said to Jia Zhang: "You can follow me, just to meet Wang Matchmaker."

"Matchmaker Wang?"

"Yes, it is Wang Matchmaker who introduced Xiuzhi to Zhuzi. You, Jia Zhang, also saw how virtuous Xiuzhi is. Our old Yi told me that you can only know if the shoes fit or not. What happened to Huairu in your family has made the rolling mill and the street know about it, and they are all trying to find a way for Huairu to find someone.

What Lao Yi meant is that our courtyard is a civilized courtyard. Although the brand of civilized courtyard has been taken away, he wants to get this brand back. He specifically told me to find Wang Matchmaker to see if it is suitable. Huairu’s gay man, as a mother-in-law, come with me. When the time comes, put forward conditions and make sure that Huairu’s remarriage is not a small matter. We should treat it as a big matter. Remarriage is not good Huairu was wronged, and the three children of Bangjian also suffered. "

Which pot does not open which pot.

Jia Zhang's heart was against Qin Huairu's remarriage.

Naturally, it is impossible to give a big mother a good face.

Although her face didn't come down, she stuffed the vegetable basket in her hands into the hands of the aunt, saying that she wanted to go back to making shoes, that Qin Huairu had remarried, and that she had no way of living, and had to rely on making shoes to support herself, and she had to pull a big stick Fuck their children.

Seeing that Jia Zhang was being frightened by herself, the first mother yelled on purpose.

"Mom Dongxu, you really don't want to go with me to see Matchmaker Wang, and tell Huairu about your partner. As a mother-in-law, you really don't want to participate? Didn't you say yesterday that you want to treat Huairu like your own daughter?"

See Jia Zhang ignored her.

A long breath came out of his mouth.

Carrying a vegetable basket, he walked out of the courtyard.

The moment she stepped out of the courtyard, the whole person let out a long sigh of relief.

He turned his head and looked at the courtyard behind him.

Suddenly, I felt that this matter could not be delayed any longer.

Who knows what will happen in the future, without the Jia Zhang family, but there can be Li Zhang, Liu Zhang, and Ma Zhang, if they are not careful, they will be wiped out.

After calming down at the gate of the courtyard, he walked towards the Red Star Post Office.

Behind her protruded a fat white head.

It is Jia Zhang's.

Jia Zhang's family is not as stupid as people seem to be. On this point, Sha Zhu has the most right to speak, judging from the finale of Qin Man's script.

Shazhu has no family, after Shazhu gave the deaf old lady pension to the end, the deaf old lady left the house to Shazhu, and Shazhu gave Yi Zhonghai and his wife to the end of the pension, and the house of Yi Zhonghai and his wife became Shazhu's. industry.

In the end, these houses became the property of the Jia family before Qin Huairu's death, and Bang Geng became a billionaire by virtue of the priceless courtyard house.

All of this is due to Jia Zhang's contribution. If Jia Zhang hadn't held Qin Huairu to prevent Qin Huairu from remarrying, it is estimated that the fact that Sha Zhu was hanged and Sha Zhu became extinct would not have happened, and then let Silly Zhu was kicked out of the courtyard that originally belonged to Shazhu on a snowy night, and finally died of freezing and starving. He and his lifelong enemy Xu Damao helped to collect the corpses, and joined hands with the rain to force the sticks to cover Shazhu with hemp Dai Xiao.

Qin Huairu took advantage of Silly Zhu and tried to trick Louis Zhonghai, and the Jia Zhang family was controlling Qin Huairu again.

It can be seen that Jia Zhang is the biggest behind-the-scenes manipulator in the courtyard. She is unreasonable and unreasonable. She does things without thinking, just pretending to be herself.

In a word.

Jia Zhang is a smart man.

Some things are clear.

Just like the elderly care incident in the courtyard house, Jia Zhang's family is even more clear. After Jia Dongxu's death, Sha Zhu married his wife. Both the primary and spare tires escaped Yi Zhonghai's calculations, and Qin Huairu naturally became Yi Zhonghai's couple. Otherwise, Yi Zhonghai would not have bought a job for Qin Huairu.

In this situation.

How could Yi Zhonghai and his wife be willing to let their only support for the elderly fly away so quietly? They must take action. The so-called matchmaker that the aunt told Jia Zhang just now, according to Jia Zhang's understanding, is purely You're talking nonsense, it's impossible for Yi Zhonghai to let someone introduce someone to Qin Huairu.

Grocery shopping.

It's not something shameful.

I was kind enough to help my aunt carry things, but my aunt not only didn't appreciate it, but even frightened me. Jia Zhang guessed that my aunt was doing something shameful.

The root cause of Jia Zhang's vigilance.

It was what Jia Dongxu said to Jia Zhang at the beginning. In order to manipulate Jia Dongxu, Yi Zhonghai deliberately blocked Jia Dongxu, and made things difficult for Jia Dongxu, preventing Jia Dongxu from passing the fourth level.

What Jia Zhang said to Qin Huairu a few nights ago.

It's the truth.

Yi Zhonghai killed Jia Dongxu.

Originally, for the sake of the Jia family, they did not plan to pursue this matter in depth.

It is better to die than to live.

Jia Dongxu is dead, but Jia Zhang is alive, and so are Bangjong and the others. They don't think about the dead, but they have to think about the consequences for the living.

Only then did Jia Zhang have the idea of ​​swallowing his anger. As long as Qin Huairu does not remarry, as long as Qin Huairu supports Jia Zhang and prevents Jia Zhang from returning to his hometown in the countryside, Jia Zhang will pretend that those things never happened.

This moment.

For a while.

Did not expect a report letter.

Qin Huairu was about to be remarried, and Jia Zhang became the evil mother-in-law who prevented the widow and daughter-in-law from remarrying. The reason for the bad reputation is to excuse it, and it is estimated that Jia Zhang is gone.

The matter of Qin Huairu's remarriage shattered Jia and Zhang's idea of ​​trying to survive, thinking that the Jia family is no longer the Jia family anyway, so, is it necessary to conceal obvious things about Jia Dongxu's death?

She wants revenge.

Jia Dongxu died tragically because of Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu became a widow and was forced to remarry, so the Jia family broke up.

Injustice has a head.

The debt has its owner.

this account.

It can only be counted on Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai was at the rolling mill, and Jia Zhang had no choice but to use Da Ma as a breakthrough point and quietly followed Da Ma.

I also blame my mother for being too self righteous.

Probably because he thought that Mrs. Jia Zhang was an idiot who didn't even know she was being followed by Mrs. Jia.

Because the incident was delayed by Jia Zhang for a few minutes, and worried that Lao Miao would send He Daqing's remittance slip directly to the courtyard, instead of taking a few steps as usual, he walked directly from the Red Star Courtyard to the Red Star Post Office.

Jia Zhang, who followed behind her, squatted down her body at the corner of the wall, with a pair of gloomy triangular eyes emitting a cold light.

as predicted.

Yi Zhonghai and his wife really have a problem.

The aunt went straight into the Red Star Post Office with a basket of vegetables.

If Jiazhang's memory serves her right, what the aunt told her just now is that the deaf old lady is greedy for meat, and the aunt is going to the supply and marketing agency to buy meat.

The meat was bought at the post office.

Maybe the post office has switched to selling meat.

something wrong.

What exactly is the problem.

Jia Zhang didn't know, but she was sure that as long as she kept an eye on the big mother, she would be able to learn the truth. At that time, she would use this truth to pinpoint Yi Zhonghai and his wife and ask them for money and tickets. Yi Zhonghai 99 yuan a month, I have worked as a sixth- and seventh-grade worker for four or five years, and my family must have five or six thousand yuan in savings. I asked Yi Zhonghai for 6000 yuan. Let Yi Zhonghai feed himself with big fish and meat, let the big mother serve him like a mother, wash his clothes, and do the housework.

Think of days like this.

A smug smile appeared on the corner of Jia Zhang's mouth.

Inside the courtyard.

Still look at me, Jia Zhang.

Qin Huairu, if you want to remarry, I will make you regret it.


Inside the post office.

The aunt came to the business hall with ease.

I looked around.

The old Miao was not seen.

My heart skipped a beat.

After doing something bad, I was afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, wondering if I was delayed by Jia Zhang, and I was a few minutes late, Lao Miao couldn't wait, and brought things to door-to-door to deliver.

If this is sent to the courtyard.

In front of the neighbors of Yiyuan, if they shouted "He Yuzhu, there is the money you mailed from Baocheng", the courtyard must be in chaos.

If you are talking too much, "You are He Yuzhu, He Daqing has mailed you money every month for more than ten years, and it is the daughter-in-law of Yi Zhonghai, the steward of your courtyard house, who helps you collect it."

Yi Zhonghai and his wife have been hiding a secret for more than ten years.

It is no longer a secret.

In addition to the destruction of human settings.

It is estimated that he will still be punished in all aspects, and if he is in trouble, he will go in and eat free meals for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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