Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 223 Yi Zhonghai: I Was Beaten by a Silly Zhu

Chapter 223 Yi Zhonghai: I Was Beaten by a Silly Zhu
The return of Yi Zhonghai.

It can be regarded as saving the distressed Jia family.

The minds of the neighbors instantly shifted from the matter of how the stick figured out where the woman gave birth to the matter of Yi Zhonghai's arrest in the ghost market.

Look around.

A scene that came into view.

It made them gasp involuntarily.

Yi Zhonghai is Yi Zhonghai, but his spirit is gone. In the past, Yi Zhonghai stood in front of the neighbors and looked like a high-spirited and in-charge man. Now, in the eyes of the neighbors, he is just like the eggplant who was beaten by frost. Almost, the whole person was listless, with an unlucky look on his face, he didn't dare to lift his head, just like a child who made a mistake, he drooped his head and entered the courtyard.

Silly Zhu guessed that Yi Zhonghai fell into the security department last night and was treated well.

Probably because of a tacit understanding.


When Sha Zhu was staring at Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai raised his head suddenly, and looked at Sha Zhu, and the eyes of the two met in mid-air.

Silly Zhu narrowed his eyes slightly.

As the person involved, he sensed a strong resentment towards him from Yi Zhonghai's eyes.

Mind a move.

Could it be that Yi Zhonghai knew that he beat him up last night, and made him fall into the hands of the security department.

It shouldn't.

Silly Zhu was very clear about the situation at that time. He swung his fist towards Yi Zhonghai completely in the blink of an eye.

There is no possibility of revealing stuffing.

So Yi Zhonghai's hatred.

Where did it come from?

Is it a feeling!
As soon as he thought of this word, Sha Zhu couldn't help himself. He felt as if he had grasped the key point of the matter.

The person who knows you best is actually not you, but your enemy.

Yi Zhonghai understood Shazhu.

Sha Zhu also knew Yi Zhonghai.

Last night, even though Yi Zhonghai covered his face, Shazhu still recognized him from his figure and his perception of Yi Zhonghai, and then something happened.

Shazhu can recognize Yi Zhonghai by feeling, and Yi Zhonghai can also recognize Shazhu by feeling.

As such.

Yi Zhonghai pulled that last night.

It was clearly intentional.

If you want to keep Shazhu in the local area and fall into the hands of the security department, you will lose face and be punished by the rolling mill, which will add to your reputation of being a waste of supplies.

have to say.

Yi Zhonghai's calculations are ruthless.

It's just that the plan fell through in the end, and Sha Zhu took the lead.


I thought that after getting married, Yi Zhonghai would extinguish some of his calculating thoughts about him, but he never thought that Yi Zhonghai would never forget Shazhu.

Silly grinned suddenly.

Yi Zhonghai was embarrassed, and as an opponent, he naturally wanted to be happy.

Seeing that Sha Zhu smiled at him, Yi Zhonghai lowered his head again. The moment the hypocrite lowered his head, Sha Zhu's smiling face also became expressionless.

he knows.

Even if he told Yi Zhonghai to take care of him, Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to ask Sha Zhu to take care of him, so what was the starting point of last night's calculation?
Don't you just want to make Sha Zhu feel better?

Think about it.


Love begets hate!
Silly Zhu cast a glance at his own daughter-in-law who had just helped the first mother out of the compound, and then gestured to Yi Zhonghai.

Li Xiuzhi nodded slightly.

The following things.

Give it to Liu Haizhong.

Liu Haizhong did not disappoint Silly Zhu. In front of the neighbors in the first courtyard, he staged a deed of making things worse. He deliberately said to Yi Zhonghai, "Old Yi, is this on your face? No." Will they hit you?"

"Second uncle, the first uncle is not like this in the security department. He was already like this when he was caught. I heard that he fought with someone in the ghost market. If it wasn't for the people from the security department. In time, the uncle estimated that he would have to be beaten violently, and it was the comrades from the security department who saved the uncle."

"Old Yi, were you beaten up in the ghost market?"

The neighbors around grinned one by one.

Just not stupid.

Everyone could see that Yi Zhonghai had two black eyes.

The end of being beaten properly.

That's why Liu Haizhong would ask such a stupid question.

"Old Liu, now is not the time to talk about this matter."

Yan Fugui smoothed things over.

The words eased the atmosphere of the scene.

It's just that Liu Haizhong obviously didn't accept Yan Fugui's kindness.

The voice became even more lofty.

"Old Yi, as the steward of our courtyard house, can't lead by example. He went to the ghost market at night, was beaten up in the ghost market, and then fell into the hands of the security department. The neighbors in the courtyard stopped their hands Let me simply say a few words, the ghost market is not safe, and our uncle Yi Zhonghai has suffered a lot in the ghost market, let alone us. From now on, we should avoid going to those smoky places to save money At that time, the street will notify the compound to lead people, hey, Lao Yi, what are you doing? It's our responsibility to focus on discussing these things."

Yi Zhonghai ignored Liu Haizhong.

He walked into his house in a hurry.

Not knowing whether to express his dissatisfaction with Sha Zhu, or to express his protest against Liu Haizhong, Yi Zhonghai returned to his home, and slammed the door firmly.

The sound of doors and thresholds.

Everyone in the courtyard was shocked.

See there is no excitement to watch.

The neighbors dispersed one by one.

Liu Haizhong stretched out his hand, chased after everyone and said: "You all remember what I said just now, don't go to that kind of place, if something happens, whose fault will it be?"

Turning his face away, he saw Yan Fugui staying where he was with his two children.

He pursed his lips.

"Old Yan, you are still welcome."

Yan Fugui chuckled.

"Old Liu."

"Old Yan, Lao Yi said that he went to the ghost market to sell meat tickets in order to improve the food for the deaf old lady. Do you think this is possible? The old lady is a household with five guarantees."

"Old Liu, what Lao Yi says, we will believe it."

"I think there is something tricky about this matter."

"It doesn't matter if it's tricky or not. You just promised to take Lao Yi's fifty cents. Who will give it?"

"You ask for it from Lao Yi, this is to solve the problem for Lao Yi."

Liu Haizhong turned his head and walked out of the courtyard.

The Yan family father and son were left at the scene looking at each other.

"Father, are we at a disadvantage?"

"What's wrong? Go home."


Easy home.

Yi Zhonghai who entered Yi's house with his head drooping.

After returning home on the front foot, he sat on the stool with a gloomy expression on the back foot.

not moving at all.

A posture of wandering in the sky.

Going to call Sha Zhu just now, the aunt who was so frightened by the scene of Sha Zhu and his wife's intimacy, wanted to lie down on the bed for a while.

But seeing Yi Zhonghai's expression was wrong.

Then he knew that Yi Zhonghai didn't let go of this matter.

The couple have been married for so many years.

He is too clear about Yi Zhonghai's personality.

Live for face.

For the sake of face, he gritted his teeth and took care of the deaf old lady, acting as a good person in the compound.

But it was such a face-saving master who was blocked in the ghost market by the security department, and was brought back from the security department in front of the neighbors in a courtyard.

Can't care too much.

The first mother dragged her uncomfortable body and moved to Yi Zhonghai, seeing Yi Zhonghai staring at the floor tiles in front of her.

I sighed slightly in my heart.

He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Yi Zhonghai.

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai's eyeballs didn't even move.

He yelled out a word.

"Old Yi, Old Yi, are you okay?"

The big mother's voice called Yi Zhonghai's divine soul back to his body. He gradually came back to his senses, raised his dazed face, and said in a tone full of bitterness: "I'm fine."

"Old Yi, you haven't gone to the ghost market once or twice. Why are you so careless this time? Why didn't you run away when you saw someone from the security department appear? You were caught! I have released the old lady greedy Meat, I don’t have extra meat tickets at home, and there are rumors that you went to the ghost market to sell meat tickets in order to show filial piety to the old lady.”

The atmosphere in the house.

It immediately became weird.

More than a minute passed.

Yi Zhonghai settled down, and whispered to the first mother, "How do you know that I didn't run away? I was being tricked."


"Silly Pillar!"

Yi Zhonghai's tone.

Purely wishing to swallow Silly Zhu alive.

The big mom was taken aback.

Silly Zhu killed Yi Zhonghai in the ghost market.

how can that be.

Do not believe it.

But the expression on Yi Zhonghai's face was very affirmative, and his teeth were clenched against each other, so he knew that what Yi Zhonghai said should be true.

My heart suddenly became depressed.

Calculations cannot be calculated.

If the two of them hadn't calculated Shazhu like a fool, it would be inevitable to help them with their old age in the future because of the previous friendship between the two families.

But it was because Yi Zhonghai wanted a double insurance and wanted to occupy a leading position in the pension industry.

Then there is the current situation.

"I finished shopping and was about to leave. When I heard someone shouting, I knew something had happened in the ghost market. I ran with the crowd. During the run, I saw Sha Zhu and thought of the embarrassment Sha Zhu gave me, so I thought about it." Taking revenge on Silly Zhu, I took advantage of the moment Silly Zhu was about to jump off the wall, and dragged him down, thinking that it would be better if he fell into the hands of the security department, so I went to pick him up as a master in charge , can the relationship between our two families be eased? Unexpectedly, Sha Zhu was dragged down by me, and he punched me twice without saying anything. When I opened my eyes, the security department was beside me."

"Don't think about it, silly Zhu. From the time he knew you ruined his blind date, he has no possibility of giving us a pension. He let us give us a pension. Do you dare to promise? Anyway, I dare not."

The aunt began to dissect very helplessly.

To put it bluntly, Yi Zhonghai's calculations are purely superfluous, except that he didn't calculate Sha Zhu, but trapped himself in it.

The relationship between Shazhu and their family.

Never before.

A dog that can bark does not bite, and a dog that bites does not bark.

The consequences of Yi Zhonghai's sabotage of the silly blind date are now gradually manifesting.

Perhaps Shazhu also recognized Yi Zhonghai and beat him up on purpose.

"Old man, tomorrow is the end of the month." The aunt said to Yi Zhonghai, "It's really not possible, let's return the money to Shazhu. I've been eyeballing recently."

He Daqing mailed the money from Baocheng.

at the end of each month.

Will show up at the post office on time.

In order to withhold this part of the money.

Yi Zhonghai entrusted Da Ma to take the initiative to go to the post office to send a letter, pretending to bump into the remittance slip by mistake, and made up a lie that Sha Zhu and the two were not in the capital, and used his own courtyard house to manage Da Ye and his wife As a guarantee for his identity, he said that he would hand over the remittance slip to Sha Zhu.


Cook twice.

Gradually, I got to know the old Miao at the post office.

Over the years, the money and letterheads sent by He Daqing have always been collected by the aunt.

Lao Miao is also used to handing over letterhead and remittance slips to Da Ma.

"Don't worry, silly Zhu doesn't know about this yet, I'm thinking about what to do."

Yi Zhonghai started a big brain storm.

Racking my brains, I have to come up with a way to get the best of both worlds.

He regretted it.

It has been almost two months since Sha Zhu got married.

The excuse of saving up the wedding money for Shazhu is no longer useful.

He Yushui was admitted to university.

This is an excuse.

But Yi Zhonghai knew that, relying on the relationship between Shazhu and their two families, handing over the money to Shazhu at this time was simply handing the knife handle into Shazhu's hands.

Neighbors in the courtyard.

There are many people who don't like him.

In the past, it was because Yi Zhonghai's people were not broken, his family was rich, and the neighbors encountered obstacles that they couldn't overcome, so they could borrow [-] cents from Yi Zhonghai to tide over the difficulties.

None of these benefits.

In front of their eyes, Yi Zhonghai was just a big stinking fart.


Red Star Post Office.

Miao Culture has worked here all his life.

He looked around reluctantly at everything around him.

There is a faint nostalgia in the eyes.

A smile.

surfaced on his face.

He picked up a rag casually, walked to the open space outside the post office, and meticulously wiped down the car in front of him.

A bicycle that has accompanied Miao culture for nearly 20 years.

Crouch down.

The rag in his hand carefully slid across the frame, wheels, and handlebars of the bicycle, and even the spokes of the bicycle were wiped clean by him, and the chain was re-oiled by him.

While doing these jobs in my hands.

There is also a low voice in the mouth.

"Old man, I am old, and you are old too. I am useless. You, an old man, continue to give full play to your post. Listen to my old Miao. A new comrade will come in a while. You have to give it to others. Make a good impression and don't give the new comrades a chance, or they won't be able to go to the battlefield."

The old right hand.

He pressed the car bell vigorously.

The sound of jingle bells.

With a very rhythmic beat, it flew into the ears of everyone present.

There was a sound of rapid footsteps.

Lao Miao stood up straight.

"Squad Leader Zhao, here we come."

"Uncle Miao, you are slapping me in the face." The speaker pointed to the young man following behind him, and introduced: "This is Yang Qianjin, the postman who has just been assigned to our post office. He will take over from you. Uncle Miao's position."

"Comrade Miao, hello, my name is Yang Qianjin."

"What a good boy, come on, let me hand over the work to you."

(End of this chapter)

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