Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 226 4 Heyuan Li Xiuzhi is the first to stand up, domineering and protect her husband

Chapter 226 Siheyuan Li Xiuzhi is the first to stand up, domineering and protect her husband

Jiazhang waited for more than an hour, not even daring to go to the toilet, for fear that if she went to the toilet, the eldest mother would run out and delay the important matter of tracking.


Jia Zhang developed a self-awareness, always feeling that the mysterious big mother was doing something shocking and weeping ghosts and gods.

Curiosity took over.

I felt compelled to find out all this.

Wait patiently.

Wait until noon.

People at the post office left work one after another, but Da Ma still didn't come out.

Wei Wei is a little curious.

I feel something is wrong.

After holding on to the spot for more than ten minutes, Jiazhang finally couldn't hold back when he heard the door was about to be locked. He left the corner where he had been squatting for more than two hours, and walked into the post office.

I asked the last comrade who locked the door.

But the comrade who locked the door was the one who muttered why the aunt was so anxious. Jia Zhang described the appearance of the aunt, and then learned the answer that the aunt left the post office early.

Jia Zhang's lungs were about to explode.

I waited all morning for nothing with my wife.

He turned his head and walked towards the courtyard.

Guessing that the aunt would always go back to the courtyard, when she arrived in the courtyard, she didn't even bother to drink her saliva, so she broke into Yi Zhonghai's house, and when she saw Yi Zhonghai's house, the deaf old lady was sitting alone.

Don't dare to stab the deaf old lady.

Turn around and get out of Yi's house.

Seeing Li Xiuzhi busy outside, she yelled at Li Xiuzhi.

"Silly column daughter-in-law."

Li Xiuzhi straightened her waist.

See Jia Zhang call her.

I deliberately replied.

"Silly old woman."

"Silly daughter-in-law, what do you call me?"

Jia Zhang's voice.

With a hint of strong roar.

Silly Zhu doesn't help our Jia family, and even you don't pay attention to my Jia Zhang family, calling me a silly old lady, how stupid am I.

He walked towards Li Xiuzhi aggressively, wanting to give Li Xiuzhi a good look, and let Li Xiuzhi know that she, Jia Zhang, is not easy to mess with.

Li Xiuzhi smiled slightly, grabbed the brick on the ground casually, and weighed the half-drawn brick in her hand as if nothing had happened.

There were rumors in the courtyard that Mrs. Jia Zhang was a hob, except for the deaf old lady in the backyard, Yi Zhonghai couldn't do anything about Mrs. Jia.

Li Xiuzhi just didn't believe in this evil.

She wanted to see whether it was Jia Zhang's brain or the brick in his hand, if Jia Zhang's Tianling Gai was really stronger than the brick.

Li Xiuzhi admitted that it was bad luck.

Seeing that Li Xiuzhi was about to use bricks to talk to herself.

Jia Zhang's family immediately turned into a frost-beaten eggplant.

Become limp.

Worried that he would be punished by Li Xiuzhi, he stood about three meters away from Li Xiuzhi with a guilty conscience, and used Li Xiuzhi's reason of not respecting his elders to trick Li Xiuzhi.

This was also what Yi Zhonghai used to manipulate everyone in the courtyard.

It was copied by Jia Zhang.

"Her third mother, her second aunt, listen to the silly wife, she calls me a silly old woman, I am so old, it is obvious that she is bullying me, we are all old neighbors who have been neighbors for more than ten or even twenty years, but You can't let the young man who just married into the courtyard be bullied."

Mrs. Jia Zhang asked for help to the third mother and second aunt who came to fetch water from the water tap in the middle courtyard with buckets.

It's just that I feel that I am not Li Xiuzhi's opponent alone.

I want to encourage the neighbors to take action against Li Xiuzhi.

Even if Sha Zhu came back from get off work at night and wanted to stand up for her daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi, he would still face the situation of more than 100 neighbors in the courtyard.

A hero can't stand the crowd.

But I didn't expect that the second aunt and the third aunt didn't mean to talk to Jia Zhang at all.

Especially the three mothers.

Yan Fugui has a good relationship with Shazhu.

Drank a few times.

Naturally, she had to speak for Li Xiuzhi.

"Grandma Stick, what you said are all neighbors in the same courtyard. Why do you still bully and not bully? If you spread the word, it will affect the reputation of our courtyard." Blinking at Li Xiuzhi, she pointed out: "Xiuzhi, tell me why you are called Grandma Sticky, silly old woman."

"She called our silly Zhu, and I called my silly wife. Why can't I call her a silly old woman? Not only her, but I also call her daughter-in-law Qin Huairu a silly Qin Huairu, a stick called a silly stalk, and Xiao Dang Stupid."

"Silly daughter-in-law, why are you swearing?"

"I call you a silly old woman, you call your daughter-in-law silly Qin Huairu, and you call me a silly fool, that's just a curse. You call me a fool who is in charge of the family, and you call me a silly daughter-in-law, isn't that a curse? You old lady, you are too double-standard right?"

"Shazhu isn't called by us, it's Shazhu's father."

"My father-in-law calls my man Shazhu, which is a nickname used by elders for younger generations. Is it appropriate for you, an ordinary neighbor, to be called Shazhu and Shazhu's wife?"

"What's inappropriate? It's been called for so many years."

"Are you looking down on our family? Or are you Jia's family more noble than us? The old man and his wife both call the head of our family Zhuzi, and other neighbors also call them names. With the exception of your Jia family, the head of the silly pillar, the silly The short column, and the grown-up yelling, is enough to make people irritated. There is a seven or eight-year-old child in your family, and the idiots are yelling one by one. This is the family tradition of your Jia family. I, Li Xiuzhi, have learned it. You guys The Jia family is different from other people. The old people say that everyone is equal, what do you mean by the Jia family? By belittling us as the head of the family, are you showing your Jia family's noble status?"

People who heard the movement and watched the excitement and those who came to fetch water.

All dumbfounded.

I secretly said a good guy in my heart.

The silly Zhu's daughter-in-law was really a blockbuster, and she actually used Jia Zhang's family to set up a stick in the courtyard.

Just these words.

Pass it outside.

It must be the fate of Shanggang going online, and it is estimated that Jia Zhang's will not be good.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Jia and Zhang took advantage of Sophora japonica crying in the house as an excuse to run into her house, and the door was tightly closed.

The third mother saw Jia Zhang running away, turned her head to the neighbors who were watching the excitement and fetching water, and gave a warning.

"The neighbors are all here. We all heard what Xiuzhi said just now. From now on, we are not allowed to call Shazhu and Shazhu's wife. You should either call him He Yuzhu or Zhuzi directly."

Naturally, everyone will not seek unhappiness.

Ma Liu agreed with this statement.

It doesn't matter if it's called Shazhu, or it doesn't matter.

"Xiuzhi, what are you going to have for lunch?"

"I didn't eat anymore. I ate two steamed buns and drank a big mug of tea after ten o'clock in the morning. I wasn't hungry at all. Let's eat together in the evening."

The deaf old lady hiding in Yi Zhonghai's house.

A bit of disappointment flashed through my heart.

The aunt left today in a hurry, didn't prepare breakfast for the deaf old lady, and because of the change of the postman, she ran after her ass with all her might.

I can't even take care of my life, so naturally I don't have the energy to talk to the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady, who couldn't stand the hunger, moved tremblingly from the backyard to the middle courtyard with a cane, and entered Yi's house, but saw that there was no one in Yi Zhonghai's house, and waited patiently until now.

Hearing that the third mother asked Li Xiuzhi what to eat for lunch, she wondered whether she could go to Li Xiuzhi's for a meal.

Nice idea.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiuzhi replied with an answer that the deaf old lady didn't even want to hear.

I was full after ten o'clock, so I stopped cooking at noon.

The deaf old lady deliberately wanted to make a point.

But felt abrupt again.

The main reason is to worry about breaking the balance between the deaf old lady and Li Xiuzhi that does not involve the interests of both parties.

outside the house.

Where the deaf old lady can't see.

The third mom gave a subtle wink in the direction of Yi's family.

Means deaf old lady.

Li Xiuzhi returned a wink with a smile, and talked with the deaf old lady to relieve boredom, but she would not do things involving her own interests.

This is called principle.

He casually threw the brick in his hand on the ground, and handed the teacup in front of the third mother.

"Third Mom, drink some water, the tea brought back by our Zhuzi."

"Then I have to try it."

"Three moms, what's for lunch?"

"Cabbage soup, steamed corn bread, you can only eat two per person, if there is too much, it will not be enough for a meal."

This seems to be speaking to Li Xiuzhi.

In fact, he said it to the deaf old lady in Yi's house.

At first, Li Xiuzhi couldn't figure out why the deaf old lady was an annoying person in the hospital, but after getting in touch with her, she was relieved of all this.

This old lady.

Just a hobby.


The problem is that in the current era, food and clothing have become a big problem, how to realize her dream of eating meat.

last resort.

We can only rely on the old to sell the old.


"What are you sighing for?"

"I've heard people say that even the elderly don't have meat to eat, so they have to save, and we should save even more."

"Xiuzhi, you are so enlightened." The third mother suddenly pointed to the discarded bricks under Li Xiuzhi's feet, and asked, "Where did these bricks come from? Why are you picking up these bricks?"

"I picked it up at the scrap yard. There is an open space between the big house and the rainwater hut. I plan to build a chicken coop and raise a few chicks. When the time comes, I will lay eggs to eat."

Deaf old lady in the house.



After Jia Dongxu's death, the deaf old lady never ate eggs. Before Yi Zhonghai subsidized it, Shazhu was able to bring back the kickback dishes for the noodles to improve the deaf old lady's life.

The days of the deaf old lady.

It is second to none in the courtyard.

With Jia Dongxu's death, Yi Zhonghai's energy was tilted towards Qin Huairu as much as possible.

Because Shazhu picked up the script of "Bird Man" and learned of his future destiny, he respectfully kept Yi Zhonghai at a distance and alienated his relationship with the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady's standard of living plummeted.

Liu Haizhong lived in the backyard again.

As a blacksmith.

Physical strength is required.

Almost every night is an egg.

The greedy deaf old lady is going to dig the door.

Subconsciously, she thought that Li Xiuzhi's proposal was good. If she really raised chickens, at least she wouldn't have to worry about eating eggs.

Leaning on crutches, he moved out of Yi's house and moved to Li Xiuzhi.

"Xiuzhi, raising chickens is a good idea, but I heard that there is a rule above that there should be no more than five chickens, otherwise the scythe team will have to go out."

More than five belong to that so-and-so, to cut that so-and-so.

"Old lady, you reminded me well, at worst, I raise four chickens and four ducks."

"Xiuzhi, this is equal to eight. In fact, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. If you raise five chickens, I can also raise five chickens. If we raise the chickens together, no one will gossip."

"Can this work?"

"How about we go to the street and ask?"

"Old lady, do you want to come together?" Li Xiuzhi warmly invited the deaf old lady, "If it is possible, you will adopt five by then, will they all have eggs?"

The three mothers were completely convinced by Li Xiuzhi.

this brain.

Really lively.

There was also a burst of strong envy in my heart.

Damn silly Zhu, it was a blessing he cultivated in his previous life. Yi Zhonghai ruined his blind date for several years, yet he married such a virtuous but witty daughter-in-law as Li Xiuzhi.

Take the deaf old lady to the street.

It's nothing more than wanting to use the deaf old lady as a messenger.

Grandfather of the compound.

An old lady with five guarantees.

this identity.

When it comes to the streets, it's really rampant.

And because of the fork splitting incident, just returned from the hospital, the staff in the street must give the deaf old lady a face.

The two supported the deaf old lady and walked towards the street step by step.

The timing is so unlucky.

Not long after Li Xiuzhi and the others left, the postman who replaced Miao Wenhua appeared at the gate of the courtyard. Just as he was about to call out his name, the aunt who followed him all morning appeared out of breath, expressing his strength. Identity, took the letter from the postman, found that it was a letter from Xu Damao in the backyard, and asked about the money order again.

The postman gave a reassuring but uneasy answer to Da Ma.

Today, there is only one letter from Xu Damao in the Red Star Courtyard.

As for the remittance slip from Baocheng that Da Ma said, he didn't see it.

The aunt asked again if there was something missing.

The postman said that maybe something happened on the other side, and it will be mailed one day later, or it will be mailed together next month.


Rolling mill.

Two canteens.

Everyone in the second canteen after serving lunch for the workers.

Start to clear the dishes.

While tidying up.

While talking.

It was mainly Liu Lan and Que Genxian who were asking, Sha Zhu, and Sha Zhuli about Yi Zhonghai being arrested in the black market yesterday, feeling a little stunned.

It's not like I haven't been to the black market.

He went to the black market and was arrested, and he was also notified to go to the security department to collect people.

this thing.

It seems to be the first encounter.

Full of strong curiosity.

"Silly Zhu, I heard people say that after Yi Zhonghai was arrested, he was arrested because he wanted to buy a meat ticket for the deaf old lady in your compound."

"That's what Yi Zhonghai said. I don't know if it's true or not."

"It must be fake, just Yi Zhonghai is very hypocritical."

people's eyes.

Gathered on the body of the missing string.

When these words came out of Que Genxian's mouth, it was no less than the sun rising from the west.

"What do you see me doing?"

"I don't know who said that Yi Zhonghai is a good man, and that he brought the widow and Sha Zhu together for his own sake, to let Sha Zhu be in place in one step, and overnight, he had a son who could run and shop, and he had A girl who can eat and pull."

"I didn't see Yi Zhonghai clearly."

"You understand now?"

"I see, Yi Zhonghai is a hypocrite through and through. He has taken Qin Huairu for so long, but he didn't even tell Qin Huairu the safety precautions. Qin Huairu was educated about safety in the sixteenth workshop today."

(End of this chapter)

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