Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 227 After being trained, Qin Huairu had other ideas

Chapter 227 After being trained, Qin Huairu had other ideas

Sixteen workshops.

Qin Huairu is really eating training noodles.

main reason.

I love beauty so much.

Especially his long black and beautiful hair.

The pretty widow in the rolling mill must have her own characteristics. Without the big black braids, no matter how beautiful she is, there is still something missing.

Braids and looks.


Qin Huairu was in this mood.

The head can be broken.

Blood can flow.

The big braid cannot be broken.

Qin Huairu completely forgot all the instructions Sister Ma gave her the afternoon before yesterday, maybe she didn't forget them, but she still remembered them in her mind, but because of her beauty, she couldn't bear to part with her long flowing hair, so she pretended to forget her instructions, Then came the situation of being reprimanded.

The person who reprimanded Qin Huairu.

no one else.

It was Liu Yufen, nicknamed Zhang Fei, the girl from the rolling mill.

Because of the disputes between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai, the leaders of the rolling mill were a little overwhelmed. Out of a once-and-for-all approach, Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were separated, one stayed in the No. [-] workshop, and the other was transferred to the factory. Sixteen workshop work.

The men may want to talk to Qin Huairu, but because of Qin Huairu's reputation and the difficulty of explaining to his mother-in-law, they respect Qin Huairu at a distance.

Other female comrades looked down on Qin Huairu, thinking that Qin Huairu had been tricked by the female comrades in the rolling mill.

People are in the sixteenth workshop.

You can't let Qin Huairu eat dry food.

After much deliberation, the workshop director found a master for Qin Huairu, and this master was Liu Yufen.

She has a grudge with Yi Zhonghai herself, and Qin Huairu has that kind of relationship with Yi Zhonghai, how can Liu Yufen give Qin Huairu a good look.

Go to work with breath.

As soon as he saw Qin Huairu's long black and beautiful hair, he became very angry.

As a master.

You have to look like a master.

If Qin Huairu had an accident because of her hair, Liu Yufen would have to follow suit.

The first lesson for Qin Huairu.

It is production safety.

"Qin Huairu, why are you crying? What is there to cry about? I remember that on Saturday, Sister Ma told you a lot of safety precautions. The first one is hair. There are regulations in the sixteenth workshop that lesbians cannot have long hair , Do you understand? Your hair needs to be cut short."

"Yu Fen."

"Don't call me Yufen, I don't know you well, call me Comrade Liu or Master Liu."

"Comrade Liu, can't you put your hair in a hat like mine?"

Qin Huairu is for beauty.

It was also a brainstorm.

I figured out how to tuck my hair into the hat.

It's just that Liu Yufen touched Qin Huairu's hat lightly, and the big braid hidden in Qin Huairu's hat naturally fell down and hung behind Qin Huairu's head.

Sixteen workshop people.

They were all dumbfounded.

Qin Huairu's braids turned out to be the big girl's double braids, with a small braid on the left and a small braid on the right. The two small braids were tied together at the end of the hair to form a single braid.

This kind of braid, the little girl has to spend a lot of work.

Qin Huairu, a little widow whose husband died for half a year, took the trouble to tie up this kind of braid.

Suddenly thought of a word.

Flies don't stare at seamless eggs, if Qin Huairu really does her duty, how can there be so many gossip about her in the rolling mill.

Just because of this braid, Qin Huairu is not a good person.

The man is dead, and she is a widow, with three children and a mother-in-law. There is no quota for children and mother-in-law, and there is no extra energy and time to dress up.

Earn money, earn tickets.

90.00% of widows will cut off their long hair.


Qin Huairu was probably the only one.


Qin Huairu should have long hair, widow, Shanghuan, what else to worry about, the real master who can go all out.

His gaze became unkind.


Never be honest without hanging on the wall.

A heart that is ready to move, never give up.

"What are you looking at? What's there to see?" Liu Yufen noticed the greedy eyes of the workers on Qin Huairu, and shouted, "Isn't she just a widow?"

Qin Huairu burst into tears.

It was as if he had suffered the greatest grievance in the world.

Crying is heartbroken.

"Qin Huairu, shut up."

A mournful roar flew out of Liu Yufen's mouth, and the roaring tone immediately frightened Qin Huairu to stop crying.

The pretty widow raised her tear-stained cheeks.

Chu Chu looked at Liu Yufen pitifully.

Liu Yufen felt a lot of pain in her heart, they are all women, look at Qin Huairu, and then look at herself, the huge sixteenth workshop, no, no, no, the whole rolling mill, they all treat Liu Yufen as a man, when they meet Liu Yufen on the road, they all Pass Liu Yufen a cigarette, and ask Liu Yufen to go to the toilet together.

"I told you to cut your hair short for the sake of your life. Do you understand? It's not that I, Liu Yufen, deliberately made things difficult for you, Qin Huairu. I don't want to see you have an accident one day and lose my life, and I don't want the workers in Workshop [-] not to be rewarded for safe production because of you, do you understand?"

Liu Yufen put on the airs of a master.

I don't want Qin Huairu to follow in Jia Dongxu's footsteps.

"I can't figure out whether it is important to look good or your life. Logically speaking, it should be the latter, but what you did, Qin Huairu, is clearly the former. When you entered the rolling mill, I didn't know I know whether you have studied safety production education or not. In our rolling mill, there was an accident in which lesbians were involved in the machine because of their long hair, and then died. This is why there is a rule that lesbians cannot grow long hair. , implicated our entire sixteenth workshop, right? Think about your three children, if something happens to you, who will take care of them?"

Qin Huairu looked at Liu Yufen sharply.

Although she is a few years older than Liu Yufen, she still poses as a little girl.


Hair cannot be cut.

There was even a little resistance in my heart.

Think it all.

It's all jealousy towards her, Qin Huairu.

"Don't do anything today, think about it carefully, whether you want beauty or death, in our rolling mill, there are only a few departments that can grow long hair, finance department, personnel department, logistics management department , Propaganda Department, Canteen, if you have the ability, you can find a way to transfer to these five departments, but if you can’t transfer, you stay in the sixteenth workshop and solve the problem of your own hair for me, do you understand?”

Qin Huairu nodded.

Under Liu Yufen's waving gesture.

He turned around and left the sixteenth workshop.

behind her.

It was Liu Yufen who looked helpless.

Looking at Qin Huairu's leaving back, Liu Yufen had an idea that this widow is an unbearable scum, an outstanding representative of not abiding by women's morals.

"A Fei, be nice to Qin Huairu, look at you, scolding Qin Huairu bloody."

The name of A Fei.

It is the nickname given to Liu Yufen by the workers in the Sixteenth Workshop.

Abbreviation for the female version of Zhang Fei.


He is an old horse from Workshop [-].

Sister Ma's younger brother.

This guy.


But he is very timid, and if he is exhausted, he will have a good time.

When Qin Huairu came to Workshop No. [-], Lao Ma was the happiest. Finally, there are beautiful lesbians. As long as a widow is good-looking, she is a good lesbian.

"Old horse, are you distressed?"

"Fei, it's not like you don't know who Ma is, and Ma is also kind."

"Then how about I tell the director that you will be Qin Huairu's master."

The people in the sixteenth workshop.

not stupid.

People who deal with machine tools every day, can there be stupid people?
From the first day Qin Huairu was transferred to Workshop No. [-], she could tell what kind of person Qin Huairu was. She was a decent widow and had already cut off her big braid.

As a widow, even if you are not afraid of the shadow, the neighbors will misunderstand you.

Qin Huairu has been a widow for more than half a year, but she always wears big braids.

Maybe the little widow doesn't know the secrets here, but can the old widow, Jia Zhang, not know?Does Yi Zhonghai not know?
Some taboo.

I had already made it clear to Qin Huairu.

Yi Zhonghai did not do these things, and many people secretly suspected that the rumors about Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's rumors circulating in the rolling mill were true!
Yi Zhonghai wants to learn foreign languages ​​with the two widows in his arms!

Qin Huairu who was driven out of the sixteenth workshop.

I don't know if it's subconscious self-behavior.

He actually walked outside the door of Workshop Nine.

It just so happened that Yi Zhong came back from the toilet in the sea.

The two met face to face.

Yi Zhonghai saw that Qin Huairu's complexion was not good, and his eyes were still red. He guessed that Qin Huairu was crying, and scolded the people in the sixteenth workshop in his heart, saying that the other party was not human. Qin Huairu had only been transferred to the sixteenth workshop In just a few days, Qin Huairu would be insulted endlessly.

Some things are afraid to say.

Can't say either.

You can't admit that Qin Huairu is his daughter!
If the old head of Qin in Qinjia Village died, leaving Qin's mother alone, Yi Zhonghai could expose the fact that he was Qin Huairu's biological father.

Old Qin is not dead.

Yi Zhonghai admits that he is Qin Huairu's father.

It was like hitting Old Qin in the face.

Once the honest old Qintou is forced to a dead end, he is very likely to talk to Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, and Qin's mother with a kitchen knife.

This secret.

Can only hide in the bottom of my heart.

Just like the secret of Silly Zhu's father, no one but Fu Hai knows, He Daqing himself is a fool.

He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and wanted to pass it to Qin Huairu, but worried that someone around might be eavesdropping, so he wiped his face with the handkerchief.

"Huairu, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Huairu looked at Yi Zhonghai.

What Jia Zhang said in his mind was what he said.

Yi Zhonghai wanted to control Jia Dongxu's mind in order to provide for the elderly, but because of Jia Dongxu's resistance, he deliberately blocked Jia Dongxu, and then caused Jia Dongxu to die.

Yi Zhonghai is a hypocrite through and through. Everything he does has his own purpose, and he will use any means to achieve his purpose.

I also remembered the advice that Sister Ma told her, Yi Zhonghai has taken you for so long, why didn't he even tell you the precautions that lesbians should not have long hair.

Liu Yufen's words also surfaced in Qin Huairu's mind, thinking about what you really want.

"Huairu?" Seeing that Qin Huairu didn't answer his question, Yi Zhonghai was in a daze instead, and quickly stretched out his hand to shake in front of Qin Huairu a few times, "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Qin Huairu's thoughts.

Interrupted by Yi Zhonghai.

Looking at Yi Zhonghai in front of him, he said something insincere.

"Grandpa, it's actually nothing serious, it's Liu Yufen from Workshop No. [-], take me now."

Yi Zhonghai's heart skipped a beat instinctively.

Belly sinister heart of a gentleman.

At the beginning, in order to match Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu, Liu Yufen was used as a pawn to plot against Sha Zhu, but because of certain things, Yi Zhonghai's calculation was finally exposed. Then Yi Zhonghai became completely angry.

I think Liu Yufen will take advantage of Qin Huairu.

If Yi Zhonghai was in Liu Yufen's perspective, he would do the same.


But he underestimated Liu Yufen's generosity, she had no idea of ​​revenge against Qin Huairu at all.

"Is she angry with you? It's really not possible."

Yi Zhonghai originally wanted to say that I will find a way for you.

But when I think of my current reputation.

Melancholy came over him.

the words said.

Changed the taste.

"It takes a while to get used to it, and it will be fine."

"Grandpa, it's not that Master Liu is judging me, but she told me to cut off my long hair, saying that the lesbians in Workshop No. [-] cannot have long hair."

The corner of Yi Zhonghai's eye.

See someone looking at you.

Embarrassed smile.

this thing.

It shouldn't be Liu Yufen who said it, but Yi Zhonghai who brought it up.

Old employees who have worked in the rolling mill for 30 to [-] years, do they not know this safety production rule system?
"My uncle was confused. I thought you knew that this is a system in the factory. There was an accident in the past. Huairu, you really can't do it. Please take a leave in the afternoon and go to the street to see if there is anyone who collects hair."

"Grandpa, it's not that I hate my hair, it's that Dongxu told me that he liked my long black hair and liked to see me braided. Dongxu is gone, and my hair is what I miss about Dongxu. Think, I am worried that if I cut my hair, I will forget Dongxu and our past."

Qin Huairu performed affectionately.

Yi Zhonghai was speechless.

The hypocrite really can't see whether Qin Huairu really misses Jia Dongxu, or uses it as an excuse to grow his hair.

"Grandpa, Liu Yufen told me that we can grow long hair in the publicity department, financial office, personnel department, logistics department, canteen and other departments of the rolling mill. Can you tell me about it? Dongxu is gone, I want to tell Dongxu That's all for this promise, I don't want to end up breaking my promise to Dong Xu, sir."

Women are made of water.

These words apply to Qin Huairu.

Really not at all.

Cry as you say.

I don't know how many tears I saved.

Yi Zhonghai saw his daughter crying, and his original unwillingness to agree turned into agreeing. Although his reputation was already bad, he was an eighth-level mechanic in a rolling mill after all.

A dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Touched and touched.

What if it succeeds.

He nodded and agreed to Qin Huairu's request, and asked Qin Huairu what department he wanted to go to. Qin Huairu did not give a specific confirmation, saying that everything was based on Yi Zhonghai's intention.

Yi Zhonghai nodded, and asked Qin Huairu to go back to the sixteenth workshop first, and he went to find a way.

After Qin Huairu returned to Workshop No. [-] according to Yi Zhonghai's wishes, Yi Zhonghai returned to Workshop No. [-], started the machine, and completed the tasks he was responsible for. He found the workshop director with the parts and asked for leave for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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