Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 228 Qin Huairu enters the cafeteria, this is not a warning, it is a fact

Chapter 228 Qin Huairu enters the cafeteria, this is not a warning, it is a fact
The workshop director gave Yi Zhonghai more than an hour off.

Yi Zhonghai came out of the workshop with gratitude.

Standing at the door, he thought about where Qin Huairu was going.

The finance department, the personnel department, and the publicity department all need professional knowledge. In the logistics management department, Qin Huairu does not have such a network, and Yi Zhonghai does not have the ability to arrange Qin Huairu into the logistics department.

five departments.

In the end, only the cafeteria remained.

The canteen is under the responsibility of Deputy Factory Manager Li.

Set your mind.

He walked towards Deputy Director Li's office.

Knocked at the door.

After about five or six minutes, the voice of inviting you in sounded in the house.

Just as Yi Zhonghai pushed open the door, he saw Liu Lan coming out of the second canteen. He nodded towards Liu Lan without thinking too much, walked into Deputy Director Li's office, and closed the door behind him.

No one knew what the two talked about, anyway, not long after Yi Zhonghai left, Qin Huairu received an internal transfer letter from Workshop No. [-] to work in No. [-] Canteen.

The scheming bitch really has no nostalgia for Workshop Sixteen.

Grabbing the transfer letter, he appeared in the second canteen, followed by the canteen director.

After saying a few words that Qin Huairu will work in the second canteen, the director of the canteen left the second canteen.

A rolling mill with tens of thousands of people.

There are ten canteens in total.

It is impossible for the director of the cafeteria to stay in the second cafeteria all day long.

The person in charge of specific affairs in the second canteen is Sha Zhu, the monitor of the canteen.

"Say a few words." Silly Zhu, who was standing in the position of the director of the canteen just now, looked at the people in front of him and said, "First of all, welcome Comrade Qin Huairu to join our glorious family of the second canteen."

Intermittent applause sounded.

Silly Zhu waved his hand.

His eyes fell on Qin Huairu.

Why did the scheming bitch come to the second canteen? These are not important anymore. The important thing is that Qin Huairu appeared in the second canteen, and the Jia family was in such a situation.

Silly Zhu had to pay attention to all this.

I don't want to eat melons because of Qin Huairu.

"Qin Huairu is a new member of the second canteen. She is not very clear about some things. I will read it again here. Shaking the spoon is not allowed during the cooking process. As for the specific reason, everyone knows it well. A lot of people go home at night and don’t eat, and they don’t eat breakfast, they just rely on the noon meal and shake their spoons, which is tantamount to killing the workers, this is the first point.”

Take a breath.

Let's start with the second point.

"The cafeteria is a special department. In the eyes of outsiders, the people who work in the cafeteria are not short of mouths. They think that the lunch boxes of the people who work in the cafeteria will never be empty when they go back. We all know what time it is. Home, you are not allowed to bring leftovers in the lunch box. If anyone is caught by the security department at the door because of bringing leftovers, and charged with sucking workers’ blood and digging corners in the rolling mill, don’t ask me, I can’t help you, you should Go to jail, you should be expelled, do you remember? If you remember, get busy!"

When everyone dispersed one after another.

Silly Zhu suddenly thought that Qin Huairu's work had not been arranged yet.

The person was arranged by Deputy Factory Manager Li.

Who is Deputy Factory Manager Li?

Silly Zhu, who has read the script of "Bird Man", clearly knows that that guy is a lustful bastard, maybe Qin Huairu and Deputy Factory Director Li have reached some shady conditions.

The county magistrates are better off now.

After all, he is the leader in logistics.

The face that should be given must be given.

Sha Zhu arranges Liu Lan to be Qin Huairu's teacher.

"Qin Huairu, you just came here, you don't know anything, you follow Liu Lan, what does Liu Lan do, what do you do."

After making arrangements for Qin Huairu.

Silly Zhu sat in his special seat.

Be the best chef in the rolling mill.

He still has this privilege.

It was also the first time for Qin Huairu to see such a majestic Sha Zhu, sitting on the stool like an old man, next to him was the fat man who made tea for Sha Zhu.

This treatment.

Even when Jia Dongxu was alive, he never enjoyed it.

She froze on the spot.

Seeing Qin Huairu standing there like two idiots, Liu Lan, who was angry but a little contradictory, grabbed her, pointed to a pile of unpeeled potatoes, and gave Qin Huairu a word.

"Qin Huairu, peel the potatoes with me."


Everyone knows it.

The difference is the difference between being able to eat and not being able to eat.

Qin Huairu is ready to work in the second canteen.

Holding the paring knife in his left hand and the potato in his right hand, he just peeled it twice and gestured towards Shazhu.

"Liu Lan, doesn't silly Zhu need to work?"

"He is a cook, as long as the food is cooked well, do you think that we do these peeling and decontamination things like us?"

Liu Lan seemed to be talking about silly things, but in fact, all she wanted was to test Qin Huairu. Just now when she came out of Deputy Director Li's office, she saw that Yi Zhonghai was looking for Deputy Director Li.

On the one hand, he was worried that Deputy Director Li would forget her old love when he had a new love.

On the other hand, he wished that Deputy Director Li would not look for her.

Qin Huairu came to work in the second canteen, with mixed feelings of joy and sorrow.

"Qin Huairu, you are good enough to be transferred to work in the second canteen. Let me tell you, the second canteen is the best canteen in our rolling mill."

Ignore Liu Lan's stubble.

Qin Huairu asked about the two precautions Shazhu mentioned just now.

"Liu Lan, what did Silly Zhu just say?"

Liu Lan is convinced that Qin Huairu has an immoral relationship with Deputy Factory Manager Li.

Look at the rolling mills.

There are only a few people who dare to be called silly pillars, and they are all related to Deputy Factory Manager Li, such as Liu Lan, and Qin Huairu.

Without the backing of Deputy Factory Director Li, who would dare to call him Shazhu directly.

"I didn't say anything, that is, I can't bring leftovers. If something goes wrong, I will be responsible for it."

Qin Huairu heard it.


Hearing that Yi Zhonghai got her to work in the cafeteria, Qin Huairu was a little disappointed at first, but then fell into a state of ecstasy.

The present time of scarcity.

Only by working in the cafeteria will you not be hungry.

I have lived with Shazhu in the same courtyard for more than ten years, and I am used to seeing Shazhu's heavy lunch box.

After entering the cafeteria by myself, can I also bring a heavy lunch box to get off work and return to Jia's house? Jia Zhang is happy, and Bang and the others are also happy.

As a result, Sha Zhu said that he would not be allowed to bring leftovers.

Before Qin Huairu's excitement disappeared, she was poured a basin of icy cold water over her head.

My heart is cold.

Why don't you let me bring leftovers?

His eyes fell on Shazhu, who sat on a chair and enjoyed the tea provided by his apprentice, stared at Qin Huairu's eyes dumbfounded.

My heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that Sha Zhu remembered that he hated himself for being matched by Yi Zhonghai back then, and that he wanted to take revenge on himself, so that he was not allowed to bring leftovers on the first day he entered the cafeteria to work.

Qin Huairu took Liu Lan's idea, and began to trick Liu Lan with words.

"Liu Lan, I've heard people say that cooks don't steal, that there's no food in abundance. When our dead ghost was around, I saw that Sha Zhu's lunch box after get off work was heavy."

How could Liu Lan not know what Qin Huairu meant.

I can't feel that not letting you bring leftovers violates her interests.

In fact.

At first.

Liu Lan and the others also had the same idea, but after Sha Zhu explained it, they felt that what Sha Zhu said was reasonable.

As a factory with [-] people, the rolling mill is on the guarantee list.

Even so.

The materials distributed to the rolling mill by the relevant departments are still pitifully small, and there is no extra food at all for these people in the cafeteria to take home.

As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains depends on water to drink water.

Back against the cafeteria, eat the cafeteria naturally.

In order to bring some leftovers, I tried my best to shake the spoon.

Nothing happened.

It's ok.

If something happens, it's a big deal.

Some time ago, in the No. [-] Textile Factory, a chef who shook the spoon was reported by the staff, but at the very end of the day, the security department found a leftover from the chef's lunch box, and finally fell into a blood-sucking worker. The charges, a few days later, received a pass to the underground.

This incident also spread to the steel rolling mill. The security department focused on checking the lunch boxes of the canteen workers. Out of ten canteens, nine of the canteens brought leftovers, and some of them were meat dishes.

Those who are expelled will be expelled, those who should be imprisoned will be imprisoned, and those who are demerited will be demerited.

The only canteen where nothing happened was the second canteen.

The main reason is that Li Xiuzhi married well. Li Xiuzhi did the ideological work of Sha Zhu, saying that everyone is not full, but you bring food from the cafeteria every day. Alright, go with the empty lunch box, go back with the empty lunch box.

Silly Zhu implemented this regulation to the Second Canteen, and then made everyone in the Second Canteen escape unharmed.

On the one hand, they received a material reward from the rolling mill, and everyone got a few yuan salary increase.

On the other hand, it won the collective honor award of the rolling mill this year. The factory leaders called on the workers to learn from the second canteen.

In the whole second canteen, from the chef Sha Zhu who is the master spoon, down to the handyman who helps the kitchen, in front of tens of thousands of people in the rolling mill, he took over the big tea mug symbolizing honor from the leader of the rolling mill.

Zhao Zhilong's younger brother, Lao Matou's son, also became an honorable soldier because of this incident.

The rest of the people were also exposed to this incident.Those who did not marry a wife had a partner, those who did not have a child had a child, and the man Liu Lan was seriously ill in bed also miraculously improved. A business of tying feather dusters found on the street.

Many people said that this was the blessing that Li Xiuzhi brought them, otherwise they would have been unlucky too, and they even talked about Yi Zhonghai, saying that if Yi Zhonghai worked as a handyman in the second canteen, maybe Yi Zhonghai's wife would have conceived a child.

This incident happened a few months ago. At that time, Qin Huairu was following Yi Zhonghai as a factory representative in a small subsidiary factory, so naturally he didn't know about it.

That's why he mistakenly thought that Sha Zhu was trying to manipulate her.

With the explanation given by Liu Lan, Qin Huairu's body was trembling slightly, and the leaders of the rolling mill ordered not to bring leftovers. How dare she, Qin Huairu, dare to go against the wishes of the leaders of the rolling mill.

He paused for more than ten seconds.

Qin Huairu was still a little unwilling to give up.

Try to come up with a solution.

"Liu Lan, I ate the leftovers at noon, and I'll take them home, can't I?"

"Ha ha."

Liu Lan smiled.

It's no wonder Qin Huairu asked such a naive question.

First time working in a cafeteria.

I don't know the rules of the cafeteria.

Those who work in the cafeteria can eat, but cannot bring.

She explained to Qin Huairu.

"You said that you couldn't eat the leftovers at noon, but who can prove that you didn't have enough at noon?"

"Then can't I spend my own money to buy an extra copy?"

"Qin Huairu, it's not about you spending your own money to buy an extra meal. Today, there are a thousand workers in the second cafeteria eating, and we will cook meals for a thousand workers. If you buy an extra meal, one person will have no food. eat."

Silly Zhu spoke up.

He felt that Qin Huairu's stay in the second canteen was always a disaster.

From entering the second canteen to now.

That's three 10 minutes.

But I asked several questions related to bringing leftovers.

He also knew what Qin Huairu was up to.

"Don't think about getting more supplies from the logistics, how many people eat every day, and how many people the logistics will give you, these are all planned."

"Master He is right." Que Genxian added, "How many people will eat, how many people will eat, how many people will be served, and how many people will be cooked."

"Qin Huairu, don't even think about bringing food. If you insist on bringing food, I'll give you a suggestion. You'd better leave the second canteen. As long as you don't work in the canteen, you should bring two servings, let alone one leftover. The people in the security department will not stop you when the food goes out. As long as you work in the cafeteria for one day, you have to abide by the rules of the cafeteria for one day. Do you understand what I said? Sending someone to follow you is disrespectful to you, Qin Huairu, and disrespectful to the Second Canteen."

"Silly Zhu, I didn't mean that."

"Qin Huairu." With a playful expression on Silly Zhu's face, he asked Qin Huairu a question that baffled her, "Are you arranged by Director Li?"

"It's Deputy Director Li."

Knowing the answer, Silly Zhu had a very strange expression on his face. Qin Huairu didn't know, but Liu Lan was clear. After Qin Huairu made an excuse to go to the toilet.

Liu Lan questioned Sha Zhu.

"Silly Zhu, is she really not related to that Yi Zhonghai in your compound?"

"I don't know, probably not, right? The difference in seniority between the two is that one is a master and the other is an apprentice's wife." Que Genxian interjected, "They dare to do the thing of soaking a pig cage."

"Then why is Yi Zhonghai looking for Deputy Director Li?"


"Yi Zhonghai, I went to report to Deputy Director Li at that time, and I saw Deputy Factory Director Li who Yi Zhonghai was looking for."

"You went to find Deputy Factory Manager Li again? You still report to work, don't think I don't know what you are doing." Que Genxian pointed at Liu Lan, and said bitterly: "You are in the office of Deputy Factory Manager Li Deputy Director Li and the two of them secretly drank milk, Liu Lan, Deputy Director Li worked hard for you, and gave you all the precious milk. Next time you go to the office of Deputy Director Li to drink milk, bring Come on me, I don’t drink too much, a glass of milk is enough, I heard that foreigners drink milk all day long, and they put so much sugar in the milk, it’s sweet and sweet, and it smells delicious.”

The current year.

One potato can't wait to become two potatoes.

However, deputy director Li bought Liu Lan with precious milk because of messing with the relationship between men and women.

Very good.


Since Qin Huairu has that kind of relationship with Deputy Factory Director Li, can he also get milk from Deputy Factory Director Li?

Silly Zhu hesitated whether to keep an eye on Qin Huairu at night to see if Qin Huairu never got milk from Deputy Factory Manager Li.

(End of this chapter)

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