Chapter 231
Siheyuan Chicken Raising Event.

It can be called twists and turns.

Li Xiuzhi and the others have done the ideological work of the deaf old lady and made the deaf old lady the commander-in-chief because of the idea of ​​having a tall person to support them when the sky is falling.

The deaf old lady agreed to be named.

At the compound meeting, the deaf old lady acted as the vanguard of the chicken raising incident, talking about the benefits of raising chickens, and she mainly wanted to eat eggs.

The deaf old lady, as the ancestor of the compound, talked about this matter, and the neighbors also unanimously passed the chicken raising declaration in the courtyard, but the chicken raising incident ended in failure.

reason of failure.

It was because of a complaint from Mrs. Jia Zhang.

"Our food rations are the same, why can you have extra food to raise chickens and ducks, but our Jia family doesn't have enough food every month?"

The speaker has no intention.

The listener is interested.

Li Xiuzhi and the others suddenly realized that they were taking things for granted.

Regardless of whether it was unintentional or intentional, at least Jia Zhang's words represented the attitude of the vast majority of people on the chicken raising incident in the courtyard.

in this way.

There is no need to raise chickens either.

The main reason is that Li Xiuzhi found that the timing was wrong, and the current conditions did not allow her to realize the freedom of raising chickens.

From start to finish.

There is an important humanistic factor that was ignored by Li Xiuzhi and the others.

Now that people are barely half full, there is no extra food for Li Xiuzhi to feed those chickens and ducks.

There are many people talking.

Siheyuan is another place where animals gather.

Once the fact that Li Xiuzhi and the others used grain to feed chickens and ducks was reported, it was inevitable that some people would be jealous. If someone made a big fuss about it, they would most likely be listed online.

Several parties involved in the chicken raising incident communicated with each other with their eyes.

Immediately, I had the idea of ​​​​letting go of the incident.

As the initiator and organizer of the chicken raising incident, Li Xiuzhi naturally had to give a clear attitude. She looked around the neighbors and set her sights on Jia Zhang.

Just now, this fat, white, godly woman has been acting strangely, saying that Li Xiuzhi has food to feed the chickens, so she might as well help their Jia family with good intentions.

The right is to dispel everyone's doubts.

Raising chickens is supposed to subsidize the family, but if it causes a catastrophe, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Li Xiuzhi made up a reason and settled the matter.

Jiazhang seemed a little unwilling, Li Xiuzhi just finished speaking, and she complained a few more words.

The original intention was to take advantage of the opportunity to pinch Li Xiuzhi fiercely, so that marrying a daughter-in-law could not relieve the depression of Jia's family, but because the deaf old lady hated Jia Zhang for letting her have no eggs to eat, the crutch in her hand was fierce. He poked the ground and said something that poked Jia Zhang's heart.

"Grandma Banggen, if you feel that you don't have enough food to eat, you can go back to your hometown in the countryside. I remember that you don't have a city registered permanent residence."

Jia Zhang closed her mouth obediently.

light or heavy.

She can still tell the difference.

Returning to his hometown in the countryside is equivalent to handing the Jia family's property in the city into Qin Huairu's hands.

It is impossible for Jia Zhang to go back. Even if she starves to death, she will stay in the city and transform into a mad dog protecting the family, guarding Jia's property tightly.

Apart from other things, Jia Zhang will try his best to stir up the matter of Qin Huairu's remarriage.

Qin Huairu will be buried with Jia Dongxu in the future.


How about a joint burial?
Yi Zhonghai, who presided over the meeting, saw Jia Zhang shut his mouth sensibly, and felt his heart sink. He really couldn't believe what would happen if Jia Zhang messed up things.

The deaf old lady should not be offended.

Jia Zhang has Yi Zhonghai's handle.

A proper dilemma.

It was simply that Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Zhang confessed to the deaf old lady, and Yi Zhonghai took the opportunity to say a few words on the occasion, and began to target Shazhu according to the terms he had negotiated with Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Zhang.

Strictly speaking.

It's the house of Sha Zhu's family.

at dusk.

Jia Zhang stopped Yi Zhonghai outside the toilet, didn't say too much nonsense, and went straight to the point, saying that Qin Huairu's remarriage was a certainty, and as Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, she didn't dare to stop her. The courtyard house is owned by the rolling mill. After Qin Huairu remarried, the Jiazhang family might have no place to live, and they didn't want to go back to their hometown in the countryside.

He Yushui started school a few days ago, and it is said that he will live on campus.

Shazhu's house is like an empty room.

Jiazhang asked Yi Zhonghai for help to make peace, the house is empty and cannot be occupied, it is also a waste, since he has no place to live, can he live in He Yushui's room.

Not in vain.

The kind for rent.

Yi Zhonghai didn't want to agree at first, but when Jia Zhang mentioned the post office, Yi Zhonghai froze instantly. He wasn't sure how much Jia Zhang knew, but he knew that he couldn't refuse Jia Zhang's proposal.

Because Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to gamble.

Then there was this compound meeting.

"Cough cough cough."

Yi Zhonghai cleared his throat.

He looked around at the people present.

His eyes fell on Sha Zhu, and a bit of contradiction flashed in his eyes.

Li Xiuzhi snuggled up beside Shazhu.

It's a posture of husband and wife singing.

"The chicken raising incident just passed away. Li Xiuzhi's proposal for the courtyard chicken raising incident has a good intention, but it ignores our current situation. From now on, the neighbors should stop mentioning this matter. Next, we will start the second session of the compound meeting. Xiang, except for the old Yan and the old lady, the rest are employees of the rolling mill. Today the rolling mill announced a [-]-day hard work to improve self-ideology and morality, and the names of certain people were highlighted."

Yi Zhonghai's tone.

Very smooth.

None of the dismay of the rolling mill over the radio.

It was as if the person in the words could be someone, but not Yi Zhonghai.

Such a shameless spirit.

Let Sha Zhu feel a wave of admiration from the bottom of his heart.

What a moral hypocrite.

It's not a human thing.

"Who is this person? I won't mention it here. There are two things to talk about. The first thing is Qin Huairu's remarriage. The second thing is Grandma Banggen's residence after Qin Huairu remarries. They are all one Neighbors in the courtyard, I won’t hide some things. Yuyu went to college, and her room was vacant. What I mean is, Zhuzhu, can you show your style and let Grandma Banggeng live in Yuyu’s house? , Don’t worry, you won’t live in vain, we will pay as much rent as we should according to the market conditions.”

Silly Zhu rolled up his sleeves.

He discovered that Yi Zhonghai had a problem.

For three days, the house will not be marked with tiles.

He made it clear that he and Yi Zhonghai are just ordinary neighbors.

The result has to be calculated.

When Yi Zhonghai moved his mouth, she could only use his hands.

When Li Xiuzhi saw that Sha Zhu was going to beat Yi Zhonghai, she hurriedly pulled Sha Zhu, and said first: "My lord, the method you said is feasible, but because of some scruples, I think it's better for us to go through the street every month. How much rent to pay, how long to rent, etc., must be clearly defined.”

(End of this chapter)

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