Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 232 I'm just afraid of my wife, what's wrong?

Chapter 232 I'm just afraid of my wife, what's wrong?
Yi Zhonghai's complexion was not very good-looking, and he thought that Li Xiuzhi's accusation was not giving him face, or that he was belittling himself. In the hearts of hypocrites, although he was notorious, he was wearing the hat of a courtyard house manager on his head, and Because the person I was talking to directly was Shazhu, it shouldn't be Li Xiuzhi who gave the specific answer.

Outside the male lead.

Inside the hostess.

This is a rule passed down for thousands of years.

No matter how strong a woman is, she usually saves face for a man outside.

Neighbors face to face.

Li Xiuzhi rushed to give the answer for Shazhu.

Aren't you afraid that the neighbors will misunderstand that silly Zhu is a strict wife?
If it were him, Yi Zhonghai, Big Mom wouldn't do this.

Instinctively, a bit of contempt for Li Xiuzhi appeared in his heart, and he even compared Li Xiuzhi with Qin Huairu. Under the comparison, Yi Zhonghai felt that Qin Huairu was better than Li Xiuzhi in every aspect.

He snorted coldly, pretending that he didn't hear Li Xiuzhi's answer, but focused his gaze on Sha Zhu, with question marks in his eyes.

Good men do not fight with women.




Continue to be ashamed.

But he didn't expect that Sha Zhu didn't care about his own face at all. Seeing Yi Zhonghai looking at him with playful eyes, he moved back a step, showing Li Xiuzhi.

Yi Zhonghai is the whole person.

Instant numbness.

The neighbors also looked at Sha Zhu in bewilderment.

Shazhu is the invincible god of war in the courtyard. His pair of invincible fists make countless people frightened. The protagonist who travels through the heavens and worlds, the first thing he does when he travels through the courtyard is to strengthen his body. A fighting skill, such as Bajiquan.

God of War's cognition has penetrated into the hearts of the people.

in this way.

So I thought that Shazhu was the kind of male chauvinist who kept his promise, the kind of person who had the final say at home.

Good guy.

The truth really shocked everyone's teeth.

In front of everyone, Li Xiuzhi was able to make a decision for Sha Zhu, mistakenly thinking that there would be a drama of this man teaching women a lesson in front of them.

I don't know.

What the neighbors think and what is happening in front of them are really two concepts. After Li Xiuzhi made a decision for Sha Zhu, instead of making Li Xiuzhi ugly, Sha Zhu further supported the fact that Li Xiuzhi was the head of the He family.

The sound of gasping for air kept resounding in the hearts of the neighbors. They couldn't figure out why Shazhu, the god of war in the courtyard, became what he is now.

Could it be that Ruanrou Township is really a place where heroes kill each other?

Silly column has changed.

They didn't know each other anymore.

"Zhuzi's daughter-in-law, I think you should listen to Zhuzi's point of view on this matter. You just married into a courtyard house, and you don't know the rules of our capital. In our capital, every household has the final say."

"Master, my daughter-in-law has the final say in our family."

The crowd was in an uproar again.

In our family, my wife has the final say.

Silly Zhu, you are the invincible god of war in the courtyard.

My daughter-in-law has the final say, why did you say this so lightly, without any regard for your dignity and face as a man.

Is this still the Lengtouqing who used his fist to talk to you when there was a disagreement?
Behind the astonishment of the neighbors, they are also envious of certain things.

The virtuous Li Xiuzhi seems to have solved a small problem for them.

It's a mixed blessing.

The only person who really felt uncomfortable was Yi Zhonghai.

As for Jia Zhang, who pushed Yi Zhonghai to plot Shazhu's house, there was no sense of loss in his heart. Instead, there was a strong excitement, thinking about what happened to the post office, or what Yi Zhonghai had to do with the post office. If you ticked off, why would you listen to your own words and do something that is impossible to succeed at all.

From a tentative idea.

Jia Zhang said something.

"Silly Zhu, your wife is in charge of your family, isn't that because you are afraid of your wife?"

"What's wrong with being afraid of your wife? Who stipulates that men can't be afraid of their wives?" Silly Zhu's face showed a bit of pride, "I'm willing to be afraid of my wife, what's bothering you?"

Qin Huairu suddenly envied Li Xiuzhi.

It is admitted that Jia Dongxu treats Qin Huairu well, but compared with Sha Zhu and his wife, Jia Dongxu is not a star and a half behind, it is too far behind.

"Zhuzi, this is not a joke, the rules of the people in the capital are that men are in charge."

"Master, why am I joking? My daughter-in-law has the final say in our family. Is this against the law?"

Yi Zhonghai's expression was not very good-looking.

Be stimulated.

He could only shake his head to answer Silly's question.

"Since there is no law that stipulates that only the man has the final say in the family, my wife has the final say. This is also reasonable. The old man once said that women hold up half the sky. I am faithfully implementing the old man's policy."

See silly Zhu used chicken feathers as swords.

Buckle them with big hats.

Yi Zhonghai also turned off discussing with Shazhu about whether a man should be in charge of the house or a woman should be in charge of the house. He repeated the topic just now, and explained the difficulties of the Jia family in detail.

"I'm still the same as I said just now. An empty house is empty. We are all neighbors in a large courtyard. Can we do things to eliminate waste? Zhuzi's daughter-in-law, the Jia family does not live in vain, according to the market price Paying rent on a monthly and quarterly basis, Qin Huairu's remarriage is a big deal in the street and in the rolling mill, and only by solving the problem of Grandma's residence can Qin Huairu remarry without any worries."

"Grandpa, I admit that what you said is reasonable, but I still mean it. We can rent the house, but it must be approved by the street. In addition, the three of you in charge are also guarantees. It's not that I don't believe in Grandma Stick, The main thing is that we try our best to be ahead of the curve. Yushui lives on campus now, but people have winter and summer vacations. Where do they live when they come back? College students! Pillars of the motherland, if the future of Yushui is affected, who will be responsible for it? "

Yi Zhonghai saw that Li Xiuzhi refused to let go.

He looked at Jia Zhang.

I wondered if Jiazhang was making a fuss.

Unexpectedly, it was as if Jia Zhang didn't see Yi Zhonghai's gaze, and said something that could be regarded as stabbing Yi Zhonghai in the back.

"Silly column daughter-in-law."

"Grandma Banggen, have you forgotten something? Or do you think I should call you a foolish mother-in-law, or a fool like a stick? Little Dang is called Shadang."

"Zhuzi daughter-in-law, my wife made a mistake. Since you don't agree to rent out Yushui's house to my wife, my wife can't forcefully move to someone else's house. Otherwise, let's just forget about it. What do you say about being my wife?" Didn't say anything."

Yi Zhonghai was depressed.

The person who forcibly rented the rainwater house is you, Mrs. Jia Zhang.

Now the person who says not to rent rainwater rooms is you, Mrs. Jia Zhang.

Are you co-authoring Yi Zhonghai to play tricks on me?

Actually not.

It was Jia Zhang who wanted to verify a speculation about Yi Zhonghai through this incident.

What is the secret between Yi Zhonghai and the post office?

Why did Yi Zhonghai not only change his face when he mentioned the Red Star Post Office, but also agreed with Jia Zhang's opinion, and calculated Shazhu's house in public.

(End of this chapter)

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