Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 233 Yi Zhonghai Has a Killing Heart

Chapter 233 Yi Zhonghai Has a Killing Heart

Because Jia Zhang didn't play tricks, but followed Li Xiuzhi's wishes and gave up renting He Yushui's room. Yi Zhonghai, who was secretly instigated by her, couldn't continue.

The parties were all dumbfounded.

He stood out.

It will only make yourself passive.

For today's plan.

It is to find out how much Jia Zhang knows.

He didn't insist on it either.

In his capacity as the second uncle in charge, Liu Haizhong announced the end of the compound meeting.

Yi Zhonghai took a step ahead. He returned home with his thoughts in his hands, grabbed the ladle, asked for a ladle of cold water, drank it all in one gulp, then sat on the stool without moving, thinking about the matter seriously.

Seeing that something was wrong with Yi Zhonghai, the aunt who followed Yi Zhonghai's butt came back and yelled a few times.

"Old Yi, Old Yi."

Yi Zhonghai put all his energy on Jia Zhang and wondered how many secrets Jia Zhang knew about him, so he didn't hear his eldest mother's cry.

The whole person sat in place like a wooden person.

The aunt noticed something was wrong, she stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Yi Zhonghai, and saw that Yi Zhonghai's eyeballs didn't even move.

My heart panicked instantly.

During the day, the matter of whether Jia Zhang wanted to go grocery shopping with her had not yet been resolved, and she encountered the matter of the new postman. However, He Daqing's money for mailing on time and on time suddenly disappeared this month.

The new postman told the aunt that in this case, either the other party forgot to mail it this month, or someone encountered something and mailed it a few days later.

this answer.

It really took the life of a big mother.

In case she was not there or was chatting with the neighbors, the new postman didn't know anything, and directly gave the money order to Shazhu.

Yi Zhonghai withheld He Daqing's money for more than ten years.

It was exposed all at once.

If you can't keep your money, you have to lose your life.

Big Mom wanted to talk to Yi Zhonghai, and the two discussed a specific countermeasure, but Yi Zhonghai was even more flustered than Big Mom.

How can this be good?


Without caring much, he stretched out his hand and slapped Yi Zhonghai's shoulder.

After slapping vigorously, Yi Zhonghai was finally woken up.

Yi Zhonghai, who had been slapped, gradually came back to his senses, put his confused eyes on the big mother, and said, "Old woman, what's wrong with you?"

"You asked me what's wrong, and I asked you what's wrong." The first mother asked back: "Since you came home, you have been sitting on the stool and meditating. What happened? What are you thinking about?"

long silence.

Yi Zhonghai still didn't tell Da Ma the truth.

Set your mind.

He whispered: "It's nothing, I'm just a little tired."

"Why do I not believe it?" The aunt said helplessly: "Forget it, I don't bother to tell you. I have something that I think you should know. Help me make an idea."

Minds think alike.

As expected of a couple who have been together for many years.

Yi Zhonghai instantly guessed the truth of the matter.

"What about the money? Did you have trouble going to the post office today?"

"It's not only not going well, it's just terrible!"

Big Mom sighed.

Calm down as much as possible.

Tell the story of the day.

"Today, I went to the post office. As soon as I went out, I met Mrs. Jia Zhang. That shameless old woman insisted on following me with the cheek."

Maybe the aunt is just complaining.

But these words were heard in Yi Zhonghai's ears.

But it looked like an uproar.

Jia Zhang was going to the post office with the aunt. Based on the analysis of Jia Zhang's words threatening Yi Zhonghai just now, it is very likely that something went wrong at the post office.

uncertain things.

It is how many secrets Jia Zhang knows.

"Did she go with you?"

Yi Zhonghai's complexion was very ugly, and he fixed his eyes on the face of the big mother, with a bit of disappointment towards the big mother in his eyes.

"It's not that you don't know what I do, I can let her go with me."

The first mother frowned, she didn't like Yi Zhonghai's disbelief in her eyes, the couple had been together for so many years, and as Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law, she had done so many wicked things with Yi Zhonghai.

Son of a bitch.

do not trust me.

"I dumped her."


Yi Zhonghai let out a sigh of relief.

Just get rid of Jia Zhang.

Since Auntie got rid of Jia Zhang, how did Jia Zhang know about the post office?

"Jia Zhang didn't follow me, but I didn't receive the remittance slip either."

Yi Zhonghai stood up with a bang.

Look at Big Mom.

what the hell.

You did not receive a money order.

Could it be that the remittance slip is in the hands of Shazhu.

Since Silly Zhu received the money sent by He Daqing from Baocheng, why didn't he attack him at the compound meeting just now.

Is he planning something else?

What is more important than killing yourself.

"what happened?"

"Lao Miao has retired. I am not familiar with the new postman. When I went there, he was already busy. It was only after I inquired all morning that I met him at the gate of our courtyard. He gave me a letter. He said that there is no remittance slip from our compound, and as for the reason, he said that it was either not mailed, or the date was delayed.”

Not afraid of ten thousand.

Just in case.

In case the remittance slip is late, Yi Zhonghai will really lose his life.

"You should pay more attention in the next two days."

The aunt who nodded, asked about what happened just now, that is, Yi Zhonghai knew that Shazhu didn't like him, but he still wanted to help Jia's family plot Shazhu's house.

"What happened to you just now? He Yushui is going to school, not married. It's not like you don't know the relationship between Silly Zhu and our family. The neighbors in the courtyard are not fools either."

Yi Zhonghai sighed quietly.

A look of disappointment on his face.

"It's something that can't be helped. Mrs. Jia Zhang came to me and asked me to help her calculate the house with rainwater. I disagree, but Mrs. Jia said a post office word."

Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

It can be called a typical representative of embarrassment.

Aunt Ma instantly understood why Yi Zhonghai did what he did.

Forced to be helpless.

Think for more than ten seconds.

He asked Yi Zhonghai, "What do you want to do?"

"You have to help me."

"I know, otherwise I wouldn't have said these things to you. I mean, if Jia Zhang knew the secret of the post office, what would we do?"

Yi Zhonghai heard the words.

My heart is tight.

Glanced at the big mother.

Although he didn't say a word, the fierce light in his eyes expressed Yi Zhonghai's truest thoughts.

This is killing intent.

Withholding the money will make Yi Zhonghai lose his head, and Yi Zhonghai, who doesn't want to die, can only make Jia Zhang, who knows the secret, shut up forever.

Under the sky.

There is no one who can keep more secrets than the dead.

Just like Jia Dongxu back then.

Finally calculated to die!
(End of this chapter)

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