Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 234 Jia Zhang confessed his last words to Sha Zhu, you must report to the police

Chapter 234 Jia Zhang confessed his last words to Sha Zhu, you must report to the police

Jia family.

Jia Zhang lying on the bed.

Tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Thinking about the post office.

It's different from Yi Zhonghai's intention to kill Jia Zhang.

Jia Zhang thinks more about benefits.

She thought that if she knew Yi Zhonghai's secret, she, Jia Zhang, would have the final say on how much she would pay at that time. Now that she had the handle to manipulate Yi Zhonghai, whether Qin Huairu remarried or not had little to do with Jia Zhang.

The reason why Qin Huairu was not allowed to remarry was because she felt that after Qin Huairu remarried, she would have no way out.

It is for your own benefit that you would do this thing that reverses the course of history.

It's different now, with Yi Zhonghai covering Jia Zhang's case, Jia Zhang doesn't have the worries about old age at all.

In order to catch Yi Zhonghai's handle, Jia Zhang believed that he had to know what happened in the post office, what entanglements he had with Yi Zhonghai, and why Yi Zhonghai was so afraid of the post office.

I thought about it all night.

Leng did not come up with a useful solution.

In a daze.

Fell asleep.

When Jia Zhang woke up, it was already past eight o'clock the next morning.

Qin Huairu went to the rolling mill, Bang Geng went to school, and Xiao Dang went to Yuhong Class.

There are only Jia Zhang and Huaihua in the family.

Jia Zhang, who didn't bother to put on clothes and was wearing autumn clothes and long trousers, pressed her big face against the glass and saw the aunt diagonally opposite busy through the glass.

Heart received in the stomach.

I'm afraid Big Mom is gone.

Mrs. Jia Zhang put on her clothes, tidied up the quilt, and then turned into a member of the martial arts team stalking dogs and traitors, and hid quietly in the house.

Wait for the hour hand on the clock to cross nine o'clock.

The aunt came out of the house with a vegetable basket and looked around the yard, worried that Mrs. Jia Zhang would continue to pester her and ruin her affairs.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Jia Zhang changed her routine. Seeing the aunt looking towards the Jia family, Mrs. Jia Zhang hurriedly bent her body. When the aunt left the middle courtyard, Mrs. Jia Zhang hurriedly tied the Sophora japonica to the bed and stepped forward. Out of Jia's house.

Jiazhang, who learned the lesson from yesterday, did not do this thing of scaring the snake, but followed him.She walked cautiously, followed Da Ma not far or near, from the courtyard to the Red Star Post Office.

like yesterday.

Hiding in the corner.

He stared intently at the post office.

A few minutes later, Da Ma came out of the post office, and Jia Zhang followed Da Ma back the same way, passed the courtyard, and came to the Red Star Vegetable Market. After Da Ma bought a catty of potatoes, she followed Da Ma back to the courtyard.

time at this time.

It's eleven o'clock sharp in the morning.

The first mother started making lunch and didn't go out in the afternoon.

On the next day, day three, day four, and day five, the aunt did the same thing, carrying a vegetable basket to the post office every day, and then returning to the vegetable market from the post office, either to buy potatoes or cabbage.

Jia Zhang's stalking was also painful.

I don't understand why Da Ma went to the post office, and why she ran from the post office to the vegetable market.

After returning from follow-up on the fifth day, Jia Zhang suddenly thought of the incident that he threatened Yi Zhonghai with the post office a few days ago.

situation at the moment.

It is clear.

Yi Zhonghai was stupefied by the word "post office" that Jia Zhang said, and he was so frightened that he was overwhelmed, so he would do something that he knew the result of.

Jia Zhang vaguely guessed some of the so-called truth.

Da Ma's destination was always the post office, and the reason why she carried the vegetable basket was to deceive others.

Who would do such a thing?

Jia Zhang thought of two words.


His body broke out in a cold sweat instantly, he didn't care much, and also extinguished the plan he had made last night.

Last night, before falling asleep, Mrs. Jia Zhang thought about going to the post office today to ask the postman who had been questioned by the aunt for five days, asking what the aunt asked, and what to look for. Unexpectedly, Dieter, Dudi Strange, how does Jia Zhang have the guts to ask such a thing?
Little life matters.

She covered her mouth.

He ran back to the courtyard in a hurry.


He plunged into Jia's house, didn't even take off his shoes, and hid under the quilt, trembling all over, but at the same time complaining about the world and others with strong panic, resenting why he had to do so many things, if he didn't keep an eye on him back then Aunt should have everything, and there is no such thing.

Worried about being silenced.

It's not that I was scared stupid.

Knowing that the other party might kill her to silence her, he did not report it to the police station.

Jia Zhang has Jia Zhang's ideas.

If Yi Zhonghai and his wife were Dieters, they would have stayed in the courtyard for more than ten years without any trouble, and no one would find any clues about Yi Zhonghai and his wife, which shows that Yi Zhonghai and his wife were well disguised.

The neighbors in the courtyard, who didn't praise Yi Zhonghai for being a good person, said that it was Jia Dongxu's blessing to have a master like Yi Zhonghai in his previous life.

It's one thing to be good at acting, but to deceive everyone.

Worrying that Yi Zhonghai has subordinates is another matter.

In case Jia Zhang reports Yi Zhonghai and Yi Zhonghai escapes or refuses to admit and confess, let alone Jia Zhang will be killed, even if it is a stick, it will not be good.

The Jia family relied on sticks to support the incense.

If something goes wrong with the stick stem, the Jia family's incense will be cut off.

Cutting off the incense is a big taboo.

That's why Jia Zhang didn't choose to go in to explain the situation when she passed by the Hongxing police station just now. She didn't dare to gamble with the safety of the stick.

I don't know how long it took to hide in the quilt, but Jia Zhang only felt a burst of heat.

I wanted to poke my head out to have a look, but I didn't dare.

Until the cry of Sophora japonica was heard next to her, Mrs. Jia Zhang seemed to have been greatly frightened. She yelled and threw the quilt aside casually.

Breathing heavily.

His eyes fell on Jia Dongxu's photo on the wall.

in mind.

I started thinking wildly.

If Yi Zhonghai and his wife are Dieters, Jia Dongxu's death means that he was killed by Dieter. If he died at the hands of Dieter, he would be a martyr. The Jia family will become a glorious home, and a sign will be listed on the door. , I don’t have to go back to my hometown and suffer.

Jia Dongxu has told Jia Zhang more than once that Yi Zhonghai looks kind, but he has a dark heart and a strong desire to control. He wants to control Jia Dongxu's thinking, even what kind of friends Jia Dongxu makes and what he says. , when to go home, when to go to work, Yi Zhonghai will intervene.

It must be that Jia Dongxu discovered some of Yi Zhonghai's Dieter's practices, and was killed by Yi Zhonghai.

The more you think about it.

The more Jia Zhang believed in his own speculation.

She not only suspects that Yi Zhonghai and his wife are Dieter, but also suspects that Qin Huairu is Dieter, maybe Yi Zhonghai's downline or subordinate.

At first, Mrs. Jia Zhang wanted to find a girl for Jia Dongxu who had a job in the city. The Jia family was a dual-income family that everyone envied. However, she did not expect that Yi Zhonghai would take Jia Dongxu to Qinjia Village to provide targeted assistance. When he came back, he told Mr. Jia Zhang, Said that he introduced Jia Dongxu to someone in the countryside, named Qin Huairu.

Jia Zhang disagreed.

But because he was not Yi Zhonghai's opponent, and because Yi Zhonghai promised to send a sewing machine, Jia Zhang reluctantly agreed to Jia Dongxu to marry Qin Huairu as his wife.

If Qin Huairu had nothing to do with Yi Zhonghai, why did Yi Zhonghai spare no effort to bring Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu together, and after Jia Dongxu died, he bought Qin Huairu a job.

Only Dieter!
Yi Zhonghai is Dieter!
The eldest mother is Dieter!
Qin Huairu is Dieter!
Jia Zhang's eyes suddenly shrank, and his face turned pale.

Unconsciously scanning just now, she unexpectedly saw the deaf old lady come out of Yi Zhonghai's house on crutches, and the first mother helped the deaf old lady, whispering something Jia Zhang couldn't hear.

Jia Zhang realized that she seemed to have missed someone.

The ancestor of the compound is a deaf old lady.

Ever since I married into the courtyard, there has been such a number one figure as the deaf old lady in the courtyard, and Yi Zhonghai and his wife were there at that time.

Is the deaf old lady Dieter too!
The deaf old lady is not stupid. Whether Yi Zhonghai is Dieter or not, the deaf old lady knows very well. The two families have been helping each other for so many years.

Then there can only be one explanation, the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai are accomplices.

Jia Zhang's body was even weaker.


Completely flustered.

It is a small courtyard house with 27 eight households. The three families are Dieter, the family of a deaf old lady in the backyard, the family of Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu in the middle courtyard.

More and more I felt that I was right in not reporting Yi Zhonghai as Dieter.

Without Yi Zhonghai, there are still Qin Huairu and the deaf old lady.

Jia Zhang has seen the movie, and the Dieter in it is simply not human, they can even kill their own children.


I think I should find a helper.

Think about it.

Actually stared at the silly column.

The enemy of the enemy is his friend. The relationship between Shazhu and Jia's family is not very good. This is one factor. Shazhu beat Yi Zhonghai, reprimanded Yi Zhonghai, and bluntly said that the two families have no contact with each other.

How to find Shazhu?
What did you say when you saw Shazhu?
How to make Silly Pillar believe in yourself?
Jia Zhang didn't have a clue for a while.

But he felt that he had to tell Sha Zhu about it, and let him know about it, so as to save himself from fighting alone after the incident happened in the future.


Taking advantage of the time when everyone was not paying attention, and seeing Li Xiuzhi go to the backyard, there was only Shazhu in the house, and Jia Zhang quietly went to the door of He's house.

"Stupid column."

Opened a cavity behind Silly Zhu.

Silly Zhu was frightened to death, turned his body subconsciously, his eyes narrowed suddenly, but then he calmed down, his face was filled with surprise for Jia Zhang's visit.

Unexpectedly, Jia Zhang would come.

Very fresh.

I don't know the purpose of Jia Zhang's visit, and Jia Zhang's face is not the kind of hostile expression, but there is a kind of unspeakable anxiety.

"Is something wrong?"

Jia Zhang swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Just about to open his mouth to express his intention of coming, that is, to tell Sha Zhu that Yi Zhonghai is Dieter, but he was so frightened by the wedding photo of him and Li Xiuzhi hanging on the wall of Sha Zhu's house that he didn't have any follow-up words.

Jia Zhang's body was trembling. If it hadn't been for the emergency moment when she leaned against the wooden pillar, she might have really collapsed and knelt in front of the silly pillar.

Although Li Xiuzhi is a country girl, after marrying into a courtyard house, she is very virtuous and praised by everyone, especially she has a good relationship with the deaf old lady in the backyard.

Talk to the deaf old lady every day, spend time with the deaf old lady, kill time.

The deaf old lady is Dieter, and Li Xiuzhi might be Dieter.

In case he told Shazhu himself, and Shazhu told Li Xiuzhi again, it would mean that the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai and Dieter all knew the truth of the matter.

At that time, it will definitely end in murder.

You can die yourself.

But the stick can't die.

in the eyes.

There was a bit of sympathy for Sha Zhu.

Damn Silly Zhu, his blind date of more than ten years was ruined by Yi Zhonghai's scheme. Although he married a wife, this wife was Yi Zhonghai's subordinate, which meant that Silly Zhu had not escaped from Yi Zhonghai's scheme. No wonder Yi Zhonghai said that he He was the matchmaker for Shazhu and Li Xiuzhi's marriage.

"Hey! What's the matter?"

Seeing that Mrs. Jia Zhang didn't answer his question, but showed some sympathy for him on his face, Sha Zhu's mood instantly turned bad.

I live well, my daughter-in-law is virtuous, and my younger sister is motivated, do you need your sympathy from Mrs. Jia Zhang?

I really don’t know where Jia Zhang got the courage to sympathize with Silly Zhu.

The Jia family is no longer the Jia family.

Qin Huairu wants to remarry.

The Jia family is about to collapse.

In this case, Jia Zhang's sympathy for Shazhu was obviously just kidding.

Silly Zhu asked.

The tone is not very good.

I ordered two taels of pork from the cafeteria. I wanted to take advantage of Li Xiuzhi's absence and make a meat dish for Li Xiuzhi, but I didn't expect Mrs. Jia to come here uninvited.

This year.

Eat something good, keep someone behind your back, or someone will poke your back.

"If you have something to talk about, please come back if you have nothing to do. I'm still busy cooking, so I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

Silly Zhu made an action to drive away the passengers.

Pointing to the door.

There are so many people talking, who knows what unfavorable versions of rumors and rumors will come out that are unfavorable to Silly Zhu.

"Silly Zhu, my old lady just said one thing, you must remember it in your heart, and don't forget it, it is one thing my old lady begs you, remember, if my old lady has an accident, such as death , or don’t show up in the courtyard for several days, no matter what people say, even if my wife has returned to her hometown in the country, you have to help me find the police, let them find me, remember, the police must be found, let the police find me I."

Jia Zhang finished telling Sha Zhu.

He ran back to Jia's house in a hurry.

Looking at Jia Zhang's back that seemed to be running away, Silly Zhu shook his head and complained.

"If this is all nonsense, a hammer here, a stick here, I'm dead, or I'm no longer here, you must call the police, I'm so busy."

Pork was taken out of the pocket.

Cut into small pieces with a kitchen knife.

The door of the house was closed by him, and the windows were also tightly closed.

Don't let a little taste diffuse out.

For some meat.

It's also a fight.

As for what Jia Zhang said to Shazhu, Shazhu really went in with his left ear and out of his right ear, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

Heaven and earth are big.

Not as big as Li Xiuzhi.

at home.

In the silly heart.

Li Xiuzhi eats well and dresses warmly is a one-to-one big thing.

All the affairs of the neighbors in the courtyard house, let them go!
(End of this chapter)

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