Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 235 Doubting Big Mom's Public Security

Chapter 235

Jia Zhang left Shazhu's house not long ago.

In the front, middle and back courtyards.

The sound of porcelain bowls and pans colliding with each other was heard one after another.

It's dinner time.

The neighbors were eating quietly.

Silly Zhu gently pushed the meat bowl filled with large meat slices on Li Xiuzhi's face, placed another steamed bun on top, then closed the door uneasily and bolted the door.

no way.

The present time of scarcity.

Eat some meat.

It's that difficult.

The main reason is that I don’t want to be labeled. A few days ago, in the compound next door, I was reported by neighbors to go to the black market to buy meat because of eating meat, which caused the meat eater to be reprimanded.

Be careful, it's always right.

Li Xiuzhi saw Sha Zhu's trick and put the fat in the bowl into Sha Zhu's bowl on the pretext that she was a woman and couldn't eat much.

Silly Zhu took the meat slices that Li Xiuzhi picked up one by one into Li Xiuzhi's bowl on the grounds that he was a cook and had no shortage of mouth.

The couple made some concessions to each other.

In the end, it was Li Xiuzhi who gave the idea.

Add two to five.

half each.

Overall, Shazhu had a little advantage, Li Xiuzhi tried his best to give some big and thick slices of meat to Shazhu.

Silly heart.


This daughter-in-law.

It's worth marrying.

The two of them ate and chatted sentence by sentence. For some reason, they hurriedly talked about the deaf old lady in the backyard.

What Li Xiuzhi meant was to ask Sha Zhu how much he knew about the deaf old lady.

Silly Zhu shook his head.

to be frank.

He really doesn't know much about the deaf old lady. It seems that since Shazhu can remember, the deaf old lady has been living in the backyard, and no one dares to provoke her. The shoes and the seat confirmed the identity of the ancestors of the deaf old lady's compound.

Although the two have not been married for a long time, Shazhu knows Li Xiuzhi's character.


He lowered his voice towards Li Xiuzhi.

"Daughter-in-law, do you suspect the deaf old lady?"

"It's not suspicion, but there are some things that cannot withstand any scrutiny at all. Do you know what the deaf old lady just said to me?"

"What did you say? Shouldn't it be about her making shoes?"

Li Xiuzhi was stunned.

He looked at Shazhu stupidly.

Unexpectedly, the deaf old lady also said these words to Silly Zhu.

"you know?"

"I told me these things, what made shoes for the team, what paid, and I gave her food just because I heard her words."

"Haven't you ever suspected it?"

"No, what doubts there?"

"This old lady told me that she made cloth shoes for the captain. What she meant is that she is also a meritorious person. Let me respect her more. What does it mean to respect the old and love the young? What does it mean if you don't have much time? Living, she just likes to eat and drink. She told me about the 36 famous restaurants in Beijing, 72 small restaurants, and [-] food stalls. Damn, every household is not full. I even let her eat all over the capital. .”

"The old lady is that person, just ignore her."

"The key point is that I think there is something wrong with the old lady."


Silly Zhu didn't notice it himself.

His voice was trembling.

This is a deadly word.

"I don't know." Li Xiuzhi shook her head, and said to Shazhu, "I didn't want to talk to her at first, and I was just teasing her during this time, but the old lady clearly regarded me as a three-year-old child. Think about it, a An old lady who is seven or eighty years old has experienced braids, a big head, a bald head, and a little devil, and until now, there is nothing wrong with it, and she still dominates the courtyard, think about it.”

Shazhu was also said by Li Xiuzhi.

Only to find out that the deaf old lady is really not easy.

God is pitiful.

After picking up the script of "Qin Man", Shazhu selectively read some of the contents and learned some of the past, such as Jia Dongxu's death, Yi Zhonghai's plan to provide for himself in old age, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's singing respectively The white-faced and red-faced plots about themselves and everyone else, and other contents, because it was in later years and because Silly Zhu didn’t know much about Chinese characters, the content he read was not comprehensive, and he didn’t know some things.

It was reminded by Li Xiuzhi.

I wondered if I would take time to read that book at night.

If there are records related to the deaf old lady on it.

It also saves Li Xiuzhi's random guessing, and at worst she reports it directly and walks away.

Perhaps it was because Li Xiuzhi mentioned the deaf old lady, which reminded Shazhu of the divine book, and inexplicably thought of He Daqing's mailing of money.

It has been almost four months since I got married.

He Yushui was also admitted to university, and reported it a few days ago.

The incident happened.

Yi Zhonghai didn't have any excuses.

It seems that the matter of going to Baocheng should also be put on the agenda.


"I told the old lady that in the next day or two, I will take you back to your hometown. The old lady asked Yi Zhonghai to help you write a letter of introduction. You said that if Yi Zhonghai bought the train tickets for us."

Silly Zhu understood what Li Xiuzhi meant.

Open a letter of introduction.

Buy a train ticket.

If everything was handled by Yi Zhonghai, the matter of Silly Zhu and his wife going to Baocheng would be like a dark under the lights.

At that time, Yi Zhonghai can also be given an unexpected surprise.


Easy Zhonghai Home.

The hypocrite looked at the big mother in front of him with a sad face.

Just a few days.

The first mother has aged a lot with the naked eye.

It's all about the money order.

For five or six days in a row, I asked the postman every day, and the postman thought that what was wrong with Da Mama and treated Da Mama as a psychopath.

The aunt was so angry that she didn't dare to complain to others, so she could only feel depressed in her heart.

Today is another day of failure.

How about tomorrow?

going or not?
The aunt doesn't know, so don't go, if there is a remittance slip, things will explode, go, if you run for nothing, it is tantamount to doing useless work.

There was a strong conflict in my heart.

"That!" After pondering for a long time, Yi Zhonghai gave a suggestion, "Go see it again tomorrow, if you haven't, I'll write to He Daqing and ask."

"You write to ask He Daqing, isn't it self-reporting? Writing to ask why people don't send money to Shazhu is tantamount to reminding He Daqing that we have withheld his remittance. What should I do if the letter is mailed to the rolling mill?"

The aunt made a complaint, and the depression in her heart inexplicably improved a lot.

He glanced at Yi Zhonghai.


"I'll ask again tomorrow."

"It hurts you."

"By the way, the old lady told me today that Shazhu's wife is going to take Shazhu back to her hometown in the countryside to meet her parents."

Yi Zhonghai's heart.

All of a sudden it was mentioned in the throat.

I don't know if I did something immoral that I'm sorry silly Zhu.

When I heard that Shazhu was leaving the capital, I always felt that Shazhu was looking for He Daqing.

His face instantly became very ugly.

In this regard.

Big Mom can't do anything.

The main reason is that more than ten years have passed since this incident, from the beginning of May [-]st to the present, and the money is still being withheld.

When Yi Zhonghai first got the remittance slip mailed by He Daqing, his aunt once persuaded Yi Zhonghai that there were some things he could do and some things he couldn't do. If he did, he would be struck by lightning. The key was that Yi Zhonghai refused to listen. Do the unethical thing of withholding money.

a lie.

Often several lies are needed to assist.

Tian Tian worried that Sha Zhu would go to Baocheng to find He Daqing to confront him face to face.

He Daqing is not dead.

As long as Sha Zhu and He Daqing confronted each other face to face, Yi Zhonghai's actions would be exposed, and his reputation would be ruined, and he would probably return his reputation.

When did the paper cover the fire?

How can you hide this kind of thing?
For today's plan.

You can only take one step at a time.

Who made Yi Zhonghai lose the best opportunity to return the money to Silly Pillar.

Facing Yi Zhonghai's constipated cheek.

The aunt said: "The old lady has negotiated with Li Xiuzhi and asked you to help go to the street to open a letter of introduction. I think you can help the two of them buy train tickets."

Yi Zhonghai's eyes lit up.

Suddenly he was alive again.

"Here, this is the address of Li Xiuzhi's mother's family."

Auntie placed the handwritten note in front of Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai put away the note.

Put it in his pocket.


Yang Jiguang, the postman who replaced Miao Wenhua, was entertaining a friend at home.

The two joined the army together, served in the same army, retired and returned home together, changed jobs and returned home together, and fulfilled their jobs together.

The only difference.

Yang Jiguang's good friend Zhang Shihao works at the Hongxing Police Station and is a glorious public security comrade, but Yang Jiguang has become a postman at the Hongxing Post Office.

Change the cup.

Half a bottle of Erguotou was eaten down.

Both sides opened up the chatterbox.

Zhang Shihao talked about his affairs at the Hongxing Police Station. The master of the east was the head of the family and the son of the west. Either the man from this family beat the woman, or that family wanted to rob that family's house.

All are legally illiterate.

It's all due to a stupid spirit.

There are also those who are in charge of the big things, all of which are handled internally in the compound.

When they boarded the gate of the courtyard, they still shamelessly said that they would deal with it internally.

Yang Jiguang also talked about some of his experiences at the Red Star Post Office. The letterheads of this company and the packages of that company are not just delivering newspapers to the department.

talking and talking.

Suddenly the topic turned to the big mother.

Perhaps Yang Jiguang didn't take it seriously, and said it purely as a joke.

"Zhang Shihao, I've been working as a postman for a few days, and among other things, I encountered a psychopath."

"Crazy? Are you crazy, or is someone else crazy?"

"Why don't you believe me? She's really insane. She seems to be the daughter-in-law of the old man in charge of the Red Star Courtyard. What's her name? I don't know. According to her own account, people call her Da Ma."

"We also have a big mother in our compound. When I first moved into the courtyard, the old man in charge told me that in the courtyard, he has the final say. As soon as I saw what was going on, I fell in love directly."

"Don't interrupt."

"Don't interrupt."

"This aunt has been asking me the same thing for several days. Guess, guess as much as you can."

"Letter? Or is it a package?"

"The remittance slip chased me half the street on the first day, and in the next few days, he stopped me every day at work and asked me if there was a remittance slip from Baocheng. I said no. This big mother still has a face."

Yang Jiguang fell into deep thought.

I was thinking about what words to use to describe the big mother's expression.

Think for more than ten seconds.

He replied to Zhang Shihao: "It's a guilty conscience, but it's not that kind of pure guilty conscience. It seems that there is still a little fear inside, yes, that's the expression."

The speaker has no intention.

The listener is interested.

Zhang Shihao frowned subconsciously, thinking that Da Ma's behavior was suspicious.

For several days, I have been asking about the remittance slip from Baocheng.

After Yang Jiguang replied that there was no remittance slip, an expression of guilt and fear appeared on his face.

From a professional point of view.

This remittance slip is very important, and may be related to the safety of the other party, so this aunt has such an expression.

big case!
This was Zhang Shihao's first thought when he learned about it.

His eyes fell on Yang Jiguang who was pouring him wine.

this kid.

It can be called its own lucky star.

"The wine in the glass, don't drink it after drinking it."

"Didn't you drink a bottle?"

"Go to work tomorrow."

Zhang Shihao drank the white wine in his hand, put down the glass, turned around and left Yang Jiguang's house, and walked towards his own house.

The night wind blows.

Thoughts become clearer.

money order.

A remittance slip that makes people worry about it.

Thinking about going to see the big mother tomorrow.


The next day.

10:[-] and [-] minutes.

Yi Zhonghai specially came to the second canteen.

He said he had something to do with Shazhu.

No matter how Quegenxian stopped him, he pushed Quegenxian away and stepped into the back kitchen.

Seeing Uncle Zhu sitting on a stool drinking tea like a fool, and Qin Huairu washing potatoes beside him like a maid, I felt a little unbalanced.

But it didn't show on his face.

He greeted Qin Huairu with a kind face, and then greeted Shazhu.

"Zhuzi, the old lady told me about your affairs. She said that you are busy and don't have time to handle these things. Let me help you. I'll do it for you."

Something in hand.

Stretched to the silly column.

"My uncle has written a letter of introduction for you and your wife, and I have also bought the train tickets. As for the bus tickets, I have nothing to do. You have to go to the local place and buy them yourself."

last night.

Li Xiuzhi told Shazhu these things.

I guess Yi Zhonghai would behave like this.

Right when it is acting.

Just fooling hypocrites.

He smiled and replied to Yi Zhonghai.

"My lord, thank you. You have really helped me a lot. Otherwise, I will open a letter of introduction by myself. I will give you the price of the ticket now."

It is impossible for Yi Zhonghai to ask for money from Sha Zhu.

Wishing that Shazhu owed others favors, so that these favors could fall on Qin Huairu's head.

He waved his hand and refused: "Zhuzi, I don't have much money, you don't need to pay it back. I watched you grow up, and I didn't help you much with your marriage. The money should be regarded as a little bit of my heart." "

"My lord, what you said is your heart. The fare is the fare. If I don't give you the money, I will pass it on to you. You will think that I, He Yuzhu, is not a good character. This is to pay you back the fare."

Silly Zhu handed the money to Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai refused to accept it.

Silly Zhu also had no choice.

Changed a routine.

"Master, why don't you do this, I donate the fare money to the street in your name, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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