Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 238 He Daqing: I Posted Money to You

Chapter 238 He Daqing: I Posted Money to You

He Daqing's reaction.

Both were within the expectations of the silly couple.

The look of confusion in his eyes could not be faked.

By now.

Even though He Daqing didn't tell the truth, the shrewd Shazhu and Li Xiuzhi still vaguely guessed some of the truth from He Daqing's reaction.

It is very likely that Yi Zhonghai did something that broke his promise, such as withholding money and so on.

Tiger poison does not eat children.

Before He Daqing left, it was impossible not to make arrangements for Shazhu and Yuyu.

He looked at Sha Zhu with guilt and surprise when he heard that Yu Shui was admitted to the university, and he had silently expressed some answers.

It's like singing a double act.

Silly Zhu deliberately turned his head to the side. In the process of turning his head, he also showed his red eyes that were about to shed tears to He Daqing.

The expression on his face was also very painful.

Where He Daqing couldn't see it was the scene of Sha Zhu pinching his thigh with his hand.

He needed to pretend to be that stubborn pity and strength in order to stimulate He Daqing to the maximum extent.

Li Xiuzhi didn't have such a requirement, she didn't need acting skills, she just needed to truthfully tell He Daqing what happened back then.

before coming.

The couple has already designed the routine, designed the words, how to say, how to say, how to cooperate with each other, etc., all have detailed arrangements.

From the beginning to the end, there is one theme, to touch He Daqing's sadness as much as possible, and then to show Yi Zhonghai's evil and Yi Zhonghai's bird nature.

Li Xiuzhi followed the steps planned by her and Sha Zhu.

Answering He Daqing's question.

"Father, after you came to Baocheng, Zhuzi didn't tell me about Zhuzi and Yushui. It was Yushui who talked about their past while crying and laughing on the day I married Zhuzi."

He Daqing said to Li Xiuzhi: "Daughter-in-law, tell me."

"Xiuzhi, stop talking, what are you talking about?" Silly Zhu pretended to be angry, "It's all in the past, what's the use of talking about it now? Can I return the hardships that Yushui and I have suffered, or Can you make the grievances between me and Yushui disappear all those years?"


"Father, don't pay attention to him. He just likes to get into the horns. Some things, if you talk about it, talk about it. What's the matter if you don't talk about it and hide it in your heart?"

Li Xiuzhi rolled her eyes at Shazhu, then set her eyes on He Daqing, and began to speak.

"Yu Shui told me that after you and Aunt Bai came to Baocheng, Zhu Zi was supposed to work at the rolling mill, but the old man, Yi Zhonghai, told Zhu Zi that he helped Zhu Zi ask the rolling mill , The response given by the rolling mill is that Zhuzi is too young to find a post, and because cooking is related to the safety of tens of thousands of people in the entire rolling mill, Zhuzi is asked to wait for two years."

I heard about He Daqing here.

The back molars were all crushed.

Deceiving too much.

Seeing He Daqing clenched his fists angrily, Li Xiuzhi gave Silly a wink.

"Three days later, Yi Zhonghai found Zhuzi again, saying that he put on his old face and begged someone else's rolling mill, and the rolling mill agreed that Zhuzi would work in the second cafeteria. He didn't get paid, but he took care of a meal. Silly Zhu, because of the rain, Hungry, full, picking up garbage to feed the rain, until two years later, he was paid as an apprentice's salary, 17 yuan a month."

"Yi Zhonghai is a bastard, I killed him, no wonder he is extinct, he deserves extinct, he has done too many wicked things, he deserves it."

After heavy breathing.

It was the voice of He Daqing cursing Yi Zhonghai crazily.

The expression on the face.

Extraordinarily ferocious.

It looked like a man-eating beast.

"Before I left, I gave him 100 yuan, saying that Zhuzi and Yushui were young and worried that they would spend extravagantly if they had money, so I asked Yi Zhonghai to give Zhuzi and Yushui 20 yuan a month."

He Daqing had a good chat with Li Xiuzhi just now.

I have a very good impression of Li Xiuzhi.

The daughter-in-law here talks in the same way, her mouth is still very sweet, and she yells one after another, which makes He Daqing's heart burst into joy.

Thinking that Shazhu might hate himself, he deliberately told nonsense, but believed Li Xiuzhi's words.

After talking about some secret things back then, he immediately asked silly Zhu: "Zhuzi, I'm asking you, tell me the truth, you and Yushui really never got any money from Yi Zhonghai?"

"Hmph!" Sha Zhu snorted coldly, and said displeasedly to He Daqing, "What do you mean, you don't believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, but I feel it."

words behind.

He Daqing was embarrassed to say it.

"Yes. During the three days when I couldn't find a job, I was hungry for three days. I was so hungry that I cried loudly. Yi Zhonghai gave me two yuan. For the next two months, he gave me five yuan a month. He said it was him. I can’t stand it. When you gave me and Yuyu the money, you scolded you in front of me and Yuyu, saying that you even gave up your own son and daughter for the sake of a widow, and went to help other widows. , those days, Yuyu cried for dad every night, and the neighbors in the courtyard knew about it. Mrs. Jia Zhang said that Yuyu and I were abandoned by our father, and later he wanted to occupy our ancestral house for Jia Dongxu to get married. "


He Daqing's big hand.

He slapped the table hard.

Trembling with anger.

Those things in the silly words.

It is clearly a must-eat.

He can now imagine what situation Shazhu and Yushui faced at that time.

"What's the use of being angry now? I don't object to you looking for a wife. After all, I'm 16 years old, and I can start a family. But there is rain. Yushui is only seven years old. If you don't keep a penny, you are planning to starve to death." Am I with the rain?"

"Zhuzi, don't say a few words."

"If he wasn't my father, I would have wanted to beat him. I've never seen such an irresponsible father."

"Xiuzhi, Zhuzi is right." He Daqing looked at silly Zhu, and said solemnly: "Zhuzi, believe it or not, there is no need for father to lie to you. When father left, he had already said hello to the rolling mill. You can directly enter the field as a post, which is counted as a ninth-level cook position."

"You can brag, I went in and worked for free for two years, and I got an apprenticeship after two years. In order to feed Yushui, I picked up garbage, but I couldn't pick up garbage. Yushui was hungry, so I could only drink cold water with rainwater."

He Daqing's eyes were red.

I can hear the pain of silly and rainy days.

"I'm sure Yi Zhonghai and that bastard in charge of the cafeteria worked together to plot against you and steal your salary. I will definitely not let them go."

"Are you telling the truth? In which two years did I get paid?"

"Why should I lie to you?"

"Then don't worry about this matter. I'll go back and find Director Yang. If that's the case, I'll ask them to spit out their capital and profits."

There was an inexplicable ruthlessness in Sha Zhu's eyes.

Not only to the former canteen director, but also to Yi Zhonghai.

It was estimated that the former cafeteria director was going to be shot, and he was dead. As the instigator of this incident, Yi Zhonghai would definitely be bitten out by the other party.

Coupled with the matter of withholding money, Yi Zhonghai's ten lives are not enough to be shot.

Silly face.Suddenly there is a bit of color.

If Yi Zhonghai died, not to mention the aunt, as Yi Zhonghai's partner, she would also be unlucky. Let's just say that the deaf old lady whose ancestors in the courtyard didn't have a hypocrite to cheer her up, she was a fart.

And the Jia family.

The reason why he was rampant in the courtyard was because of Yi Zhonghai.

It is equivalent to eliminating three animals at once.

"Zhuzi, just make up your mind, drink water, it won't be hot."

Be careful with He Daqing.

Silly Zhu's snarky meal and Li Xiuzhi's narration made He Daqing realize that he had done something wrong to the two children, and felt a little bit relieved while feeling pain in his heart.

Surrounded by animals.

Shazhu married a daughter-in-law, and he was able to raise He Yushui and train He Yushui to be a college student.

If it were him, He Daqing, he probably wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

Silly Zhu has contributed to the He family.

The way he feels facing Sha Zhu and his wife now is clearly different from the feeling He Daqing felt when facing the White Widow and her children.

At least He Daqing's mood is painful but happy. Shazhu and Yushui have had a hard time, but the hardships have paid off. One married a good wife and the other became a college student.

"I don't drink any more water. I came to Baocheng just to see you. You are fine. We are relieved and let you know the situation of me and Yushui. We have nothing else to do. We will return to the capital now." .”

Silly Zhu stood up.

After exhorting Li Xiuzhi, she took the lead and walked towards the door of the house.

Behind him is He Daqing with a pitiful expression. He still wants to talk to Shazhu and Li Xiuzhi.

Never thought that Shazhu and Yushui's life would be so hard, nor did they expect those people in the courtyard to be such beasts.

He Daqing suddenly realized that he seemed to have underestimated the nature of those people.

Especially Yi Zhonghai.

What he thinks is a well-arranged plan is completely useless in the face of beasts.

He wanted to learn more facts from Shazhu, but Shazhu didn't give He Daqing a chance to speak, so he patted his ass and left, saying he wanted to return to the capital.

How can this be good?

He Daqing finally took advantage of the opportunity of Sha Zhu to open the door, and asked Li Xiuzhi who was following behind Sha Zhu's buttocks in a low voice where they lived.

Li Xiuzhi showed the key of the guest house in his pocket to He Daqing.

There is a small wooden sign on the key, with both the room number and the name of the guest house on it.

He Daqing then put his heart in his stomach and said something to Sha Zhu and his wife.

"Zhuzi, Xiuzhi, I'll go to the guest house to see them later."

"Don't come, I'm fine, and the rain is fine too." Silly Zhu rejected He Daqing, and said, "Don't be angry because of the white widow we killed, we have a train in the afternoon, you should get busy with work."

On the way from the textile factory to the guest house.

Li Xiuzhi asked Silly Zhu why she suddenly changed her plan in confusion.

Sha Zhu replied that he just wanted to retreat, otherwise He Daqing thought that Sha Zhu brought Li Xiuzhi to Baocheng to look for him to ask for money.

Only when He Daqing arrived at the guest house, Sha Zhu could find out about Yi Zhonghai's withholding of the money.

His father is still a bit clever, but it's useless in the right place.

Everything was as Shazhu expected.

The couple returned to the guest house, and He Daqing rushed over in a hurry.

He was carrying several lunch boxes in his hand.

Into the house.

Ignoring the ugly face that Sha Zhu deliberately put on, he put the lunch box on the table and said to Li Xiuzhi: "Daughter-in-law, you must have never eaten the rice that Dad brought you from the cafeteria. Try it."

The lid of the lunch box was opened.

One is fish-flavored pork shreds, one is potato slices and fried pork, and the other lunch box is six large white flour steamed buns.

Li Xiuzhi looked at Shazhu.

"Look at what he does, eat, this is specially made by your father-in-law for you, don't pay attention to him."

"Don't think like this, you can let me and Yushui take care of you."

He Daqing was also angry.

It was mainly Shazhu's words that poked his heart.

After Sha Zhu and his wife left, He Daqing seriously thought about this pension, and found that his own pension could only be placed on Sha Zhu and his sister.

As for the children of the White Widow.

Can't count on it at all.

Everyone called him Uncle He one by one.

Now that he can make money, when he can't make money and can't act, he probably won't pour a glass of water for He Daqing.

The sleeve on the arm suddenly fell on the table.

"I am your father, and you are my son. Why don't you give me old age? You can't be the master of rainwater. Why don't you let rainwater give me old age?"

"Why? Just based on what you did, I admit that you raised me until I was 16 years old, and you also admitted that you raised Rainwater until I was seven years old, but what happened later? If I didn't pick up garbage to feed Rainwater, Rainwater would have died many years earlier You can't get into college at all, and if you don't want your son and daughter, why don't your son and daughter want you?"

Silly Zhu sighed, and immediately changed the topic.

"People are doing it, let's see what you did back then. You would rather help others raise their children than take care of your own flesh and blood. You can't move anymore. Come back and look for us to take care of you. The benefits of co-working are all for others. Yushui and I will be together." You have to admit that you are unlucky."

The White Widow has three sons and two daughters. The eldest and the second are married, and now live in separate households. The third is married, and the fourth and fifth are in school.

Because they are not their own children, it seems like a mountain is separated from He Daqing.

The White Widow doesn't think much about these things. Sometimes she can't be free, and she will go to the elder son's or second son's house, help the daughter-in-law take care of the grandson and granddaughter for a few days, and help the nephew at the daughter-in-law's house.

He Daqing's salary in the textile factory is quite high, and he can also do private work to earn money. Except for keeping some for himself, the rest is in the hands of the White Widow.

In the process of chatting with the children, the White Widow inadvertently said something like I will spend time with you children in the future.

He Daqing heard such words several times, knew they were unreliable, and began to think about the way out for himself. When he couldn't sleep, he thought about silly pillars and rain.

I heard that Shazhu came to look for him.

Those who are happy will jump up.

I wanted to take this opportunity to ease the relationship with Shazhu and pave the way for retirement.

But he didn't expect Sha Zhu to speak harsh words directly, leaving He Daqing to fend for himself.

This will not work.

"Why do I feed other people's children, but not you and Yushui? From the first month I left the capital to Baocheng, I will mail money to you every month, sometimes ten yuan, sometimes 15 yuan , has been mailed until last month."

(End of this chapter)

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