Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 239 He Daqing left the truth, the identity of the deaf old lady

Chapter 239 He Daqing left the truth, the identity of the deaf old lady
Hearing that He Daqing confided the truth, saying that he had been mailing living expenses to Shazhu and Yushui, Shazhu deliberately squeezed a disdainful expression on his face.

He Daqing saw Shazhu's expression.

My heart skipped a beat.

He hurriedly repeated what he had just said.

"Zhuzi, I have found a job in Baocheng, and I will start mailing money to you brother and sister in the second month, mailing monthly, ranging from 15 yuan to [-] yuan, and I paid back the mail last month."

"In order for me and Yushui to take care of you, you started talking nonsense in front of your daughter-in-law and mailed me money. Why didn't I receive any money?"

"As for me lying to you? Who is your father, you don't know?"

"People who like widows."

"What widow, now we are talking about sending money by mail. This month, I think that Yushui may get married, and I want to send more money by mail."

The last sentence, especially accentuated.

Immediately, He Daqing seemed to have recalled it.

He stared at Silly Zhu.

He took a step back slightly.

"Zhuzi, what did you just say, you haven't received any money?"

"Don't say whether I received the money or not, let me ask you, you just said that you sent us the money, isn't this a lie?"

"How can I lie to you about this?"

"You swear to the old man's face."

There is a portrait of the old man on the wall. He Daqing raised his right hand and swears a poisonous oath to the portrait of the old man, saying that he really sent money to Shazhu and Yushui. Those who do not reach the pension.

"But I never received the money."

"Zhuzi, do you think it's possible?" Even though He Daqing had already guessed the result, he still put forward a hypothesis that was impossible at all, "Is it because the rainwater has been received?"

"If the rainwater is received, you won't be hungry and cry." Silly Zhu turned to He Daqing and asked the question that had been pressing in his heart for a long time, "I didn't receive it, and neither did the rainwater. You send the remittance slip. Who was it mailed to? Shouldn’t it be Yi Zhonghai?”

He Daqing didn't answer Silly Zhu's question.

Instead, let Shazhu have a drink with him.

The preparation is quite comprehensive.

There is half a bottle of Erguotou in the pocket.

Silly Zhu couldn't hold back He Daqing.

He drank three cups with He Daqing.

Perhaps because of Jiu Jin, He Daqing was the first to lose his composure, and asked Shazhu, "Zhuzi, what do you think of Yi Zhonghai's character?"

"My daughter-in-law has already known that Yi Zhonghai is a smiling tiger within two months after marrying into the courtyard." Silly Zhu said to He Daqing: "Yi Zhonghai, on the surface, thinks he is a good person, and no one can find fault with him, but he I don’t know if it’s because I’ve done too many immoral things, I don’t have children, and I’m always calculating people to give him a pension.”

"Yi Zhonghai is also dazed."

He Daqing sighed.

He has been away from the courtyard house for more than ten years.

Things are wrong.

Many things and many people cannot be discussed according to old principles.

At that time, Yi Zhonghai was quite a decent person, he was thinking of supporting himself in the care of the elderly, even if it involved the Jia family, Yi Zhonghai was still able to deal with it impartially, and the neighbors were quite convinced.

This is why after He Daqing left, he sent the money to the uncle and asked him to help take care of the children.

On the one hand, Shazhu and Yushui are young.

young people.

Self-control is relatively poor.

If the money is in their hands, they may spend it recklessly, or they may be sucked blood by the neighbors with excuses.

Handing it over to Yi Zhonghai, letting Yi Zhonghai hand it over, invisibly saved a lot of trouble, and also educated the silly brother and sister.

On the other hand, Yi Zhonghai's income has always been at the forefront of the courtyard house. When the neighbors encounter difficulties that cannot be overcome, they will borrow a quarter of a dollar from Yi Zhonghai to ease the difficulties.

Thinking that he is rich, he will not deduct these ration money.

There was also a deaf old lady as security for Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

The matter was thus settled.

Don't blame anyone.

If you want to resent, you can only resent the unpredictability of the world. It is this damn world that forcibly forced Yi Zhonghai into a hypocrite. Because he can't have his own children, he can only count on Jia Dongxu in the end, and because of Yi Zhonghai's character of being foolproof in everything. , Shazhu was listed as a spare tire.

In order to support his own dignity, he deliberately withheld the money sent by He Daqing, and wanted to give Shazhu brother and sister a big show of sending charcoal in the snow, so that Shazhu and Yushui received a lot of suffering for no reason.

This year.

no son.

It's like having no confidence.

"Even if you are stupefied, you can't do immoral things, please. Don't you wonder why I didn't get married until now?" Silly Zhu looked at He Daqing's eyes that guessed the truth, and confided the truth, "I haven't been married in these years, and I have been on blind dates for a long time. The failure is all due to Yi Zhonghai."

"No, it should be due to the deaf old lady in the backyard."

He Daqing yelled out the essence of the matter.

Following Shazhu's narration just now, He Daqing, who was originally happy because Shazhu brought his wife to the house, Yushui was admitted to university and became a college student, etc., could not be happy anymore.

He raised his head abruptly and looked at Silly Zhu.

"Yi Zhonghai doesn't like you at all. The backup tire in his heart is Jia Dongxu. Once he is sure that he can't have children, Jia Dongxu will be made regular. The fact that your blind date was ruined was written by the deaf old lady in the backyard. Ma'am, I'm greedy, I never forget that I want to have a private chef like before, we are from the Tan family, and I'm gone, you are her best planner."

"No wonder when she saw me after you left, she yelled at me one after another, and praised me for my good cooking skills. She has a good fortune."

"Zhuzi, Xiuzhi, the two of you live in a courtyard, just pay attention to Yi Zhonghai and his wife and the deaf old lady."

"What is the background of the deaf old lady? I've heard people say that she made shoes for the team."

"An old lady with small feet, where can I make shoes?" He Daqing lowered his voice, and said in a voice that only Shazhu and Li Xiuzhi could hear: "I heard that the old lady has something to do with the palace. Son, there is a little devil who has seen her specifically, whether it is a little devil or not, I don't know, but he is wearing a devil's military uniform."

Silly heart.

Mentioned throat.


The deaf old lady slipped through the net.

It's no wonder that the background introduction of the characters related to the deaf old lady in the book "Qiman Man" was artificially smeared with black pen, and the identity of the deaf old lady was not visible at all.

Think about it too.

If there is no certain background, how can the deaf old lady pass through those turbulent years smoothly.

It is estimated that the bone dregs that have been eaten by people are gone.

He was worried about his daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi. During this time, Li Xiuzhi chatted with the deaf old lady in the backyard from time to time, making things happen.

In case the deaf old lady comes from a bad background.

It is inevitable that some people will suspect Li Xiuzhi.

Silly Zhu noticed that there was such a title in He Daqing's words just now.

Private chef, that is, private chef.

What kind of person can have a personal chef, and he never forgets that he wants to have his own chef.

Lou Xiaoe's father is the major shareholder of the rolling mill, and he is indeed very rich. Such a talent is equipped with his own personal chef.

The deaf old lady is a five-guarantee household. Her dream is to have her own private kitchen. She seems to have had it before.

little devil.

make shoes.

private chef.

What a big game of chess.

"Daughter-in-law, deaf old lady."

Li Xiuzhi nodded.

If it weren't for He Daqing's words, I guess I thought I could amuse the deaf old lady's brat, but now it seems that the deaf old lady is pushing the boat along the way.

It looks like.It is necessary to alienate the relationship with the deaf old lady.

Not for himself, but also for Shazhu and Yushui.

Pulled around and moved the whole body.

The atmosphere in the house.

Inexplicably a little weird.

The only thing that was silent was the sound of people's breathing.

long silence.

He Daqing drank the full glass of wine in one gulp, and his tone became relieved under the stimulation of alcohol.

"Zhuzi, Xiuzhi, dad still said the same thing, just stay away from them. The current world is not peaceful, and you all know the truth that disasters come from your mouth. Keep your mouth shut and try to talk as little as possible." Say less, the deaf old lady ruined your blind date, but she is also the matchmaker between you and Xiuzhi, otherwise you would have married a long time ago and married another woman, even if you met Xiuzhi, you would not be able to marry Xiuzhi who is so good daughter in law."

Pity the parents of the world.

Shazhu may not know how powerful the deaf old lady is.

He Daqing knew.

At first I forced myself to leave.

Worried that Shazhu would not be the opponent of the deaf old lady, he comforted him with words.

"The things in the past are just in the past. As long as they die before us, we will win. By the way, we have time to read more about this."

two books.

It was placed on the table by He Daqing.

I gave one to Sha Zhu and one to Li Xiuzhi.

"If you have nothing to do, just put it in your pocket and take a look. It won't do you any harm." He Daqing changed his tone and told the truth, "I'm very happy that you brought Xiuzhi to me. I'll write about the money. It's Yi Zhonghai's name."

"I knew it was this bastard."

"I thought he wouldn't do such immoral things, but I didn't expect, hey, people's hearts are so deep, come on, let's have a toast!"


Sha Zhu raised his wine glass and clinked it with He Daqing.

All in one drink.

Blood ties are fundamentally inseparable.

Talk things out.

The barrier between the two parties disappeared, and the atmosphere in the room gradually became harmonious.

He Daqing's mood was indescribably complicated.

On the one hand, he was angry because of what happened to his son, but at the same time he was excited, just like what he said just now, if it wasn't for the deaf old lady's mischief, how could silly Zhu marry such a virtuous wife.

On the other hand, I feel very gratified for my son's growth. He raised Yushui and raised Yushui into a college student, which is better than his father.

"Zhuzi, don't meddle in the matter of money. Dad will handle it."

"Let me do it. The post office has the stubs, and the bank also has the exchange stubs. I get these things and go directly to the police station."

He Daqing thought about it.

The solution given by Shazhu.

There is no possibility of implementation.

He nodded in agreement with Sha Zhu's opinion.

Suddenly he thought of the deaf old lady. The old deaf lady's pension depended on Yi Zhonghai. If Yi Zhonghai was shot by Sha Zhu, the deaf old lady would inevitably lay hands on him.

He Daqing can ignore the life and death of the silly couple, but he has to worry about his grandson.

Meet Lee Soo Ji for the first time.

He Daqing decided that he would have a grandson in the future.

For the incense of the He family.

when necessary.

You can use some more extreme means!

He Daqing's expression suddenly became serious.

"Zhuzi, Yi Zhonghai's matter is easy to solve. You have to pay attention to the deaf old lady. The deaf old lady is not as simple as you think."

The silly couple looked at each other.

Neither are fools.

Seeing that He Daqing was so jealous of the deaf old lady, he knew that the deaf old lady was powerful that they didn't know.

"It's really not possible. You come to Baocheng directly. Dad still has some noodles in the textile factory. Finding you a job is just a matter of one word."

In He Daqing's eyes.

There has never been a reason to guard against thieves all day long.

Rather than being plotted by the deaf old lady in the courtyard, or even being blackhanded by the deaf old lady, it is better to leave the courtyard.

People move to live, trees move to die.

Only by jumping out of the encirclement of the courtyard and cutting off contact with all the birds in the courtyard can Sha Zhu prevent himself from suffering certain losses.

This is the best policy.

The worst policy is once and for all.

Solve the problem from the root.

Just like Pan Jinlian sent Wu Dalang back to the west in Water Margin.

A bowl of decoction matter.

"Dalang, drink the medicine."

Wu Dalang died and disappeared.

What He Daqing didn't expect was that Shazhu and Li Xiuzhi figured out a good strategy.

Report it.

A few shots with or without dates.

The report of the deaf old lady slipped through the net. Whether there is any evidence or not, the staff has to investigate.

If it's okay once, then report it again.

Too many times.

The deaf old lady's nothingness turned into something.

"I did a good job in the rolling mill. Besides, now our workers are the masters of the house. I have a countermeasure for the matter of the deaf old lady."

"I'm worried about Xiuzhi."

"Father, I have my own measure."

"I have always wondered why you came to Baocheng with the White Widow in the first place. Xiuzhi and I suspected that the White Widow knew Yi Zhonghai. The two of them worked together to design a trap for you. Do you know that? On the seventh day of following White Widow to Baocheng, Yushui and I came to Baocheng to look for you, and when we arrived at White Widow's house, White Widow said that you did not see us, as you said, from now on, I will not see Yushui or me."

"You came to Baocheng to look for me?" He Daqing stood up from the stool with a bang, and then sat down again, "I was doing private work outside that day, and the White Widow found it for me."

By now.

All the truth is revealed.

Yi Zhonghai knew the White Widow and knew that Shazhu was going to bring rainwater to Baocheng to find He Daqing, so he sent a telegram to the White Widow to arrange for He Daqing.

No wonder he didn't see He Daqing at the beginning.

"Don't tell the White Widow that we came to look for you, or Yi Zhonghai will know about it."

"I'm not stupid."

"Aren't you stupid to be tricked by Yi Zhonghai and the White Widow? By the way, you haven't answered my question just now. Why did you come to Baocheng in the first place? You don't even want your own son and daughter. I don't care. I'm 16 years old." , Yushui is only six years old."

"Don't ask, I don't want to say, I can only say that this is the handwriting of the deaf old lady, that old lady is not as simple as you imagined, Yi Zhonghai also participated in it, he should be the deaf old lady's dog leg .”

(End of this chapter)

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