Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 240 Fishing Law Enforcement Against Yi Zhonghai

Chapter 240 Fishing Law Enforcement Against Yi Zhonghai

Let's talk things out.

There is no barrier between Silly Zhu and He Daqing.

He called out his father's name for the first time.

Without knowing the truth, He Daqing was able to mail money to Shazhu and Yuyu for ten years, which shows that he has Shazhu and Yuyu in his heart.

But because of some things, he had to leave the capital and follow the White Widow to protect the city.

He Daqing did not see that the deaf old lady planned his departure. He was worried that Sha Zhu would suffer a loss, so he told Sha Zhu not to let Sha Zhu pursue the matter.

Full of fatherly love.

Shazhu suddenly lost his prejudice against He Daqing.

Now that we know that Yi Zhonghai has withheld the money, the next thing is undoubtedly easier. Get the stub of the mailed money, report the case to the capital, and let the police talk to Yi Zhonghai.

"Dad, please give me the stub of the remittance. With this stub, I won't be afraid that Yi Zhonghai will deny it. I will make him spit it out to us, skin and bones."

The stub is usually made in triplicate. The remitter keeps one copy and the post office keeps a copy. What Sha Zhu is asking He Daqing for now is the copy of the stub he kept.

It’s just that the conditions have just been stated.

An embarrassed look appeared on He Daqing's face.

I looked at the silly column.

He took a look at Li Xiuzhi.

He hung his head in embarrassment.

Seeing He Daqing's style, Shazhu felt infinitely bad.

Could it be that He Daqing didn’t have a stub?
The newly established trust in He Daqing immediately wavered.

I felt that He Daqing might not have mailed the money to them. In order not to make himself look bad, he deliberately said that he mailed the money to Yi Zhonghai. Otherwise, why couldn't he get the stub?

There are no stubs from a few years ago, but there must be stubs from the last year.

"You can give me the stubs of the last few months. With these, the police can file a case."

"Zhuzi, Zhuzi's daughter-in-law, listen to Dad's explanation. Things are not what you think. This matter is a bit complicated. What is the specific complicated method? It is like this. You also said just now that the White Widow may It was Yi Zhonghai who arranged for me to be tricked, dad, this whole life..."

He Daqing's explanation.

Let Silly Zhu be in trouble.

He Daqing was worried that Widow White would make a fuss with him when she found out about mailing money to Silly Zhu and his sister, so he tore up all the stubs and threw them in the trash can without saving any of them.

He Daqing can't get any evidence here.

Silly Zhu and his wife could only rely on the mail to see if they could get the stub of the mailed money from the post office. Because He Daqing had to go to work in the afternoon, this had to be done by Silly Zhu and his wife.

The two parties made a clear division of labor and agreed to meet at the guest house at six o'clock in the evening.

Everyone is busy.

Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi came to take advantage of the excitement but returned in disgrace.

Arrived at the post office.

Before he could express his intention, he saw that all the post office staff were busy.

The two were stunned for a moment.

Silly Zhu took out a pack of cigarettes and handed a cigarette to the nearest man who was more than ten years older than Silly Zhu. With this cigarette, he finally figured out the truth of the matter.

Bureaucracy kills people.

A new leader arrived. He arrived at his post yesterday morning, took a look inside, and decided to burn the first of his three fires as a new official in the archives room.

Pointing to the stubs that have been stored for several years, he said that these stubs are not only taking up space in the post office, but also causing a waste of resources.

The slogan of reuse of materials was shouted.

What is material reuse?

That is to pack the stubs, waste materials, newspapers and periodicals and other papers stored in the archives and send them to the paper factory to turn them into pulp again.

It is euphemistically called secondary utilization.

Yesterday afternoon, all the things from the post office were sent to the paper factory, and they were mixed together with mountains of waste.

Now they are busy counting the discarded clothes, saying that these clothes can be made into mops. They can use them themselves and support their brother units. They say that they want to make new clothes that can deliver newspapers and letterheads on bicycles, and can also be used to make mops without riding bicycles. The postman of the era.

Silly Zhu and his wife were too embarrassed to disturb these people.

With a lot of disappointment.

Back to the guest house.

One was lying on the south bed and the other was lying on the north bed, thinking about how to solve this matter.

Since there is no stub in Baocheng, they can only find a solution from the Red Star Post Office in Beijing. But when they left yesterday afternoon, they already knew about the aunt who had been staying at the post office for several days, and also heard about the Red Star Post Office. There is a new leader and the postman thing.

The matter of the new leader came from Jia Zhang's mouth.

For today's plan.

It seems that you can only check it from the bank.

Yi Zhonghai goes to the bank every month to change the remittance form. The bank must have the relevant stub, and it should have Yi Zhonghai's signature on it.

As such.

Yi Zhonghai will not be able to escape the law.

The question is, why did the bank show the stub to Shazhu and his wife, just because Shazhu was the canteen monitor of the steel rolling mill?
Pure bullshit.

Unless they are police.

In the end.

It is legal illiteracy.

There are some things that I don’t quite understand, so I rely on my own guesses to guess the other person.

The couple thought for a while, and Li Xiuzhi came up with an idea.

That's fishing law enforcement.

He Daqing mailed the money again, and the stub of the money this time was handed directly into the hands of Shazhu and his wife. After returning to the capital, in a few days, he would mail and inquire about the remittance order. If it was confirmed that the remittance order had arrived at Yi Zhonghai In his hands, the foolish couple took the stub and went to the police to report the case.

Silly Zhu thinks this method is feasible.

I agreed to this.

But on the issue of how much money to mail, the couple had doubts again. What Li Xiuzhi meant, whether it was ten yuan or fifteen yuan, was He Daqing's thought as an elder to the younger ones such as Sha Zhu. Goose feather, courtesy is less important than people's intentions, but you can't justify something based on more money or less money.

Silly Zhu disagrees.

The answer he gave.

It is said that He Daqing is helping the White Widow now. If the White Widow dies in the future, the White Widow's children will definitely kick He Daqing out. Then it will definitely be Shazhu and Yuyu's job to support He Daqing in his old age.

Rather than giving the White Widow a bargain, it would be better to give him a bargain. He was prepared to charge a high price.

Regardless of whether He Daqing agrees or disagrees, he should at least express his attitude.

Li Xiuzhi didn't care.

The couple chatted for a while.


At around six o'clock in the evening, I waited for He Daqing at the guest house.

This time I brought five lunch boxes, three of which contained vegetables, one contained soup, and the other contained steamed buns.

I left at noon.

Silly Zhu told He Daqing that he and Li Xiuzhi would go back tomorrow.

In other words.Tonight is the last day for He Daqing and Silly Zhu to reunite. Wanting to show off, they cooked a few delicious dishes and brought an unopened bottle of Erguotou.

He poured a glass for Shazhu and another for himself. Li Xiuzhi also had a glass of white wine in front of him.

Originally, Silly Zhu was rushing to pour the wine.

There is no reason in the world for a father to pour wine for his son.

But He Daqing refused, saying that he was not worthy of being a father, and that Shazhu could raise Yuyu and train Yuyu into a college student.

Thanks to the He family.

He deserves to be poured a glass of wine by his father.

three people.

Pick up the wine glass.

He Daqing said something like "you guys have a good time", and each drank the wine in his glass.

Li Xiuzhi grabbed the wine bottle and filled it first for He Daqing, then for Silly Zhu, and then refilled herself. She picked up the wine glass and toasted He Daqing with a glass of wine.After He Daqing finished drinking, Silly Zhu told him about the plan of fishing and law enforcement.

"Dad, the stub has been beaten into pulp. I discussed it with Xiuzhi. You can return the money by mail. Otherwise, we don't have evidence that Yi Zhonghai withheld the money and we can't deal with Yi Zhonghai. I mean, you can't do it either. Don’t mail it ten yuan, it’s already 15 yuan, just give it to Yi Zhonghai and I’ll mail it 500 yuan.”

When He Daqing heard that there was no stub at the post office, he became anxious and stared. When he wanted to say something, Silhu told him the countermeasures he had discussed with Li Xiuzhi.

Originally I wanted 1000 yuan.

But think about it.

Fold it and hit it.

He put down the number five hundred towards He Daqing.

Quan probably told He Daqing the reason why he wanted 500 yuan.

"Dad, it's not that I want to take the opportunity to suck your blood, but with this 500 yuan, I can deal with Yi Zhonghai. If you mail ten or 15 yuan like before, even if you file a lawsuit with the police, what will happen? As long as If Yi Zhonghai doesn't admit it, who can do anything to Yi Zhonghai? 500 yuan is not a small amount. If Yi Zhonghai dares to embezzle it, he will be shot."

"Zhuzi, it's Dad's choice how much to mail. How can you force Dad to mail how much or how much?" Li Xiuzhi tried to smooth things over, "Dad, don't listen to Zhuzi's nonsense. It's up to you."

"Xiuzhi, I'm not forcing dad to mail money, but this is the only way to do it. I'm married and Yuyu is admitted to college. If you're mailing 15 yuan or 500 yuan, it won't look good at all. The worst will happen in the future. After taking care of Yi Zhonghai, I will mail you the [-] yuan rebate."

Seeing He Daqing, he didn't speak.

He looked straight at himself.

Silly Zhu changed his tone.

"Dad, you don't have so much money, right? You are also the chef of Tanjia Cuisine. Over the years, you can't even save 500 yuan. Don't let the third uncle laugh at you. I remember that in the courtyard, you can't watch it. I am used to Yan Fugui and say that Yan Fugui is a stingy person."

He Daqing lightly slapped Shazhu on the head.

He laughed and scolded: "You little bastard, I'm going to provoke you and me. Your father eats more salt than you eat rice. I've noticed your little thoughts a long time ago. Don't say five hundred, it's one thousand." You and I can take it out too, you are right, if it is still like before, I am afraid that Yi Zhonghai will not be able to figure it out."

"Dad, do you have money?"

"Do you really think your father is confused and doesn't leave a way out for himself? 1000 yuan, 300 yuan is your wedding gift, 100 yuan is the money for Xiuzhi to change her confession, and the remaining [-] yuan is for my future grandson. The remaining five hundred of the New Year's money, please give it to Yuyu for me, saying it's a little thought from me as a father, so that she won't bear grudges against me. There are some things that I can't do if I want to. By the way, I'm deaf. Don’t tell Yu Yu about the old lady’s affairs.”

"I know, then when are you going to remit the money?"

"Tomorrow morning, let's go together."


"There is something that must be made clear in advance."

"What's the matter?"

"My eldest grandson's name must be chosen by me. You, He Yuzhu, are short of water in the five elements, and the rain is similar to yours. The same is true for Yi Zhonghai. Wood absorbs water, so why not call him a nickname? It's easy to make a living with a nickname, and you are here The water provided by three people will support him, and he will definitely be successful when he grows up."

Shazhu now wonders if he has become Jia Dongxu.

Did my biological mother become Jia Zhang?

Or maybe He Daqing had his soul changed.

Otherwise, how could you come up with the name Banggen.

"I disagree."

"Isn't Banggen a bad name? There are now more than ten children named Banggen in the textile factory, with the surnames Ma, Zhao, and Liu."

"Jia Dongxu's son is called Banggan."

"His son's name is Banggeng. Can't my eldest grandson be called Banggeng?"

"BangGeng spends all his time sneaking around, it's not a good thing."

"Then call it Shitou, don't get sick, name Weiguo, defend the country, He Weiguo."

"What if it's a girl?"

"Hongxia, why don't you call me Xiang Hong."

"It's all up to you."

"You can rely on me in everything. I'm your father. Why can't I be the master of such a small thing? By the way, I'll give this to you."

He Daqing suddenly took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Silly Zhu.

Silly Zhu took it.

I opened it and took a look.

The whole person was stunned on the spot, it turned out to be the deed of the He family's ancestral house.

Speaking of this incident, there are many stories. When He Daqing came to Baocheng with the White Widow, Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai saw that Silly Zhu was helpless, and they even paid attention to the He family's ancestral house.

Using 300 million old coins at that time (300 old coins are equivalent to one dollar, 300 million is [-] yuan), he tricked Silly Zhu into selling his ancestral home to him, saying that Dongxu of the Jia family wanted to marry a wife in the new house. Silly Zhu Agreeing to Jia Zhang's request to buy a house, between the two choices of ancestral house and eating, Shazhu would definitely choose the latter. He was not hungry, and Rain was hungry too. However, because the deed of the He family's house was not found in the end, the matter could not be settled. Let it go.

I thought about all kinds of things.

I never thought that the house deed would be taken away by He Daqing.

It's been ten years since I left.

"Zhuzi, don't resent Dad. You were 16 years old at the time. Dad was worried that you wouldn't be able to support the He family, so he was destroying the He family's ancestral home. He was worried that your grandfather would come to him to settle the debt in the future, so he took away the house deed. , some time ago, I was thinking about how to give you the house deed, but you came here with your wife Xiuzhi. You have grown up and become smarter, so it’s time to give you the house deed. After you go back, change your name on the street. That’s it.”

This is how He Daqing arranged the He family's ancestral house.

"There are two houses in total. You live in the bigger one, and Yuyu sleeps in the smaller one. I decided to leave the big house to you and Xiuzhi, and the small house to Yuyu. You can also discuss it with Yuyu. If she doesn't want it, , Yuyu’s house can also be designated in your name.”

"Okay, I'll talk to Yuyu then. If she doesn't want the house, I'll give her some money as a subsidy. In this way, your eldest grandson will also have a place to live in the future."

"Zhuzi, with your words, dad will be relieved. Now that you are married, you have to think about Xiuzhi when doing things. Discuss this with Xiuzhi. How can our He family marry such a good wife as Xiuzhi?" The blessings brought by the ancestors of the He family."

He Daqing spared no effort to praise Li Xiuzhi.

This afternoon.

He basically lived in pleasure.

Silly Zhu is a stupid person with a stupid destiny. He was tricked by a deaf old lady into a blind date for several years, but he unexpectedly married the virtuous wife Li Xiuzhi.

"Dad, I understand. Don't you have to bring food to the White Widow today?"

"No, I said to work overtime at night."


The time came to nine o'clock in the evening.

Even though He Daqing was unwilling, he had to leave.

With a hint of alcohol.

Left the guest house.

At around nine o'clock the next day, he threw a 1000 yuan remittance slip stub into the hands of Shazhu. He said that after asking, it would appear in Yi Zhonghai's hands in a week. Shazhu nodded and said in He Daqing With a reluctant look, he said that he had bought a train ticket for eight o'clock in the evening and was going to take the train back to the capital overnight. As for what Yi Zhonghai wanted, it was up to him.

(End of this chapter)

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