Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 242: The troubled Yi Zhonghai, whether to make friends or not is a dead end

Chapter 242: The troubled Yi Zhonghai, whether to make friends or not is a dead end
Yan Fugui did not talk about his past embarrassments, this was just an excuse to ease the atmosphere.

When I heard Yi Zhonghai greeting people outside the hospital.

Guessing that Yi Zhonghai was getting impatient with waiting, he deliberately slapped a haha, and came out of Sha Zhu's house on the pretext that it was getting late.

Not bothering to look for excuses, he greeted Yi Zhonghai directly, saying that he had something to discuss with Yi Zhonghai, and entered Yi Zhonghai's house one after another.

The person who poured beans through the bamboo tube told the whole story, such as the ticket and the letter of introduction were stolen on the train, and the couple was interrogated at the trailhead for a whole day, but they still called the University of Posts and Telecommunications and asked Yuyu for confirmation. After a while, they sent Si Zhu back, otherwise the couple would be regarded as a blind couple.

Yi Zhonghai heard the words.

My heart skipped a beat.

I don’t know if it’s because I did something immoral, but I always felt that there was something fishy that I couldn’t explain. When I went to visit relatives, the deaf old lady got out of the way of the letter of introduction. The letter of introduction was stolen, and Yuyu helped to testify.

I feel like this is a game.


Could something have happened?
Silly Zhu accidentally learned about Yi Zhonghai's interception of He Daqing's mailed money, and wanted to send Yi Zhonghai in. In the name of visiting relatives, he went to Baocheng and confronted He Daqing.

Baocheng is not far from the capital. There were people who walked from Baocheng to the capital all day and night.

How to do?
a time.

Yi Zhonghai is in chaos.

"Old Yi, are you okay?" Yan Fugui looked at Yi Zhonghai and saw the expression on Yi Zhonghai's face. "Do you want you to give me another five yuan and I will ask you tomorrow?"

"Old Yan, how can you do this again and again?" Yi Zhonghai hastily changed his tone, smiled, and said, "It's enough to know why Zhuzi and his wife came back so early. I'm worried that Zhuzi and his wife will hold grudges in their hearts." No matter how powerful I, Yi Zhonghai, am, I can't control the thief on the train."

Something is wrong with Yi Zhonghai.

There is a ghost in my heart.

And he is still a ghost to Silly Pillar.

Yan Fugui stood there and pushed up his glasses with his hands. The eyes behind the glasses had obviously seen through everything, including Yi Zhonghai's disguise.

Ghost old spirit.

Old man.

As the third uncle of the courtyard, Yan Fugui is naturally not that stupid.

Yi Zhonghai's explanation may be impeccable to outsiders, but in front of Yan Fugui, it still reveals a bit of hypocrisy.

On the surface, Yi Zhonghai is worried about Sha Zhu and being misunderstood by Sha Zhu and his wife.

Actually, it's not that simple at all.

The words and sentences inside are full of self-revelation, and every word reveals a hidden meaning.

The more I think about it, the more mysteries become.

It is completely inconsistent with the logic of thinking!
"Isn't it possible that Yi Zhonghai, in addition to sabotaging Si Zhu's blind date and matching Si Zhu with the widow, also had something to do to feel sorry for Si Zhu!"

Yan Fugui gradually figured it out.

What is it specifically.

I couldn't guess it for a while.

But he didn't bother to pay attention to the matter between Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu. It had nothing to do with him and Yan Fugui. Whether Yi Zhonghai plotted against Sha Zhu or whether Sha Zhu was plotted by Yi Zhonghai had nothing to do with Yan Fugui.

Say hello.

Left Yi Zhonghai's house.


After Yan Fugui left.

Yi Zhonghai was thinking about something.

As his marriage partner and the person involved in the incident of withholding money, the first mother naturally knows what Yi Zhonghai is worried about, and she is not deaf. The conversation between Yan Fugui and Yi Zhonghai just now was fully understood. In the ear, it is also the end of imagination.

Say something you're not afraid of laughing at.

Aunt Ma is also worried, worried that Shazhu is actually building a plank road to visit Chencang secretly, and under the guise of visiting relatives, he went to Baocheng to find his biological father He Daqing.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

If Si Zhu really finds He Daqing, He Daqing also tells the truth to Si Zhu, saying that I sent you money, and the truth about the money incident will be revealed.

The two people involved in the incident of intercepting money could only go to the house to live their lives.

It is better to die than to live.

When you are getting old, you will end up in shackles.

Can't make it.

Auntie greeted Yi Zhonghai.

"Lao Yi, if it doesn't work, let's return the things to them."

Advice given by a aunt.

It shocked Yi Zhonghai like thunder.

Yi Zhonghai, immersed in thoughts, followed the direction of the sound and turned his attention to Aunt Ma.

did not speak.

Instead he grinned.

Full of bitterness, the smile was uglier than crying.

How could he not know that the advice given by the aunt was the best way to stop the loss at present? Give the money away, but what excuse should he use?

Looking at Yi Zhonghai's face that was gradually coming back to his senses, and his blank and confused eyes, the aunt moved her head closer to Yi Zhonghai.

He did too many immoral things.

Worry about being overheard.

Everything is done with the highest standards of caution.

"Just saying that I saw that Shazhu and Yuyu were young at that time, and they hated He Daqing to death. They were worried that they would not accept the money, worried that they would spend it arbitrarily, and even worried that they would be deprived of their homes. In order to let them experience life It was not easy for them, and we had to go through hardships to educate them. We, the couple, were kind-hearted and never told them the truth. Now that Shazhu is married, Yuyu has also been admitted to college, and both have the ability to take care of themselves, so we handed the money back to them. Got them."

Yi Zhonghai didn't speak.

He is thinking about gains and losses.

The reason given by the aunt is quite shameless and can be explained.

But Yi Zhonghai didn't want to do that. In the past few days, it seemed that Yi Zhonghai maintained a two-point and one-line life from the rolling mill to the courtyard.

actually not.

He asked someone to inquire about the situation.

Withholding money like this, and withholding money for ten years, no matter whether it is in the capital or out of town, it is a first-class big case. No matter how good the reasons you give or how sweet you talk, as long as the victim Insist on holding them accountable, and the person who withheld the money will have to go in. Even if you get a letter of understanding from the victim, it will not help.

Regardless of whether Yi Zhonghai gives Si Zhu money or not, he will not escape jail. If he takes the initiative to pay back the money, the amount is huge, at least starting in 20 years. If he does not take the initiative to pay back the money and refuses to plead guilty, he will be shot.

What is the difference between dying and squatting for a lifetime?
From Yi Zhonghai's perspective, it seems that he has a place to retire.

You can't tell the big mother about this, Yi Zhonghai played a trick.

"Can Sha Zhu believe the relationship between our family and Sha Zhu?"

"If I had known it would happen, why would I do it in the first place?" The eldest mother sighed quietly, "How will you know if it will work if you don't try?"

"Si Zhu, you told me that he was stubborn. I ruined his blind date. He probably wished I was dead."

"We ruined the blind date for his own good. If we hadn't kept ruining his blind date, Silly Zhu would have gotten married long ago. Even if he met Li Xiuzhi, he wouldn't be able to get married. Judging from Li Xiuzhi's incident, our couple In fact, he should be Silly Zhu’s great benefactor.”

long silence.

Yi Zhonghai calmed down and whispered: "If you think about it again, you should be able to think of a solution."

Yi Zhonghai started a big brainstorm.


No matter how hard he tried, he still had to come up with a way to have both ends.

Time passed by minute by minute.I thought about it for three or four minutes.

Yi Zhonghai warned his aunt.

"Silly Zhu told Yan Fugui that he called Yuyu to prove his identity. I will take leave tomorrow to go to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to test He Yuyu's mouth. You can send a telegram to the White Widow early tomorrow morning and write On the sixth day, the swallows return to their nests in front of the hall.”

The [-]th was the second day after Shazhu left the capital.

If she goes to see He Daqing, Widow White should know.

"The swallow in front of the hall returns to the nest" was the codename drawn up by Yi Zhonghai, the White Widow and the deaf old lady when they plotted against He Daqing. The swallow in front of the hall refers to Silly Pillar and Rainwater, "Gui" means traveling from the capital to protect the city, and "The Nest" refers to He Daqing.

The swallows returned to their nests in front of the Hall on the [-]th and asked the White Widow if Silly Zhu had seen He Daqing on the [-]th.

If the White Widow sends a telegram, it will have the word "see" on it.

Yi Zhonghai wanted to settle the matter, so it was time to make arrangements for the aftermath.

If the telegram says "missing", it means that He Daqing did not see Si Zhu. Even so, the suspicion cannot be ruled out. He will have to wait until Yi Zhonghai has tested He Yuyu.

Because of thinking about things.

Neither of the hypocrites got much sleep.

Close your eyes.

A picture of Yi Zhonghai and his wife being tied up and shot to death appeared in his mind.

that's it.

It lasted until the next morning.

The couple got up early, went to the toilet, made breakfast, and the aunt opened the door of the deaf old lady's house with a bowl of boiled water and a steamed bun.

Looking at the boiling water, looking at the nutritious steamed buns.

The deaf old lady, who was about to lose all her teeth, looked at the aunt without saying a word with her mouth pursed.

The first mother sighed, turned around and opened the door and went out.

Yi Zhonghai paid Qin Huairu money to buy a job, and the steel rolling mill deducted wages every month. The aunt was worried that Yi Zhonghai would be dragged into target practice because of the exposure of the interception incident, leaving her without support, so she could save some pension money for herself. , can no longer satisfy the greedy appetite of the deaf old lady.

As for whether the deaf old lady is happy or not.

The eldest mother didn't pay much attention.

I can't take care of it.

What surprised her was that Jia Zhang had been very honest during this period. Jia Zhang, who had come to Yi Zhonghai's house uninvited to improve the food, was now trying to distance herself from the Yi family as much as possible. Seeing Yi Zhonghai eating noodles at home, he stopped grabbing them.

fair enough.

There are many gluttonous pigs in the house of a big mother in the province.

Go to the middle courtyard.

Seeing Sha Zhu and his wife also getting up, they saw Qin Huairu. It seemed that Qin Huairu was greeting Sha Zhu, but Sha Zhu ignored Qin Huairu.

The big mother snorted coldly in her heart.

Damn little coquettish guy, you still want to seduce a fool, and you don't even urinate to look at yourself. How can you, a widow with three children, compare with Li Xiuzhi?

She saw Yi Zhonghai coming out of the house carrying a satchel.

The couple looked at each other and nodded.

They all know what they are going to do.

Yi Zhonghai quickly chased towards Shazhu. Seeing this, Qin Huairu also quickened his pace.

Jia Zhang, who was in the Jia family, saw this scene through the glass, cursing Qin Huairu's eight generations of ancestors and greeting Yi Zhonghai's ancestors.

More and more, I feel that Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, the aunt, and the deaf old lady are Dieter.

His eyes fell on Jia Dongxu's photo.

Looked at it for a moment.

A stream of tears welled up from Jia Zhang's eyes.

Damn Yi Zhonghai, you killed my son, I must take revenge.


On the road.

Yi Zhonghai caught up with Si Zhu.

He explained to Silly Zhu earnestly.

"Zhuzi, your third uncle told the first uncle about you two. It's not that the first uncle is talking about you. You, even though you are 26 or seven years old, you still lack experience. How could a thief steal your ticket and introduction? Believe it or not, you were too careless.”

"Zhuzi, your ticket and letter of introduction were stolen by a thief? Let me tell you, why did you come back after three or four days when you were supposed to go away for half a month to visit relatives? Why are you so careless?"

Qin Huairu approached Sha Zhu.

Shazhu looked at Qin Huairu and then at Yi Zhonghai. He was not sure if this was the routine agreed upon by Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, so he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Yi Zhonghai followed closely and took a few steps.

His eyes also looked towards Qin Huairu as a warning.

I wanted to test Silly Pillar.

But Qin Huairu ruined his plan.

"Zhuzi, I will teach you a trick. As long as you follow the trick, thieves will not be able to steal it. Next time you take the train, seal a pocket on your pants and sew money inside the pocket. This way Come on, the thief can't steal it. If your wife doesn't know how, you can ask your aunt. By the way, I remember that Huairu sealed it for Dongxu. Let Huairu help you when the time comes. You didn't go to see her this time. Since I am your father-in-law and mother-in-law, are you still going? Would you like me to open a letter of introduction for you and buy a train ticket for you?"

Silly Zhu glanced at Yi Zhonghai.

The pace quickened again.

Looking at the back of Silly Zhu leaving.

Yi Zhonghai's heart.

Mentioned throat.

The eyes that Silly Zhu looked at Yi Zhonghai just now were full of hatred. This hatred that wanted Yi Zhonghai to die immediately extinguished Yi Zhonghai's thoughts last night and handed the money back to Silly Zhu.

he knows.

The outcome is the same whether you pay or not.

in this way.

Might as well take a gamble.


"Huairu, how are you doing in the Second Canteen?"

Yi Zhonghai regained his image as a loving father.

Ask about Qin Huairu's situation.

It's also weird.

As Qin Huairu was transferred to work in the No. [-] Canteen, the rumors about Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai miraculously disappeared in the steel rolling mill.

I heard that the factory leaders praised it.

"I now work as a handyman and help the kitchen to make a living, washing vegetables and cutting potatoes." Qin Huairu's tone suddenly became excited, "First Master, I'm afraid you don't know yet, Silly Zhu works in the second cafeteria and doesn't do anything. To make it, just stir-fry the vegetables. Sometimes the big pots are cooked by Ma Hua and Fatty. They sit on the stools and drink tea all day long."

"Huairu, have Sister Ma and the others talked to you recently?"

Qin Huairu's expression.

Instantly turned pale.

They were also tortured by Sister Ma and the others.

As long as they have nothing to do at work and are free, Sister Ma and the others will talk to Qin Huairu on behalf of the women's working group in the rolling mill, about Qin Huairu's remarriage, and even brought photos of gay men yesterday, showing Qin Huairu one by one, As long as Qin Huairu sees eye to eye, they will go to the factory leader to get a marriage introduction letter.

Qin Huairu was terrified of being urged to get married.

(End of this chapter)

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