Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 243: The case has made progress, Shazhu warned He Yuyu via telegram

Chapter 243: The case has made progress, Shazhu calls He Yuyu
The people Sister Ma introduced to Qin Huairu were not as good as Qin Huairu's wishes.

On the one hand, she is not good-looking. Not to mention her crooked melons and cracked dates, she is also much older than Qin Huairu.

On the other hand, there are various difficulties at home, including grandfather and grandmother, a son and a daughter, and a disabled person who is missing arms and legs.

It's not easy to meet a normal person. It is said that his last wife was beaten away alive by him.

Marrying these people is not as good as Qin Huairu staying in the Jia family. At least there is an evil mother-in-law in the family. Qin Huairu is also supporting the Jia and Zhang family alone. If she remarries to those people, she has to support her family.

There are very few people as good as Silhu who have no mother-in-law, no father-in-law, and good conditions. If there are, others will not like Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu said something to Yi Zhonghai, hoping that Yi Zhonghai would help her talk to Sister Ma and the others. It's okay to remarry, but you can find me some people with good conditions.

Yi Zhonghai sighed inwardly.

Even if Qin Huairu is his daughter, he has to avoid suspicion. After all, outsiders don't know that Yi Zhonghai is Qin Huairu's father, and they only think that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu are fooling around.

The leaders of the steel rolling mill have warned Yi Zhonghai three or four times. Yi Zhonghai really doesn't dare to do Sister Ma's job for Qin Huairu.

People asked him in what capacity he made decisions for Qin Huairu.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't answer.

His and Qin Huairu's identities cannot be seen.

But he couldn't bear Qin Huairu to fall into those people's hot bed, so he came up with an idea to ask Qin Huairu to find Jia Zhang and let Jia Zhang behave.

Qin Huairu is the only one who supports the Jia family. He has remarried, and Jia and Zhang are going to drink the northwest wind.

Qin Huairu thought about it.

It's the same thing.

Follow Yi Zhonghai into the steel rolling mill.


nine in the morning.

Auntie followed Yi Zhonghai's instructions.

Arrive at the Red Star Post Office.

He met Yang Jiguang head-on.

He mistakenly thought that Auntie was still here to inquire about the remittance order, so he took the initiative to explain the situation.

"Auntie, I don't have a remittance slip from your courtyard house. I still say the same thing, don't come. If I have a remittance slip, I will send it to your home directly. I promise not to delay your affairs."

"Xiao Yang, aunt is not here to inquire about the remittance order, aunt is here to take a telegram."

"You really scared me to death. I thought you were looking for a remittance order again, so you should be busy first."

Yang Jiguang was very shrewd and did not choose to send a telegram for Auntie. Instead, he hid aside. It was not until Auntia finished typing the telegram and left the post office that he approached the lesbian who sent the telegram to Auntie with a strange look on her face.

"Little Li."

"Brother Yang."

"Who sent the telegram to that aunt just now? Where did it go?"

"Brother Yang, you are breaking the rules of our post office."

"Xiao Li, this is not a violation of post office rules, but it's just that things are a bit troublesome. As you know, that aunt came to me every day for more than ten days in a row and asked me if I had a remittance slip. She almost made me nervous. No, I have no other intention, I just want to see if I can help this aunt. As long as you help me, I will ask my friend out for you."

Yang Jiguang's friend.

Naturally, he was referring to Zhang Shihao.

The last time Zhang Shihao came to the post office to inquire about information, Xiaoli took a look at it accidentally, and she really agreed with what he said. The turtle fell in love with the big tortoise, and inexplicably fell in love with Zhang Shihao, and insisted on forming a revolutionary lifelong partner with Zhang Shihao. , begging Yang Jiguang to help introduce him.

Yang Jiguang knew that Xiaoli was not Zhang Shihao's type, so he politely rejected Xiaoli's proposal, saying that Zhang Shihao was busy with something, and he would definitely bring them together when he got some free time.


For the case.

Yang Jiguang decisively sold Zhang Shihao.


Xiaoli didn't get it for free. She was not stupid. She saw Yang Jiguang's perfunctory intention, smiled and responded.

"Brother Yang, you really treat me like a three-year-old child. I know that your friend doesn't like me, but you helped me date him. I won't be fooled by you."

"I can tell you what my friend likes and what hobbies he has. As the saying goes, if you give him the right medicine, there is no unbreakable fortress."

Xiaoli heard it.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

I think Yang Jiguang is right.

"Brother Yang, what does your friend like?"

"You have to first tell me what telegram that aunt sent just now and who sent it, and then I can tell you what hobbies my friend has."

"A telegram sent to a person named Bai Xiaomei in Baocheng. The telegram only contains a few words: The swallows return to their nests in front of Liuri Hall, and the name of a prescription."

"Okay, I understand, you go ahead and do your work."

"Brother Yang, you really use people to go forward and don't use people to go behind."

"In your eyes, your brother Yang is such a superficial person. Wouldn't it be better if I let my friend tell you his hobbies in person?"

"Don't lie to me?"

"You are so smart, why should I lie to you? I can fool you."

"That is."

"I'm going to go first."

Yang Jiguang rode his bicycle to deliver the letter. When passing by the Hongxing Police Station, he thought of the strange telegram that Auntie sent to Baocheng. Although Xiaoli said it was the name of a prescription, Yang Jiguang still noticed something was wrong.

Nowadays, telegrams are charged by the word, how much is the price per word? Because the speed is fast, the charges are relatively expensive. Unless there is something urgent or important, people will not easily send telegrams.

A lot of money was spent just for the name of a prescription.

It's a bit hard to explain.

more money.

You can't do it like this.

He parked his bicycle at the door of the police station, found Zhang Shihao inside, and whispered about the telegram sent by his aunt to Baocheng, especially the words "swallows returning home in front of the Liuri Hall", which he regarded as important. The most important thing.

Under Yang Jiguang's explanation, Zhang Shihao also frowned.

Suddenly I felt like I had encountered a big case.

Swallows returning to their nests in front of Rokulitang Hall is the name of the prescription, but it can also be regarded as the incision of the joint.

The two looked at each other.

There was a bit of shock in his eyes, and the shock was mixed with a bit of excitement.

"Besides you and me, no third person can know."

"I'm not stupid." Yang Jiguang lowered his voice and whispered to Zhang Shihao: "Do you also have a sense of code words for communication?"

"What do you say?"

"I knew you had an idea for me."

"By the way, where does the person you replaced named Miao Wenhua live?"

"Is he a problem?"

"I found out from the bank that the aunt in Hongxing Courtyard went to the bank on time every month to exchange remittance orders, ranging from ten yuan to 15 yuan, and these remittance orders were handed over by Miao Wenhua in person. What a aunt."

"You suspect them?"

"It's not that I doubt it. If Dieter is really involved, even if the Miao culture is not involved, he will still have to follow suit."

"Did you violate discipline by telling me this?"

"You violated an eggplant. Now you are equivalent to my downline. I assign tasks to my downline. What kind of discipline did you violate?" "When will you catch me?"



"I have a feeling that remittance orders from Baocheng will appear again."


Rolling mill.

Two canteens.

Shazhu was surrounded by Liu Lan and Quegenxian, and they started asking questions, asking why Shazhu came back so soon and whether he encountered any problems.

Qin Huairu, who was not far away, subconsciously raised her ears. She had not forgotten what Yi Zhonghai asked Qin Huairu to do when they were about to leave. Although she didn't know why Yi Zhonghai did this, she subconsciously thought that Yi Zhonghai was doing it. Help yourself, and you will be more energetic.

"Actually, nothing happened. I just lost my letter of introduction and my ticket."

"Damn thief, he stole something without even telling you."

"Ma Hua, if a thief steals something and greets you in advance, he will rob it. Silly Zhu, why don't you just keep going?"

"I was delayed for three or four days on the road. I will come back to write a letter of introduction and buy a ticket. The vacation is not enough. I made an agreement with my wife last night to go back with her during the Chinese New Year."

"Silly Zhu, the letter of introduction was stolen. How did you come back?"

"We called the University of Posts and Telecommunications and found Yuyu. Yuyu helped us prove our identity, and they let us come back. We should learn from our past mistakes. We must take care of our letters of introduction when we go out in the future, otherwise we will become a blind wanderer."

Silly Zhu who talks casually.

His eyes accidentally caught sight of Qin Huairu who was eavesdropping with his ears propped up.

Mind a move.

I realized that there was a small flaw in my plan.


What if Yi Zhonghai went to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to ask He Yuyu for confirmation, and He Yuyu didn't know the reason, so it would be a bad thing to tell the truth.

What Sha Zhu wants is to get rid of Yi Zhonghai once and for all.

The thief will be in trouble until he dies.

Silly Zhu didn’t want to keep anything secret.

I slapped it on purpose haha.

"Okay, I won't bullshit you anymore, I'll go find Deputy Director Li to clear up the holiday."

Silly Zhu left the second canteen.

After walking a few steps, he hid his body behind a big tree at a corner and stared at the movement in the second cafeteria with vigilant eyes.

Qin Huairu was seen coming out of the second cafeteria and running towards the ninth workshop.

Silly Zhu snorted coldly.

The scheming bitch went to report the situation to Yi Zhonghai.

His guess that Yi Zhonghai suspected that he was going to Baocheng was further confirmed. Last night Yan Fugui brought wine to the door, and today Qin Huairu was the mole.

Yi Zhonghai is really cautious.

Silly Zhu pulled his body out from behind the big tree, figured out the direction, and walked towards the office building. He found Deputy Director Li and told him what he wanted to say, and Deputy Director Li nodded in agreement.

Perhaps because Yu Yu was admitted to the University of Posts and Telecommunications, Deputy Director Li's attitude towards Si Zhu was much more eager than usual, and he spoke a lot of nonsense with no practical use.

Seeing this, Silly Zhu followed the snake to the pole and said that he was going to borrow the phone in Deputy Director Li's office and call He Yuyu from the University of Posts and Telecommunications to report that he was safe.

Deputy Director Li agreed and created a private space for Silly Zhu on the pretext that he had to go to the toilet.

The phone on the table is a rotary dial phone. You press your finger on the number, turn it in a circle, dial a number, release the dial, wait for the dial to recover, and then repeat the same process.

After dialing the number, the call is not directly to the University of Posts and Telecommunications. It needs to be transferred in the middle.

"Hello, I'm He Yuzhu from the steel rolling mill. Please transfer me to He Yuzhu, who is in class 61 of the 01 Information and Communication Major at the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. I'm her brother He Yuzhu. I'll contact her for my business."

There was a beeping sound in the earphones.

Four and ten minutes passed.

He Yuyu's voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

"Hey, I'm He Yuyu, who are you?"

"I am your brother."

"Brother, it's you, why are you calling me? I was surprised when I heard the broadcast."

"Yu Yu, please remember this. Yi Zhonghai may come to you to verify and test whether I called you to verify my identity and that of your sister-in-law. You will say so when the time comes..."

Silly Zhu lowered his voice and told the whole story. He didn't mention some things, such as going to Baocheng to find He Daqing to verify the money incident. He was mainly worried that He Yuyu was young and would show this bad thing on his face when he saw a hypocrite. His expression was noticed by the hypocrite.

What if the hypocrite gives the withheld money to Shazhu, saying that I saved it for you, but you didn’t give it to me when you got married, because I forgot.

Such a reason can be explained by forceful explanation.

Coupled with the relationship of the old deaf man.

It only took 20 years for Yi Zhonghai to survive.

Silly Zhu wants Yi Zhonghai to have no chance or wants Yi Zhonghai to take a bullet.

If the plan is exposed in advance, it will be unsightly.

He Yuyu on the other end of the phone, patted his chest and promised that he would let Yi Zhonghai leave with something gained. He said that he had helped Sha Zhu and wanted Sha Zhu to thank him.

Silly Zhu cursed with a smile and hung up the phone.

Deputy Factory Director Li also opened the door from outside and walked in at the right time. Shazhu kept expressing his gratitude towards Deputy Factory Director Li. I wonder if it was because Shazhu flattered him too much. Deputy Factory Director Li I threw a bicycle ticket to Shazhu.

Given by leadership.

Dare not resign.

Silly Zhu left Deputy Director Li's office with a lot of gratitude.

Watching Silly Zhu's leaving figure, Deputy Director Li had a calculating expression on his face.

He doesn't care about a bicycle ticket. What he cares about is Silly Zhu, who is a good cook.

The more important thing is that he has a sister who is in college. Those college students all have baby bumps after they come out.

Silly Zhu trained a college student sister.

If this hadn't happened right in front of his eyes, even if he killed Deputy Director Li, he wouldn't have believed it.

According to the convention, He Yueyue is the son of an employee of the steel rolling mill. When he graduates, he will also be given priority in the steel rolling mill, which means He Yuyu has been won over in advance.

His cousin is three years older than He Yuyu and works at the police station.

He was thinking about bringing the two of them together. Yu Yu's status as a college student was more than enough for his cousin.

In the belly.

Suddenly, an overwhelming pain arose.

Deputy Factory Director Li put down the work at hand and ran towards the toilet like a slut. The pit was full, so he didn't care much and ran towards the nearest workshop toilet.

into the toilet.

See an available spot.

Busy ran over.

Liu Haizhong, who was squatting next door, saw Deputy Director Li coming to the toilet, and his heart, which had been settling for a long time, suddenly became restless.

"Deputy Director Li, come to the toilet yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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