Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 244 Liu Haizhong’s magical operation, Yi Zhonghai University looks for He Yuyu

Chapter 244 Liu Haizhong’s magical operation, Yi Zhonghai University looks for He Yuyu

Deputy Director Li looked at Liu Haizhong speechlessly. He didn't seem to recognize this big fat man, but he knew that he was an employee of the steel rolling mill because Liu Haizhong was wearing the work clothes of the steel rolling mill.

Be a normal person.

Even if you want to flatter the leader, you can't choose to flatter him when the leader is in trouble. If what you say is pleasing to the ears, you can barely explain it.

The key thing about bangs is that it’s bullshit.

"Deputy Director Li, go to the toilet yourself."

This question is asked.

Purely redundant.

Is it possible that Liu Haizhong thinks someone can go to the toilet for someone else?

Deputy Factory Director Li's identity was displayed there. Even though he was unhappy, he was concerned that there were many workers in the toilet and wanted to maintain his image. He smiled at Liu Haizhong, which was not a response.

It was a perfunctory move.

But it made Liu Haizhong extremely excited, and his unhappiness just now because he was annoyed that there was no need to squat in the toilet disappeared.

At that time, I saw Deputy Director Li running in from outside and wanted to go to the toilet in a hurry.

Liu Haizhong thought that if squatting in the pit was not enough, he would have to help Deputy Factory Director Li, shouting, "Let the leader poop first, and we workers should hold it in first. We really can't poop inside our pants."

Unfortunately, God didn't open his eyes, and Liu Haizhong's trick came to nothing. The brainless Liu Haizhong couldn't think of anything else to say, so he asked such a question.

Seeing Deputy Director Li respond to his question.

I don't know who gave Liu Haizhong the confidence. He thought he had figured out Deputy Director Li's pulse, so he started to say some counterproductive words without hesitation.

"Comrades, I am Liu Haizhong, a forger in the Sixth Workshop."

Liu Haizhong reported his name and workshop. He believed that this was a rare opportunity to deepen Deputy Factory Director Li's impression of him.

If Deputy Director Li wants to promote himself in the future, but promotes someone else because he doesn't know who Liu Haizhong is, Liu Haizhong will want to die.

Deputy Factory Director Li must firmly remember that he is Liu Haizhong.

"It is our honor to defecate together with Deputy Director Li in toilet No. [-] today. It truly shows that Deputy Director Li does not distinguish between you and me as ordinary workers. As Deputy Director Li of the steel rolling mill, Li The deputy director leads by example and goes to the same toilet with us, we are extremely lucky."

Liu Haizhong wanted to be an official.

A lot of work was done privately.

In his spare time after beating up Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, he would listen to the radio and read newspapers. Although he didn't recognize some of the words on them, he kept some idioms or catchphrases in his mind.

At the compound meeting.

Meet the leader.

Talk about it, have a chat.

He wanted to highlight his culture as much as possible. What he was most unhappy about was his high school diploma. More than ten years ago, he might have been considered a top figure.

just now.

Totally inadequate.

However, because he lacked eyesight or wanted to be an official too much, these little clever things turned out to be useless and had the opposite effect.

In addition to not gaining the leader's favor, he also disgusted the leader.

Just like now, a few flattering words almost sent Deputy Director Li away.

Seeing that he was almost done, he didn't want to get involved with a fool like Liu Haizhong anymore.

So embarrassing.

I won’t flatter you hard.

Deputy Director Li wanted to leave quickly.

He touched his trouser pocket with his hand.


I left in a hurry just now and forgot to bring paper.

Liu Haizhong, who had been observing Deputy Director Li, saw Deputy Director Li groping in his trouser pockets. He guessed that Deputy Director Li did not bring toilet paper. He was secretly surprised. It was really the blessing of the ancestors of the Liu family that Liu Haizhong met him. It's time to give Deputy Director Li a break.

Do not want to.

He handed the straw paper in his hand to Deputy Director Li.

"Deputy Director Li, this is the straw paper in my bangs. You can use it first. As the deputy director, you have a lot of things to do. We are fine."

Deputy Director Li really needed the straw paper, so he didn't refuse. He accepted Liu Haizhong's kindness and solved his problem with Liu Haizhong's straw paper.

When he was about to leave, he said "Comrade Liu Haizhong, I thank you" towards Liu Haizhong.

It was just a casual remark, but to Liu Haizhong, this ordinary polite word was no less than the sound of nature that lingered for three months. He squeezed out a charming smile on his face, seeming to have forgotten After talking about his ongoing squatting business, he stood up and extended his hand to Deputy Factory Director Li, hoping to have a meeting with him in the toilet that might be recorded in the history of the steel rolling mill.

But because the bangs were squatting, the scene was a bit eye-catching.

It was Deputy Factory Director Li who realized that the situation was a bit rude and said to Liu Haizhong, "Comrade Liu Haizhong, you continue squatting and don't stand up." Liu Haizhong gave up the idea of ​​shaking hands with Deputy Factory Director Li's bare buttocks. The official fan smiled brightly, squatted down again, and flattered Deputy Director Li.

"Deputy Factory Director Li, you're welcome. This is what I, Liu Haizhong, should do. It's my Liu Haizhong's honor to poop in the same toilet as you, Deputy Factory Director Li. I will definitely listen to Deputy Factory Director Li's words and take care of yourself." Pull it out, pull it out as soon as possible, and strive to bring glory and a new chapter."

Deputy Director Li almost laughed.

He saw it.

This Liu Haizhong, a pure idiot, seems to have said some meaningful words, but in fact, it is bullshit. Instead, he seems to be an idiot, but he wants to work hard and pursue an official career. I really don’t know what is going on in his mind. He said "I'll send someone to deliver toilet paper to you later" and left the toilet.

"Deputy Director Li, don't worry about me. You have many things to do every day, and you are busy with your own work." Liu Haizhong's voice of assurance came from behind, "I have a way to solve the papyrus issue."

In Liu Hai Center, this is a way to show one's ability, but one must not give the leader the impression that he can't even solve a small matter like straw paper.

His tone of assurance was unnaturally a bit proud.

When Deputy Director Li heard what Liu Haizhong said, he no longer had any intention of actually sending straw paper to Liu Haizhong, and he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

I really don’t want to stay in this place like the toilet any longer. The bangs in the sixth workshop are like a fool, like a bastard.

behind him.

Liu Haizhong is still flattering her regardless.

"Deputy Director Li, please walk slowly. You are worthy of being a leader. You can go to the toilet faster than us."

I saw those people looking at me with disdain.

The bangs were proud.

I sent straw paper to Deputy Director Li.

You are jealous.

When he thought that he had solved the problem of Deputy Factory Director Li having no toilet paper when he went to the toilet, Liu Haizhong felt that he had given Deputy Factory Director Li a huge favor. Deputy Factory Director Li had to give him a small official, even if he couldn't be a workshop. The director can also be a section leader or a team leader. At that time, he will be the leader, one level higher than these people.

The fat-headed fish-like head was raised back, and the expression on his face became even more proud. He looked at the people coming and going and said random words without thinking through his brain.

"Old Wang, you didn't see just now that Deputy Factory Director Li's farts were louder and smellier than ours. Otherwise, he is a leader and we are workers."

"Xiao Li, you must have heard what Deputy Director Li said just now. He said he wanted to send me toilet paper. He is the leader and we are workers. How can we waste the leader's time?"

"Hey, this matter is still a little unsatisfactory. If Deputy Factory Director Li comes to squat and the pits are all full, I, Liu Haizhong, will do whatever I can to arrange a pit for Deputy Director Li. I will just try my best to pull my pants down. Inside, we have to let the leaders poop first."

"Lao Yi, you are here too. Did you see it just now?"

"I saw it and heard it. You, Old Liu, are still very good. You can even talk to the boss in the toilet."

"Don't even look at who I am. I am Liu Haizhong."

"You are busy first." "Lao Yi, are you done?"

"I'm done."

"No more pulling points?"


Yi Zhonghai and a group of people left the toilet in a hurry.

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving while having fun.

Suddenly something felt wrong in my bangs.

He looked around the huge toilet and shuddered all over. He didn't know when, but he was the only one left in the overcrowded toilet.

The feeling of loss came to Liu Haizhong.

How can you show off without anyone?

What's even worse is that the bangs are lingering.


He just gave away his toilet paper to Deputy Director Li, but he also refused to let Deputy Director Li send someone to deliver toilet paper to him. How to solve the problem when there is no one in the toilet.

He looked at his socks.

Yan Fugui had encountered this situation before. The problem solved with socks shows how important it is to wear a pair of socks on your feet.

But Liu Haizhong didn't wear socks today.

I wanted to shout a few times, but I felt embarrassed. I was worried that it would reach the ears of Deputy Factory Director Li and spoil the favor I had lent to Deputy Factory Director Li’s toilet paper, so I could only squat where I was, thinking that a coworker would come later and he would be wearing something with me. For straw paper, you can borrow the other party's straw paper. If it is not available, ask your coworkers to help you get some pieces of straw paper.

I don’t know what happened, but the No. [-] toilet, which was very popular in the past, suddenly became deserted. Only Liu Hai was waiting tenaciously for someone to rescue him.

My legs started to feel numb.

I can't hold on anymore.

A cruel.

A stomp.

Fuck him.

After some indescribable movements, Liu Haizhong stood up tremblingly. His legs were extremely numb, and his waist also became uncomfortable. He held his hands on the wall made of bricks and moved his body step by step. I moved out of the toilet, saw a water faucet next to me, and washed my hands seriously for five or six minutes.

A long breath came out of his mouth.

He wiped his wet hands casually on his pants a few times.

Walking towards the sixth workshop.

Just got in.

The workshop director scolded Liu Haizhong with all his face.

"Old Liu, what are you doing here? You know that our workshop has a heavy workload today, but you still took off your post for such a long time. You said you were going to the toilet. I don't understand. What kind of shit can make you poop for an hour? It's just a bellyache , and I can’t run like you.”

Bangzhong opened his mouth.

Want to explain.

It's just that the workshop director didn't give him a chance.

"Okay, don't explain. You are also an old man in our workshop. If I say a few more harsh words, it will appear that I look down on you. Old Liu, Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level worker, you are a seventh-level worker, and you are in the same compound. Neighbor, you are in charge of the second uncle, and he is in charge of the first uncle. They have no other meaning. I just want you to take your work more seriously. You can't be suppressed by Yizhonghai in the factory or in the courtyard? Work hard and improve your skills. , I hope you will also become an eighth-level worker next year, so that our Sixth Workshop will be proud of you."

a few words.

There was a lot of evil fire in his bangs.

He bit his back molars.

I looked around.

He decided to go back at night and beat up Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. He wanted to show his power to Yi Zhonghai by beating his own son.

I have a son in my bangs.

You, Yi Zhonghai, are a desperate person.

It just hurt Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.


After Yi Zhonghai learned about Si Zhu from Qin Huairu.

There is not much work in Jianjiu Workshop.

He claimed that he was not feeling well and wanted to go to the hospital for a check-up.

I got two hours of leave from Guo Dapizi, plus the two o'clock break at noon, which is equivalent to four hours at my disposal.

Out of the rolling mill.

Walking towards the University of Posts and Telecommunications.

At around 10:[-], I showed up at the University of Posts and Telecommunications.

He said that he was the steward of the courtyard and wanted to enter as the steward of the courtyard.

But because the guard at the door didn't recognize the bullshit man in charge, he told Yi Zhonghai that if he wanted to enter the university to find He Yuyu, Yi Zhonghai could only enter as a relative of He Yuyu, and he must have valid documents to prove who Yi Zhonghai was. A relative of rain.

Mainly for the safety of college students.

All college students admitted to university are all baby bumps.

Yi Zhonghai was not a fool, he was directly blocked from outside by the conscientious man.

I thought about it.

The hypocrite thought of a solution that was not a solution. He waited at the door for more than ten minutes and stopped a skinny young man wearing gray cloth with the University of Posts and Telecommunications badge on the left side of his shirt and holding a few books in his hand.

did not speak.

First, put your own face full of kindness and hypocrisy, and catch the other person's eyes first.

This is one of Yi Zhonghai's classic routines.

He is very aware of the effect of his face. Many people subconsciously trust Yi Zhonghai because of Yi Zhonghai's illusory and hypocritical face. They think that Yi Zhonghai is a good person, not a bad guy, and they should not set up defenses against Yi Zhonghai. .

"This classmate, let me see how old you are. You are also a student of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, right?"

Did not wait for the other party to reply.

He took care of himself and showed himself.

"I'm not a bad person. Look at my face. It doesn't look like a bad person. I'm a good person. I'm an eighth-level fitter in the ninth workshop of the steel rolling mill."

Yi Zhonghai's face.

There was a bit of excitement.

Big brother worker, this is not just a matter of words.

360 rows ranked first.

Those inside the steel rolling mill knew that the eighth-level workers in Yi Zhonghai were wet, but those outside did not know the inside information. They knew that the eighth-level workers were very good.

"That's what happened. There is a college student in our compound who was admitted to your University of Posts and Telecommunications this year. Her name is He Yuyu. Do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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