Chapter 245 Yi Zhonghai Was Arrested

I don't know whether to lament that Yi Zhonghai is lucky or unlucky.

The skinny young man who was stopped by Yi Zhonghai and thought to be a college student turned out to be He Yuyu's teacher at the university and the international student on Lao Maozi's side.

I was born with a baby face.

She looks like she is in her early twenties, but she is actually in her 30s.

Yi Zhonghai asked about He Yuyu.

I immediately felt a little weird.

At the time when he was studying for school, the young man had already figured out the situation of He Yuyu. His biological father, He Daqing, ran away with the widow and lived in Baocheng. His biological brother, He Yuzhu, was a chef at a steel rolling mill. He was a good cook and relied on betrayal. They earn a living through their own labor force and meet the conditions of farm laborers.

He couldn't understand why Yi Zhonghai was looking for He Yuyu.

Especially Yi Zhonghai's face made him very unhappy. While announcing his family status, there was a hint of showing off that he was an eighth-level worker.

The down-to-earth spirit of hard work is not seen in Yi Zhonghai, but rather he is a bit opportunistic.

I immediately felt a little wary.

Without revealing his identity, he followed Yi Zhonghai's words and replied.

"Comrade, is the He Yuyu you are talking about the same He Yuyu who lives in Hongxing Courtyard? She has a brother who works as a chef in a steel rolling mill."

A smile appeared on Yi Zhonghai's face.

Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.

He couldn't get into the university, but he met He Yuyu's classmate at the gate of the university.

Simply a surprise.

Yi Zhonghai even thought that he could tell some stories about the He family in the past through this classmate of He Yuyu.

of course.

is a good thing.

People who can get into college are not stupid. How can they find out the other person's secrets if they don't say something good?

"This classmate, the He Yuyu you are talking about is He Yuyu from our compound. My name is Yi Zhonghai, and I am the steward of the Red Star Courtyard."

Siheyuan Manager, this is purely a vacant position that does not even have a neighborhood committee establishment. It is a grassroots team established to cooperate with the streets and neighborhood committees.

But the young man could see a bit of pride in Yi Zhonghai's face that I was the boss in charge.

"Hello, Master Yi. Do you have anything to do with He Yuyu?"

"Actually, it's nothing. I haven't been taking care of a childless old lady in our compound. One day, the old lady heard that someone had called He Yuyu and was worried about whether Yuyu had encountered any difficulties. I told him Yuyu lives in the same courtyard and is the steward of the courtyard. Yuyu is now a college student and a pillar of the construction of the motherland. There can't be any mistakes. The old lady asked me to ask about Yuyu's situation and see if I can help Yuyu. It's money. If there are difficulties from above, or there are difficulties with materials, nothing can be done to make Rainwater suffer any injustice."

Yi Zhonghai gave a high-sounding reason.

He played a careful trick.

Using the deaf old lady as an excuse, Yi Zhonghai believed that the deaf old lady would definitely cooperate with him, but he was also worried that his relationship with Silly Zhu would make Yu Yu unhappy. Yu Yu would not give him a good look, so he targeted the suspected person in front of him. For classmate He Yuyu, he made up lies to test the other party. As long as the other party said that He Yuyu answered the phone, then what happened at the trailhead would be true.

Yi Zhonghai also answered the phone at the steel rolling mill. When someone called the steel rolling mill, the loudspeaker of the steel rolling mill informed Yi Zhonghai which department he should go to to answer the call.

Almost everyone in the steel rolling mill with tens of thousands of people knew about it.

He brought what he had encountered in the past to He Yuyu.

He looked at the person in front of him eagerly, waiting for the other person's answer.

Facing Yi Zhonghai's kind eyes, the young man said something ambiguous.

"You are talking about He Yuyu answering the phone. She did. Our school security office also found out the source of the call. There is no problem."

"As long as it's okay, you should be busy first, I'll go back."

"Why don't you go in and meet classmate He Yuyu?"

"Study is important. As long as I know that Rain is fine and everything is not lacking, my heart will fall to the ground. I can go back and explain to the old lady."

Yi Zhonghai said a few insignificant words about the occasion.

Turn away.

He thought he had gotten the answer he wanted, and believed that Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi did not lie. The couple's letter of introduction and tickets were stolen by a thief on the train.

As long as you don't go to Baocheng to find He Daqing, that's fine.

Yi Zhonghai obviously underestimated the value of college students today.

Not long after he left.

The young man found He Yuyu and told him that Yi Zhonghai stopped him at the school gate to ask whether He Yuyu had answered the phone some time ago.

He Yuyu is also a wonderful person. Although she doesn't know what Silly Zhu is doing, she knows that this is a rare opportunity for her to take care of Yi Zhonghai.

You can even take care of the deaf old lady.

I didn't listen to what the teacher just said, saying that Yi Zhonghai came to test He Yuyu under the guise of an old deaf lady.

This is like hunting rabbits in the grass.

Regardless of whether Yi Zhonghai is unlucky or the deaf old lady suffers in the end, this is the outcome He Yuyu wants to see.

He Yuyu told the teacher the ins and outs of the incident, that is, some bloody things that happened in the courtyard.

Why is Yi Zhonghai a poor man who wants to plot against Sha Zhu to support him in his old age? He will not hesitate to ruin Sha Zhu's blind date, and even tries to match up his apprentice's widowed daughter-in-law to Sha Zhu without any care.

Because she is Silly Zhu's biological sister, she stayed in the courtyard, which delayed the deaf old lady's plan to trick Silly Zhu into making a fortune. Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady conspired to drive him out of the courtyard. There was no concealment about such things. After repeating it, he said that his relationship with Si Zhu and his sister, the Yi family, and the deaf old lady were not very good. Basically, they were in a situation where they never had any contact with each other. He said that Yi Zhonghai was very scheming, and any She wants to get something for nothing, saying that her brother He Yuzhu just called her and asked her to beware of Yi Zhonghai.

As soon as the teacher heard what Yuyu said, he knew that his guess about Yi Zhonghai was very correct. Yi Zhonghai came to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to look for He Yuyu, and it was because he came with bad intentions.

After waving Yuyu away, he walked to the school security office and explained clearly the fact that Yi Zhonghai stopped him at the school gate to inquire about He Yuyu's news and the fact that he got it from He Yuyu.


Everyone who is admitted to university.

It's all baby bumps.

It’s not that you can’t come and see these college students.

It was because Yi Zhonghai's behavior was too weird. He used the same routine to fool the neighbors in the courtyard to fool a man who had studied abroad and received foreign ink.

Naturally, he shot himself in the foot.

Those tentative words, if I say them openly, I just came to see He Yuyu and asked her if she had received a call from Xiaodaokou some time ago. I said that I had a bad relationship with He Yuyu, and I was worried that He Yuyu would misunderstand me, so I went to him. Let me ask you about He Yuyu's situation.

Young people will not doubt Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai was so smart that he wanted to have both the cake and the bear's paw. He wanted to verify the truth of what Silly Zhu and his wife said, but he didn't want to reveal his identity, and he also wanted to show off to young people.

Don’t even think about it.There is no such thing as the best of both worlds.

The school security office attached great importance to it and called the guard to the security department and inquired about the ins and outs of the matter in detail. It also called He Yuyu and asked about the specific inside story.


Ensure the reliability of information.

Faced with the inquiry from the Security Department, He Yuyu did not choose to hide it. He repeated the events between his family and Yi Zhonghai's family, saying that although Yi Zhonghai was the steward of the courtyard, he relied on his status as the steward to make decisions. He and Silly Zhu also expressed their dissatisfaction over Yu Yu's enrollment in high school.

Yu Yu was not joking, this matter was true, but because Silly Zhu said that He Daqing was not here, he supported Yu Yu to finish high school, and whether he was admitted to college or not, he had a concrete explanation for his dead mother.

Yi Zhonghai's intentions were like lice on a monk's head.

It's obvious.

If the relationship is not good, you go up to the pole to inquire about the situation.

He thought that Yi Zhonghai came to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to find He Yuyu because he was a weasel paying New Year greetings to the chicken. He had no good intentions and wanted to do this destructive thing.

The school leaders directly authorized the security department to go to the steel rolling mill to arrest Yi Zhonghai.

Less than 10 minutes.

They arrested Yi Zhonghai on the way and locked him up in the security section.

The security department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications is different from the security department of the steel rolling mill. When it comes to interrogating prisoners, the latter is more professional. Instead of interrogating Yi Zhonghai in the first place, he put Yi Zhonghai in a small, unmanned room. Inside, Yi Zhonghai was left to fend for himself.

Look at your surroundings.

Yi Zhonghai was in a daze.

On the way back to the steel rolling mill, I heard the sound of a three-wheeled motorcycle coming from behind. Without thinking much, I walked directly to the steps. When I saw the classmate He Yuyu sitting behind the motorcycle, Yi Zhonghai kindly greeted him. He greeted the other party, but to his surprise, Yi Zhonghai was greeted by the other party's shiny handcuffs.

Just heard a click sound.

Yi Zhonghai had a pair of shiny metal bracelets on his wrists.

Just as he was about to ask why, something was stuffed in his mouth and something was covered on his head. When the hood on his head was taken off, he found that he was already in the security department.

Security Section of the University of Posts and Telecommunications.

Don't ask Yi Zhonghai why he knew this. He was not blind and saw the words "Security Section" on the clothes of the Security Section staff.

There is no seeking life and death.

Instead, he sat honestly on the withered grass, quietly thinking about what happened to him and why he was arrested for no reason.

The place I am in is Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

I have no interest entanglement with the University of Posts and Telecommunications.

To say yes.

Also He Yuyu.

Today I came to He Yuyu to verify certain situations, but because I was worried about being disgraced by He Yuyu, I wanted to know the situation from my classmate He Yuyu.

And he got what he wanted as he wished.

But he was also arrested for this matter.

In a quiet environment.

Yi Zhonghai realized that he seemed to have done something wrong. He thought that he should not use the words to fool the neighbors in the courtyard to deceive the young classmate.

Siheyuan University of Posts and Telecommunications.

The latter is where talent is nurtured.

last year.

There have also been incidents in the capital where a proud man was killed.

Bad thing.

I was doubted myself.

How to do?
Yi Zhonghai was anxious. He was so upset that he no longer dared to show off. On the one hand, he was worried about himself, and on the other hand, the steel rolling mill gave him two hours of leave.

Originally, I wanted to finish my work at the University of Posts and Telecommunications and rush back as early as possible.

got caught.

How to get back on time.

Not only would half a day's salary be deducted, but he would also be criticized if he made trouble. Yi Zhonghai knew that his reputation in the steel rolling mill was not very good. He looked around the surrounding environment and his eyes stopped on a small wooden door.

He stood up from the withered grass, walked to the wooden door, looked out through the small opening that was one foot long and half a foot wide.

I saw a security guard holding weapons standing at the door.

Yi Zhonghai smiled at the other party and repeated his old tricks to show his kind side.

"Little comrade, can I ask what's going on? If I make a mistake and violate our rules and regulations, I will accept the punishment, but you also have to explain to me and let me know what I have done. You can't just lock me up here and ignore me. Can someone please explain my situation to me? Isn't it a bit too much for you to just lock me up like this and ignore me?"

Yi Zhonghai saw that the young man was unmoved.

The big stick of moral kidnapping was wielded.

"I am an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill. I still have work in the factory. I asked for leave. I am young if I can't go back. It will be a big deal if I delay the work of the steel rolling mill. It will be bad if I delay the process of building the motherland. , little comrade, can you help me call your leader? I want to talk to him about whether there is any misunderstanding between us."

The voice just fell.

Someone who seems to be leading the way.

He appeared in front of the door to the beat, glared at Yi Zhonghai, and threw a hard wotou to Yi Zhonghai.

"What's your name? What's the point? I'm locking you here to make you think about your mistakes." Seeing Yi Zhonghai looking at him, he snorted coldly, "What are you looking at? Eat steamed buns and have a good time. Think, think about those things about you.”

"Comrade, I've thought about it. I haven't done anything. What do you want me to think about? As an eighth-level worker in a steel rolling mill, when have I ever done anything that was unsatisfactory to the collective and the people? If you don't believe it, go ahead. Hongxing Street asked, asked about who I am, Yi Zhonghai, I am a good person, I have taken care of a helpless old lady in our compound for more than ten years, how can I be a bad person."

Yi Zhonghai casually threw the wotou that someone gave him to someone else.

In order to show one's high righteousness.

I would rather go hungry than eat this steamed bun.

"Our country is still in a difficult situation right now. There are many places that are short of food. It doesn't matter if I don't eat a meal. I can save this steamed bun and give it to people who need it more."

"I was worried that you would be hungry, so I kindly gave you a steamed bun. You deliberately showed your aloofness and starved you. I don't believe you are still so aloof."

"Comrade, can you call your leader over and let me talk to him?" Yi Zhonghai shouted towards the departing team leader: "My mind is a mess. I really don't know what I did wrong. I will They still have work to do, and they can't do it without me. I'm an eighth-level worker, and they can't do it without me."

(End of this chapter)

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