Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 251 Find an old man to marry Jia Zhang

Chapter 251 Find an old man to marry Jia Zhang
As for who this person is.

ready to come out.

Apart from Yi Zhonghai, there was no one else.

When leaving just now, Li Xiuzhi saw Aunt Ma.

The University of Posts and Telecommunications is in the east of the city. There is no direct bus from the Siheyuan to the University of Posts and Telecommunications. It takes more than an hour to get there and back. When someone discovered the problem and sent out manpower, they couldn't stop it for two hours.

This person can only be Yi Zhonghai.

Unexpected joy.

Yi Zhonghai was caught.

I just don’t know what the courtyard will look like tonight.

I guess the aunt will have an unspeakable end.

For some things, you know the outcome, but you still have to pretend to be confused, and you have to pretend to be confused and don't know anything.

It just depends on whether the aunt's acting skills are good or not.

Li Xiuzhi said a few polite words to Jia Zhang, squeezed through the crowd, and entered the courtyard. Looking at Li Xiuzhi's leaving figure, the surrounding neighbors immediately praised Li Xiuzhi.

No hypocrisy.

A sentiment from the bottom of my heart.

What Li Xiuzhi did conquered the people in the hospital. Even the picky deaf old lady gave Li Xiuzhi a thumbs up.

It was said that Silly Zhu had bad luck, was tricked into taking care of his old age, and was ruined by others in his blind date, but he accidentally married such a virtuous wife as Li Xiuzhi.

Li Xiuzhi's virtuousness was second to none not only in the courtyard house, but also in the street.

The compliments from the neighbors angered one person.


Jia Zhang.

Before Li Xiuzhi married into the courtyard, the best wife in the courtyard was Qin Huairu. After all, the nickname of the laundry master was not for nothing.

The old devout woman said a few words, but because the neighbors didn't pick up on her words, the matter fell silent.

The atmosphere was a little weird for a while.

do not speak.

It wasn't until the appearance of an unexpected guest that the suffocating silence was broken.

A quiet street worker appeared quietly in front of everyone, looked at the sign above the door, and asked Jia Zhang, who was nearest to him and had a gloomy look on his face.

"Hello, aunt, let me ask if Qin Huairu of Red Star Courtyard lives in this courtyard?"

people's eyes.

Converged on young people.

Jia Zhang also thinks this way.

Since Qin Huairu became a widow, Jia Zhang has been extremely wary of every young man who comes to Qin Huairu.

no way.

Who makes Qin Huairu the backbone of the Jia family?

The Jia family cannot live without Qin Huairu.

In the eyes of the neighbors, the young man is a cadre of the street. Why did he come to Qin Huairu? Is it because of Qin Huairu's remarriage?
In the courtyard, this is the only thing that worries the streets.

Promote remarriage of widows.

This is policy.

I heard that if Jia Zhang hadn't been older, maybe Jia Zhang would also enjoy this kind of benefit.

I wish that the Jia and Zhang family would also remarry. The Jia family's widows would remarry on the same day, which was also a beautiful thing in the courtyard.

The aunt who was ridiculed by Mrs. Jia Zhang just now thought of some unscrupulous person who wrote a widow's remarriage application for Mrs. Jia Zhang some time ago.

If it weren't for Yi Zhonghai's inaction and the farce in the courtyard, Mrs. Jia Zhang might have been married off.

She hesitated whether she should do a good deed and find a place for Jia Zhang to eat, but just now Jia Zhang had trampled her face into the mud.

He deliberately gave the young man a kind reminder.

"Comrade, this person in front of you is Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, Mrs. Jia Zhang. Qin Huairu is now working in the steel rolling mill. If you have anything to do, just tell Mrs. Jia Zhang. Mrs. Jia Zhang is now in charge of the Jia family."

"Hello, Aunt Jia, the street asked me to ask about the progress of Qin Huairu's remarriage. Some time ago, our street communicated with the steel rolling mill. The steel rolling mill is responsible for promoting Comrade Qin Huairu's remarriage. Now there is something in this regard The welfare policy does not allow widows and daughters-in-law to remarry. This is the dregs of the old society. We must get rid of it. Before coming, Director Wang explained that if there is no progress in the steel rolling mill, our street will find ways to promote this work. Your evening Come back and discuss it with Comrade Qin Huairu, and come to the street tomorrow to explain the situation."

"Grandma Banggen, we understand how you feel. We also know that Qin Huairu is the support of the Jia family. If he remarries, the Jia family will have no income. If it is not possible, you can find someone to marry into. Qin Huairu does not need to leave, you Jia Zhang I also have a guarantee of retirement."

The one who made up his mind to give Jia Zhang a good-looking woman.

He said this in front of the young man.

Even the backup plan was explained by her.

"If you think it's not nice to marry into the family, and you insist on marrying Qin Huairu as your daughter, then you can also find yourself a wife. Wife, wife, old companion. You have someone to talk to at night. I listen to the street The staff told me that this is called love at dusk."

"Aunt Jia, I think you are also starting to try to find yourself a wife. Nowadays, there is no such thing as a family member who is born and a family ghost who dies. If there is, it is reversing the course of history."

The young man's last words.

Jia Zhang's anger was suddenly frightened back into her mouth.

The crime of reversing history.

She can't afford it.

But I don't know what to say.

He simply hid back to Jia's house angrily.


Stupid home.

A scene of big eyes staring at small eyes is taking place.

Li Xiuzhi looked at the aunt who suddenly came to visit, and recalled what the aunt had just said.

Auntie also looked at Li Xiuzhi, wanting to use the expression on Li Xiuzhi's face to support her speculation and see if the sudden visit to the courtyard by the security department had anything to do with Li Xiuzhi.

Both of them are harboring evil intentions.

After the aunt came out of the deaf old lady's house, she always felt that this incident was a bit strange. It was unclear why the incident of guarding Kedenmen happened.

To give myself some peace of mind.

Seeing Li Xiuzhi come back, she hurriedly ran to Sha Zhu's house to test Li Xiuzhi. Someone from the security department came and asked which family in the courtyard had a grudge against Sha Zhu. She hoped that Li Xiuzhi could intercede with the neighbors more and said that this matter was a big deal. He said that He Yueyue would become a cadre in the future, and also said that the previous things were purely misunderstandings, ensuring that Yi Zhonghai, his wife and the deaf old lady were not plotting against Silly Zhu, nor were they hostile to He Yueyue.

Li Xiuzhi felt a little funny in her heart. Since she kept saying that she would not count on Sha Zhu or He Yuyu, why didn't she take the initiative to confess to Sha Zhu about withholding He Daqing's money now?

You are obviously doing shitty things, but you still have to find righteousness for yourself.

Just think of it as a fool.

Pretending not to understand, he faced the eldest mother with a confused face.

This was also the reason why Auntie suddenly stopped talking. Li Xiuzhi's cheek, which I didn't know anything about, gave Auntie too much helplessness.I was worried that talking too much would be counterproductive, so I reminded Li Xiuzhi, so I made a haha, and left Shazhu's house on the pretext that the deaf old lady in the backyard had something to do.

Looking at the aunt's leaving figure, Li Xiuzhi still looked confused.


as predicted.

Just as Li Xiuzhi expected, the moment the aunt was about to go out, she suddenly turned her head back, smiled at Li Xiuzhi, and said that she suddenly remembered that she had forgotten the key to the house.

Li Xiuzhi lowered her head and saw that there was indeed a bunch of keys placed where the aunt was sitting just now. She grabbed it in her hand and walked towards the aunt, with the blank expression on her face gone.

She gave the key to the aunt.

The eldest mother left Shazhu's house with peace of mind.

The moment I turned back, I could clearly see the puzzled expression on Li Xiuzhi's face. The aunt's heart that was hanging in the air finally fell to the ground.

It seems that Li Xiuzhi has nothing to do with guarding Kedenmen.



The young staff member who informed Jia Zhang.

Knocked on the door of Director Wang's office.

With an invitation to come in, he opened the door and walked in. He respectfully reported the specific results of his trip to the courtyard to Director Wang who was looking at the documents.

"Director Wang, I have already completed everything you asked me to do. I conveyed the wishes of our street to Mr. Jia Zhang."

"What do you think about this?"

"What about Qin Huairu's remarriage?"

"Yes, you just arrived, and I want to hear your specific thoughts on this matter."

Follow the policy.

Qin Huairu remarried.

Unless Qin Huairu disagrees, no one can say anything.

But the problem is that this matter has caught the eye of the superiors.

Strictly speaking.

It was Qin Huairu, the widow, who was known by the leadership. He asked Qin Huairu several times about her remarriage, and asked Director Wang if there were any difficulties. He said that even if there were difficulties, our great people would not be afraid of these difficulties. Qin Huairu said As a single mother of three children, she has to be a mother and a father, and at the same time she has to take care of the production work of the steel rolling mill. She told Director Wang once about sharing responsibilities, etc.

This thing can't be done.

Director Wang guessed that his career would not be easy.

Only then did he send someone to the courtyard to inform Jia Zhang.

Replace it with another widow.

It doesn't matter whether she remarries or not. She won't be so worried. It's because Qin Huairu is not an ordinary widow.

"Director, what I mean is very simple. As a single mother in the new era, Qin Huairu has no reason to pay for the dross of the old era. Now there are new people, new things, and a new atmosphere. Everything must be reformed. Before, her husband died, what? From the beginning to the end, who is a member of whose family you are born, and whose ghost is your family when you die, this is all in the past tense. I understand that Qin Huairu's life is difficult. Especially in this current age, if she is asked to remarry, It gives her something to rely on for the rest of her life.”

The young man told some of the facts he heard from the courtyard. He wanted to use this to explain the hardship of Qin Huairu's life and prove that Qin Huairu had to remarry.

"I heard that the steward of the courtyard named Yi Zhonghai once asked a cook named Shazhu to bring leftovers from the canteen to Qin Huairu at a courtyard meeting. From this incident, it can be seen that Qin Huairu's life was actually It is impossible to open the pot. It is for her own good to let Qin Huairu remarry. Regardless of whether Qin Huairu agrees to remarry or not, this matter must be advanced unconditionally. Anyone who dares not to let Qin Huairu remarry is going against our great people. "

Director Wang had to admire him.

Young people just have a certain drive.


No worries.

But considering things is not comprehensive.

Qin Huairu can remarry, but the young man did not consider the consequences of Qin Huairu's remarriage, and did things purely out of passion.

"Then have you ever considered whether Qin Huairu would agree to remarry?"

"It's not that Qin Huairu doesn't agree to remarry, but Qin Huairu feels embarrassed and thinks that remarrying will make her embarrassed. Those people in the courtyard and those around her will poke her spine. Director Wang, we have to reverse Qin Huairu's behavior Poor backward thinking, leave this matter to me, I am confident that I will complete the task successfully and let Qin Huairu remarry happily."

"Xiao Xia, I admire your spirit very much, but there are some things that we need to consider in every aspect. Qin Huairu has three children. The eldest child is Bangjian, who is nine years old this year, Xiaodang is six years old, and Huaihua is one year old. If the two little kids don’t talk about it, let’s just talk about it. A nine-year-old child is already sensible.”

"I will do the ideological work of Tongbangge."

"Qin Huairu also has a mother-in-law."

"Jia Zhang, I saw her just now."

"Qin Huairu has remarried, and the Jia Zhang family is making trouble. What should we do?"

"If Jia Zhang's words are heard, send her back to her hometown. I heard people say that Jia Zhang's household registration is not in our street, but in her hometown. She stayed in the city in the name of taking care of her children and asked her to return to the village. Support yourself.”

"It is also a solution, but Xiaoxia, don't forget the word filial piety. Jia Dongxu is dead. Qin Huairu, as Jia Dongxu's daughter-in-law, takes care of the Jia Zhang family. It is natural and right, and filial piety comes first."

"Director Wang, I feel that Jia Zhang's staying with Qin Huairu will only hinder Qin Huairu. I saw Jia Zhang's real person for the first time today, and I was frightened. Baibai is fat, I mean , since we can’t send it to our hometown, we will find a wife for Jia Zhang, a 50-year-old widow. She is also a widow, which is in line with our widow remarriage policy."

Director Wang looked blankly at the young man in front of him.

Let Jia Zhang remarry.

this brain.

what do you think.

think carefully.

It may not be feasible.


University of Posts and Telecommunications.

Security Section.

Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui, who came back from the courtyard, did not say anything. They picked up the big tea vat in front of Wen Zhengming and drank the tea.

After drinking.

He touched the corner of his mouth with his hand.

The table of their statistics was placed in front of Wen Zhengming.

Wen Zhengming's eyelids drooped, and after a brief glance, his eyes fell on the two people who were on a business trip.

"I don't want to read the things above. I want to hear what you think."

"Tou, I know I can't hide it from you."

Jia Gui chuckled, grabbed the stool and sat opposite Wen Zhengming. Gold Mark followed suit and sat next to Jia Gui.

"Aren't those people in the courtyard very unusual?"

"Boss, not only are they very unusual, they are all of the best quality. I don't know how God managed to get such a bunch of bastards to live in a courtyard."

(End of this chapter)

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