Chapter 252 Yi Zhonghai almost died
After listening to the report from Jin Biao and Jia Gui, Wen Zhengming leaned his back as much as possible on the back of the chair, raised his head and closed his eyes.

His right hand drooped on the table, tapping the table very rhythmically.

Those who are familiar with Wen Zhengming know that this is Wen Zhengming's usual action when thinking about problems.

They stopped talking.

some things.

A few words will make it clear.

The best in the whole house, the bastard in the whole house.

This was Huang Jinbiao's modification to everyone in the courtyard. Wen Zhengming, who knew Huang Jinbiao well, had already guessed Yi Zhonghai's true intention of coming to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to find He Yuyu.

Unlike what Yi Zhonghai said, I came to Yuyu to ask about the situation, to see what Yuyu needed and didn't need, and took the time to deliver it. He had ulterior motives.

Just now Jia Gui also said that because Yi Zhonghai and his wife had no children and were worried about being deprived of their family, they first began to plot with Jia Dongxu to provide for them in old age. At the same time, they used Silly Zhu as a backup tire, hoping to be absolutely sure. After Jia Dongxu died, he became a regular employee. As a pensioner, Sha Zhu wants to match Jia Dongxu's widowed daughter-in-law Qin Huairu to Sha Zhu.

Qin Huairu has three children and a mother-in-law.

Standard one-for-four luxury widow package.

Silhu's conditions are good. Although he is not very good-looking, he is a chef at a steel rolling mill. He has his own house in a courtyard. In this era of scarcity of materials, marrying a yellow-flowered girl is simply a piece of cake. things.

However, Yi Zhonghai insisted on Sha Zhu marrying a widow, and did not hesitate to ruin Sha Zhu's blind date. After Sha Zhu knew the facts, he even shamelessly said that if they had not ruined Sha Zhu's blind date, Sha Zhu would not have married his current wife.

Summarize it with a common saying.

His skin is thicker than his M city wall.

"So, Yi Zhonghai has bad intentions when he comes to our place?"

Wen Zhengming’s fingers.

He knocked on the table again.

Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui followed Wen Zhengming's tapping fingers and saw a piece of paper on it, with the words Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker at the steel rolling mill, intending to treat He Yuyu, a freshman at the University of Posts and Telecommunications. Verification report on malicious intent.

Both of them broke their hearts.

Mentioned throat.

Didn't you say that Yi Zhonghai should be given a lighter sentence?

Wen Zhengming even guessed the reason for Yi Zhonghai's excuse, so he wanted to hand over Yi Zhonghai to the steel rolling mill and let the steel rolling mill handle it.

Why did the two of them go to the courtyard and inquire about some information? When they came back, the Security Department's punishment for Yi Zhonghai changed again.

The Security Department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications has three types of reports.

One of them is an internal one, in which someone urges you to make corrections. You made a mistake and urges you to correct it.

The remaining two copies are for external use.

One is a notice from someone, confirming that you made a mistake and you need to correct it, while also accepting their supervision.

What Jinbiao and Jia Gui saw was the third type of report.

XX verification report.

This means that you are considered guilty, and they will take you with the verification report and send you to the station. Together with the comrades in the station, you will be sent to work in jail or to eat bullets.

Some relevant content is written above.

Wen Zhengming hasn't signed it yet. As long as he signs it and stamps it with the official seal, Yi Zhonghai will have to start working in at least five years, or even ten years. If it's serious, he may go to work underground.

"Section Chief, we have another situation to report."


"It's the case of the deaf old lady in the compound where classmate He Yuyu lives."

"Deaf old lady?" Wen Zhengming seemed to be interested. He sat up straight and stared at the golden mark without saying a word, "The old lady named Long?"

"It's not Long, because this old lady likes to pretend to be deaf and mute. The neighbors in the courtyard privately call her the deaf old lady. It is said that this deaf old lady has no children and enjoys the five-guarantee household treatment. Together with Yi Zhonghai, They live together and are greedy. It doesn’t matter whose family they are in the courtyard. As long as their lives are improved, the deaf old lady will automatically come to the door and tease them for not respecting the elderly. The deaf old lady has been suffering in the courtyard for too long! But because of fear The rights of the eighth-level worker Yi Zhonghai and the first manager do not dare to be openly hostile!"

Jia Gui's tone.

Unnatural aggravation.

"The more important point is that for the sake of her own appetite, the deaf old lady once conspired with Yi Zhonghai to drive He Yuyu out of their courtyard house and make Silly Zhu become a person who obeys them again. At the courtyard meeting, not only Once I asked Silly Zhu to take care of the deaf old lady’s food and daily life, what is filial piety.”

The meaning of Jia Gui's words.

Wen Zhengming understood.

If Jia Gui didn't lie, then the old lady's handwriting might be behind Yi Zhonghai's visit to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to find He Yuyu.

"This old lady has small feet. When we went to her house, the light was a little dim, but we still saw that there was no portrait of the old lady posted in the house."

"something wrong!"

"According to Jia Zhang's remarks, this deaf old lady once spread rumors that he made shoes for the team. I heard that the shoes he made were straw sandals."

Wen Zhengming tore into pieces the verification report on the table that he could let Yi Zhonghai in to eat for free as long as he signed and stamped it.

Jin Biao and Jia Gui understood the meaning of Wen Zhengming's actions.

Without the deaf old lady's situation report, Yi Zhonghai's squatting was just a squatting, but if there were these unconventional things about the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai couldn't just squat casually.

In case the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai have a secret they don't know, and they silently throw Yi Zhonghai into a cell, it may be possible to alert some people.

A dog will jump over the wall if he is anxious.

Not to mention people.

Long line for big fish.

Let's start with Yi Zhonghai and give him a clue.

The county magistrates are better off now.

Although Yi Zhonghai cannot be thrown into a job, it is still okay to make Yi Zhonghai suffer some hardships.

Wen Zhengming decided to extend the detention time of Yi Zhonghai and let him suffer a little here, otherwise he would think that their security department was a paper tiger.


Inside the hut.

Imprisoned Yi Zhonghai.

Suddenly I couldn't sit still.

On the one hand, no one talked to him, and the feeling of silence made Yi Zhonghai feel a little guilty, and he was afraid.

On the other hand, it was Yi Zhonghai who paid for the dishonest meal just now. In order to show his righteousness, Yi Zhonghai did not eat the steamed buns. His stomach was so hungry that he grumbled.

Yi Zhonghai pressed his stomach hard.

He tightened his belt again.

It seems that this is the only way to alleviate the feeling of hunger.

He lay on the withered grass and began to think about today's events. He really couldn't figure out how he could be locked up here.

The routines used in courtyards and steel rolling mills have no effect at all when faced with the security personnel who do not have access to oil and salt. Those people are as if the Yi Zhonghai shouting in the room does not exist.

The method of moral kidnapping has no effect.

Yi Zhonghai was not seen hungry.


I regret pretending to be B. It would have been better if I had eaten that steamed bun.

...Six o'clock in the evening.

Workers who got off work returned to the courtyard one after another.

When I walked to the bangs in the middle courtyard, I suddenly thought of something. I stood in the middle of the courtyard and shouted to the aunt who was cooking in the Yi family house.

"Lao Yi's wife."

"His second uncle." The eldest mother poked her head out of the house, "What's wrong with you?"

"Did your Lao Yi come back in the afternoon? When I got off work, I met the director of their workshop and asked me to send a message to your Lao Yi. Even if you feel unwell, you must take the initiative to ask for leave from him, quietly. What's going on when you sneak back to the courtyard? When you see Lao Yi, tell him and tell him that he has been recorded as absent from work. Tomorrow, ask him to bring the sick leave note to the director to explain the situation, otherwise he will be arrested. Remember the big mistake."

If the body is leaning on the threshold.

The aunt might have collapsed on the ground at this time.

She understood Liu Haizhong's words. They were simply saying that Yi Zhonghai did not work at the steel rolling mill in the afternoon and mistakenly thought that Yi Zhonghai had run back to the courtyard.

The problem is that none of the neighbors in the courtyard have seen Yi Zhonghai in person.

An answer lies in front of countless people.

Yi Zhonghai disappeared.

Aunt Ma also thought so. This morning, Yi Zhonghai told her that he was going to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to test He Yuyu. In the afternoon, someone from the Security Department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications also visited the door of the courtyard.

Not sure that Yi Zhonghai went to the University of Posts and Telecommunications.

Because Auntie couldn't determine that Yi Zhonghai's disappearance was related to the Security Department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications, she couldn't reply to Liu Haizhong's question.

Mrs. Jia Zhang, who was diagonally opposite, heard the commotion, deliberately moved from the house to the courtyard, and answered for the aunt. She had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

"His second uncle, you are wrong. After the first uncle went to work this morning, he never returned to the courtyard. We sat at the entrance of the courtyard all afternoon and really didn't see the first uncle come back."

"Old Yi hasn't come back?" Liu Haizhong opened his eyes and looked directly at Auntie, "Old Yi is not in the courtyard or the steel rolling mill. Where has he gone?"

"Back home?"

"Look at what Auntie is doing, it's not like she's going back to her hometown."

"Going to your apprentice's house?"

"The first master is Jia Dongxu's only disciple."

"The first uncle is dead?" Silly Zhu deliberately added fuel to the fire. Taking advantage of a neighbor's words, he added another insult, "When did it happen? Didn't you hear that there was an accident in the workshop? Did he die of a sudden illness? The second uncle, You hurry up and arrange the funeral hall for the elder. You have to buy coffins, wreaths, and shrouds. Cremation is advocated now. The elder is the steward of the courtyard and an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill. You can set an example and give priority to him. "

The neighbors stared blankly at Silly Pillar.

Even Jia Zhang had the same expression.

The neighbors all said that she, Jia Zhang, was not playful enough and was an unreasonable person.

But compared with Silly Pillar, it seems to be a little bit behind.

Silly Zhu is rushing to let Yi Zhonghai die without a burial place.

"Silly Zhu, you didn't listen half as much as I was told. What did you say? It's not that the elder is dead, it's that the elder is missing. They are planning a cremation, giving priority to the burning."

"It's missing. No wonder Guo Dabo ran to our second cafeteria at around three o'clock this afternoon and asked Qin Huairu where Yi Zhonghai was."

"The first uncle is missing. What does it have to do with our Huairu family?"

"Aunt Jia, I'm not talking nonsense. All the people in our second cafeteria have seen this. If you don't believe it, ask those in our second cafeteria."

Qin Huairu, who was in Jia's house, trembled all over after hearing what Sha Zhu said.

She didn't know what she was going to say, or how she was going to respond. All she could think of was that something big was going to happen. Yi Zhonghai had disappeared, and there was no one alive or dead.

Now that she was the only insider, she was even more afraid to reveal that she secretly met Yi Zhonghai at the steel rolling mill at around nine o'clock in the morning and talked about some things.

The whole person is contradictory.

I dare not speak out for fear of taking responsibility.

But he was worried that someone would see the meeting between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai at the steel rolling mill and tell him about it. The conflict in his heart would make Qin Huairu want to die.

Liu Haizhong shouted at Qin Huairu and asked for the specific reason.

Silly Zhu answered helpfully, saying that Qin Huairu didn't know either, and later Guo Dabo went directly to Factory Manager Yang.

It wasn't that Madonna Silly Pillar's mentality exploded, but that she saw her little daughter-in-law and was too lazy to pay attention to these things, so she patted her ass and entered the house.

Good guy.

His wife cooked dinner for him.

Wowotou, sorghum rice porridge, and a plate of small pickles.

If there were no mistakes in Si Zhu's memory, this was the time when he married Li Xiuzhi. Li Xiuzhi cooked for the first time. Regardless of the taste, this attitude alone made Si Zhu's heart warm.

Emotions arrive.

You have to express yourself no matter what.

He held his daughter-in-law in his arms and was about to take the next step when the door of the room was pushed open and Liu Haizhong and his aunt came in. Seeing Si Zhu hugging Li Xiuzhi, Liu Haizhong hurriedly turned around and went out. Because he was so anxious that he didn't look at his feet, he staggered and fell to the ground.

Si Zhu and his wife, who were inside the house, could hear the sound of Liu Haizhong's body falling to the ground.

On the contrary, Auntia, a woman who was relatively calm and probably well-informed, quickly turned her head away and covered her eyes with her hands.

Li Xiuzhi blushed and glared at Si Zhu fiercely.

I blame you.


Silly Zhutian smiled shamelessly and murmured.

"My wife, what are you afraid of!"

"Zhuzi, I'm fine, I didn't see anything. I just wanted to ask you, did your uncle see you at the steel rolling mill?"

Silly Zhu thought: Is this a test for him?

A sentence back.


"Okay, Auntie is out."

"Silly Zhu, we are holding a courtyard meeting tonight."

"Understood, Second Uncle."

Li Xiuzhi and Shazhu were left in the room again, but after what they had just experienced, the atmosphere of deep love was no longer there.

The couple looked at me and I looked at you, then they went straight to the food on the dining table.

"Master, how do you like the steamed buns?"

"Delicious and chewy."

Because it's hard.

So it takes a lot of effort to chew.

Seeing that it was Li Xiuzhi's first time cooking, he forgave her. Even if the steamed buns were made into hard bricks, Silly Zhu was still happy.

"Drink some porridge."

"It tastes good." Shazhu looked at Li Xiuzhi seriously, "The food you cook is delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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