Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 254 Zhang Shihao doubts 1 Aunt Qin Huairu: Scared the widow to death

Chapter 254 Zhang Shihao doubts the aunt, Qin Huairu: Scared the widow to death
Miao Wenhua was the postman who was in charge of Hongxing Courtyard before. From 51 to now, he has been delivering remittance orders to Aunt Ma every day for ten years.

If Yi Zhonghai ran away early after hearing the news, as Zhang Shihao speculated, then Miao Wenhua was also an insider.

I just don’t know how much Miao Wenhua knows about this matter.

Not really.

Zhang Shihao is preparing to arrest Miao Wenhua in advance.

In Silly Zhu's report just now, Zhang Shihao caught some useful information. Yi Zhonghai disappeared, but Yi Zhonghai's spouse was still there.

Zhang Shihao, who has solved several major cases, speculated that either Yi Zhonghai abandoned his wife and ran away like a beast, or the aunt knew that Yi Zhonghai ran away, and tonight's huge gathering in the compound to find Yi Zhonghai , it is most likely that the aunt is deliberately trying to hide her from others.

As for Liu Haizhong, the second uncle who held the compound meeting, he was also Yi Zhonghai's accomplice.

The purpose is to draw people's attention to the disappearance of Yi Zhonghai, thereby creating convenient conditions for some people, such as covering someone, or Yi Zhonghai taking the opportunity to escape or hiding in the courtyard.

Zhang Shihao had an idea, gave some instructions to Sha Zhu and his wife, and followed them towards the courtyard together.

On the road.

Either casually chatting or sincerely testing.

Zhang Shihao asked some things about the courtyard, such as how the interpersonal relationships are, why it has been rated as an outstanding courtyard house in the past few years, what is Yi Zhonghai's relationship with the neighbors, why he takes care of the deaf old lady in the backyard, and other questions. Intentionally or unintentionally, he asked Shazhu in a casual way.

Silly Zhu didn't think too much, mistakenly thinking that Zhang Shihao was worried that Yi Zhonghai would really have an accident, and was asking about some relevant things, so he honestly told some facts based on Yi Zhonghai's performance in the courtyard.

Why does Yi Zhonghai like to be high-profile and express himself as much as possible? He insists on showing off his moral character at the compound meeting even though things can be solved privately. Why is it that because he has no children and is worried about being eaten out, in the courtyard? Nei Kejin's scheming person will provide for him in his old age.

It was Jia Dongxu's idea at first, but after Jia Dongxu's death, he began to think about himself again, wanting to marry Qin Huairu, a widow with three children and a mother-in-law.

Zhang Shihao’s heart.

lost in thought.

Although I have inquired about the situation of some courtyard houses through street data or visiting neighbors, most of these situations are related to Yi Zhonghai.

But because they were worried about alerting others, and because there was no substantial evidence, the speculation that Yi Zhonghai and his wife were criminals was actually just a fantasy without evidence. It could not be considered true and should not be taken seriously.

Now that he learned from Silly Zhu that Yi Zhonghai had no children, but was plotting against others to support him until his death, Zhang Shihao felt numb all over.

I increasingly feel that there is something wrong with Yi Zhonghai.

Normal people think that they are homeless. In order to avoid being deprived of their homes, the first solution is to adopt a child. Adopt a healthy child with no memory and no parents.

There are many orphans nowadays.

Adopting a child is a good deed.

Yi Zhonghai did the opposite.

In the courtyard house, he arranged for people to support him in his old age.

This is somewhat unconventional.

Logically it doesn't make sense either.

There is a saying that one day is a teacher and a life is a father, and there is also the rule of apprentice, disciple, and grandson. However, Jia Dongxu also has an unreasonable biological mother. It is really not an option for Yi Zhonghai to take care of him until his death. However, Yi Zhonghai insists on accepting Jia Dongxu as his apprentice. , and even recognized this apprentice in front of the neighbors in the courtyard, and placed three animal sacrifices that day.

Yi Zhonghai!
Zhang Shihao muttered Yi Zhonghai's name silently in his heart. He analyzed all this from a professional perspective and thought that there was something wrong with Yi Zhonghai.

Perhaps the so-called extinct household is actually a cover, and the acceptance of Jia Dongxu is also a cover. Otherwise, among the choices between Jia Dongxu and Silly Zhu, they would not have chosen Jia Zhang, who has a mother, because Silly Zhu's father ran away and his mother died. In fact, Easier to control.

Zhang Shihao guessed a little bit right.

But he also guessed wrong.

After all, only a limited number of people knew that Qin Huairu was Yi Zhonghai's daughter. Even Qin Huairu didn't know that Yi Zhonghai was her biological father. He and Jia Zhang speculated that Yi Zhonghai wanted to use Qin Huairu to realize his dream. I have my own thoughts later.

"Comrade He Yuzhu, how is this Yi Zhonghai's relationship with Jia Zhang? How is his relationship with her wife?"

"The neighbors in our courtyard all say that Yi Zhonghai and his wife respect each other as guests. They say that Yi Zhonghai never dislikes the aunt who cannot give birth to his children. As for Jia Zhang, I am not too sure. Anyway, Jia Zhang is Yi Zhonghai's disciple Jia Dongxu. 's biological mother."

"Ang, that's what happened."

"Comrade Zhang, is there any problem here?"

"No, I'm just asking casually. You just said that Yi Zhonghai is missing. He is an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill. This is a treasure."

Zhang Shihao casually dealt with Silly Zhu.

Another speculation came to mind.

The relationship between Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai was messy.

In other words.

Jia Dongxu is actually Yi Zhonghai's son, which also explains why Yi Zhonghai arranged for Jia Dongxu's widowed daughter-in-law Qin Huairu to remarry Shazhu after Jia Dongxu's death.

Banggan, Xiaodang, and Sophora japonica are Yi Zhonghai's grandson and granddaughter. For some reasons, they cannot make this relationship explicit, so they came up with the idea of ​​letting Shazhu help support the children.

Half of them were correct, and half of them were not.

Bangge and the others are not Yi Zhonghai’s grandsons and granddaughters, but Yi Zhonghai’s nephews and nieces.

The two chatted for a while, and then, led by Silly Zhu, entered the Red Star Courtyard.

In the courtyard at this time.

The neighbors have all come back one after another, except Shazhu and his wife.

See silly column.

The aunt asked anxiously.

"Zhuzi, have you found your uncle?"

"No, my wife and I walked all the way to Maye Alley. On the way back, we met the police comrades from the police station. I heard that the elder of our courtyard was missing. He was neither alive nor dead. He was so kind. Come back with me and ask about the specific situation."

Aunt Ma didn't see Zhang Shihao and the others at first. It was after Silly Zhu finished speaking that she recognized Zhang Shihao who came in behind Silly Zhu.

His expression changed instinctively, and his body moved back a few steps.


You were fine in the past, but when you see the police panic, you have to think about whether you have done something that is harmful to the country and the people. What's more, the aunt has something in her heart. She speculates that Yi Zhonghai's disappearance is related to the security department, but she doesn't dare. I'm sure, I heard that the police were coming, and I was worried that something would be exposed.

I also blame Auntie for her poor mental health. If she had stood still, Zhang Shihao probably wouldn't have noticed anything was wrong with her. The changes on her face were not noticed by Zhang Shihao because of the darkness, but because of her physical condition. Moving back, Zhang Shihao paid attention to certain key points.

People in the hospital showed a bit of panic from the aunt's body language.

There is something wrong in my heart!
Not calm.

This is the reason.

"Zhuzi, what's this?"

After banging out a few words, Liu Haizhong didn't know what to say.

Siheyuan practice.

It's such a big deal that it should be handled internally.

More than ten years ago, someone moved into a courtyard house. Because he ate meat and did not give it to the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai labeled him as unfilial to the elderly. He forcibly drove him away with the people in the courtyard house. The street sent people When he came to investigate, Qinzhuo said he suspected that he was Dieter, but finally dropped the matter.


This is the first time that the police have entered the courtyard due to an incident.

Liu Haizhong can't blame Silly Zhu either.I didn't listen to what Sha Zhu said. On the way to find Yi Zhonghai, I met a comrade from the police. He kindly asked what was going on and followed him to the courtyard to see the situation.

You can't drive it away.

I dare not.

"you are?"

"Comrade, I am the second uncle in charge of the Siheyuan. My name is Liu Haizhong. I am also a seventh-level blacksmith in the steel rolling mill. During the day today, Yi Zhonghai disappeared. When I returned to the Siheyuan, I found that there was no trace of him in the Siheyuan. I was worried that something had happened. , so I called on the neighbors to help look for it.”

"Comrade Liu Haizhong, I am a police officer from the Hongxing Police Station. My name is Zhang Shihao, and he is my partner. His name is Sun Youfu. During our patrol at night, we met Comrade He Yuzhu. After questioning, we learned that the senior manager of your courtyard is Yi Zhonghai is gone, come here to check on the situation and see if there is anything we can do to help."

"Thank you Comrade Public Security."

"Did you organize the compound meeting yourself?"

"Yes, yes, it was my idea alone. I thought that Yi Zhonghai was also a member of the courtyard, and suddenly I didn't know what to do. If something happened, it would be troublesome. Let the neighbors work in pairs He went out to help look for her, but you didn’t know that the old lady in our backyard also wanted to look for him, but later, considering her age, she didn’t let him go out.”

Bangs on the face.

Show off as much as possible.

He wanted to show his organizational skills in front of Zhang Shihao.

"Who is Yi Zhonghai's spouse?"

"I am."

Auntie revealed her identity.

There was a hint of panic in her words. Outsiders couldn't tell, but Zhang Shihao understood the meaning.

I said something in my heart.

There really is a problem. He was already panicking without saying anything.

In fact.

The eldest mother was really panicked.

Even though she acted as Yi Zhonghai's dog-headed military adviser in the courtyard, when facing the law enforcement agencies, she lacked confidence in her heart.

Yi Zhonghai kept saying that he couldn't talk about the interception of the money, and he would die if he did. He went to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to find He Yuyu, just to verify whether Silly Zhu and his wife went to Baocheng.

Tell the truth.

Yi Zhonghai is dead.

Who can a aunt rely on?

"I am Yi Zhonghai's wife."

"Don't panic, I'm just asking if there was anything wrong with Yi Zhonghai last night, this morning, or the day before yesterday."

"In the past, our old man rarely got up at night. Last night, he got up in the middle of the night and went to the toilet twice."

"Is there anything else?"

"He dreamed of finding the toilet by himself, does that count?"

"Don't tell me. The abnormality I'm talking about is these other behaviors, such as sighing, or being stunned for a long time, or doing things alone without telling you."



"I'm sure. Before leaving this morning, he told me to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy two taels of meat. He said that the old lady in the backyard was greedy for meat and wanted to improve her life."

"When will Yi Zhonghai not see you?"

"At around ten o'clock in the morning, I asked for two hours' leave from their workshop director and said I would be back at two in the afternoon. However, he never showed up in the afternoon. Their director searched around the factory and couldn't find Yi Zhonghai, thinking that Yi Zhonghai was not feeling well. , returned to the courtyard, and asked me to come back and tell Yi Zhonghai. I found out when I came back that Yi Zhonghai was not coming home in the afternoon. After dinner, I enlisted the neighbors to help search."

"Stop looking for it. It's easy to get into trouble at night. Don't miss Yi Zhonghai by then. If something happens to you, we will pay attention to Yi Zhonghai's matter. Everyone go to bed early. We are going on patrol." Zhang Shihao After a few words of warning, he said to Auntie: "Auntie, don't worry, we will definitely help you find your wife."

"Then thank you comrade."

"you are welcome."

Zhang Shihao turned and left.

The moment he turned around, the smile on his face immediately turned serious. He was now sure that the eldest mother was not telling the truth to him. Those words about going to the toilet and not being able to find the toilet when peeing just now were just being deliberately blind.

The man who heads the house is missing.

Facing the questioning police comrades.

But he still has the intention to be deliberately blind and fool him with lies.

She should know where Yi Zhonghai is.

That's it.

As long as you keep an eye on Auntia, you won't be able to find Yi Zhonghai.

Miao culture also needs to pay close attention.

Zhang Shihao is now afraid that Yi Zhonghai is hiding in the dark and secretly meeting Miao Wenhua.


Inside the courtyard.

With the departure of Zhang Shihao and others.

Neighbors can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Especially Qin Huairu stood out the most. She was dripping with sweat. If her body hadn't been leaning on the pillar, she would have been so frightened that she collapsed on the ground when Zhang Shihao asked the aunt just now.

Just now.

Qin Huairu's heart was in her throat.

She was worried that Silly Zhu would reveal that Guo Dabo asked Qin Huairu in the second cafeteria to ask about Yi Zhonghai's whereabouts. She did not have the courage to tell lies in front of the police comrades. If she told the truth, people would know that she, Qin Huairu, was acting as Yi Zhonghai. Zhonghai's secret agent secretly helped Yi Zhonghai find out the secret of Shazhu, and he would definitely end up offending Shazhu.

I worked in the Second Canteen for a month.

Does Qin Huairu know the importance of Shazhu in the steel rolling mill?

Even the canteen director wants to fawn over Silly Zhu.

no way.

Who knows that Sha Zhu's cooking skills are good? Those who come to inspect and inspect the steel rolling mill like to eat Sha Zhu's cooking.

Also strange.

They are all the same cooks, but Silly Zhu's food can satisfy those people. Although supplies are scarce at the moment, it cannot prevent communication and learning among colleagues.

If Silly Zhu chases Qin Huairu out, no one will take him in at this huge steel rolling mill. No one will let someone who has been a spy stay by his side. Silly Zhu can be betrayed today, and they can be betrayed tomorrow. .

Fortunately, Silly Zhu didn't say anything, and Zhang Shihao and the others left.

The widow was really scared to death just now.

(End of this chapter)

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