Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 255 Yi Zhonghai wants to elope with Jia Zhang?

Chapter 255 Yi Zhonghai wants to elope with Jia Zhang?

After Zhang Shihao left.

Liu Haizhong looked at Silly Zhu.

I originally wanted to say a few words about the situation, and give some advice on how to deal with the internal affairs of the courtyard, etc., but then I thought that Silly Zhu met Zhang Shihao by accident.

We can't help but let people follow us to find out the situation.

As the second uncle in charge, he made a summary of Yi Zhonghai's disappearance. In front of the neighbors, he comforted the aunt and told her not to worry, saying that Yi Zhonghai might come back one day, and then waved him away. The neighbors went back to their homes to find their mothers.

In the bangs that she felt were highlighted, she put her hands behind her back and walked towards the backyard with her head shaking.

In my heart, I hope that Yi Zhonghai will never come back. I think that if Yi Zhonghai is not here, he will be the god of the courtyard, and the deaf old lady who is the ancestor of the courtyard will have to give him a little favor.

I am happy.

Just celebrate.

He took out the belt from his waist and let Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu lie down on the stools with a roar.

The long stool is a special prop used by the Liu family to produce filial sons under the stick.

Brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu are an important part of the stick.

When the mood is good, beat Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. When the mood is bad, beat Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

in a short while.

Screams flew out from Liu's house.

The neighbors were not surprised either.


Jia family.

When Jia Zhang returned to the house, her eyes fell on Qin Huairu without any trace. The moment Zhang Shihao appeared, Jia Zhang was keenly aware that something was wrong with Qin Huairu.

His body was trembling slightly.

His face also turned pale, his lips were trembling, and his eyes looked horrified at Zhang Shihao, who was wearing a uniform and was asking Liu Haizhong and his aunt.

Jia Zhang didn't think Qin Huairu was attracted to Zhang Shihao.

As a widow.

She still has some sharp eyesight.

Recognizing this was the fear of Zhang Shihao.

Jia Zhang was also panicked when she saw Zhang Shihao, but she was not as panicked as Qin Huairu, who looked worried that she was about to be caught and raped in bed.

After Zhang Shihao left, Qin Huairu looked like a deflated balloon, leaning lazily on the wooden pillar, and even seemed to have no strength to walk home.

The cause of the matter was the disappearance of Yi Zhonghai.

Could it be that all this has something to do with Qin Huairu!
Otherwise, why would Qin Huairu feel guilty?

After thinking for a moment, Jia Zhang gave up the idea of ​​testing Qin Huairu.

When I think of Yi Zhonghai's identity as Dieter.

Jia Zhang was also afraid.

Just now, she almost scared the little widow Qin Huairu to death, and now she almost scared the old widow Jia Zhang to death.


In the second canteen.

Silly Zhu saw Ma Hua and Fatty cutting cabbage. He immediately shook his head speechlessly and corrected Fatty and Ma Hua for their irregular way of holding the kitchen knife.

Just as he was talking about the essentials, Liu Lan pushed open the door curtain of the second cafeteria and almost flew in from the outside.

The sudden scene left everyone speechless.

So what happened.

Why was Mao Liulan so panicked?

Just when he was about to ask what was going on, Quegenxian also followed Liu Lan and rushed in.

What an ostrich hiding its head.

This is no need for butt.

Before anyone could ask, Liu Lan and Quegenxian started arguing anxiously, asking questions to Shazhu and Qin Huairu anxiously.

"Silly Zhu, you are so uninteresting. We have been working together in the Second Canteen for many years, but you don't regard me as your co-worker."

In a word.

In an instant, the second canteen became silent.

MCA and the others were shocked by what Liu Lan said. They actually dared to question Shazhu. Who didn't know that Shazhu was the ceiling of the catering industry in the steel rolling mill.

If you offend Silly Zhu, you don’t want to hang out in the Second Canteen.

Even if Deputy Factory Director Li is behind him, it is impossible for Deputy Factory Director Li to drive away Silly Zhu for you Liu Lan.

The reason why Shazhu was confused was that he didn't know what happened to Liu Lan and how he could question him so politely. He was confident that he had not offended Liu Lan.

There is also a missing string playing next to it.

"Master He, you don't regard me as your co-worker. You have disappointed us so much."

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Let me ask you, why didn't you tell us that Yi Zhonghai ran away from home because his eldest mother couldn't give birth to her child."

What the hell!
The reason for Yi Zhonghai's disappearance was that he ran away from home, and because his aunt could not give Yi Zhonghai a child, she ran away in anger.

This result.

Who did you listen to?

"Liu Lan, Qinggenxian, I still listen to what you said." Silly Zhu's voice suddenly became louder, "Who did you listen to?"

"People in the steel rolling mill are spreading rumors that Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong are having a conflict. Liu Haizhong is commanding the two children to fight Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai breaks his guard and goes back to quarrel with his wife, saying that her wife cannot lay eggs. You old hen, you have no children, so you can't stand upright in front of the neighbors."

"I don't even know about this. When did it happen?"

Liu Lan ignored Sha Zhu, and she focused on Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu, who was already feeling guilty, became increasingly panicked when she noticed Liu Lan's unkind gaze.

"Qin Huairu, you have been in the Second Canteen for more than a month. I have treated you well. I want to ask you if Yi Zhonghai wants to divorce his wife and marry your mother-in-law, Jia Zhang."

Stupid brains.

Buzzing buzzing.

Good guy.

The shocking news comes one after another, each one more powerful than the last.

Earlier, Yi Zhonghai ran away from home because his eldest mother could not have children, and now there is the incident that Yi Zhonghai wants to marry Jia Zhang. As for Liu Lan's blasphemy, which can't hide anything, she knows that it is equivalent to the whole steel rolling mill. Everyone knows it.The key depends on how Qin Huairu answers. No matter how he answers, no matter what the answer is, what comes out of Liu Lan's mouth must be the shocking news that Yi Zhonghai is going to divorce his aunt and marry Jia Zhang.

Silly Zhu doesn't know whether to cry or laugh now.

Yi Zhonghai is not here, but if he is here, he will probably be angry to death. The hypocrite has been strong and proud all his life. He resents his aunt in his heart, but he does not dare to divorce her, not to mention the matter of ending his family. It’s not certain what is right or wrong.

It was explained in the script of "Qin Man" that Xu Damao and Lou Xiao'e got married and had no children because Lou Xiao'e was unable to have children, but in the end the fact was that it was Xu Damao's fault. This convention can also be applied to Yi Zhonghai.

"Qin Huairu, please speak."

Qin Huairu, who was urged by Liu Lan, instantly became the focus of everyone in the second cafeteria. Everyone looked at the scheming bitch without saying a word, with a trace of unclear meaning in their eyes.

It is clear.

They all want to know the answer too.

eat melon.

All professional.

"I don't know. My mother-in-law has been a widow for so many years. How can she get involved with the first uncle? Besides, the first uncle and his wife are very loving."

people's eyes.

It transferred from Qin Huairu to Liu Lan.

"Why are you looking at me? Thinking that I'm innocent and blaming Yi Zhonghai? Spreading rumors about Granny Qin Huairu? Let me tell you, I heard this with my own ears."

"Where did you hear that?"

"The factory area." Liu Lan looked disgusted as if you didn't know anything about it. "I asked you, can you pay more attention to the important events of the steel rolling mill? Many people are spreading the news, otherwise I wouldn't be able to ask Shazhu and you Qin Huairu."

“We used to spread the news, but now we know about it after we spread the news.”

Silly Zhu is really a monk who is two feet tall and confused.

He looked at Liu Lan and repeated the question he had just asked.

"Liu Lan, did you really hear it with your own ears?"

"Why did I lie to you? Forget it, I'll go out and find out the news. You guys are too unreliable. You don't know anything. You can't even ask three questions."

Liu Lan came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Behind him was a man who was watching the fun and didn't mind the big deal.

this scene.

Silly Zhu had no choice but to say that Yi Zhonghai was unlucky and that he would play some kind of disappearance trick without any problems. When he comes back, the people in the factory may not know how to arrange him.


Because of the joining of Wolong and Fengchu, the powerful combination of the big trumpet and the missing strings decisively pushed the matter to an unknown climax.

It just adds fuel to the fire.

A huge steel rolling mill.

It instantly turned into a sea of ​​gossip.

Workers everywhere are talking about Yi Zhonghai's disappearance. Except for Yi Zhonghai, who is imprisoned in the security department, everyone who should know knows and everyone who shouldn't know knows.

In the chatter among the workers, the disappearance of Yi Zhonghai eventually turned into a rumor that Yi Zhonghai ran away from home because his aunt could not have children, forced her to divorce him, and then married Jia Zhang. Many people It was said with certainty that Yi Zhonghai was planning to let Jia Zhang, who was over fifty, give him a child to continue the legacy of the Yi family.

Gossip and gossip.

Eventually it reached the ears of the heads of the rolling mills.

It was like a loud slap in the face.

He slapped everyone on the cheek heavily.

It's really embarrassing to the extreme.

But there is no way. Some things cannot be stopped at all, and the mouths of the workers cannot be covered, or the workers can be strictly prohibited from discussing the matter in the name of the steel rolling mill committee.

"Secretary, factory director, we have to think of a way. What if?"

words behind.

Did not say it.

But everyone present understood the meaning of Deputy Director Li's words. Rumors were circulating in the steel rolling mill. Even if it was embarrassing, it was an internal conflict.

If this spreads out of the steel rolling mill and reaches the ears of other fraternal units, the careers of these people will definitely be affected, especially the deputy director who is responsible for the construction of humanistic spirit in the steel rolling mill. People think that he has not done anything.

But there are some things that only the secretary and the factory director know. This matter has probably been spread to other units. This morning, the factory director received a call from the security department, saying that the security department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications would come to the steel rolling mill to inspect.

To put it bluntly, it’s hard to cause trouble, so now I’m sitting in the crowd chatting with others.


Sixteen outside the workshop.

Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui came here and saw some people squatting outside chatting, so they joined them with a smile.

He took out his cigarettes and scattered them one by one for those present. He found matches and lit cigarettes for several people. Taking advantage of everyone's puffing, Jinbiao deliberately brought the topic to Yi Zhonghai.

"What are you talking about, elders? Why are you so eager?"

"Let's talk about Yi Zhonghai. He didn't come to work yesterday afternoon. The director of their workshop thought that Yi Zhonghai was not feeling well, so he found Liu Haizhong in the sixth workshop and asked Liu Haizhong to go back in the evening. When he saw Yi Zhonghai, he told Yi Zhonghai, but Liu Haizhong When I returned to the courtyard, I talked to Yi Zhonghai's wife and found out that Yi Zhonghai was not in the courtyard at all. I was anxious at night and gathered the neighbors in the courtyard to look for Yi Zhonghai on the street."

"Have you found it?"

"No, I heard that Yi Zhonghai disliked his wife for not giving him a child, cut off the relationship with the Yi family, and forced his wife to divorce him by running away from home to marry Jia Dongxu's mother."

"Jia Dongxu?"

"Yi Zhonghai's apprentice had an accident some time ago and is dead. I tell you, you must not spread the word to me. Yi Zhonghai has already discussed it with Jia Zhang. If he can divorce Jia Zhang, that's all. , if they can’t get a divorce, the two of them will elope, and I heard that letters of introduction have been opened.”

"Who are these people? How old are they? Why are they still eloping?"

Jia Gui deliberately used clichés.

In the courtyard, we learned what the neighbors thought of Yi Zhonghai, and today we came to the steel rolling mill specifically to see what the workers at the steel rolling mill thought of Yi Zhonghai.

If one person says that Yi Zhonghai is a beast, Yi Zhonghai may have been wronged, but if a hundred people say that Yi Zhonghai is a beast, then Yi Zhonghai is a beast.

"Yi Zhonghai is not good." A middle-aged man in his early forties blew out a smoke ring and said to Jia Gui: "I was in the same workshop with Yi Zhonghai before, and because I didn't give Jia Dongxu face, he said I bullied him. The apprentice, relying on his age and better skills than me, manipulated me and arranged non-standard parts for me every day, and later I left Workshop [-]."

"No wonder he eloped with Jia Dongxu's mother. This person has a problem with his character."

"Comrade, you are right. Yi Zhonghai has a problem with his character. You look at his kind face and think he is a good person, but in fact he is full of tricks. This person always likes to be high-profile when doing things. Let me give you an analogy, you ask him to borrow money, he could have lent you money, but he insists on being righteous and lending you the money in front of the co-workers, so that you can demonstrate his benevolence, justice and morality."

"This is what co-authoring is all about. I have to listen to what you said, otherwise my child will be useless. My child has just joined the factory. My family said that Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level worker with good skills. I wonder if he should become a disciple. Yi Zhonghai is a teacher, but co-author Yi Zhonghai is not a good teacher."

"Yi Zhonghai takes in his apprentices to provide for himself in his old age. He is very strict in controlling his apprentices. He is so strict that Yi Zhonghai has to control who the apprentice makes friends with and who he eats with. If Yi Zhonghai doesn't like anyone, he won't do it. I'm afraid you don't know that his apprentice is allowed to have contact with this person, but I had dinner with Jia Dongxu, and Jia Dongxu said that Yi Zhonghai was stuck at his grade and deliberately refused to let him pass."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man seemed to suddenly react and hurriedly covered his mouth and changed the topic to something else.

"Can Yi Zhonghai successfully elope with Jia Zhang?"

(End of this chapter)

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