Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 256 Jia Gui asks Silly Pillar, gold standard sets Louis Zhonghai

Chapter 256 Jia Gui asks Silly Pillar, gold standard sets Louis Zhonghai
Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui did not reveal the middle-aged man's tricks. They accurately captured several pieces of information that were useful to the case.

The first piece of information is that Yi Zhonghai has an extremely strong desire to control. As Jia Dongxu's apprentice, Yi Zhonghai has to ask about any friends he makes.

The second piece of information was that Jia Dongxu had complained about Yi Zhonghai, saying that Yi Zhonghai had blocked his promotion.

As a master, if the apprentice has a promising future, the face of the teacher will also be bright.

However, Yi Zhonghai was stuck in his apprentice's advancement.

Emotionally unreasonable.

If a middle-aged man lies.

Things can still be restored.

If what the middle-aged man said was true, Yi Zhonghai would be very suspicious. There was an undoubted fact before Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui.

Jia Dongxu died.

After his death, Yi Zhonghai has been working hard to arrange for Sha Zhu to marry the widow Qin Huairu. In order to let the deaf old lady eat meat, he did not hesitate to drive away He Yuyu.

Character doesn't work.

Why did they come to Yu Yu? They put all these things together in their minds, and became more and more suspicious that Yi Zhonghai wanted to murder He Yu.

In order not to show off their flaws, the two chatted with these people for a while, then got up and left, appearing in Director Yang's office. After expressing their intention, Director Yang sent someone to call Silly Zhu here.

Entering Factory Director Yang's office, he found two strangers sitting inside that he didn't know. He thought they were leaders who came to inspect the steel rolling mill, so he assured Director Yang that he would arrange a noon reception for Factory Manager Yang. Don't worry.

As soon as Director Yang heard what Sha Zhu said, he knew that Sha Zhu had misunderstood. He acted as the introducer for both parties and said that these were officers from the Security Department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications, one named Huang Jinbiao and the other named Jia Gui, who came to talk to Sha Zhu. Let Shazhu cooperate with others as much as possible.

After saying that, he stood up and left, handing over the office to Shazhu, Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui.

With the departure of Director Yang, the atmosphere in the room was a little strange for a while. Silly Zhu mistakenly thought that Yu Yu had made some mistakes in college, and was called a parent. He quickly expressed his attitude and said some soft words.

"Two leaders, did Yuyu make a mistake in the school? I, He Yuzhu, am not the kind of unreasonable person. As long as Yuyu violates the school rules, how should we deal with it? How should we deal with it, but I still hope to see if Yuyu is admitted to college. For the sake of ease, give her a chance to change her ways.”

As soon as Si Zhu said a few words, Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui directly stated their intentions and told Si Zhu directly that the rain was good and that they were here for Yi Zhonghai.

He said that Yi Zhonghai had not eloped with Jia Zhang, but went to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to find He Yuyu. He said he cared about He Yuyu. He was reported by He Yuyu's tutor to the security department, which locked up Yi Zhonghai.

Yesterday I went to the courtyard house and asked the neighbors about the relationship between the Yi family and Shazhu's family. Today I came to the steel rolling mill to hear what Shazhu, the person involved, meant.

Silly Zhu's eyes widened and he looked straight at the two people in front of him, his head about to explode.

Before coming, Liu Lan and Que Genxian finally did some ideological work and accepted Yi Zhonghai's statement that he ran away from home and wanted to marry Jia Zhang.

Less than 5 minutes.

A man named Jin Biao told Shazhu personally that Yi Zhonghai was locked up by their security department. The reason for being locked up was that Yi Zhonghai wanted to scheme against He Yuyu.

This twist.

He almost missed Shazhu's waist.

He was now unsure why Huang Jinbiao told him such an important thing, and his doubtful eyes fell on Jinbiao.

"Actually, the two of us went to your courtyard yesterday and learned some of the rights and wrongs of your two families from the mouths of the neighbors in the courtyard. We want to hear what you, He Yuzhu, mean."

As soon as Shazhu heard that someone had been to the Siheyuan, he knew that some things couldn't be hidden at all. Instead of leaving a bad impression on others and delaying Yuyu's future, it would be better to tell Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui about the matter honestly. As for what the two of them would think afterwards, Shazhu couldn't care less.

It's a cliché.

He said something that Jin Biao and Jia Gui might already know.

"Yi Zhonghai is a man. He will ask you to do things according to his ideas. He always likes to put on a righteous look in front of the neighbors. If you say you are wrong, I will do whatever you want. It’s up to you to apologize to so-and-so and promise not to make such mistakes again. He will also use a mantra to summarize it, putting aside the facts, you shouldn’t do what you should do, you shouldn’t say these things, you shouldn’t take action..."

Since Yi Zhonghai had no children, he had always talked about accepting Jia Dongxu as his apprentice and asking Jia Dongxu to provide for him in his old age.He also talked about Yi Zhonghai's nature of being good at making preparations, and planned to let Si Zhu be Yi Zhonghai's backup tire for retirement.

Silly Zhu also carefully recounted the matter of Yi Zhonghai supporting the deaf old lady based on his own knowledge.Why is Yi Zhonghai a poor family? In order to have someone to rely on in his old age, he must create this kind of fearless persona in front of the neighbors in the courtyard, respecting the elderly and loving the young.

The starting point is to trick everyone.

As for the conflict with Yu Yu, it was purely because Sha Zhu wanted to give Yu Yu good food, which affected Yi Zhonghai’s plan to cultivate Sha Zhu and the deaf old lady in the backyard as a private chef. The two thought Sha Zhu’s change, and thought Sha Zhu and Yi Zhonghai distanced himself and refused to improve the life of the deaf old lady. The reason was that Yuyu had influenced Shazhu's ideological work, and came up with the ghost idea of ​​driving away He Yuyu and making Shazhu return to his original form.

Yi Zhonghai came to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to find He Yuyu, saying that he was ordered by the deaf old lady to see if Yuyu was short of supplies so that he could send some supplies to Yuyu.

Regarding this matter.

Silly Zhu made his intention clear to Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui.

"The deaf old lady is only nice to people who are useful to her. My sister Yuyu has never been liked by the deaf old lady. Yuyu told me such a thing. I was busy working in the kitchen and didn't come back that night. Yuyu was hungry. Go to the backyard to find the deaf old lady. The deaf old lady was eating noodles. When she saw the rain coming in, she hid the noodles and said she had nothing to eat. She asked Yu Yu to go to Yi Zhonghai's house. Yu Yu didn't find anything to eat at Yi Zhonghai's house, so she returned. When I got to the backyard, I saw the deaf old lady eating noodles through the glass."

Silly Zhu changed his tone.

Said another speculation.

"It's possible that Yi Zhonghai was really sent by the deaf old lady to look for Yuyu. Yuyu is a college student. After graduation, he will be a cadre. If he befriends Yuyu, there will definitely be benefits. This kind of calculation cannot be ruled out. Of course, this is mine. Some thoughts, as to whether Yi Zhonghai wants to do bad things to Rainy Water or is plotting against Rainwater, our security department will definitely not let Yi Zhonghai, a hypocrite, get his way."


Security Department of University of Posts and Telecommunications.

Yi Zhonghai, who had been imprisoned for a day and a night, finally saw Huang Jinbiao who had returned from the steel rolling mill. Before he could speak, Huang Jinbiao kindly conveyed the rumors about Yi Zhonghai in the steel rolling mill to the hypocrite.

Full of joy.

Yi Zhonghai, who thought he could leave this hellish place with his eloquence, suddenly felt a buzz in his head, and the kind and false expression on his face turned into a bitter look.

I am Nima.

Because my wife couldn't have children, she ran away from home in anger, in order to force her to divorce Yi Zhonghai, marry Jia Zhang after the divorce, and let Jia Zhang give her a child to continue the legacy of the Yi family.

God is pitiful.

How could everyone in the rolling mill know about such a cryptic matter!

Yi Zhonghai had actually always wanted to divorce his aunt, but he was burdened by his reputation and did not dare to abandon his wife.

How could a moral god praised by everyone divorce and marry another?

Even if you marry, you can't marry Jia Zhang.

An old widow in her fifties, who behaves in a bad manner and is unscrupulous, and is too lazy to do anything.

I'm crazy.No wonder the people from the security department who were seen through the door just now showed strange and meaningful expressions towards Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai mistakenly thought there was something unclean on his face.

When he got up this morning, in order to maintain his image of a kind man, he spit on his palms and wiped his cheeks with the saliva.

Now he has figured out the cause and effect of the matter.

Co-author It's not that there's something wrong with Yi Zhonghai's face, it's that the steel rolling mill exposed his scandal.

Yi Zhonghai could imagine the mood of the leaders of the steel rolling mill just by thinking about it with his toes, and he guessed that they were thinking of killing him.

Who spread this rumor?

Yi Zhonghai did not suspect Shazhu, he suspected Liu Haizhong was causing trouble.

Official fans have always been dissatisfied with Yi Zhonghai, a respectable eighth-level worker, and they are also dissatisfied with Yi Zhonghai's identity as a manager. They always want to compete with Yi Zhonghai.


Liu Haizhong deliberately made this matter a big deal.

Yi Zhonghai hated it so much that his teeth itch!
His persona.


An honor he so desperately sought.


After more than a month of hard work, working conscientiously in the steel rolling mill, and conscientiously helping the neighbors in the courtyard, I finally cleared up a bit of my character. With Yi Zhonghai being arrested, all the previous efforts, All turned into useless running water.

Throat heat.

Blood almost spit out of Yi Zhonghai's mouth like a fountain.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth and swallowed it back.

Looking at the golden mark with a playful expression in front of him, Yi Zhonghai thought that he could not fall. Everyone could look down on him, except Liu Haizhong. What's more, he was now in the Security Department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications, and Yi Zhonghai had to rely on this indifferent To demonstrate one's clear conscience through morality.

After trying his best to calm down his mood, Yi Zhonghai started the ideological work of the gold standard with a serious face.

"Comrade, you know best what's going on with me. I came to see the rain yesterday and was imprisoned here by you. I thought about it all night, but I didn't expect that you were dissatisfied with something, which made you arrest me. , don’t say anything, I understand you, this is your responsibility, every college student is our treasure, but please also be considerate and considerate of me, I am an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill, and I also have a job, My personal affairs are small, but it will delay the construction of the country."

Yi Zhonghai has an advantage.

Take advantage.

That is to say, he cleverly turned a bad situation that was unfavorable to Yi Zhonghai into a prop that he could take advantage of.

Just like being locked up in the security department.

Yi Zhonghai turned it into an important fact to expose the rumors in the steel rolling mill and at the same time show his innocence.

"I am in your security department, but there are rumors that I ran away from home and forced my wife to divorce and marry another. It shows that some words cannot be believed. Fortunately, I fell into your hands. If I were somewhere else, Maybe you have also believed these rumors. I have no other meaning. I just want to ask when can I go out? If I stay here again, some bad rumors may spread. Maybe it is me, Yi Zhonghai, who has died. .”

It was really difficult for Yi Zhonghai.

In order to maintain the so-called personality.

He was obviously filled with hatred, but he looked at the golden mark with a sincere expression.

Being honest and hypocritical to the extreme.

He and Jin Biao are rivals.

If it had been anyone else, Yi Zhonghai would have spoken so righteously, and the expression on his face was so sincere, I would have probably believed Yi Zhonghai's lies.

Gold Label has no such idea.

Because he only believed in facts, regarding the issue of He Yuyu, he naturally believed the words of He Yuyu’s brother Shazhu, and determined in his heart that Yi Zhonghai was plotting against He Yuyu. These words that Yi Zhonghai said became true in the eyes of the golden standard. A lie to excuse his crime.

He didn't take Yi Zhonghai's words to heart at all. He regarded Yi Zhonghai's kind face as nothing and smiled back at Yi Zhonghai.

"You have to grieve for a day or two about this matter. You just said that you are considerate of the work of our security department, and that college students today are precious. Just because of the relationship between your two families, what you said, we We also need evidence to prove it. Wait a few more days and when we find the evidence to prove it, we will let you go."

Use the moral deity's tactics to leave the moral deity with no way out.

Yi Zhonghai was so angry that he really wanted to slap him.

But reason told Yi Zhonghai.

He can't fight.

How to fight through the wooden door?
Besides, he is no match for someone else’s gold standard.

"That's what I said, but I am also an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill. I have a lot of work on my hands that only I can do. Please hurry up. I also want to contribute to the construction of the motherland."

"We will do this without your instructions. We will also clarify it for you afterwards, saying that you are cooperating with us in our security department to perform tasks. It is not Yi Zhonghai who dislikes his wife for not having children and wants to divorce Jia Zhang."

"Old Huang, what you said is wrong. We went to the courtyard yesterday to inquire about it, and they all said that Yi Zhonghai is good. According to Yi Zhonghai's character, there is no need for us to clarify for him. Neighbors say that Yi Zhonghai has a saying, "The one who is clean will be himself." Qing, we have to believe in Yi Zhonghai, and the neighbors also believe in Yi Zhonghai. If this is a clarification, it would not be superfluous."

Jia Gui's words.

Like a basin of cold water.

It completely poured water on Yi Zhonghai's head.

I have to admire Yi Zhonghai's forbearance.

He was insulted by Jia Gui in person, but he still had a kind face.

It's just that I don't think so in my heart.

Yi Zhonghai's heart.

Turning the river and the sea indiscriminately.

I always feel like I did this wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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