Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 261 Who is Fuman?Silly pillar's determination

After thinking for a while.

Give up on this idea.

Greedy selfish desires took over Zhang Shihao's brain.

Now, he is no longer limited to arresting Yi Zhonghai, who is greedy for other people's money. After figuring out the ins and outs of the money mailing in Baocheng, Yi Zhonghai can no longer run away, and the distance between him and his arrest is only a matter of time.

How to get to the top.

Naturally, a major case was solved.

Zhang Shihao thinks a lot and wants more.

He wanted to follow the clues and catch Yi Zhonghai and those people behind Yi Zhonghai.

The swallows return to their nests in front of the Six-Day Hall.

This telegram sent to Baocheng all said that it was the name of the medicinal material, which proved to be the name of the medicinal material, but who said that bad guys could not use medicinal materials as passwords to communicate.


That's when things seemed a little weird.

During the day, Zhang Shihao checked related cases. It is said that after He Daqing followed the widow to Baocheng, a similar telegram was sent from the capital to Baocheng. It was also investigated by public security comrades in both places, and they finally gave the diagnosis of physical illness. The reason for seeking the prescription also proved the innocence of Widow Bai, He Daqing and others, and there was no further conclusion to this matter.

The prescription from ten years ago has now been reissued.

Who dares to say that there is nothing fishy in this?

Zhang Shihao heard an extremely funny news. It was said that a few days ago, Shazhu and his wife went to visit relatives. Yi Zhonghai helped open a letter of introduction and bought the tickets. In the end, Shazhu and his wife came back after three or four days of leaving.

Such abnormal behavior made Zhang Shihao suspect that Shazhu and his wife also knew about Yi Zhonghai's interception of money sent by He Daqing, so they went to Baocheng to prove it.

That's really what happened.

Just play.

He is in no hurry.

There is ample time.

Just have to wait and see.

The only thing that is beneficial to Zhang Shihao now is that he is now in complete darkness. Yi Zhonghai doesn't know that Zhang Shihao is checking on him, and those people don't know that Zhang Shihao is checking on him.

What's more, Miao culture hasn't come back yet.

Zhang Shihao took advantage of this period of time to conduct a thorough investigation of the residents of the courtyard. He continued to look through the household registration information in front of him.

I’ve finished reading Shazhu’s information.

I have also read the information about Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

Now I am looking through the relevant information of the deaf old lady. According to the information, the deaf old lady has no children. The government thought that she was helpless, so it gave the deaf old lady a place in the five-guarantee household.

Starting from May [-]st.

He has been living together with Yi Zhonghai and his wife from the Intermediate Court.

Yi Zhonghai and his wife take care of the deaf old lady's daily life.

This is a fact.


There is no other relevant information, such as where the old deaf lady lives, who else is in her family, why she lives in a courtyard, etc. The street statistics do not give a detailed explanation.

Zhang Shihao suddenly stood up, walked out of the office, found the archives room, rummaged through the cabinets, and finally found what he needed in a dusty box.

This was the year of the great change. The organization collected and compiled resident information. If I remember correctly, this department should have been called the Military Control Commission at the time.

I blew the dust off and found the archives of the Red Star Courtyard.

Holding these materials, he returned to his office and looked through them one by one under the lampstand. The contents above were almost the same as the current contents. For example, the Jia family recorded in the old materials had a total of three people, Jia and Zhang. The surnames are Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu. According to the current Jia family information, they are Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu, Jia Gen, Jia Dang and Jia Hua.

Zhang Shihao focuses on the deaf old lady.


Still ended up getting nothing.

The relevant information about the deaf old lady is similar to the current one. The only change is that there is an additional title of five-guarantee household.

This is also suspicious.

Now the country supports deaf old ladies.

What did the little-footed old lady do for a living at that time?
What is even more strange is that the deaf old lady has survived several messy eras such as bald heads, little devils, melees, old Yuan hair, and pigtails.

During that time, many people died.

Not only did the deaf old lady not die, she was still alive and well. It was said that in their courtyard house, she was the boss of her word. No one dared to offend the deaf old lady casually.

The deaf old lady's current house is her own private house.

27 In the eight-family courtyard neighborhood, three families have private houses: Yan Fugui's house in the front yard, He Yuzhu's house in the middle yard, and the deaf old lady's house in the back yard.

The mystery becomes increasingly confusing.

What exactly happened.

One thing is certain, the deaf old lady is not as honest as she looks. Honest people can live peacefully from that era to the present, and still keep their own house. She is obviously a helpless old lady, but she has enough food and clothing. She is worry-free and even eats good food every now and then. In this special period of scarcity, the deaf old lady can still eat noodles, meat dishes and meat.

Someone must be helping the deaf old lady, or the deaf old lady has her own methods or secrets.

Zhang Shihao couldn't help but raise his back.

He picked up the pen and silently wrote Yi Zhonghai's name on the white paper.

Based on the current information, there is a possibility that Yi Zhonghai can help the deaf old lady. After all, he lives with the deaf old lady and uses the courtyard as his private residence in the name of taking care of the deaf old lady.

Zhang Shihao felt that he should meet Yi Zhonghai, the steward of the courtyard.

The old saying goes well.

It's a mule or a horse, so you have to pull it out for a walk.

Let's see if Yi Zhonghai is as pure a hypocrite as the rumors say.

Zhang Shihao, who had a plan in mind, was stunned for a moment when he closed the document. The moment he turned over the paper, the folded corners of the paper seemed to form a word.

As if he had discovered a new world, he reopened the information that had been folded together and began to examine it carefully under the light of the light, as he had done before.

Under the light of the light, one can clearly see a word on the folded corner of the Hongxing Siheyuan Household Registration Table at a 36-degree angle.

If correct.

This should be a person's name.

Who is Fuhai?

Why does Fuhai's name appear on the folded corner of the Red Star Siheyuan Household Registration Statistics Table, and it must be at a 36-degree angle in order to see these two words clearly.

Is it intentional?
Or was it unintentional?

Zhang Shihao is more inclined to the former.

With old and new mysteries unsolved, a new one has emerged.

A big word "sorrow" appeared on Zhang Shihao's brow.



There was a fight.

Jia Zhang's misbehavior failed and was beaten by Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.Mainly because Liu Haizhong instructed two unfilial sons to take action.

Worried about going against Liu Haizhong's wishes and being beaten again, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu faithfully carried out Liu Haizhong's wishes and pushed Jia Zhang to the ground and beat her violently.

In the process of violently beating Jia Zhang, the two brothers went through a stage from unwillingness to willingness, and suddenly used Jia Zhang as a prop to vent their depression.

There is no importance in starting.

even so.

But Jia Zhang didn't have anything big to do.

The body is fair and fat, and the fists of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu hit Jia Zhang's body, which looked like it was being tickled.

When Banggeng saw Jia Zhang being beaten, the seven or eight-year-old man actually ran up to help. Naturally, he was no match for Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

He was about to suffer a loss.

Then he bit Liu Guangfu viciously.

Liu Guangfu, who was in pain, didn't care much and threw the stick out like a kite.

Qin Huairu wanted to die, so she opened her mouth and shouted "Banggun".

Xiaodang was so frightened that he cried loudly.

Jia Zhang, with disheveled hair, started fighting with Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian. Taking advantage of his fat body, he was able to fight one against two, but he actually did not lose.

There is also the element of momentum.

Jia Zhang thought that Liu Guangfu had killed Bangge and wanted to fight Liu Guangfu. Liu Guangfu also thought that he had caused trouble and was worried about getting shot, so he didn't have much confidence in his heart. What Liu Guangtian was thinking about was that Liu Guangfu died and his family Just by myself, do I have to be beaten by bangs every day? With Liu Guangfu here, I can at least share some of the burden for him.

The neighbors really watched a good show.

Until Banggeng cried out loudly.

The drama gradually calmed down and stopped.

Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu ran towards Shazhu.

It's a good idea.

As the protagonist of the Siheyuan script, the thief saint and the strongest white-eyed wolf are naturally not so short-lived, unlike Jia Dongxu who always has to be hung on the wall.

The stick that was thrown away was accidentally caught by Shazhu.

Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu kissed Bang Gang on his left cheek and the other on Bang Gang's right cheek. After kissing Bang Gen, they checked Bang Gen's body and found that Bang Gen was fine. Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu were busy. He thanked Shazhu, and then said harsh words to Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, saying that if Banggeng had any shortcomings, Jia Zhang would risk his life and ask the Liu family to bury Banggeng with him.

When Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu saw that Banggen was still alive, their uneasiness gradually disappeared, and then they were slapped by Liu Haizhong.

Really cruel.

Visible to the naked eye.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's faces were swollen.

He also glanced at Liu Haizhong, not to mention anything else, at least with this fight, he was no longer responsible for himself, and Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu also had a step forward.

"Guangfu, tell me about you. Fortunately, the stick was caught by the pillar, otherwise you are waiting to be shot? Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu, you should say less." Yan Fugui is in charge of the third uncle "We are now holding a courtyard meeting. After the meeting, Lao Liu and his two children will go to Jia's house to apologize and thank Zhu Zhu, which is equivalent to saving Guangfu's life."

people's eyes.

Converged on Shazhu's body.

Seeing the neighbors looking at him, Shazhu said a few words.

"Thank you. I was standing in this place and happened to catch the stick. If someone else had been standing in this position, he would have been able to catch the stick. It's because the stick has great luck."

Silly Zhu doesn't want to have anything to do with the Jia family.

The last few days.

If you have nothing to do, just read a book.

The more I read, the more I felt that Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu were hateful.

He quickly distanced himself from the Jia family because he didn't want to accept this favor.

I heard Silly Zhu say this.

The neighbors also started to chatter.

"That's right. If I were standing in Master He's place, I would be able to catch the stick."

"I think so too."

Listen to the neighbors.

Silly Zhu felt it was a bit funny, and he couldn't help but think of some plots in the script. Without reading the plot, he really didn't know that so many things would happen.

I vaguely remember that Bangge has a resounding nickname in the play.

Pirate saint.

Silly Zhu has never been married, and his home is not locked. Some of the peanuts, melon seeds, candy cubes, or other snacks that were left there have all been stolen by Banggian.

This kid not only stole things from Sha Zhu's family, but also stole Xu Damao's old hens. He cooked beggar's chickens and roasted them in the scrap yard of the factory without any instruction. He disliked the taste of the chickens and ran to the cafeteria to steal the government's soy sauce. Two sisters, Xiaodang and Huaihua, ate beggar's chicken dipped in soy sauce.

Things that Silly Zhu can’t understand.

He is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child, how can he steal chickens, how can he be a beggar's chicken to eat, and how can he steal chickens with his sister?

It's explained in the script.

Silly Zhu said that Banggen was a good boy who knew how to take care of his sister because Banggen could steal the chicken together with his sister. Afterwards, he told Banggen, Xiaodang and Huaihua that they would not admit that they stole Xu Damao even if they were beaten to death. old hen.

When he returned to the courtyard, he told Qin Huairu about it. Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang also pretended that they didn't know anything about it until Xu Damao found out that the old hen had been stolen and held a courtyard meeting. Silly Zhu was accused of stealing half an old hen from the canteen. , had no choice but to shoulder the reputation of a chicken thief for Banggeng, and Yu Yu almost broke up with his partner because of Yu Yu. It was Yu Yu who shamelessly went to work for others in their homes, so that the marriage could continue.

Who do you blame?

Naturally, I blame Silly Pillar.

One thing is clearly stated in the script.

Bangge's sneaky behavior was taught by Shazhu.

In the episodes of No.20, Bangge fought with Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. Yi Zhonghai came over to stage the show, but was beaten by Bangge. Silly Zhu stood up for Yi Zhonghai and said a word.

"I've taught you how to slide doors and pick locks, but I haven't taught you how to fight. I'll make it up to you today."

Silly Zhu looked at his hands.

Suddenly I want to give myself a slap.

Teach the Terrier to steal things.

How could you do such an immoral thing?

Finally, he made up his mind. For the sake of peace in the courtyard, there was nothing he could do to teach BangGeng to slip through the door and pick the lock.

and many more.

Something went wrong.

I don’t seem to know the art of picking locks at all, how can I teach a stickman to steal things?
Could it be that bringing food from the cafeteria awakened his talent?
The problem is that Silly Zhu no longer brings food from the canteen. The lunch box in his hand is just for eating in the canteen at noon.

Li Xiuzhi, who was standing next to him, saw that Si Zhu didn't know what he was thinking. He gritted his teeth and gnashed his teeth. He wanted to slap himself twice, so he kindly kicked Si Zhu with his foot.

Silly Zhu looked at Li Xiuzhi and followed his gaze to the middle of the crowd.


The deaf old lady of the courtyard's ancestor was supported by a aunt and walked out of the backyard.

Did this guy beat the younger ones and let the older ones clean up the mess?
Sha Zhute wanted to know how Liu Haizhong would deal with the situation of the deaf old lady. (End of chapter)

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