Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 262: The bangs are deflated, Silly Zhu suspects the deaf old lady

As the ancestor of the compound.

He is older.

I also gave blessings for making shoes for the team.

Neighbors have no fear of being fake.

If Liu Haizhong wants to control the courtyard, the first hurdle is the deaf old lady. As long as the deaf old lady does not object to Liu Haizhong, Liu Haizhong will be half successful.

Otherwise, the courtyard is really Yi Zhonghai's world.

In the old days.

Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady cooperated with each other. One used the flesh of the coffin to stage a famous scene of respecting the elderly and established a good persona for himself, and the other used the other's identity as an eighth-level worker to stage a trick on everyone. .

Don't say anything else.

At least a little bit.

It’s something that bangs don’t have.

That is, the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai are both poor and members of the elderly care group. Liu Haizhong didn't take much care of the deaf old lady in the courtyard.

The situation in front of me.

Kind of messy.

The eyes of the neighbors all focused on the deaf old lady.

It was related to Yi Zhonghai and his own retirement business. As soon as the deaf old lady sat down, she did not pretend to be deaf and dumb like she was before, but went straight to the topic.

"My old lady heard that Liu Haizhong organized a courtyard meeting and came to listen."

See some chills.

The deaf old lady even urged her.

"Tell me, what is it for?"

The eyes of the neighbors shifted from the deaf old lady to Liu Haizhong, wanting to see how Liu Haizhong would end.

Feel the attention of the neighbors.

The back molars in the middle of the bangs are almost broken.


The scene of being teased in public by the deaf old lady in the past could not help but appear in his mind.

He forced himself to calm down and slowly spoke.

"It's late at night, but the old lady came out for a meeting. It can be seen that the old lady is in good health. Since the old lady wants to hear it, I will tell you. Everyone in the steel rolling mill knows about this. Yi Zhonghai is divorcing his aunt. Then he married Jia Zhang and asked Jia Zhang to give him a son. As the second uncle in charge of the courtyard, for the sake of the honor of the neighbors, this matter must be dealt with seriously, otherwise we people in the courtyard will be harassed when we go out. A jab in the back of the spine.”

The deaf old lady's face changed slightly.

When the eldest mother called her just now, she didn't say this to her.

it sounds.

It's a bit nonsense.

People in their early fifties get divorced and then marry widows in their early fifties, who then help give birth to children.

Isn't this a matter of no shadow?

The crutch in his hand poked the ground hard.

This is a routine used by deaf old ladies.

Her annoyance is shown in the form of poking the ground with her cane.

"Liu Haizhong, you are also in your early fifties. Why do you think the wind is like rain? Who said Zhong Hai is going to divorce Zhong Hai's wife? Why didn't I know about this?"

"Will people know about the person who broke the shoe?"

The bangs are full of alcohol.

Rebutted one sentence.

After drinking three ounces of Guotou tonight, I am no longer afraid of the deaf old lady.

It's just that his words made Mrs. Jia Zhang very unhappy. I have been widowed since Dongxu was five years old and have been widowed until now. If Dongxu is alive, he must be in his early thirties. I will be widowed until I am in my fifties. , I get married, I am short-sighted.

Can't care too much.

He opened his mouth and cursed at Liu Haizhong.

They say that Yi Zhonghai and I are in trouble. Can't I still scold you for being the eight-generation ancestor of Liu Haizhong?

There were two deaf old ladies and aunts beside her. Jia Zhang had no other idea, just wanted to distance herself from Yi Zhonghai in front of the neighbors.

some things.

Jia Zhang has always kept it in her heart.

She suspected that the deaf old lady, Yi Ma, and Yi Zhonghai were related to Dieter. She was always suspicious and kept secretly inquiring about the situation of the three people.

I went to the post office today and overheard a telegram from my aunt to Baocheng, saying that the swallows returned to their nests in front of the Hall on the [-]th.

Instinctively, I thought this was Dieter transmitting information.

If someone really discovered her, would Jia and Zhang still be alive?Can Bangge and Xiaodang survive?The Jia family is no longer the Jia family!
I want to report it, but I don’t dare, for fear of being liquidated.

For Jia Zhang, the most important thing is to make things clear.

"Liu Haizhong, you fart, which one of your eyes saw that Yi Zhonghai and I broke our shoes? Don't think that just because you are the second uncle in charge, you can just blame the neighbors casually. I, Mrs. Jia Zhang, are not afraid. I am really If there is a commotion, I will go to the street and ask, is it okay to slap people?"

"Lao Liu, I don't believe what you say. How can I not know about our Lao Yi's affairs?"

"Then tell me, where is Lao Yi? There are no people alive in the steel rolling mill, no bodies in the courtyard, and there were people from the police station last night."

The aunt paused on the spot.

There is no way to say this.

On the one hand, Auntie was not sure whether Yi Zhonghai had been detained by the security department.

On the other hand, the aunt thinks this matter is a shameful matter. Even if she is detained, she cannot say it in front of the neighbors.

Because behind going to the University of Posts and Telecommunications, Yi Zhonghai and his wife were worried that the incident of withholding money would be exposed, and they were thinking about their lives.

It’s a bit much to think about.

A timid thought.

You are worried that if you say it, someone will think of something, and the two families will no longer interact with each other. You will run to tell others that you want to ease the relationship.

Even if you really want to ease the relationship, you will first establish a good relationship with Shazhu, and then use Shazhu to befriend He Yueyue, and directly go past Shazhu to find He Yueyue. The logic is not clear at all.

So you can only know this by yourself.

The deaf old lady next to her saw that the eldest mother was silent, so she repeated her trick of pretending to be deaf and dumb.

"Liu Haizhong, what did you just say? Make your voice louder, so you can't hear me!"

"I said that Yi Zhonghai wanted to divorce his aunt, marry Jia Zhang, and let Jia Zhang give him a child. Did you hear this this time?"

"You bastard, what nonsense are you talking about? Zhonghai will not do such a thing. If you dare to act recklessly again, be careful as my old woman beats you with a cane."

The deaf old lady raised her cane.

There are many people in the courtyard who have been beaten by the old deaf lady with a cane.

Some of them beat some people with crutches to protect Silly Zhu, such as Jia Zhang.

It's not Bai Hu, but she hopes Shazhu can make more delicious food for her.

In essence, he is also an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. Silly Zhu remembers it very clearly. Once, he made braised pork for Yu Yu. The deaf old lady smelled the smell and deliberately asked Yi Zhonghai to send a message, saying that she had not seen Silly Zhu for a long time. , I missed Sha Zhu very much, and asked Sha Zhu to go over and chat with him for a while. The meat made by Sha Zhu was just enough for Yu Yu to eat alone, so he went to the deaf old lady's house empty-handed.

It's really disrespectful.Seeing that Sha Zhu came empty-handed and did not serve any meat, the deaf old lady drooped her face at that time, said a few words to Sha Zhu, and then drove Sha Zhu away.

After a while, Yi Zhonghai came to the door, saying that he respected the old and loved the young, and asked Sha Zhu to cook more delicious food for the deaf old lady. Sha Zhu said that he had no money.

Yi Zhonghai left unhappy.

The next day, Silly Zhu received a cane from the deaf old lady.

If it weren't for the deaf old lady now threatening Liu Haizhong with her teeth and claws, Silly Zhu would not have been able to remember that he was beaten with a cane by the deaf old lady.

He subconsciously touched the back of his head.

There is a small scar on it.

This was the masterpiece of the deaf old lady's crutches. When he saw blood coming out of Sha Zhu's head, Yi Zhonghai didn't say anything about sending Sha Zhu to the hospital. At that time, he grabbed a handful of incense ash and pressed it on the bleeding wound of Sha Zhu.

Thanks to Shazhu's fate.

The scars formed the next day.

In the following days, Sha Zhu miraculously forgot about this incident, listened to Yi Zhonghai's lies, and did filial piety to the deaf old lady for Yi Zhonghai, until Sha Zhu picked up the script of "Qin Man".

This revenge must be avenged.

At the very least, break the old deaf lady's crutch.

As for the person who takes the blame, it must be Liu Haizhong.

Silly Zhu looked at Liu Haizhong, cheering for Liu Haizhong in his heart, hoping that Liu Haizhong could completely rise to the top and never leave this matter unfinished.

Liu Haizhong really did not disappoint Silly Zhu. He also knew his current situation. Today, Yi Zhonghai was not here, and he could not control the courtyard. Now that Yi Zhonghai came back, he would not be able to control the courtyard, and even more so by Yi Zhonghai. Zhong Hai stepped under his feet, and the neighbors were even more unconvinced by Liu Haizhong.

He began to use his big hat to retaliate against the deaf old lady's threats.

"What? It's a sin to tell the truth now? The street director didn't dare to tell my bangs to be silent, old lady, you dare to tell me to shut up? Those who know, know that your old lady is a five-guarantee household in the courtyard , people who don’t know the inside story think that you, old lady, are Lafayette, and regard themselves as your one-word hall.”

Li Xiuzhi quickly pulled Silly Pillar with her hands.

She was reminding Silly Zhu that the face of the deaf old lady had changed just now.

In fact, there was no need for Li Xiuzhi to remind her. Silly Zhu, who had been thinking about revenge on the deaf old lady, stared at the deaf old lady's face from beginning to end.

A look of panic clearly flashed across the face of the deaf old lady.

Although short.

But he was still captured by Silly Zhu.

When Liu Haizhong said that the deaf old lady thought she was Lafayette, the emotional fluctuations on the deaf old lady's face were obviously very strong.

It was far stronger than the previous accusations of not letting anyone speak and the so-called one-note accusations later.

The deaf old lady seems to be in her 70s and almost 50 years old this year. If we push forward more than 30 years, when the pigtails appeared, the deaf old lady was in her prime, aged between [-] and [-] years old.

Considering that the deaf old lady is an old lady with small feet, and she has been living in this courtyard with three entrances, which is said to be the residence of the former officials, it is also the backyard where the female family members live.

It’s hard not to suspect that the deaf old lady has something to do with her pigtails.

He Daqing once repeatedly told Shazhu and his wife not to cause trouble for the deaf old lady, saying that the deaf old lady was not an easy person.

It really feels like a fish has slipped through the net.

The couple looked at each other alertly and then watched the drama in the courtyard again.

Mainly to see the deaf old lady.

Liu Haizhong has already played his trump card. Let's see how the deaf old lady ends up, and then confirm the judgment in their hearts.

"What did you say?"

The old drama is playing out.

The deaf old lady still responded by pretending to be deaf.

Don't say it.

It is also a means.

The momentum in the bangs, because of the deaf old lady's words, instantly disappeared. It was no longer what it used to be. It looked like a cooked watermelon, withered.

"Liu Haizhong, what are you talking about? Please speak louder." The deaf old lady who was murderous and heart-wrenching saw that Liu Haizhong was wilting, so she deliberately rubbed salt into the wound to make Liu Haizhong look ugly. "You also know that my old lady is deaf. , some words don’t really ring true, what do you want to say? That it’s wrong for you to spank your child? That you want to treat my old lady to a good meal, and I want this.”

My nose is almost crooked in my bangs.

Invite you to dinner?

I'll treat you to two big slaps.

Just when he was about to speak, a sharp-eyed neighbor saw that Yi Zhonghai was back. Without any warning, he automatically gave way to a road with a clatter, forcing Yi Zhonghai to come into the crowd.

By the lighting of the scene.

The neighbors were also shocked.

Yi Zhonghai looked a little downcast, as if he was fighting with the road with his face, and the road scratched Yi Zhonghai's face, leaving a few faint bloody wounds.

When they watched Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai was also looking at the neighbors and the venue where the compound meeting was held in front of him, and frowned unnaturally.

"What's the matter?"

"Old man, you are back. Where have you been? You are not really going back to your hometown in the countryside, are you? Didn't you tell me that you have no relatives in the countryside? Even if you go back, you have to tell me."

Silly Zhu vs. Big Mom.

I can only admire.

this brain.

Really lively.

Worried that Yi Zhonghai would come back, he couldn't think of a suitable reason for a while, or that the reasons Yi Zhonghai gave were inconsistent with his lies, so he said something preemptively.

This is tantamount to telling Yi Zhonghai, don't say anything, just follow what I want.

Yi Zhonghai, a charming man, immediately walked down the steps given by his aunt and said a few words.

"I suddenly thought of this yesterday. I forgot to ask for leave, so I hurriedly went home to take a look."

"Old man, even if you go home, you should say something. The neighbors will think that something has happened to you. The second uncle even held a special meeting in the compound to say that you left me without saying goodbye and that you wanted to divorce me. Then Marry Jia Zhang and let Jia Zhang give you a child, which made the old lady come forward. Now it's okay. You are back. Some things can be explained clearly. Please explain to the neighbors quickly to avoid misunderstandings. , I was looking for you all over the streets last night."

Yi Zhonghai is back.

There is still a hint of hope in the bangs.

As soon as the aunt said those words.

Liu Haizhong knew that he would not be able to defeat Yi Zhonghai through this matter. Apart from anything else, Liu Haizhong would not be able to overcome the hurdle of the deaf old lady.

Before Yi Zhonghai could answer, Liu Haizhong said a harsh word coldly.

"Yi Zhonghai, it's better not to explain to the neighbors. If you have this little time, you should think about how to explain it to the leaders in the steel rolling mill! I am not the only one in Liu Haizhong who said this. There are tens of thousands of people in the steel rolling mill. It is said that you resent your mother for not being able to give you a child, which has cut off your family's incense, and you have discussed it with Jia Zhang and asked Jia Zhang to give you a child. By the way, Guo Dapizi from your workshop has been here since. Since yesterday, I’ve been going crazy with anger, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

Finish talking.

Patting his butt, he walked towards the backyard.

The neighbors also scattered back to their houses.

not long.

The sound of Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian being beaten reached the ears of the neighbors present.

Liu Haizhong educates his children with sticks again. (End of chapter)

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