Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 263 Qin Huairu scared Jia Zhang to the point of peeing

Yi Zhonghai is back.

Who is the happiest?

Qin Huairu.

During the day and a half that the hypocrite was gone, Qin Huairu's heart was still hanging in the air.

Say something rude.

Qin Huairu couldn't even bring up the mood to go to the toilet. She was worried that Yi Zhonghai's mysterious disappearance would implicate herself and end up being kicked out of the steel rolling mill and being squatted.

Fortunately, Yi Zhonghai was back, and Qin Huairu's heart dropped. When she returned to Jia's house, she lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Jia Zhang looked at Qin Huairu's back, squinted her eyes, and then looked at the photo of Jia Dongxu hanging on the wall.

He sighed and lay down next to Qin Huairu.

Jia's house.

Because of Jia Dongxu's marriage and a wife, a special grille was built.

There is no wooden door.

It is separated by a cloth curtain in the middle.

Bangge was a boy, sleeping on the wooden bed outside.

Qin Huairu, Jia Zhangshi, Xiaodang, and Huaihua were all women and slept on the big kang in the back room.

After the light was turned off.

The room became pitch black.

in the dark.

Jia Zhang was staring straight at the back of Qin Huairu's head. Outsiders didn't know that as Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, how could she not know that Qin Huairu was acting strangely these days.

A sentence suddenly rang in my mind.

A sentence related to Qin Huairu.

The other widows who entered the factory all had short hair, but Qin Huairu, who had been a widow for a year, still had big braids. In order to keep her hair, she even went from the skilled workshop to the cafeteria to work as a widow. A dispensable kitchen handyman.

Jia Zhang also came from a young age and was also a senior widow.

What is Qin Huairu thinking?

She knows it all too well.

Maybe Qin Huairu can't be controlled, but as long as Qin Huairu doesn't openly bring people into the family, the Jia Zhang family can accept it. The current Jia family relies on Qin Huairu to support it.

There is no man in the family, but there are still three children. We are in such a situation again, and it really doesn't work if we don't think of other options.

The principle is to fill your stomach.

Jia Zhang thought of Sha Zhu again inexplicably. A few years ago, she thought that Sha Zhu was a smelly and bad cook who made a living by turning the stove.

Now I feel that Shazhu is good. If nothing else, at least he won't be hungry. The saved rations were given to Li Xiuzhi.

There is no ration in Li Xiuzhi's city, but Silly Zhu himself does not occupy the ration.

If Qin Huairu really lets go and thinks of a solution, he might not be able to get the idea of ​​killing Silly Zhu. As long as he stutters, everything can be discussed.


Easy home.

Yi Zhonghai just walked in.

The aunt closed the door alertly and told Yi Zhonghai not to move. Then she pulled down the curtains, found a few pieces of yellow tissue paper from the cabinet, lit them with matches, and threw them into the washbasin.

Commanding Yi Zhonghai, he stepped across the brazier.

According to the rules of the old capital, if you are unlucky, or you have to memorize the words, and praise the brazier when you enter the door, it means that all the bad luck on your body will be burned away.

Do it all.

The aunt poured the ashes in the brazier onto the road again.

back home.

The door is locked.

He asked Yi Zhonghai if he was detained in the Security Department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications.

Yi Zhonghai raised his eyes and glanced at Aunt Ma, and nodded silently. He didn't ask Aunt Ma why she guessed so, but he knew that Aunt Ma should know the truth.

Silent for a long time.

Yi Zhonghai slowly started to tell the whole story. He mistakenly mistook the Security Department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications for a neighborhood in the courtyard, and shot himself in the foot. He was imprisoned for a day and a half in vain, and he said something in the middle. In Wowotou, I ate in a state-owned restaurant at night and was beaten up.

At the end of the sentence, he expressed his gratitude to Aunt Ma, saying that if Aunt Ma hadn't given him the excuse to return to his hometown, Yi Zhonghai really didn't know how this matter would have ended.

The aunt looked at Yi Zhonghai and sighed.


She was not helping Yi Zhonghai, she was helping herself.


As the most calculating person in the courtyard.

Yan Fugui and his wife are making small calculations again.

Unlike Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady, Jia Zhangshi, Qin Huairu and others, these people are scheming with others and want to use others to support certain people and get help at the same time.

Yan Fugui and his wife are planning purely for themselves.

This afternoon.

Jia Zhang, who was sitting with the third aunt and the others, suddenly said something that their family could not blame. Several other neighbors also said the same thing.


Food is life.

Yan Fugui's family has a large number of people, with three sons and one daughter.

The eldest got engaged a year ago.

The fiancée is Yu Li.

Because in this damn year, supplies are extremely scarce, Yan Fugui delayed the wedding as much as possible under the guise of letting Yu Liduo stay at her parents' house for a few days.

Anyway, I'm engaged. I'll stay at my parents' house for one day and miss the food of Yan Fugui's family for one day.

Yu Li's parents also urged Yan Fugui to arrange the marriage between their eldest son and Yu Li because of food problems.

A lot of things were squeezed together.

The couple began to add up.

When will the wedding be scheduled, should we invite you to a meal, etc., and how will you receive the gift money?

The other is to block some people's opportunities to borrow food.

Some people here are actually referring to the Jia family. The Jia family has the worst character in the courtyard. A few months after Jia Dongxu died, the Jia Zhang family at least looked like a human being. They were slightly concerned about the reputation of the Jia family. Now with As time passed and Qin Huairu remarried, Jia Zhang became shameless.

Who is Yi Zhonghai?

Yan Fugui and his wife know this very well.

Just a high-profile hypocrite.

When Jia Dongxu had an accident and died, he organized two compound meetings in a row to donate money and materials to the Jia family under the banner of helping the neighbors. In the end, because of Silly Zhu's interference, the matter was settled and Yi Zhonghai was solely responsible. The Jia family eats and drinks.

Yi Zhonghai arranged a job for Qin Huairu, so that the Jia family could have a meal.

It can be regarded as an explanation to the Jia family.

Worried that Yi Zhonghai would organize a courtyard meeting for the Jia family, Yan Fugui and his wife decided to take the first step and borrow food from the courtyard after some discussion.

I even borrowed food.

You can't still ask me to donate money and materials to the Jia family.

The main thing is to have a preconceived idea.

...Li Xiuzhi attacked Sha Zhu with the Pervert Exciting Fist, and Sha Zhu counterattacked with the dragon claw hand inherited from Shaolin. This boxing technique was popularized by Stephen Chow in "The Deer and the Cauldron" and has amazing power.

Boxing versus fist fighting comes together.

For a while.

Li Xiuzhi said that she didn't know what was going on with her waist, it seemed to be a little painful, and asked Shazhu to give her a good rub.

Silly Zhu was just getting ready to massage his waist.

A silent fart poured into Shazhu's nasal cavity, and then the weird laughter of Li Xiuzhi's conspiracy came true.

Silly Zhu angrily slapped Li Xiuzhi on the butt several times.


The Yi family diagonally opposite.

Yi Zhonghai, who was thinking about something with his eyes closed, felt as if he was greatly stimulated when he heard the laughter of Silly Zhu and his wife. He suddenly sat up straight and was about to curse a few words, but suppressed his anger. heart.

Silly Zhu is the master who dares to hit him.

I feel extremely irritable.

Thinking that if Sha Zhu was with Qin Huairu, Yi Zhonghai would be able to rest in peace even if he died.

When the aunt saw Yi Zhonghai sitting up and lying down, a mocking smile appeared on her lips. Just as she was about to close her eyes and sleep, she saw Yi Zhonghai crawling towards her.

Damn old bastard.

There is such a leisurely atmosphere.


Qin Huairu tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

I had things on my mind.

At first I was thinking about Yi Zhonghai, and then I was thinking about my own affairs, what if I remarry, and what if I don’t remarry. When I was feeling sleepy, I first heard Li Xiuzhi’s joyful voice, and then I heard Silly Zhu’s voice. A voice full of doting.

My heart suddenly became itchy.

Still a bit unbalanced.

A bit of jealousy is at work.

When I didn't work in the Second Canteen, I thought that Sha Zhu was just a dispensable cook. After working in the Second Canteen, I realized that Sha Zhu was the god of the Second Canteen.

Even the canteen director looks at Silly Zhu’s expression.

All are people.

Why is there such a big difference?
Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level worker in the workshop, but as an eighth-level worker, he is far less prestigious than a seventh-level worker. Even Guo Dabo doesn't like Yi Zhonghai.

If it weren't for Yi Zhonghai's incompetence.

She didn't have to go to the Second Canteen at all and was doing the washing and chopping of vegetables all day long. She also aspired to be the master of the Second Canteen like Silly Zhu.

Then he got up and walked outside the house with his clothes on.

I heard a noise at the door of the house.

Mrs. Jia Zhang also quickly got up from the bed and pressed her big face against the glass. She wanted to see what Qin Huairu was going to do. Was she really going to the toilet, or was she unable to bear the loneliness and wanted to steal something? Listen to the base of the silly pillar.

Just pressed my face against the glass.

I saw a strange cheek suddenly appear on the glass outside.

Mrs. Jia Zhang mistakenly thought she had seen a ghost, so she screamed loudly and fell upside down on the bed. She was almost frightened to death.

Damn Qin Huairu, are you afraid that Jia Zhang will live a comfortable life for a few days?
He slapped his chest with his hands.

Suddenly I felt my pants were a little wet, and there was a smell of urine in the room.

Jia Zhang knew that she had wet her pants because of Qin Huairu's fright.

Taking advantage of the fact that Qin Huairu didn't come back, Ji Hei found the clothes and put them on. Jia Zhang soaked the clothes in the washbasin overnight.


Because it's Sunday.

All rest.

The neighbors had a rare sleep.

When Silly Zhu got up, it was already nine o'clock in the morning. He got up, washed his face, and went to the toilet. When he came back, he said a few words to Li Xiuzhi, took some bills, left the courtyard, ran to the supply and marketing cooperative, and bought half a I bought five or six kilograms of white flour for [-] kilograms of pork, which is equivalent to spending all the food stamps and meat stamps I had accumulated in three or four months.

Bringing pork and white noodles.

Back to the courtyard.

I didn't meet Yan Fugui at the entrance of the courtyard, and just when I was taking it for granted, I met Lao Xi in the middle courtyard. He looked like he had just come out of their house.

He hurriedly said hello.

"Third Master, is something wrong with you?"

Yan Fugui's eyes fell on the pork in Sha Zhu's hand, and a bit of envy flashed in his eyes. In the courtyard, only Sha Zhu and Xu Damao's family could eat like this.

A chef in a steel rolling mill has no shortage of food and drink, and he can also save his own ration.

A film projectionist at a steel rolling mill would show movies in the countryside every now and then. In order to watch one more movie, the fellow villagers would give Xu Damao some local specialties. Every time he came back, he would always come back empty-handed, such as mountain mushrooms and dried fruits. I have to bring as many things as I can, and sometimes I even bring old hens back with me.

"Zhuzi, your pork is so fat. Did you buy it from the supply and marketing cooperative?"

"Yeah." Silly Zhu, who hummed, explained, "I met Director Wang that day. Director Wang said that rainwater is a pillar, and asked me, as a brother, to pay more attention to rainwater. Which girl has been in school for more than a month, so why not cook some meat dishes? , steam some steamed buns and send them to her, all the bills I have saved for several months have been spent."

Silly Zhu also had no choice.

This thing doesn't explain the situation clearly.

Someone is really jealous and will report you.

There are two in the middle courtyard, one is Jia's and the other is Yi Zhonghai.

He deliberately mentioned Director Wang.

It is impossible for Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang to go to Director Wang for confirmation.

"Yu Yu is a college student, and he is a talent who will build the motherland when he comes out. Yes, please pay more attention to me. I went to look for you just now, but your wife said you were not here."

"Just tell my wife."

"Two things. I originally wanted to borrow some food from you. You have to go see the rain. Forget it, the rain is important. The other thing is that I am getting married in Jiecheng in a few days. I want to set up a few banquets and let you take the lead. , the market price is based on the market price.”

This is the difference between Yan Fugui and Yi Zhonghai.

People's calculations.

Put it on the table, write a couplet, give me as much as you want. You can give me things even if you don’t have money. I can’t give out paper and give out people at the same time.

Just like the matter of hiring a fool to be the master of the wedding ceremony, Yan Fugui can pay as much as he deserves. Show me your real skills. Don't fool me. If it were Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai, they would definitely fight against the neighbors. The neighbors lower their heads and don't raise their heads to see you again, asking you to cook for them in vain.

"Third uncle, don't pay the market price. It's appropriate for me to follow the gift. When the time comes, my wife will come over for dinner. What do you think?"

Silly Zhu accepted the gift, but because he was the master chef, he planned to let Li Xiuzhi come over for dinner that day.

"No problem, it's settled." Yan Fugui's eyes once again fell on the half kilogram of fat pork in Sha Zhu's hand, "Third uncle, look at this pork. If it's good, I'll buy some later."

"Here you go, let you take a good look."

Silly Zhu generously handed the pork to Yan Fugui.

Yan Fugui grabbed the pork with both hands and looked at it vigorously for almost half a minute. Then he returned the pork to Shazhu and turned towards his home.

He returned to Yan's house in three steps and two steps.

He shouted at the third aunt and asked the third aunt to quickly bring the stick noodles.

The third aunt who didn't know why, followed Yan Fugui's instructions and brought the stick noodles for making steamed buns at noon.

I saw Yan Fugui put his two hands into the stick noodles and stirred vigorously. While stirring, he showed off to the third aunt.

"I met Si Zhu in the middle courtyard. I saw Si Zhu buying half a catty of pork. I touched it with both hands. They were all lard. Today's steamed bun must be delicious." (End of Chapter)

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