Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 274 Yi Zhonghai suffered the loss of being dumb

Chapter 274 Yi Zhonghai suffered the loss of being dumb
There are many gods and men in the courtyard.

This month I bought Yi Zhonghai’s 100-yuan stick noodles, and I’m thinking of asking Yizhonghai to continue selling their stick noodles at the same price next month.

Yi Zhonghai didn't want to hear this, nor did he want to see such a thing happen.

He only earns 100 yuan a month, and apart from the deductions for buying Qin Huairu's job and the fine from Yi Zhonghai, he only has about [-] yuan left after he dies.

To provide 100 yuan of things to the neighbors, Yi Zhonghai still had to spend 70 yuan of capital.

He really wanted to curse.

Yi Zhonghai said in his heart, thank you so much, thank you for looking up to me.

Silly Zhu didn't care whether Yi Zhonghai was in good mood or not. He took advantage of the unknown neighbor's help to tell the truth about the matter.

"My aunt asked me why I beat Yi Zhonghai, the man in charge of the courtyard. The neighbors were all here and wanted to give them a good review. When I came back with my wife, we didn't even enter the house when we were stopped by this man. , Firstly, he didn’t ask me what I was doing today, and secondly, he didn’t tell me what was going on in the courtyard. I don’t know who he was offended by, but he just turned on me and my wife and yelled at me.”

He looked around at the busy neighbors.

Silly Zhu, who cast his eyes on Aunt Ma, repeated the words that Yi Zhonghai had asked the couple just now.

Then he asked everyone present a second time.

"Everyone, let's talk about it, should Yi Zhonghai be beaten? Is it wrong for me to beat him? Saying that I didn't hold a compound meeting means I'm not uniting the neighbors. I don't know what Yi Zhonghai told you about tonight's compound meeting. What, I don’t know why it was held! Just asking, if there is a general meeting suddenly, and I am not at home and did not participate, am I deserving of death?"

Yi Zhonghai's face turned even paler than before.

I don’t know if it hurts.

Still scared.

The words in Silly Zhu's words were not very pleasant to the ears, and they contained a slight hint of threat.

Hypocrite is not the kind of passive person. He wanted to explain, but Silly Zhu didn't give him a chance. When he saw Yi Zhonghai's mouth open, he knew what Yi Zhonghai was going to do.

During this period, while reading the script and marrying Li Xiuzhi, I saw through Yi Zhonghai's character.

If a hypocrite sticks out his butt, you will know what the hypocrite is planning.

Busy words confirmed that Yi Zhonghai was going to carry out a one-spoken act in the courtyard.

Dare to plot against yourself.

Just be prepared to be plotted.

You're welcome.

He stabbed Yi Zhonghai directly on the lung tube.

"I'm not here, and there's no courtyard meeting. I've violated your taboo, Yi Zhonghai? Give me a lesson without asking any questions? It's nothing to give me a lesson. I'm an old man. It doesn't matter. Why did my wife offend you? Point the finger at you. Are you sure about my daughter-in-law? The purpose of setting up the steward in the courtyard was to take care of the neighbors and solve their trivial matters, instead of letting you use the courtyard as a place to show off your authority. What do you want to do? Become a local emperor? What do you think of the courtyard? Forget it? We, the neighbors, can’t we raise objections?”

Yi Zhonghai's body was trembling.


Earth emperor.

Once these words get out, Yi Zhonghai will not be able to reap the benefits. If he makes a mistake, he will be targeted.

I no longer had any thoughts of competing with Silly Zhu, and I accepted that I was unlucky. This beating would be in vain, but I couldn't make the matter worse.

Yi Zhonghai gave in.

Not to mention the neighbors watching the show.

When did Silly Zhu become so sharp-tongued?
Good guy.

Turned over.

After beating Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai also suffered the loss of being dumb.

It can be seen that this matter is not small.

Everyone was full of energy and watched the excitement attentively. No matter how noisy the matter was, it had nothing to do with the neighbors.

Just watching the show.

It’s not wrong to not go to the theater.

Looking at Silly Zhu and then at the aunt who had stopped talking, the more she looked at her, the more she felt that things were a little weird.

There was something wrong with the expression on the aunt's face.

Yi Zhonghai is also the kind of resentful person who eats dead flies.

Liu Haizhong, who was watching the show next to him, couldn't let things develop wantonly for his dream of becoming an official.

Silly Zhu all said things like Tuhuanghuang and Yiyantang.

The fire at the city gate affected Chiyu.

It didn't matter that Yi Zhonghai folded in. Liu Haizhong was worried that he would also be implicated, so he had to step forward. After thinking about it, he said a few words that showed his extraordinary performance.

"Si Zhu, Tu Huang, Yi Yan Tang and the like are unacceptable and cannot be said. I, Lao Yi, and Lao Yan, as the stewards of the courtyard, are here to make our courtyard more harmonious, and we have no intention of suppressing the neighbors. Thinking about it, from 51 to now, we have said a lot of good things to the neighbors in the courtyard."

"I know that Jia Dongxu married a wife, Zhang Luo's neighbors raised money for the Jia family, Xiaodang was born, Zhang Luo's neighbors donated money and materials to the Jia family..."

Yan Fugui, who was watching the show on the side, didn't care much anymore and hurriedly echoed Liu Haizhong.

Three stewards.

One glory and one glory.

Take the event where neighbors donate money and materials to the Jia family, for example. Without the approval of Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui, it would not be possible at all.

Even if the responsibility is placed on Yi Zhonghai and it is all Yi Zhonghai's idea, Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui are also responsible for the poor supervision.

A very simple truth.

Why not report this?
There's no way to explain it at all.

"Silly Zhu, what Old Liu said is on point. We really have no idea of ​​treating the courtyard as a single hall. As for the courtyard meeting, it is purely for calling the neighbors together when something happens, discussing it together, and seeing what happens. How to do it, everyone can talk freely."

The deaf old lady who came out to watch the theater did not dare to pretend to be deaf.

She spoke up.

If he doesn't speak out, Yi Zhonghai will die.

Yoro's stool also soaked in the soup.

On the one hand, there is the consideration of easing the relationship with Sha Zhu, and on the other hand, there is the thought of rescuing Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

Inseparable from Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

"Silly Zhuzi, to be fair to my old lady, I watched you grow from the soles of your shoes to 1.7 meters [-]. You know my old lady's personality and who she is, and the neighbors also know it."

He changed his tune.

Talking about the goodness of Yi Zhonghai.

A solution to the matter was proposed.

"Your uncle is just confused. He said a few unpleasant words. He really has no intention of bullying you two, nor does he have any intention of showing off to your wife. He is just confused and confused. Look, In the face of my old lady, please forgive your uncle this time. If it doesn’t work, I’ll ask him to give you an attitude.”

Silly Zhu originally didn't want to talk to the deaf old lady.

Say no.

Just as she was about to speak out, she suddenly remembered He Daqing's advice to her.

The deaf old lady has a background.

So give her some face first.

After saving Yi Zhonghai this time, I wonder if he can continue to save the life of the hypocrite after the incident of intercepting the money. If he can, it will prove the ability of the deaf old lady.

The reason why I used Yi Zhonghai to question him today was to beat him up and down.

It was simply an opportunity discovered.

There are mostly experimental elements.

Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady clearly have an incompatible relationship.

Although Sha Zhu did not discuss it with Li Xiuzhi, Li Xiuzhi still shrewdly cooperated with Sha Zhu and pulled Sha Zhu's sleeve in front of the neighbors.

Yi Zhonghai saw it.

The eldest mother saw it.

The deaf old lady saw it too.

"I listen to my wife and treat this matter as a misunderstanding. If you don't blame us and make my wife look bad in the future, don't blame me, He Yuzhu, for being ruthless."

Yi Zhonghai snorted in his heart.

You beat me up.

I lost the face of the steward of the courtyard.

He also said categorically that if I fall into your hands again in the future, you will be ruthless.

You beat me up with both fists and kicks, but you still saved face for me, Yi Zhonghai.

It was not easy to create a favorable situation for Yi Zhonghai.But it can't just go to waste.

Yi Zhonghai slapped himself twice in front of Sha Zhu and other neighbors, and then looked at Sha Zhu.

Silly Zhu turned around and took Li Xiuzhi's hand, walking towards his home.

He showed his attitude with actions.

Seeing that Si Zhu was gone, the stone in Yi Zhonghai's heart fell to the ground.

The matter is finally over.

his life.


After looking at the neighbors at the scene, his eyes fell on Liu Haizhong, Yan Fugui, and the deaf old lady, and said thank you.

Sneaked back to his home.

When the aunt saw that Yi Zhonghai had returned to her home, she hurriedly helped the deaf old lady towards the backyard.

After a brief silence at the scene.

Neighbors whispered.

"Yi Zhonghai deserves to be beaten."

"Who says it's not true? It should be beaten. This is also a fool. If it were me, I wouldn't dare to attack Yi Zhonghai."

"Because you are not stupid."

"Yes, what Yi Zhonghai did was not honest. Silly Zhu took his wife out at noon. He is holding a compound meeting and does not participate in it. He has no idea how he could do such a thing."

"It's hard to be a fool. When you encounter such a disgusting thing, it's typical to stand up and down!"

I dare not confront Yi Zhonghai.

Don't you dare to use the cover of night to ridicule Yi Zhonghai?

The words of the neighbors.

Killing hearts.

Yi Zhonghai, who was living in the Yi family, was suffering from physical pain, and the neighbors' comments that made him miserable made him feel ashamed.

so many years.

Isn't the picture a good reputation?

Using a good reputation to trick certain people and set up a personal profile for future retirement is Yi Zhonghai's basic strategy, and he has been doing this kind of thing.

He was beaten.

The neighbors said this again.

It is tantamount to destroying Yi Zhonghai's many years of hard work.

Yi Zhonghai is afraid.

How he wanted to become deaf so that he could not hear the accusations from the neighbors.

At this moment, those words that criticized Yi Zhonghai's character kept flying into Yi Zhonghai's ears, further stimulating Yi Zhonghai's already broken mentality.

Looking at the angry aunt in front of him, Yi Zhonghai really didn't know what to say.


Back in the bangs of the house.

He bowed his head and said nothing.

He's trying to figure it out.

The fact that Yi Zhonghai was beaten was a good thing for him, but it might implicate himself. He was wondering whether he should go to the steel rolling mill tomorrow to spread rumors about Yi Zhonghai.

I also want to say hello to Director Jia.

As long as it is confirmed that Yi Zhonghai is not suitable to be the manager.

Liu Haizhong naturally replaced Yi Zhonghai.

before doing it instead.

Yi Zhonghai's reputation is still there, and there is a thug named Silly Zhu who obeys Yi Zhonghai's advice. Yi Zhonghai still has to be the steward of the courtyard.

If nothing else, at least Silly Pillar can't handle it.

Tonight, the deaf old lady did not dare to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

The reputation is bad. Yi Zhonghai is occupying the throne of the chief steward, which is tantamount to tarnishing the courtyard.

His bangs are equal to the realization of a dream he has had for many years.

A smile.

emerge on the face.

The hand holding the big tea mug was also trembling slightly with excitement.

The opportunity is mine.


The deaf old lady has been alone at home since the meeting in the compound.

She is thinking about something.

Think about everything just now.

The deaf old lady saw the scene where Silly Zhu beat Yi Zhonghai.

Fierce energy.

Yi Zhonghai did not regard Yi Zhonghai as an elder at all.

This is not a situation the deaf old lady wants to see.

The courtyard is the private residence of the deaf old lady, who claims to be the ancestor of the courtyard. She has Yi Zhonghai, a scheming god, and Silly Zhu, a thug.

Literature and martial arts complement each other.

The rule of the courtyard is impenetrable.

It has completely become a one-word hall.

Now something unexpected happened to the thug Silly Zhu. Not only did he attack Yi Zhonghai, he also kept away from the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai’s plan.

It was completely broken by Silly Pillar.

I wanted to make a fuss about blind dates.

But Silly Zhu found the street director on his own, and happened to meet Li Xiuzhi who had fled to Beijing. One wanted to marry a wife, and the other wanted to find a job.

The two sides hit it off.


Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady were caught off guard.

This guy, Silly Zhu, is on his way out.

He actually knew how to jump out of the courtyard, took the initiative to look for foreign aid, and even found a charming girl like Li Xiuzhi as his wife.

Although she is a country girl, Li Xiuzhi has a bookish air about her, and her gentle and quiet look makes her lovable, much better than Qin Huairu of the Central Court.

been in contact for such a long time.

The deaf old lady finally understood.

Li Xiuzhi is just an unfamiliar dog. Even if he expresses his heartfelt feelings to her and expresses his intention to be Li Xiuzhi's patron in the courtyard, as soon as benefits such as food and drink are involved, Li Xiuzhi will be possessed by the deaf old lady and pretend to be deaf as much as possible. dumb.

Silly Zhu beat Yi Zhonghai tonight.

Who doesn't know that Yi Zhonghai is a deaf old lady?

Beating Yi Zhonghai in front of the neighbors was like slapping the deaf old lady in the face again.

Even by guessing with his toes, he could guess that Yi Zhonghai was angry.

Yi Zhonghai was able to use Yi Zhonghai to force He Daqing away, but now he might not be able to use Yi Zhonghai to force Li Xiuzhi away. If he doesn't listen to himself, he can't stay in the courtyard.

The deaf old lady reached out and fumbled around in her pillow a few times, and a small black pistol appeared in her hand. This was something that a kid gave to the deaf old lady. Looking for an opportunity, she shot the pistol at the silly old lady. Once Zhu's house is released, the traitor's hat will definitely not be able to escape.

It cannot be used by my old lady.

All he can do is die.

(End of this chapter)

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